Location: Spook Hill located in Lake Wales, Florida
Time: 8:30pm
Weather: no wind and the temperature was 82 degrees
Equipment used: Kodak DC3200 digital camera, Polaroid Digital Camera with 1/3 night vision and a standard camera
Contact Name:  Kris & Thomas
Website: http://www.cfghostclub.org

Spook Hill is an urban legend in Polk County, Florida.  This is said to be haunted with the ghost of an old Indian Chief.  Cars are said to roll up hill.  We conducted this investigation around 8:30pm.  There was no wind and the temperature was 82 degrees. The Internet provided a lot of information concerning spook hill.  Around 90% of the information was different from the “official” story provided by the city of Lake Wales.  Upon getting there we saw the hill and valley were the supposed Indian burial ground is.  We saw tourist introductions stating the urban legend, the white line, and that was about it.  We took a lot of photographs using a Kodak DC3200 digital camera, Polaroid Digital Camera with 1/3 night vision, and a standard camera.   We took shots of everything three times for layering and testing the outcome of three different cameras.  There were some interesting photos of things I cannot explain.  Now, as for the car moving it did.  My opinion is that it is either an optical illusion with the way the hill sits against sea level or maybe gravitational disturbance.  I say the gravitational thing because the Kodak camera has a LCD display to capture the image, as it appears WYSIWYG.  When we were near the white line the camera was still and the LCD was freaking out zooming, panning, you name it.  The only thing paranormal maybe was the photo after the fact.  There are some strange forms on the images, I cannot explain.  I have no theory.  It was spooky around dark when we tried to enter that valley, but since we really didn’t prepare to go there and ran out of camera memory we decided to head back to the car.

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