Bruce & Barbara Uhl

Location: Clove Cemetery, Sussex, NJ
Date and Time: 3-23-99 - 10pm
Weather: clear
Equipment used: Sony Mavica FD-71 digital camera with a slaved Vivatar 2600 flash attachment, a 35 mm Yashica 230-Auto focus camera, an Aiwa analog TP-M320 micro cassette recorder, and our new Panasonica RR-DR60 digital recorder.
Contact Name: Bruce & Barbara Uhl

We would like to share with you what we experienced while taking some of these photos.  Barbara did the majority of photo taking.  Bruce noticed something with the sparkles that we had never seen before.  The sparkles seemed to be everywhere, not just captured in the flash.  Bruce described it as being in some sort of cloud.  This phenomenon lasted for several minutes, several times during the evening.  The pictures we got were also extraordinary .  The many orbs seemed to be swirling around us in some sort of pattern.  The intensity of this made it hard to see the background in some of the picture.  It was an experience we won't forget.
We are a husband/wife team that enjoy ghost hunting and photography as a hobby.  Our approach is both very serious and scientific.  We adhere to the IGHS standards and protocols to all of our investigations.

We begin our investigations with serious, open minds and respect.  We make a point of asking the spirits permission and invite them to be photographed and recorded. We have had an experience in the past where the spirits had made it difficult to photograph, resulting in our early departure from that cemetery.  Communication with the spirits is very important.  The number of orbs, intensity, motion and spirit activity displayed in the photos taken at Clove Cemetery are evidence, we feel, of how well we are received there.

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© 1999
 pictures © 1999 Bruce & Barbara Uhl