The Tall Rector


I discovered your website a few months ago whilst teaching my students how to use the Internet.  I am really impressed with it’s content and the opportunity that it gives people across the world to share their ghostly experiences.  I live in England’s smallest county – Rutland.  Rutland is situated in the middle of the country, practically due north of London by about 150/200 miles (300/400 kilometres).  The ghostly experiences that I am about to recount, occurred at my parents house in a village called Knossington.  Knossington is situated 4 miles outside Oakham.  Oakham is the county administrative town of Rutland.
Ghostly Experience #1: It was a bright and sunny April late afternoon/early evening in 1990.  I was 16 years old.  My parents live in a large 5-Bedroom house towards the top of the village, opposite the public house.  The house was originally the village Rectory, belonging to the village church (Church of England) – hence our theory for believing our resident ghost is one of the previous village Rectors.  My parents bought the house in 1985, from the Church of England.  My parents are in no way employed by the church.  Anyway, back to the story!
I was sitting in our Study, located towards the front of the house.  As I said before, it was a bright and sunny day.  Very calm, blue skies and a generally pleasant evening was forecast.  It was about 6.30pm and I had just got in from school.  My brother was staying on at school that evening and my parents were both in the Kitchen (about 100 yards away from the Study), having just opened a bottle of wine.  I was listening to music on the stereo system in the Study, sitting in a comfortable chair – with the music not too loud!  Suddenly, I looked over to the Study door (which is one of the old-style Victorian panel doors.  It doesn’t even close properly) and observed it slowly – about 2 or 3 inches – open.  It then stopped, the handle turned and rattled (although I heard no sound).  The door then proceeded to open a further 2 or 3 inches.  I can remember this so clearly.  It is still vivid in my mind.
I wasn’t scared.  I just thought it was my father playing a trick on me (it is the sort of thing he would do!).  I continued to sit in the chair and look at the door – convinced that it was my father playing tricks.  It must have been only a couple of seconds at the most when I decided to go outside the study and confront and that time what I thought to be my father.  Certainly, 2 seconds would not have given him enough time to get away from the door.  When I opened the Study door and looked just outside the room, there was no body there.  This puzzled me and I went back into the Study.  The music was still playing as softly as before (I think it was a CD of music from the 1960’s).  I decided to go into the Kitchen and confront my father about what had just happened – I was certain at this stage that it was him.
In the Kitchen, my mother and father were drinking wine and talking.  There had not been enough time for either one of them to rush back into the kitchen – certainly without me hearing them.  Anyway, I told them both at this stage what had just happened.  They were both astounded.  Now, if either one of them had had anything to do with this, they would have made their knowledge of the situation known – either by a wry smile or being over-enthusiastic about my story.  I know my parents!  There was none of that.  They were totally bewildered as to what had happened to me and why I should automatically believe it was either of them playing a trick.
Looking back, I really do not believe either my mother or my father had anything to do with this experience.  I do, however, believe that the house is haunted by the ghost of a previous Rector – possibly from the 19th Century.  My Grandfather has actually seen the ghost (he saw a figure in the garden of the house, dressed in old-fashioned clerical dress and it was taller than average) – and he is certainly not one to play tricks.

The Ghostly Clock

Ghostly Experience #2: My second ghostly experience, does not concern The Tall Rector.  However, it did occur in the same house about 3 years after my first experience.
My Great Aunt owns a clock, which currently stands on her mantelpiece at her home and used to belong to a young girl in the early 1970’s who was a brilliant, promising musician.  The story, as my Great Aunt tells it, goes that the young girl (no relation to our family) committed suicide one day, through sheer unhappiness with a certain aspect of her life.
A few years later, when the clock was in the possession of my Great Aunt and Uncle (my Uncle passed away in 1977, when I was 3 years old), they were both sitting at their home.  Again, it was a bright and sunny spring afternoon.  My Great Aunt commented to her husband that it looked to her as if there was water running down the face of the clock.  MY Great Uncle replied with, “Don’t be so stupid, you’re imagining it”!  However, on closer inspection, he too could see water running down the face of the clock.  My Great Aunt told me later that she took these to be tears (due to the tragic nature of the previous owner’s – the young girl – death).
The years passed and the clock had eventually stopped working.  As it is a beautiful antique, my mother commented that it was a shame not to enjoy it fully and asked my Great Aunt if she could take it to a local clockmakers in Oakham to have it repaired to it’s former glory.  The clock, by the way, stands only at 6” high.
In 1993, when I had this ghostly experience, the clock was in our house in Knossington.  Now, it was October and the time was approximately 8.45pm – so it was well and truly dark outside.  I had just arrived back home, after collecting my traditional British Fish and Chip supper.  The lighting in the room was soft, the television was only in standby mode.  All was quiet.  My mother was working alone in the Study (where I had my previous ghostly experience), with no radio or TV on – just working in silence.
As I sat down, about to switch on the television in our living room (which is a good way away from our Study, I heard music – similar to that of a music box – coming from the corner of the room.  It only played for about 10 seconds, but I heard it as clear as anything – it was enough time for me to consider the options as to it’s source.  Was it coming from outside?  We live in a very quiet village – there was definitely no noise coming from either outside or insider the house.  No, this music was coming from that corner of the room – inside the house.
A few days later, I recalled the story to my Great Aunt who picked up on it straight away.  She told me that it was because that clock had been in the house at the time I heard the music and that the music I heard related to the young girl’s love of music (the music I heard was certainly not joyous – quite sad).
My Great Aunt always has told me, that if you ever think you heard or saw something – don’t let anyone tell you that you imagined it.  You really did hear or see something and only you can ever know that.  She also told me, never be afraid of the dead.  They can’t hurt you.  It’s the living that you should be afraid of!
These are the only 2 ghostly experiences I have ever had.  They didn’t frighten me at the time – and I am still not afraid to be alone in my parents house.  I find it an extremely peaceful house.  Someone is watching over the house and also our family.



gypsies cemetery is located off interstate 65 north of rout 2 in indiana.
gypsies cemetery is located on a small wooded lot and has a history that dates back to the 1800s. The name "gypsies cemetery" gets its name from when a group of gypsies set camp in this wooded area when the black pleague first came around and a large number of gypsies where burried there.  Now if you go out their at night and walk around the back end of the cemetery for a while , most of the time you can get a sample of the paranormal . Such as strange smells, warm spots/chills, whispering, traces of light, glowing areas.  Ive had good results using a 35mm flash camera with taking pictures of different areas and getting results of human shadows, traces of light, and objects that arent really their.  like any hunts for the paranormal remeber to use caution and hunt with only true believers. some say that their are non-human ghosts also which can be dangerous.

Weird Stuff


i will tell you about some strange experiences i have had in my past.
when i was 3 years old i lived in an old house in toronto canada,and most nights i can remember from about the age of 3 to 5 ,i would run up the stairs to my bedroom fearing this strange black cloudy looking shape.
this would happen once or twice a week at first,then later on ,a few times a week.
it would follow me up the stairs and stop when it got to my bedroom door.
no-one ever saw it except my little brother who at this time was two years old.
he was sitting in our bedroom,playing with some army men when he shouted at the top of his lungs at me,LOOK AT THAT!
i looked up and saw the same thing that usually would follow me,standing,or" floating",in front of the door,then it disappeared into thin air ,like it dissolved.
that was the last time i saw it,for years.
Well the year is 1996,and one night my girlfriend and i were sleeping in our apartment,and i found myself wide awake at 4:00 am,my girlfriend was sound asleep,and all of a sudden ,"all i can say is i felt electricity running all through my body"like when you get a small shock and for a split second you feel the charge.
but it was constant,not painful, but felt like i was vibrating at a very high speed.
suddenly i saw the figure i had seen so many times as a child,floating two or three feet away from us,and for the first time it's presence was terrifyingly dark or evil feeling,and all of a sudden i felt like it wanted to hurt my girlfriend.i'm not sure how i knew this, it was more like a "sense" of harm towards her.
the next thing that happened is what really, freaks me out when i think of it.
i jumped out of bed and grabbed one of the antique knives my mother gave to me,off of the dresser,and lunged straight at this thing and started to swing wildly at it,
the funny thing about it is,ifelt strangly calm about the whole idea of charging this thing and trying to stab it ,almost as if it were somebody else moving my body for me.
and it just "dissolved into thin air just like the last time i had seen it years before.
i'm wondering what took a hold of me that night to so carelessly jump into something i had no idea of ,what it would ,and could do to me.anyway my girlfriend slept through the whole thing.
i went back to bed after about an hour,and at about 6:30 am,i woke up to see it again,but it disappeared again almost as soon as i saw it,needless to say,i didn't go back to sleep again that night,the only thing my girlfriend noticed and informed me of ,is that the antique knife i had "stabbed" the thing with was missing,it's been five years since this happened and i have never recovered the knife.
also since then i have not had anymore strange things,happen to me.

Sisters Ghost


     This story takes place back in 1982-1983 in our old house in Spring lake
Michigan.  The house we grew up in was a fairly large house located by a
small lake called Spring lake.  This house was a white two-story, surrounded
by several large oak trees, that would make shadows on the walls inside the
bedrooms on windy moonlight nights.  The "incident" that I wanted to write
about happened around 2:00 am one night when I was not sleeping very well.
The bedrooms are located upstairs along a hallway with two chandelier lamps,
one at the beginning and end of the hall.  My sister Jessisa's bedroom was
located next to the stairs leading down to the kitchen, as mine was located
near the opposite end next to my parents room.  As I mentioned earlier, I was
not sleeping very well that night and got up to use the bathroom.  The light
on my end of the hall was on, as the light on the other end was not.  I
walked out of my bedroom and noticed my sister standing on the landing
looking down into the darkness of the staircase.  This was obviously strange
for several reasons, but what really struck me was that she appeared to not
even notice me as I came from my bedroom.  She looked to be searching for
something very intently down in the darkness.  I said her name a number of
times, and as I did, I would take a small step toward her.  After a few
moments, she finally looked up at me, and for some reason she looked very
angry or bothered by the fact that I was distracting her.  I mentioned her
name again and asked her what she was doing, and I don't remember really
hearing anything as she went running down the stairs into the dark.  I stood
there a moment in awe of this strange happening, but followed her after a
moment.  I went down into the kitchen that was still pitch black, because she
still had not turned any lights on.  I was pretty spooked by this time and
began looking around for her.  I looked in the family room, living room,
kitchen, basement, and even outside on the back deck.  I could not find her
anywhere, and given the manner that I was searching, my sister would have to
walk past me to get back to her room upstairs.  I spent quite awhile doing
this before I gave up.  There was no other place to look and I did not see or
hear anything.  I decided that I better go back upstairs and tell my folks
what had happened, and as I returned upstairs and walked past her room, I
stopped and looked in.  My body felt numb as I stared at my sister fast
asleep in her bed.  I don't know the person that I saw or spoke with moments
ago in the hall, but it seems that it was not my sister.  I still get chills
thinking about it.  To this day my sister does not know anything about it,
and my father thinks that I dreamed the whole thing.  Who knows, maybe I did.
 As time passes I wonder sometimes if I did dream everything that happened
that night, but it all still seems very real to me.

My Childhood Fright


Something that I can never forget.  When I was a child I remember once
visiting my grandmother that lives in a small village outside of Saarbruken,
Germany.  She has this old house that must be over one hundred and fifty
years old, the kind of house with no central air and the walls are about a
foot think of concrete always keeping the place chill and silent.  There is
a room in the three story house that is made up real nice, a second type of
living room area with real nice furniture and old style stuff in there.  She
always kept the door closed (but never locked) because I guess she didn’t
want the children in there breaking anything expensive.  I always thought
the room to be interesting because I was not allowed to play in the room.
There use to be this little wooden kids chair in the room that I always
thought was for me to sit in, but a little porcelain doll sat there in the
chair instead.  I never liked the doll (maybe because I was jealous of it, I
don't know).  It had this look to it as if it always was looking at you and
seemed a little evil in a suddle way.  Anyways, one evening as my parents
and grandmother was sitting out on the back porch drinking coffee and eating
their cake I was inside playing.  I had walked by the living room with the
closed door and heard some noise in there.  As I recall it was laughter and
then I heard a loud "Stop!"  Thinking it was the family in there talking to
me or something I grabbed for the door knob to enter the room.  The door was
locked and I heard laughter from in the room again.  I don’t think I said
anything by this point, but what I will never for get was...  The floor was
hard wood and there was a crack from the floor to the bottom of the door, I
bent down to try and look into the room from the crack and see what was
going on.  As I looked I noticed myself looking dead in the eyes of the doll
that sat in the room looking dead back at me an inch away from my face, but
the door being in between.  I screamed bloody murder, must have scared my
family half to death.  I remember them coming or me meeting them half way in
the house asking me what's wrong.  They seemed worried because I must have
looked like a zombie and could hardly even talk.  I finally told them and my
grandmother had walked back to the living room and opened the door just fine
and said nothing was wrong, as I looked behind her I saw the doll just
sitting back in the chair, but remembered them glass blue eyes just moments
before, not ever remembering the eyes color before.  Anyways it still creeps
me out thinking about this.

St. augustine Bascilica, Florida


I have visited St. Augustine Florida many times. We always stop by the
large Bascilica in the historic district, pray, light a candle, and just
enjoy the place. At the front of the church, to the left of the main
alter area, is a small "chapel" area--I don't know the proper term for
it since I am not Catholic. While in this small area, I had a very
strange experience.  I was walking forward toward the actual alter to
pray when I was STOPPED in my tracks at the third pew from the front. No
matter how hard I tried, I could not go forward even though nothing I
could see was holding me back. I also began to feel extremely sad. For
no reason I started to cry. I immediately left the church. On other
visits, the feeling has returned and grown. I know that this feeling of
absolute hopelessness is not coming from me--i have never felt that way
During the last visit, I was standing there, crying, when I looked down
and saw a lady on the floor beside me!  She was wearing a very rough
dress with no hem, like burlap. She had a pretty blue scarf around her
head and neck--I don't think it belonged to her. Her feet were bare. She
was on her knees with her head down on the floor. Her face was turned to
me. It was dark-skinned and deeply lined. She was crying. She said over
and over "please,please". I wanted to get down on the floor beside her
but other people came in and it ended. I know I only saw her. Even when
I look at a picture of the chapel, I get the most awful, sad feeling. I
am dying to know who she is.

I'd Like to Tell My Story


Well, about a year ago I woke up in the middle of the night. When I awoke I
heard a strange noise so I went to go and see what it was. When I got there I
saw an image of my old next door neighbor Pete! You see before he died he had
meant to give me something but he never was able to. He said "I have come to
show you what I meant to before I passed. I was very young before he died it
was the day before thanksgiving when his wife Leona called and told me to
tell my parents to say he had passed away. I was frightened by this all. he
made a gesture for me to follow him and I did. When I did he led me to his
old garage. inside one of his toolboxes was one thousand dollars! It was
enough for me to go to college which I had wanted to do. I am now  in college
full time thanks to Pete and I have not seen him since

My Friends Haunted House


  I begain believing in ghosts when I was 11. My house use to be haunted
but, now it isn't. One night I was spending the night at my friend Lisa's
house. She had told me her house was haunted, but I wasn't too worried. Lisa
explained to me that something had called out her name last night from her
closet. I really didn't believe her and neither did her parents. Later that
night though something did call my name out. I got really scared.
   It's been two years since that incounter, but now Lisa's house has gotton
worse. Even her parents begain to noitice. Lisa has one dog, but it sleeps in
her parents room at night. One night Lisa and I heared barking in the
basement of about three different dogs (her parents heard it too). Something
breaths on Lisa at night before she goes to bed (She told me this). Her house
is very freaky at night. I begain keeping a diary of my encounters! I've had
17 encounters with ghosts!

My Young Experiences


i am 15 yrs old now but when i was around 9 my great-grandma died.  My Mom
got the call when i was a sleep.  I had no idea why she got a phone call but
i woke up and at the end of my bed was my great-grandma, we were very close.
  When i saw her i wasnt scared at all i just smiled and i told her how much
i couldnt wait to see her and all about school i had no idea she was dead.
she just stood there smiled and after a couple of minutes she just held up
her arms nad thats all that i can remeber.  the next morning mymom told me
and she said i looked at her like she had three heads and said no she isnt
dead becuase she was in my room last night.
another experience ive had was about four years ago we just moved into the
house we live in now and it was late at night and i woke up to the sound of
scratching on my wall and we dont have a dog because my dad and my brother
are allergic and for like two nights there was just this scratching on the
wall and the scratches are still there today and i havent senn or heard what
did it again.
           those are just some of my stories i have.  i have always been
intrigued by ghosts and paranormal things.  i thought that i would share
these tow stries form my life and my experiences.

The Dream


Hello, My name is Eric and I have a story to tell concerning something strange.  My friends uncle had a strange dream of a woman moaning in the attic (his cat dies afterward.)  Then at the engagement party his friend tells him he has the same dream.  Then the day after the honey moon his wife heard something before she fell asleep and had the dream when she was asleep.  Then on his other Aunts divorce (she was sleepng over) also has the same dream.  Then when they were taking their christmas tree down from the attic the three year old said "Don't go up there thats were the lady lives"  None of these people ever spoke of the dream until it happened.  Thats some coincidence!  This man is a very succesful and is your an everyday average person.  I know its true but I know some won't think so.  Im not making it up.

Strange Happening at Work


I work in a nursing home and this strange thing happened to me about
fifteen years ago. I am an R.N. and was the 3-11p,m, supervisor at the
time.  It was snowing outside and myself and a nurse aide were in a
solarium, when we saw someone go by the window.  We both thought that
one of our residents had gone outside so we decided to go out and
check.  When we went outside we saw footprints in the snow and they
suddenly stopped and no one was there.  I would have doubted myself
except I had a witness who saw the same thing.   I have also experienced
lights going off in rooms without the residents ringing and also our
residents describe a man in black being in their rooms.  When the man in
black appears we always have a death.  There is one particular wing in
the nursing home, where the bathroom doors continually open and none of
the residents can get out of bed, but when we go and check and close the
doors we are only down the hall a little way and we hear the doors
opening again and when we go back they are open.  I am a believer in
spirits and we have had many souls leave our nursing home over the
years.  Believe it or not.

Starting With Mary


this is really hard for me as i have had several happenings in my life.  My
first experience was with chicago's famed "RESURECTION MARY".  I was about
ten at the time. My dad and I where on our way to a Halloween store to get
somethings mom needed.Dad decided that since we were in the area, he wanted
to see if the story was true.  Well, I'm here to tell you Mary does happen!!
We were about a mile from Resurection Cemetary when we first saw her.  "Mary
was dressed in a very pretty old fashion gown. Her hair was wet and in her
face.  and yes, it just so happened that it was raining out.  What the news
called a freak rain storm.  Well, dad being dad, stopped and let her in the
car.  He asked her where she was going to and "Mary" had said ,  "i am to go
to The Johnston"s home and met my parents there for the ball.  Thank ye for
taking me there."  Dad drove on and as we got closer to the cemetary, we
started to smell this god awful smell!  As we got to the gates, she vanashed
in to thin air, leaving the car seat wet!  For about two months after that,
mom and dad tried to get the smell out of the car.  Dad finally had enough
and sold the car.  The new owners said that they never smelled anything in
the car be cleaning products!
My next encounter happened about five years later.  I was in Hutcheson,
Kansas- I was working the fair there-when i saw my Grandmother.  Mind you,
gram was suppost to be home in chicago at this time-beridden with alzhimers.
I looked at her and started to cry.  I asked her if she came to say goodbye
and she said yes.  There were about 8 people standing there watching all of
this-me talking to her, her and i hugging then Gram just fading and finally
disappearing-who where all very scared to death.  One woman actually had a
heartattack on the spot.
Next came my Grandfather about three years after that.  My husband and I were
living in Florida and He in chicago. On April 8th,1990  Poppy came and said
goodbye.  He told me to give his great granddaughter lots of lovings for him.
 Then he vanished.  At the time, I wasn't pregnant.  In March of 1992, I
found out I was pregnant with a baby girl.
Now we're in to  1996.  My daughter is three and we are living in a house.
One night, she looks toward a doorway and starts to laugh.  My husband asked
her what was so funny and she said,"lady silly daddy!"  I asked her to show
me where this lady was and she pointed toward the door way to the kitchen.
Just then, both My husband and I saw what looked to be a grandmother type
woman with a very loving smile on her face.  She motioned that she was
watching over us and she loved us.  To this day, on my little girl's
birthday's  she will show up and help my daughter blow out the candles, touch
her face, then disappear for another year.

Numerous Experiences


I have had allot of dealings with ghosts. As long as I can remember!
When I was three my family lived in an old Victorian that had an In-law apartment we rented to a wonderful elderly woman.
My room was on the top floor. On the other side of my wall was her apartment.
I can remember so many mornings getting up and not being able to open my door. The doorknob just wouldn't turn. There was no lock of any kind on the door. I remember calmly knocking on the wall for Mrs. Smith to come and let me out. A few times her comment was " locked you in again did they? "
We later moved into a house that my father built and it started all over again.
Lights would go on and off, footsteps from the basement, gray clouds in the corner of my bedroom that my dog would jump in front of with every hair in his back standing on end. Certain friends were afraid to stay in my room alone. The list goes on and on…………………..
My son was born at 7pm I had a really hard labor and was having a hard time staying conscious so was unable to care for him that night. All was well the next morning and I was able to keep him with me for the remainder of our stay. The hardest thing for us was trying to get some sleep. Whenever he would drift off in his little bassinet I would fall asleep facing him. We would both jump awake to the sound of a Loud male voice VERY close to us. THERE WAS NEVER ANYONE IN THE ROOM. I being accustomed to this didn't think much of it the first few times but, my protective instinct kicked in and once I put him on my chest to sleep………………the voice stopped.
My son sees and hears things as well. The two instances that come to mind, 1. last year 3 days after my Great Uncle passed away (my son was 3 at the time) I was sitting at my kitchen when my son came walking in, looked to the other end of the table then to me and asked me "who the guy was sitting over there" I asked him what guy and he pointed to the spot he was previously looking at and said "that one" When I asked him what the looked like, he looked at me in the typical 3year old DERRRRR Mom fashion and said " he looks like a dead guy " and walked back out of the room.
2. One day getting out of the car in our driveway my son looked up and asked me if I could also see the white man in the sky!
I looked but saw nothing. My son looked very disappointed.
If you were interested in reading more about my son or myself I would be glad to send you more information.

New Zealand Story


hello, my story happened to me when I was 14,and I was living in New Zealand. I lived in a small town called christchurch.
My friend adele had stayed the night and we woke up early so I sugested we go for  a walk around horse shoe lake it was a treak which only took half an hour  to finish  the fog was thick and we could only see  about 50 meters a head of us,  we had only walked five minutes into it ,when Adele noticed this huge entrance to what appeared to be a tunnel it was a big gate covering the entrance and it had a padlock on it an looked really old. But I had been here just yesterday and it wasn't there,and also other things were there that had never been there before there was purple flowers everywhere and dozen of horses, in Christchurch all horses are privately owned but there was at least 100horses and green grass. All of this had never been there before  I knew this area like the back of my hand but we seemed to have entered a diffeent dimension and the fog just vanished  and sun was pouring over me.
Adele and me just stared at each other not believing what we were seeing and she started to pet one of the horses, and I felt this extrordionray sense of peace. When all of a sudden I  heard this gaspiing choking noice I looked around and could see nothing and I could feel the pain this person was going through, struggling  to breath it got louder and louder this gaspingit sounded like it was in my head. I screamed at Adele that I could hear someone choking she looked around and could see nothing either, so we started to run, we ran for a while and I couldn't hear the gasping anymore, I told Adele and she smiled and said "Jo you can relax now come on smile, your scaring me. You never last two minutes without smiling. Come on!" I felt possesed but tryed to smile, and Adele screamed, she had seen my face change I changed to this boy who's face and body was rotting and I gave this scary smile , she tells me she still gets dreams of the face she saw,
Four months ago I was thinking about what happened and as I am an insomniac and now knew how to work the internet I decided to investigate Horse Shoe Lake, i found old New Zealand newspaper and e mailed contacts and spoke to libarians and finaly found out what I had seen, it turned out fifty three years ago an eighteen year old boy had  hanged himself at the lake a week after his girlfriend had died there, I found out her story and she had drowned by playing in the tunnel (the tunnel I saw)she had falling and hit her head on the concrete wall as the bottom was covered in water she drowned the article talked about how parents were complaining that a padlock wasn't enouth, they needed to tear the storm drain tunnel down, as there was no need for it anyway. the tunnel was pulled down that year.  I'm 18 now and I have never seen or heard from that ghost again, but I am always curious if I go back to new zealand and back to horse shoe lake  if i will see my ghost's girlfriend.

My Ghost Experience


It was Christmas Day 2000, and I just got done reading the Unexplained
mysteries of Florida, and there was this page about a woman named Maggie
Bell.  She lived in the town that my father grew up in;  Lake Monroe,
Florida.  She claimed to be a psychic, and was well known for her "powers" in
the area.  She was really good friends with my Great Grandfathers cousin.
Right before she passed in 1922, she promised that she would find a way to
contact her friends and family through a spirit formation.  My father claims
that she was the town's crazy woman, and that she was a drunk.  However, her
night stand that she used during seances and readings, is claimed to be
possessed by her spirit.  After I got done reading the story, I walked into
the kitchen and got a drink of water.  I dropped a piece of ice on the floor,
and when I leaned over to pick it up, there were 3 obvious muddy footprints
on the floor.  To make matters more interesting, they were all right
footprints, and the shape of a woman's foot.  Narrow and long.  Nobody in my
house was barefooted.  We were all wearing shoes.  No one was even in the
kitchen before me, we were all talking about family issues like we always do
on Christmas.  I had just mopped the floor like 3 hours before this happened.
 I can't explain how they got there, nor could anyone else.  I just find it
very intersting that I had just gotten done reading the story about Maggie
Bell, when it happened.  My dad claims that it was just somebody's footprints
that had on wet socks.  But no one in the house had only socks on.  We ALL
had our shoes on.  My dad then wiped up the footprints with a paper towel and
threw them away.  When i got it out to investigate further, there was no dirt
on the towel.  "Someone must have been playing a joke"  my dad said, but i
know that Maggie Bell was present in my house.  I have always had "psychic"
abilities.  I can sense presences all the time, and everyone thinks that i am
looney.  I know that this time I am right.  Those footprints and the story of
how Mrs. Bell was a close friend to my family are too real for me to

  My First Experience


Hi my name is Elliot Bonilla i am 19 years old,and i live in NEW YORK CITY.. im bout to tell you of acouple of my experience`s with these things i like to call creatures..
    One cold winter night i was about 15 years old, and i was with my uncle about to shovel snow that was placed there the night before by a snow storm. Me and my uncle were joking around and laughing you know just having a great time,when all of a sudden  we heard some noises coming from behind us ,they sounded like footsteps, i looked at my uncle and in his eyes i saw FEAR..i mean i had never ever seen him like that uncle had his eyes on whatever it was all i know is that it was behind me, i was too scared to look back but i looked anyway... thats when i saw it. I was looking directly at it. I was so scared that my hairs on my arms stood up (no joke), anyway to describe what i saw..i saw a small figure walking toward me it seemed to be alittle kid but i really couldnt tell cause it looked  transparent and misty. this figure got closer and closer until it walked directly into the parrallel wall next to me. at first i thought that i was dreaming but i looked down and i saw small footsteps in the snow that lead to the now i had gotten my composure and i turned around to look at my uncle but...(laugh)..he was gone i mean that man just completely left me.  Anyhow three days later i was sitting in the room with my uncle again yes the same man that left me, but anyway we decided to play with the OUJA board like we always do.. but only this time we were calling out to the spirit we had seen in the backyard that our surprise we had contacted a spirit and this spirit was trying to tell us something.. we asked it a number of questions but all the spirit would spell out was ROOF & his name which was Daniel. Finally we asked Daniel what do you mean by roof and he replied Fell off.. i immediately looked at my uncle... he must have fallen off the roof and fell into our yard where he now haunts... then the spirit decided to spell out good bye and left us.



    My story is not of a haunting. I remember it real well and even my mom remembers when i came screaming into her bed room. when i was about 5, i was watching my favorite tv show one night when the screen went snowy, like the tv is when it is plugged in but not hooked up to anything then this face with horns came up the screen. i might of been young but i knew what i was seening and it didnt take long to figure it out. i dont really know if satan really exist or why he showed him self to me. I didnt care though i was scared. i never watched that show after. since then i heard that one of my teachers cousin, over 1,000 miles, had  seen the same thing i did.

My Experience with "Ghosts"


I would like to share a small portion of my experience, specifically regarding my grandmother's house in Gardena, Ca.
It was about  100yrs old, 2600 sq. feet, detached car garage, 12 rooms, huge walk-in closets and crawl spaces.  You would never guess the age of the house by looking at it. My grandparents took great pride in their home and it was immaculate. As far as we know the house was previously used as a doctor's office in Beverly Hills and was later moved to the location it stands now. Considering the age of the house and the era in which it was used, imagine the practices that may have been endured or the deaths that may have occurred in the very rooms we played Twister or ate dinner in.
My grandma owned the home for roughly thirty years of it's existence and we had several generations of our family stay and grow up in that house.  All of which are privy to the paranormal activity.  Most of us are grown now, and to offer any clue as to how traumatic these experiences were, as adults we do not mention much about the house (grown men included) even though it was a monumental part of our childhood.
We had the classic typical lights turning off and on, doors not letting people out of rooms, curtains moving without drafts, clothes being hurled out of dressers,shadows, feelings of being watched, noises, whispering, scalding hot water out of pipes, babies talking to people who were not there, dogs and cats barking and hissing up at the air above them.  In addition to the above, we had baby dolls that would open and close their eye lids, running noises coming from inside the closets, and too many numerous, but not insignificant other happenings.  Only one incident though where someone actually was injured.
   The heart of the activity was upstairs.  It was very cold all of the time. We are talking short wearing weather outside and blankets inside (upstairs mostly). After a particular incident towards the end, my aunt finally called a priest out to the house in the early 1990's.  They walked throught the house, sprinkling holy water and praying just as you would see on television.  Of course this did not work, and needless to say the two priests would not come back.  They said and I quote "there is too much evil".
   Eventually, we stopped going upstairs (around this time my grandfather passed away) and the house was sold.  There are no words to explain the feeling of knowing you are not alone, the shortness of breath, the hair standing on end, the defiance towards whatever it is you want out of your space and visa versa. Over the course of my life I have shared space with many other spirits, energies, etc. neither of us threatened by the other entity.  However, my grandma's house was filled with many unhappy and vengeful spirits not wanting to co-habitate with the living world.
    Specifically, I e-mailed regarding a photograph taken in front of my grandma's house.  It was a fair weathered day and we were all going to Disneyland.  Myself and two other family members were standing on the porch when the photo was taken. I was 14 at the time. The roll was developed and the pictures came out great, and we placed them in an album.
    Years later when I was in my early twenties and memories of my grandma's house were pushed to the back of my mind and long gone, I had a dream of the photograph.  I dreamt that in addition to those of us standing on the porch there was something watching us in the upstairs window.  I was very disturbed about my dream, and I discussed it with my mom.  She advised me to dig out the old photo to set my mind at ease.  I rummaged for the picture, and to my horror there was indeed a mass of dark shadow in the middle of the upstairs window.  No recognizable features other than two hollow eyes and two hands with five fingers each pressed up against the window. Unmistakably, a once human presence so dark and powerfully evil emanating from the heart of the home.  At the time, I feared it had channeled through to me during my dreamstate as a way to remind me of it's presence.  I find this theory terribly unsettling, and I hope untrue.
   Unfortunately, I no longer have the photograph.  My mom put it away (out of sight, out of mind), and has since misplaced it.  I regret that the picture cannot be found because that was my own personal validation to all of the years of intimidation and fear.  I just know that I will stumble across it one day, maybe when moving, and I will be caught off guard by a picture reminding me of a haunted past...

My Encounters


I thought I would share with you experiences I have had.It feels good to
know others have gone through similiar experiences.=)
I have had a few encounters in the house where I grew up.The house isn't
very big, three bedrooms,two lower, and mine, was the upstairs.At first I
thought maybe it was a longing for those that I loved, that had passed
away,but found out later I wasn't the only one in the house that had these
encounters.First encounter was from my grandmother.She had 11 children,my
mother,being the eldest.My mom was the one one who mainly did the most for
grandma. She was the only grandparent I knew,as the rest had passed before I
was adopted. Out of all the grandchildren,(and there were alot)my brother
and I were her secret favorites.We would pick her up every Sunday for
church,and afterwards, she would come over for dinner.In 1978,she had gone
with us up north to visit some of her relatives.It turned out,that the trip
would be her last.She was diagnosed with cancer that fall,and died on
Christmas Eve around midnight,I remember the call that came, and could hear
my mother burst into tears, from where I was,in my room upstairs.I remember
it as if it was yesterday.Well,one night after my Grandmother had been laid
to rest,my childhood friend had spent the night.We were up in my
room,chattering away and watching t.v.,while laying on my bed.I remember the
door to my room being closed, so that we would not awaken my parents.As my
friend and I were watching t.v.,she and I heard footsteps on the stairs that
led up to my room.My dad had yelled out to me for us to quit goofing around
and get back in bed, as it was around 1 A.M...We were allready in bed!A few
minutes after that,a jewlery box that my Uncle had given me when I was
younger,( I was 11ish at the time of this occurrence)began to play it's
music again, wich it hadn't done for quite some time, as it was broken.It
played as if it was in perfect condition,and the ballarina began to move.My
friend and I started to get scared,because we could not explain to one
another what was going on.After the jewlery box stopped,I saw my Grandmother
standing near the side of my bed,in the beautiful nightgown we had laid her
to rest in, a few feet away from me.I remember not being all that
frightened,but my friend was turning pale,very quickly.Grandma spoke to me,
telling me it was ok,not to be sad anymore, that she was ok now, and that
she was happy where she was,and that she loved me and always would.Then she
was gone.We never mentioned it to anyone,till one day, quite a few years
later,my brother's friend and I were sitting on the porch talking,while he
waited for my brother,and I mentioned to him about the night that I was
visited by my grandmother...He then told me, that my brother had seen her,
the same night,and that she had said the same thing to him...I later asked
my brother about it and he had stated that what his friend told me was
true..Needless to say,my friend never spent the night again. That was my
first encounter.  My second encounter was my father..Mom and dad, to me,had
the perfect marriage;never argued in front of my brother and I,and loved one
another more than I had ever seen two people capable of.I remember being in
the car with my mom when I was 13,and I had told her about a dream I had
about my dad dieng.She had told me not to be rediculous,that he was ok
now..See,my father had a heart attack a year after my grandmother passed
away,so mom felt it was just my subconscious toying with me in my
sleep.Anyhow, he did die,May6,1982 at the age of 49.It was sudden,and I
remember comming home from my babysitting job,and finding the dishes not
cleared from dinner, and my mom and her car, gone.A few minutes later,the
phone rang,it was the hospital telling me I should come there
immediately,that my father was sick.I finally found a ride, and when I got
there, I saw our Pastor,with my mom and my dad's brother, and mom was
signing the death papers.When we arrived home that night,mom's family,and
dad's family were at the house,consoling us.I remember the phone ringing,and
when I said" Hello"I heard a voice say through alot of static,"I will always
love you,Gloria",wich is my mom's name. With all the confusion going on that
night,I had forgotten to mention the phone call to my mother.A year later,in
September,I found out I was pregnant.I was due,May 24th,1982.Well, on May
6th,1982,mom and I had went to dad's grave site to visit.I started getting
alot of pain in my lower back,and started to feel sick.We left the
cemetary,and went home.Around 5 P.M. that night,the pain was more
frequent,and mom took me to the hospital.After a long,hard delivery,I gave
birth  to a baby boy at 12:01 A.M.I remember them wheeling me from the
delivery room to another room, where I was alone,and I had  had a spinal,so
I had to lay still on my back for awhile before being transported to my
room.I was really exhausted,and I was drifting off to sleep,when I heard
someone say my name.I looked around and didn't see anyone,so Iattempted to
go back to sleep, and then,once again, I heard my name.. this time when I
looked, it was my father,at the end of my gurney,he was smiling at me, and
said"Good job".Then he was gone..Four years later,I met a wonderful man.We
decided,after a breif period,to rent a house and move in together.One
morning,after awaking,my boyfriend(who is now my hubby)said he had an odd
dream the night before.He said that he don't normally remember dreams,as he
is a deep sleeper,but this one stood fresh in his mind.He said that there
was a man,about 5'10,dark,short,hair,wearing black framed glasses,and that
the man clearly told him"You better be good to my daughter,and take good
care of her"Now, he had never seen a picture of my father,and when we went
to my mom's later that day,I showed him a picture of my dad, and he got pale
and said that the picture I showed him was indeed the man that visited him
in his dream.When mom heard him say that, she had confessed getting visit
periodically from my father.She says that she see's him clearly,but he is in
a wheel chair.He doesn't speak,just looks at her and then,disappears.Mom
believes that this is his way of telling her,that if he had survived the
last heartattack,that he would have been paralyzed,and that he is ok, and
that he comes to make sure she is allright.I never believed in ghosts
before,until these encounters.I go to his grave site alot,hoping he would
talk to me.I can feel him there.I long to tell him how much I miss him,and
that I love him so very much.
"Our ideals are too often like an antique chair - nice to
talk about and show off, but too fragile to use."

Latest Experience


We have a spirit in our home and here is a copy of an email I just sent to my
kids about something that happened this evening.  Just one of many things
that occur on a fairly regular basis.
Wait till you hear this one.  Last night, Debbie (my Deb) called me and we
were talking for a while. When we hung up, I talked to John and we decided to
invite her and Joe over to watch the game and for dinner.  Then I discovered
that I couldn't find her new phone no.  So I emailed her, but she never went
in and got it.  Tonite, about an hour ago, she called me and asked me if I
had called her about an hour before. I said no but that I was hoping she
would call me back so I could get her new no.  She said Yes you did.  I said
no I didn't why?  She said the phone rang and she picked it up and a voice,
kind of distant said "Debbie    Debbie  Oh that's okay." And then hung up.
She said she swore it was my voice but obviously it wasn't because I didn't
have her number.  She said she just knew it was me. OOOOOWEEEEOOOO.  Guess
Mira wanted her to call me, because she knew I needed the number, what do you


It Went Through Me

I used to live in a duplex that my parents owned.  My father grew-up in that house and his mother lived there till she passed away. (Not in the house.)
The entire time that I lived there I had weird unexplainable things happen to me.  My roommates had a few experiences also, but not as many as I had.
The incident that I want to share with you was the last one I had there before I moved out.  I was sleeping in my room and for no reason woke in the middle of the night.  When my eyes adjusted I realized that there was a white mist/smoke in front of me.  Light, though, because I could see through it.  Then, all of a sudden, it started to come towards me and went right into/through me!  I stopped breathing!  (I didn't stop breathing out of fear because it happened so fast I was still trying to figure out what I was looking at.)  It lasted long enough for me to think..."Oh my god....I'm going to die."  Then it was gone.  I remember being very calm about it...even though a second ago I thought I was going to die.  I just rolled over and went back to sleep.  That was the last event that happened in that house to me.

Haunting in My Home


My husband & I purchased our house on December 17, 1997. We fell in love with
the small old house, the previous owner passed away and the estate sold the
house. It still had lots of belongings left in the house, a family photo of a
Veteran soldier and his wife and two kids. (approximately a 1950's - 60's
photo) furniture, health care items, the owner maybe an invalid.  We were
told the man died of a heart attack on the way to the hospital, later we
learned they pronounced him dead on the way to the hospital but most likely
died in the room. a few weeks after we moved in my son was born, we had
experiences with his toys being moved, his toys without batteries in them
would work!, his rocking chair would move and our dogs would always stay out
of two rooms in the house or they would bark.
We passed these off as mere quirks and let them go. We had minor situations
throughout the years. But this past summer my son was playing in our back
yard and always talking to himself, not playing byt talking, carrying on a
conversation. When we asked who he was talking to, he said his friend. He
described this person, he actually described the gentleman Mr. Wing who
previously owned the house and that we saw in the photo. Sometimes when we
ask him what he says, he tells me not to ask him anymore or smiles like he
knows something. He just turned 3 after Xmas and during Xmas he was talking
more to him,saying that his friend is crying all the time, he is sad he is
not with his family, etc. We don't want to be scared but really want to help
this soul. My son can tell me things or repeat words that he hears him say
that he doesn't even know about or ever heard,; military words. It is strange.
We thought that since the holidays were over the ghost would just stop like
he did before, (it seems that in december he is the most active, the month he
died or the holidays?) Well last night my son said "the soldier man" is in
our attic. He is just sitting there. We don't know what to do, but we don't
want to say too much to my son. Sometimes when he sees me worried, he says
that the soldier says it is alright and not to be scared. I am though. I am
not afraid of him, just sad for him

Great Hurry


About five years ago, on a particularly unspectacular night, I believe it was a Wednesday, I encountered a real ghost.  I always believed in them, but I was never sure they existed.  The moon was bright, it was nearly full.  My boyfriend and I were sitting on beneath the largest tree in the yard of the Kendrick mansion.  The mansion is located in a small  town of Sheridan, Wyoming.  I can not recall the history of the grounds or other ghostly stories, for which I was not aware of at the time, but I do remember the man we saw?  As I said the moon was very bright. Jeremiah, my boyfriend said to me "Shhh. I think we have company."  I looked and saw nothing.  Then at a second glance I saw a man, I thought.  He looked very strange.  From his position on the road, several yards away, he should have been a silhouette.  However, he seemed to glow, though not brightly.  Then he was gone.  There were no trees or shrubs to obstruct our view.  He simply had vanished.  Then a way up the road he appeared again.  He was closer now, and at even a glance it was easy to see that his knees did not bend as he walked.  We were both becoming very uneasy.  Then the spirit came to a juncture in the road. The juncture formed a triangle, with grass in the middle.  He completed the triangle three times and began to head straight for us!  We scrambled to break away.  Both of us were very cold, very frightened, this person was nearing and we couldn't hardly move.  I remember trying very hard to see through the trees, the man a she approached but my sight became jumbled as I struggled to get away.  Finally we were up and running to my Bronco. When I looked back there was no one there-of coarse.  I went back a few times but I never saw him again.  I don't know who he was, only that he seemed to be in a great hurry to go nowhere.

 Grandpa in Connecticut


In 1994, I was in Woodstock Connecticut for a family reunion at my
grandmothers farm.  My grandfather died when I was 6, and I have very little
memory of him.  My Aunt and Uncle live down a hill, past the old farm house.
Where I was staying was 100 yards from the old farm house at the top of the
hill.  You can not walk to my Aunt and Uncle's place with out passing by the
old farm house.  I was 18 at the time.
On an afternoon when I was walking up the hill from my Aunt & Uncle's house,
I felt this strange sensation as if I was being watched.  On the fly I
intimately looked up to the old farm house to the second story window, the
window to my Grandparents old bedroom.  I saw something in the window,
something fuzzy.  Within a moment of looking at the window, I felt a surge
in my chest.  The best way to describe it would be to say if felt as if
someone had thrown a rope around my heart and was pulling part of me out.  I
pounded my fist on my heart 2 times and ran back to where I was staying.
After the incident I was completely exhausted.  I went to bed at about 8:00
that night, when normally I'd be up til midnight.  I was trying to sleeping
on the floor of the living room, while my Mom was on the couch reading to
the light of a lamp.  As I was starting to close my eyes, the lamp my Mom
was reading by flickered.  Mom immidiately said "just a power surge.."  in a
quick yet weary voice that let me know she was unwilling to accept what may
have just happened. I closed my eyes tight and cranked the volume on my disc
Interestingly enough, I was listening to SEAL's first album.  As I was
falling asleep to the disc, a particular section of a song became louder in
my ears.  It went "there is no other love, no other love like her's....There
is no Love.."  It became obvious to me that my Grandfather was waiting for
my Grandmother.
I was pretty spooked out in the morning.  The next day I ran down to my Aunt
and Uncle's house and mentioned what had transpired too my Aunt.  Her eyes
widened and we talked for about 2 hours about what happens at the old farm
house.  Doors creek when they are all jammed open by bricks.  Visitors ask
who the old man is up in the window in the dark.  A friend of my Aunt has a
6 year old son that has conversations with "the nice old man" at the
farmhouse.  My Grandma hear's my Grandpa calling her name over and over
again when ever she is in the house.  I did not and have still not shared my
experience with my Mom.  She would be the type of person to completely
disregard it.
Before I left the reunion, I went into the farm house with my Mom to look
around.  In the bedroom, there was a chair placed directly in the spot where
I felt/saw the fuzzy entity.  I felt no agression, but for some reason I was
very frightened of the entire situation.  Maybe because I look EXACTLY like
my Grandpa did when he was my age.  I haven't been back to Connecticut
Since that time, my Grandmother has passed on.  I will go back someday and
see if my Grandfather has found peace yet.

Trailor #1


Shortly after marrying my 1st husband we moved into a trailor park.  We
rented trailor #1.  We were young and at the time a trailor was all we could
afford.  He worked night shift at an industrial plant while I was at home
alone most nights.  One Sunday morning I awoke, went and ate a bowl of
cereal, and layed back down in bed.  From my bedroom I could see straight
down the long skinny hall with the back door right outside of my bedroom.  I
noticed the door knob move a little on the back door(I have chills right now
typing this - by the way this was 15 years ago).  I got up and stared at it
and it really took off shaking then the back door was being snatched in and
out then the whole side panel wall of the entire trailor began to suck in
toward the trailor and back out away from the trailor.  Scared the sh! it out
of me nearly.  I went to hollering at it to stop,  I thought it was somebody
trying to break in then the trailor window began opening and closing and I
pointed my unloaded shot gun out of the window and told them I would blow
their brains out if they didnt stop,  then it stopped.  I halled butt out of
the trailor running like crazy.  The first car that came thru I stopped and
told them somebody was trying to break into my home I could I catch a ride
with them to their trailor to call the police.  Well, I did and called my
parents.  My Dad drilled the windows shut on my  bedroom.  Well that was all
just the begining.  One night my husband then told me to turn off the TV and
I did.  I got back to the bedroom and the tv cut back on.  My husband was in
the BR with me.  I went back into LR and it was back on,  I hit the off
switch again and it cut off and imm! ediately cut back on the I pulled the plug
out of the wall and the TV continued to play.  I thought I would die!  I
turned around and saw my keys being thrown across the room and land on the
floor(my husband was still in the BR).  I told him and didnt really believe
me because he didnt see it all.  Finally one morning when he was at home we
were eating breakfast and the "thing"  began with the back door knob again
and then the entire back panel wall of the trailor again.  After it showed
its affects to my husband our nights turned into pure hell!  We heard every
night and mans footsteps walk down the hall and if we left the BR door open
it would walk around to the end of our bed and stand there.  If we kept the
door shut it would stop at the door and stand there and pace up and down the
hall.  Also at night you could hear noises down the hall in the kitchen going
through silver ware dr! awers,  dishes rattling, things moving.  It got so bad
until we had to finally guard the bathroom door when we took a shower or the
door would get shooken and feet would pace - daytime too.  One morning I
drove over to his Grandparents house early to pick up something and on the
way back home on 12/27/85 had a terrible almost tragic car accident.
Something ran me off the road(I froze and could not control the truck) ran
into a field,  jumped a stream, cut down a tree and hit a tree airborn.
Broke both legs, left arm,  almost broke my hip,  broke the key off into my
knee and my head went thru the windshield and back in.  A tree was sitting
inside the cab next to me where I could have easily decapitated myself had I
leaned right a little.  Anyway,  I was in the hospital for about a week and
was released and confined to a wheelchair for about a month then to crutches.
 Wh! ile in the hospital one night,  my husband stayed at the trailor by
himself and came busting in my hospital room in the middle of the night.  He
was so scared - he said that the "thing" shook the entire trailor,  all the
windows were frantically opening and closing and everything in the trailor
almost was moving and being shaken.  Once I came home from the hospital to
the trailor I was sitting in my wheelchair next to the front door while
husband went to get a few things from the BR.  Never before had the front
door ever shook,  and I be dog if the front door didnt start shaking and
going off.   Throughout all of this we told family,  friends, and police and
nobody believed us.  My parents thought we were on drugs, the neighbors
thought we were crazy because we would both run out of the trailor with the
shotgun looking around the trailor and under trailor trying to find out who
wa! s doing all this.  The police never found trace of any foot prints(backyard
was dirt) and neither did we.  I would look out the back bedroom window where
I could see the back porch and while the door would shake there was never

Feel The Voice


I have written one story of a friend of mine tonight but being that I am
really bored and these stories are really jogging my memory about paranormal
happenings I have heard from friends, I am going to write about another one
I have heard.  This story was first told to me from a very good friend of
mine named Robbie.  One night when we were sitting around at a kind of
social gathering with friends Robbie started telling this story that his
sister had told him.
    His sister Sharon and her friend Jenny were going shopping one day and
Jenny said that when she was younger she lived in the area and wanted to go
see her old house.  When they finally got there, they knocked on the door
and the new owner said they could come in and take a look.
    Just a footnote, supposedly Jenny's father had killed her mother and
then himself when she was an infant in this house when she was a toddler but
I have no idea if this is the truth or not due to me not knowing her.
    Anyway, so they started to walk around the house and when they got to
the garage Jenny noticed that there was a chalk board nailed to ceiling with
her name scribbled on it.  The current owner said that her and her husband
never really thought of taking it down because it never occured to them.
They ended up sitting in the living room and having a cold drink with the
lady before they left.
    The current owner had an infant at the time and had on the baby moniter
in the room where they were sitting.  All of a sudden, they started hearing
the voice of a woman saying, "It's okay Jenny, it's okay...".  At this time
Jenny started freaking out and was like, "Who the hell is saying that?  What
the hell!!! is going on?".  The current owner and Jenny and Sharon ran into
the babies room to see who was in there but there was no one.
    That is about where the story ends.   Like I said, I had never even met
this girl, and wasn't present when it happened, but it still freaked me out
when I heard it.  According to Robbie's sister, the story is true.  When I
asked her about it she said that it was a horrible experience and that you
could not only hear the voice but FEEL the voice.  Anywho, thanks for

Button Present


It was new years eve and i was sleeping round my friends boyfriends house.
His house is 600 years old and in the war it was used as a hospital. He said
it was haunted and that things go missing and turn up later. He also said
that it once opened his bedroom door whilst he was about to go to sleep.
This really freaked me out but I managed to sleep in the room anyway. As i
was about to get into bed I noticed a big green button on the floor but
jumped into bed anyway. I was laying in the bed with my boyfriend who was
half asleep when I heard a rustling noise comeing from my bag. It sounded as
though some one was going through my bag! However there was nothing there so
i rolled over and went back to sleep. When I got back the next morning I was
emptying my bag when I noticed the green button was in the bottom of my bag
and under all my clothes! This freaked me out so i chucked it out the
bathroom window with a powerful force. The following day i was speaking to
my dad about what happened, and he said that I should never throw away a
gift from a ghost! because it is trying to tell me something!! so he thinks!
I then went outside to see if it was still on the road but it was actually
on the window seal of my bathroom. However I throw this with some force! I
still now have the button as I was told to keep it, but why did this happen?

Black Shadows


hey i just want to say good job on the ghost story site thing i look at it
every day and i just want to tell you i got some storys but i have not told
thim on your site  and for all my life i have seen thim littel black shadow
things  about 2 3 feet tall and some old  white tall floting  all most see
thro woman and me and my 3 freinds seen this  big tall skinny black shadow
thing that was about 7 or 8 feet tall in this old  house by where i did live
we where going to sleep in it but we got to scared by hereing things and
seeing that  shadow man  i mite send in my three storys some time the story
of the 3 feet tall imps  lasted up till i was 12 thay would  chase me in to
my room but would never come in to the light so thay never was in my room
just in the hall ways and up to this very day i see things whatching me in
the corner of my eye and like when i am in less say a tent i can just
putcher this tall black shadow guy whatching me and my freind in the ent
this happend last week even no ui did not realy see the guy i could see and
fill him in my head but no one  will no what i am talking about like that i
see stuff like that  about 3 times a week but you see i dont realy see it
but i see it in my head its hard to tell i no it is not realy there but i
see it any ways there.

 Army Barracks


I am a Sgt. in the Army and I have what I think is an interesting story
about the barracks that I stayed in in Baumholder, Germany. The Building # is
2303 and it used to belong to Aco. 4/12 Infantry. Ok here goes, the barracks
was a 3 story building with a basement which use to house a German horse
drawn artillery unit back in the days of that sort of warfare. The hallways
were about 9 ft. wide and were pretty bare except for a coke machine and a
desk for the CQ on duty. The floors were always kept at with a high shine to
them for inspection purposes and if anybody walked on them after they had
been buffed you would know from the scuffs lest fron the paste wax that we
used. Well, after hours when everybody was winding down after the daily
duties we would usually relax in our room during the week and that is when
the knocking started. We would be in our rooms watching tv and a knock would
come at our door. My roomate or I would get up to see who it was and there
wouldn't be anybody there.As soon as we sat down the knock would come again
and the whole game would start over with the getting up and such. Well after
several weeks we were getting pretty tired of what we thought were other
soldiers playing around so after some verbal threats and some vulgar language
we thought that it would stop but it didn't. So we tried to set a trap for
the pranking grunt who by our account was going to catch a beat down as soon
as he was caught. My roomy and I would wait by the door ready to pounce on
the knucklehead who wouldn't leave us alone. Well we waited and then it
happened again so we opened the door ready to tear that guy a new one if you
know what I mean and there was know one there. The closest door was about
twenty ft. away and he couldn't have made it back to a room in that amount of
time. It happened several more times that night and everytime we'd spring the
door open and nothing. My roomy said that if anybody had been walking that we
would have heard him because of the way that sound travels down the open hall
and strangly there were no scuff marks on the floor. We thought about the
person wearing socks and we tried to duplicate how a person could do the
"knock and run" prank but we couldn't do it in the time that was needed to
make it from our room to the closest door. Finally we started to ask other
soldies if they had this sort of thing happen to them and they said that it
had been going on for years and everybody was numb to it by now. So we set up
a listening party to catch the person doing this and after a few beers it
started to happen to a room down the hall. We never found out what it was but
as far as I know it is still happening since I've been gone and that was 1998.
Also, I cannot confirm this but my 3rd roomate woke us up one night by
screaming at the top of his lungs about a floating girl looking at him. He
said that a little girl wearing an old "little house on the praire" dress,
and blond curly hair was standing beside his bed and just looking at him. He
was really shaken up and that is a hard thing to do because we a grunts and
we always act tough you know. A couple of night later a soldier in the room
next to ours said that he saw the same thing and he moved out of the barracks
the next night. Like I said I cannot confirm the "little girl" story but I
can attest to the truth about the knocking at our door for the 3 yrs. that I
was there. I will say in closing that when the guys that lived in the off
post housing came in with their dogs they didn't like being in there and
always seemed aggrivated and unsettled until they were outside again. I hope
that I didn't bore who ever reads this but it is true. Thank you

 A ghost Dog?


 I just wanted to tell u a story (real life) and wanted ur opinion. Well,
it was just another one of them regular summer days, and I was just
rollerblading down our street.  One of our neighbor had a small white dog,
think it's a Chiwawa or however u spell it, it's like a really small dog,
bout 10 inches tall, maybe more, well, I was rollerblading and then I saw
this dog, and it was all dirty, and well, I reconized it as the nieghbor's
white dog, so then I called out to it and it looked at me and then trotted
to the yard, so i followed and then around the corner I saw it slip into the
yard through the yard gate, and the yard was a one way in and out so I went
in and I couldn't find the dog so I asked the neighbor incase the dog went
inside from the dog door, so when I ask, he told me to quit fooling around
and that the dog had died after being hit by the car in the same street I
first saw the dog that day, ever since then I never saw the dog again...

Bottle Up / Bottle Down


When  I was around 16 years old I had a very unusual experience which
involved one of many small liquor bottles ( the type that you are given
by the airlines) that I had arraigned in a pattern on the TV set in my
One morning, as I climbed from bed,  I noticed that the bottle on the
far right hand side was standing upside down. I thought nothing of it,
until the same thing happened time and time again.
My first thought was that my older sister was doing it just  to screw
with me...... then I thought that it must've been a friend. But, after
much discussion with family  and friends we  came to realize that there
was a spirit moving the bottle night after night.
Each night I would look at the upright bottle before falling asleep and
each morning the bottle would be turned upside down. My family were all
worried, trying to figure out why this was happening.  We began to
discuss other strange things that had happened in the past, things that
we hadn't given notice to before. Things left in a certain spot, not to
be found, then re-appearing there again later or in  a totally off the
wall place. I would check the bottle every morning, at night and every
time I left the room. I really wasn't afraid of what was happening, I
figured that it was all pretty harmless, but I guess that I just wanted
to be sure of what was really going on..... that someone wasn't just
screwing with me.
My proof came one evening after my parents had come into my bedroom to
tell me and a couple of my friends that they were leaving for the
evening. Shortly after, my friends and I left. The last thing that I did
when leaving my bedroom was to check the bottle........ it was right
side up.
My friends and I piled into the car and split. No more than a block and
a half away I realized that I had left my wallet on my desk and asked to
return home to retrieve it. I quickly ran into our house and grabbed my
wallet, as I turned to leave I thought to look back to the bottle......
I finally had my proof!!!!
After that, the bottle never again turned upside down, I guess that the
spirit had proven it's presence.

Friendly Encounter


    My storie startes when I was about 8 or 9 . my family and I moved into a
new house. The first time I walked into the house I got a sicking feeling in
the pit of my stomache it was like someone punched me . Throughtout the years
I have noticed strange things that it seemed I was the only one who noticed
them untill one winter night.This night it was snowing and our power had gone
out so we had no heat . To keep warm we sleep together in our living room .at
about 2:45 i was awakinded by a stomache and I sat partily up out of the
corner of my eye I saw a figure at the time I thought it was my mother then
it turned and walked away I glanced to the couch where my mother was laing
sound asleep just then my brother said ''did you see that '' I knew I'd seen
something .
    But, thats not all that has happened in this house I beleve I have spoken
with the spirt of a child named Katie both while awake and in my dreams . My
mother thinks that I am crazy . Well she did untill we had two fires and
something woke my father up quite rudely by jerking him from his bed . IF
THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED WE WOULD HAVE DIED of smokeinhalation both times
. All of these experiances have been mind opening for me but,my family still
thinks I'm crazy but I know different .No one has ever been hurt or had any
fear in this house .Infact we all have never felt this safe in any other
place . I hope this helps you in some way . thanks for reading and believeing 

In the 70's


    When I was a teenager back in the 70's, I was up in my bedroom doing my history homework.  For some unexplainable reason the radio on my stereo just started to play some 30's or 40's music, like Glen Miller music.  This was very strange since the system was turned off.  So I got up from my bed where I was reading and turn the radio off.  No sooner than I get back on my bed the radio turns back on and plays the same music.  I got up again and unplugged the system from the wall and went back to my studies.  The radio turned back on playing the same music even thought it was unplugged from the electric.  At this point I went running down the stairs screaming for my Dad.  Of course by the time my Dad went up to my bedroom to investigate the music was no longer playing and the radio was off.
    That same night while I was sleeping, something woke me up.  It was a full moon that night, it was shining thought my bedroom window.  I always pull my shades down at night and it was strange to wake up with the moon shining in my face.  I sat up in my bed and looked towards the window wondering why one shade was down and the other not down.  All of a sudden the shade on that one window went up and down three times.  Once again I went screaming down the stairs for my Dad and once again when he came up to check out my window, the shade was down.  At this point I was convince that my older brother was behind this!  He loves playing tricks on everyone, I didn't know how he did it but I was convinced that it was him!
    The next night I locked my bedroom door when I went to sleep, there's no way my brother was able to get into my room.  Again something woke me up in the middle of the night and my shade was up, the moon shining into my bedroom and a shadow bending over me this time.  I sat up and just looked at him and yelled to get the hell away from me.  He went away and never came back.
    I know it was a ghost, it was a young man and he respected me when I told him to go away.  I don't know who it was or what he wanted.   I've always regretted sending him away without knowing what he wanted.

A Lifetime of Seeing Ghosts


I've been seeing ghosts for a very long time.
The first time was in a movie theater when I was a teen-ager. I saw a young man walking down the aisle and he suddenly disappeared. In retrospect, this was during WWII and maybe it was a local soldier that had recently crossed over.
The second time, and most vivid experience, was when I was stationed in Germany with the U.S. Army. While I was walking down the street of an old city, I saw two men fighting atop a castle. One fell to the ground below -about 150 ft.- and I rushed to the scene to be of assistance. But, I was almost 900 years too late. What I saw was the fratercide committed by Wyrich von Oberstein. He and his brother, Emich, both of them were knights, were fighting over the affections of a young woman from a nearby castle, Bertha von der Lichtenberg. The mysterious vision took place at 1:00 PM on a bright sunny day in September and was just as clear as if I were watching it when it happened in the eleventh century.
The third episode took place a few years ago. I am a part-time musician and once while sitting in the backyard talking with a cousin, who is a psychic, she asked me about my father, if he had been a musician? I said no, then she told me what she was seeing and it was determined that the person she saw was an ancestor who in fact had started the first brass band in my hometown in Pa. in 1865.
One evening as I was softly playing my keyboard, a white translucent hand appeared beside my right hand. I jokingly quipt, "I'll just play this one alone, Harry", and the hand faded. I've always felt sorry for poor old Harry since that evening, I guess he wanted to play a duet.
There have been other sightings of Native-Americans and crying women, etc. when I've been awakened at night, but, the three most vivid to me are the three I have mentioned above.

Our Happy Home


I've written before, and I always enjoy the reponses you've given.  Your stories and responses have made me realize my husband and I really do not need to worry.
This is just a few things that have gone on since my last e-mail:
Last month we were visited by a little one.  I think she was around 5 or 6, although I only caught a glimpse of her a few times.  Her fun thing to do was to turn the lights off and on for my daughter and son's pleasure.  I had asked my daughter a few times why she didn't turn off the light, and she informed me, quite emphatically that she had.  Then she asked me if we had a ghost????  I shrugged that one time off, but when it happened a few more times, I do admit I had to wonder.
Also, with Christmas and New Year's past us, these few last weeks have been something else.  The ornaments on our tree have re-arranged themselves more than once.  No big deal.  But we have a small ornament that looks like a wrapped up Christmas present.  No matter where this little ornament is placed in the tree, it is constantly played with.  Moves along to it's own jolly dance.  Please keep in mind that we have checked for breezes (from the window, as we live in a very old structure) and other causes.  We've just come to the conclusion it's the same little one we've been visited by before.  Perhaps she likes it here.  I know she's in love with my kids, and for some reason even has seemed to take a liking to me.  Kinda funny when you think about it.
Either, things have been busy here in Mounds Park, but nothing scary or even worth worrying about.  To tell truth, I think this may be the most lively home I've ever lived in in my 30-some years!
Thank you for this site, and for letting me tell my experiences!  If I've any more, I'll be sure to relate!



    I tried to send this experience before but for some reason it did'nt
go though.
First and foremost I have to let you know that out of any site I have
seen on this subject no one covers every detail and offers assitance
like yours it's the best, and keep doing what your doing. I had felt it
was just my imagination until I discovered your site. Well to the point.

    When I was about 12 or 13. I lived with my father and stepmother a
stepbrother(who this story is about, who is always playing pranks) a
stepsister well the rest of the people don't matter. It was like the
brady bunch. Anyhow we lived in a 3 bedroom house where all the rooms
were connected by a door. My parents room being in the middle they had
hooks on the inside of their door to keep it locked from us kids
entering. Their room also held the laundry room. Which they had a red
curtain over the window. The room was very dark and any thing in this
room was just a shadow. Well this one day it was only myself and
stepbrother at home which I mentioned earlier he was a prankster. I was
going to wash some clothes and walked into the room. I had just taken a
couple of steps when I noticed a person in my laundry room looking like
they were looking for something head bowed down. I thought it was a
person my brother to be exact.Same head shape, height. Well it stopped
whatever it was doing and stared at me not saying anything. Like I
mentioned before the red curtain only allowed me to see a siloutte of
it.I didn't think anything of it, thought it was my brother and asked
him what he was doing. It did not respond. I thought weird my brother
not saying anything. So I proceeded to keep walking toward  the laundry
room. This was a large room so having taken a couple more steps,  this
thing started coming toward me not walking, kind of glideing. Weird, I
thought as I took a couple more steps and something stopped me and said
don't go any closer, Run! Get the HELL out of there! I didn't question
this voice. This thing was still gliding toward me not saying a thing.
It was still pitch black. I turned and ran, heart in my thoat. I felt at
any moment I was going to be grabbed from behind! I know I said this
thing was gliding but in my head I thought I heard footsteps running
behind me! I ran into the kicthen. And my stepbrothers room being on the
other side. I laughed a nervous laugh to myself and said of course thats
my brother playing. Went into his room where he was in his bed sound
asleep! Tried to rouse him to no avil.Okay so I'm freaked now. Thinking
still he's playing. I tried to open the door leading to my parents room
on his side thinking when I ran out he came though the door and hopped
in bed and was playing sleep. It would not have been anytime and I would
have heard something. The door was locked on my parents side their is no
way he could have gotten it opened and locked again. It was hooked from
my parents side no way. To say the least I did not wash clothes that
    Another story same house. One night I was sleeping in a room I
shared with my stepsister, our room door was open and the bathroom lite
the hallway by moonlight. The position of our room the only thing that
could be seen from our room was the hallway wall. Well anyway you know
how you wake up in the middle of the night? I had my back to the room
and turned over not questioning why I had awaken. But just as I turned
over I seen a old lady about 5'3 once again gliding across the hallway
toward the bathroom. Like I mentioned no light just moonlight. I made
out a bun in her hair. The weirdest thing was she was lifting her dress
like in the old days. With the big butt. And I could see though her. She
did not look at me. And she just glilded into the bathroom I thought
okay I'm dreamimg and went to sleep. These two experiences I never
questioned as paranormal. I thought they were just my imagination. Until
I got older and really since I seen your site. The only thing that
frightened the daylights out of me was the laundry room thing. It's
creepy just writing it. Whatever it was I hope to never see it again.
Thanks for your time and I hope reading this freaks you out the way it
did me, Any insight let me know. Thanks for listening.

University Presence

This only happaned to me a few days ago. I was at Idaho State University in
Pocatello to take my GED it had been split into two days do to the long
Well anyways on the seconed day I was there I needed to use the restroom so I
proceeded to go in the bathroom while I was in there I tried to go in one
stall but I only opened it a little and it slammed shut but no one was inside
I didn't think any thing of it so I continued to another stall and found one
that would let me in I started to do my stuff when I heard foot steps walking
up and down the isle way between the stalls but no one was there I also saw a
shadow but the bathroom was empty to say the least when I was done I ran as
fast as my legs would carry me and back to the office were I was taking my
All I know about that building is that it was dedicated in 1902 thats all I
know I would like to know more but I don't know what or how to find out.

What is going on?


    Hello this is my second time trying to send in a story. The first
one did not go though I will try that one again later. Well this one
consists of my current residence. I'm not sure how to explain it. I'll
do my best.
    I live in a two bebroom townhouse, my son has one room me the other.
On occasion a toy that I can't remember where it came from plays music.
At night, when me and my 3 year old son are downstairs we can hear the
toy just playing. I thought maybe it was in the toy box being pressed by
the other toys but going in the room it will be very cold and the toy
will be sitting alone on the floor. Also  on Christmas eve coming back
from a party I lat my son open one present we were in a very good mood
and the toy was playing like crazy, I tried to ignore it but it was
playing more than usual. I shouted up the stairs in Gods name please
stop. It immediatly stopped only to start a minute later playing like
crazy more than before. I went to try to close th door and it seemed
like something was trying to block me from closing it. And when I was
able to after trying and trying it sounds like something hits the other
side . This happens everytime the room is cold the toy is playing. Other
times the room is normal temp. And the door closes with no problem. I
also  hear creaking when we are downstairs, running from my room to my
sons. I will go upstairs prepared to yell at my son to find him sound
asleep. I started a agrument with my neighbors because I would hear
banging so loud I would think it was them, sounding like it is right
upstairs. Only to go over there to find them not knowing what I am
talking about. I recently gave birth to a baby girl, and she will look
into space and laugh for no reason. Then just as sudden start crying.
Then times she will be comfortable then for the slightest reason does
not stop crying until  we leave the area. My son says he hears things,
but being 3..I don't know what to think of this. Well I've been advised
to throw the toy away. But for the life of me I cannot remember where it
came from. I've been letting my son sleep with me. With the door to his
room shut. But when walking around upstairs the door will seem to try to
open on it's own, but not quite doing it. The feelings of being watched
as I walk by the door even when it's shut. When I'm at  your website the
feelings of something behind me. So strong I just know I'm going to turn
around and see something. What do you make of all this? I welcome any

My Haunting


I would like to share with you, if i may, my experience i had with ghosts at my old house a year ago today (3/1/01) some of this is quite scarey and some is unbeleaveable but i promise yu it's all true.
After a hard night at work, i staggerd in my house and climbd the stairs, it was very cold at the time, i remember clearly because i was taking my shirt off, i got to the top of the stairs and walkd quickly into my bedroom where soon afterwards i fell asleep but, during the early hours of the morning i was awoke by a, what sounded like, a painful scream from a young women, it was very loud, it sounded like it was coming from downstairs but i lived on my own in this house, near to no friends, hardly anyone i could trust with my front door key so i just dismissd it as a dream i was having and put my head down to rest again.
When i woke up in the morning i was freezeing, even wrapd in my double sized quilte, but i had to go to work, so i got out of bed and walkd across the landing to the toilet but as i passd the top of the stairs i noticed a vase of mine was smashed, i quickly run down the stairs to investigate further and upon entering my living room i noticed it was completely trashed, seats were over turnd, plates and crockry were smashd, the funny thing about it was nothing had been stolen, no windows were broken infact all my windows and doors were lockd from the inside, there was no possible way anyone could have got into the house, i didnt really know what to think as i started cleaning up the mess, i didnt want to call the police, they would think im crazey and wasting there time i put furniture back where it was supposed to go and all broken glass in the bin outside and set off to work, an hour later for which i got a good telling off for!
When the day was finished and i started back on my way home i was in 2 minds about the whole ordeal and i feard what i might see when i get back if there was somthing to see that was, and surley enough when i got back outside my house, i was stopd by the police who said "excuse me sir your neighbours had reported a women screaming do you mind if we take a look around?" i told them i lived on my own and agreed to show them around, after a brisk look around my house and the basement the officer said, "do you know any local people you may have crossd recently?" and i told him i didnt really have time to make friends around here as im busy with work a lot, i didnt tell him about the scream i heard last night thou, but it was stuck in my mind while i was talking to him 10 minuites later he concluded it was a childish prank and left leaveing me full of worry, i sat in the living room and had a drink before i ventured upstairs again to my bed.
Around 4:30am i was awoken by a bitter coldness, it had to have been below freezeing i could see my brethe as i sat up, then, i heard that scream again, i jumpd sharply out of bed, ran down the stairs and turnd on the light as i slowly popd my head around the door, i saw my sofa fall on it's side, there was hardly any damage to the room as i inspected, and the coldness was rapidly going away as i walkd around slowly.
That for me was the last straw, call me a scaredy cat but i just left, stayd at my sisters house and sold my house soon afterward, but as you will agree it was scarey.
If you would like to know more, feel free to contact me vie e-mail.

Little Boy Ghost


 Hi,  I am an 11year old girl that is in th 5th
grade . I had a little boy ghost that was at least 4 foot tall and had
old clothes  that looked like they were from the civil war  and he would
come at night and some times when I was at school . Then I was in the
4th grade . but anyways  when he come at night he would talk to me and
say we have to safe mam and dad ,  then he would point to  the closet
and would tall me to  go with him to fine mom and dad   .
then about two or three days later my mom and I went  to my closet to
see what he was talking about . when  I went and looked around  then I
felt him tell me where  it was , then I found it there it was the thing
that a little boy ghost was waking me up for . It was a  little  bag
from the  war  I dont  know what  war  dut it was from a war  . I was
stuck in the wall really good . so my mom had to use a butter kinef  to
get it out . So that night my mom went out  to bare it  , from then on
the little boy did not come back.

State Hospital


I stumbled upon your site and it reminded me of something that happened to
me about 15 years ago.
I was working at a state hospital for the mentally retarded (built in the
early 1900's)  at the 'front desk', answering phones, dispatching medical
staff, etc.  The reception area (separated by a half wall and Plexiglas from
the hallway as well as a doorway leading to the hall) was about 10ft by
12ft)  and was at the very top of a ramp that began a long hallway (about
400 feet) down to the lab area and eventually to the infirmary.
It was about 9:30 at night and I was in the back of the reception area,
doing some filing and  out of the corner of my eye,  a stooped figure rush
by the front of the reception area and down the ramp.  At first, I thought
it was one of the 'clients' at the hospital (some of whom had privileges to
walk around 'on campus' and some of whom had physical infirmities that would
cause them to stoop while walking).  It struck me as odd that a client would
be out and about at this time of night (they were usually in their buildings
by 8:30).  It didn't' alarm me at the time, but I thought I'd take a look in
the hall.
I opened the door to the hallway and looked to see who was running down the
hall, but there was no one there.  There was another hallway off the main
hall, but the second hallway was at least 250 feet down and whoever (or
whatever) it was, couldn't have made it down to the 'turn' in the few
seconds it took me to walk the 3 feet from the rear of the reception area,
open the door and look down the hallway.  Looking back on the situation (and
I'm not sure if this thought came to me after the occurrence, but I don't
recall hearing any footsteps as the figure went by).
I called the night supervisor (upstairs in the same building) and she
reaffirmed my belief that none of the clients should be wandering around at
this time of night.  I did a quick 'census' (calling all buildings and
making sure that everyone was 'present and accounted for'.   I was assured
by staff  that all the clients were in their buildings for the night.  She
came down and I related my story, she agreed that it would be nearly
impossible for someone to dash down the hall that quickly and 'hide'.
I related the story to the woman who worked the overnight shift when she
came in at 11:00 PM.  She said she has had strange experiences while she had
worked there (strange lights or 'orbs' on the wall), and her brother, who
was on the Housekeeping crew had odd experiences: running water in an unused
building where the water had been shut off for years, flushing toilets in
the same building).  Though I thought it was strange that housekeeping would
be in a building that wasn't in use, but I didn't think of that at the time.
At the time, I would probably have categorized myself as a 'skeptical
believer', even now, I'm unsure about what I saw. It could very well have
been a client who had sneaked out of his (and I'm sure it was a him)
building, and made it back before I called his building.  Who knows !

Why Me ?!?


Over the years I had many encounters with ghosts and other strange things.
It all started when I was very young. I can remember one night as I was
laying in bed trying to fall asleep I started to hear these voices that
sounded like they were coming from above me,almost as if there were a circle
of angles calling me from the heavens.They kept saying
come....come....come,and they just kept getting louder. I ran to my parents
room and told my dad who immediatly went outside to check but he didn't see
anything.Another time in this same house I was taking a shower and was
washing my face.When I washed the soap off my face and opened my eyes I  saw
an angel. She had hair down to her waist and was standing right
beside me.I jumped out of the tub scared to death .I still remember the
image clearly .I know it was an angel because it had wings and was
beautiful.She was a solid beige color and almost looked like a statue as she
stood beside me.The weird thing was that right before I had gotten into the
shower I had gotten into an arguement with my mom and had started crying as
I took my shower. I don't know if this angel was there to comfort me or what
but it scared me more than anything.The scariest thing that I remember
happening to me was at another house. I must have been about 6 years old. I
was laying in my bed trying to fall asleep. My bed was positioned so that it
layed against my bedroom wall with a window across from it. I was almost
falling asleep when I started feeling like it was getting really hot in my
room .I tried to ignore the heat but it started to become unbearable.I had
been laying on my side which faced the wall and decided to lay on my other
side.As I turned around I saw a huge flame of fire just outside of my
window. Not thinking I ran towards the window and the fire immediatly
dissapeared. I could have sworn I saw it get sucked into the ground. Once
again I told my parents about it but they really didn't beleive me this
time. I also told my grandmother who was still alive at that time and she
told me that where you see fire there is gold buried. She encouraged me to
dig but I was to scared. Till this day I pass by that old house woundering
if there really is something buried there or if it was just the Devil paying
me a visit that night. These are just a few things that have happened to me
during my child hood years. I am 21 now and haven't had anything thing
happen to me in a long time,until about a week ago .My husband and I are
renting a house that belongs to his mother. My mother in law used to live
there with my sister in law who is older than my husband. We sleep in the
master bedroom where his sister used to sleep.I remember her always telling
us that she would see and hear things in that room. Just the other day I was
using the restroom when all of a sudden the lights went out.OK......maybe
the light bulb burned out I thought. So I finished up and noticed that the
light switch had been turned off! I turned the switch and the light came
back on,oh my God something or someone turned the light of in my
presence,now I'm just woundering if this is going to start happening to me
all over again!

Unknown Ghosts And a Guardian Angel


Hi, I live in White Rock, British Columbia and have a had a few interesting
experiences in the 21 yrs of my life. I am what many term a Natural Witch
and I consider myself Wiccan though I do not practice. But I am very much a
critic when it comes to ghostly tales and am not easily frightened. However,
when I was younger a number of odd things happened to me.
The first, which is not very frightening, revolves around a cat I had as a
child. Her name was Fuzzball and I sadly only had her for a short time. She
got out of our yard one day and was hit by a car. I was the one who found
her and being only seven years old I was very upset. According to my mother
I cried nearly all day but that night I stopped and by the next morning,
though I was sad to have lost my friend, I was no longer mourning. I kept
saying that she was still with me. And she was and is. I tend to think of
Fuzzball as my guardian angel or spirit guide and I have seen her or felt
her presence many times over the years. She has a hell of a sense of humour
and has played a few tricks on me.
The real ghost stories begin when I was very young, around four years old.
Our old house was two floors, though considered a rancher because only one
floor was above ground on the street side. My bedroom was upstairs, near the
front door. The door of my room faced out onto the landing/hallway and the
stairs to the basement gaped out there. Now, children dislike dark stairways
as a rule, I find and I was no different. If I awoke in the night I would go
to my door, rip it open and dash along the hallway to the bathroom where I
would flip on the light and shut the door. It was the same journey on the
way back. I still vividly remember doing this until the day we moved out
when I was eight. Thing was, the basement (which was well lit and not what I
would call menacing) frightened me even during the day. I was loathe to
venture down there even on the brightest summer days. It was always kinda
cold and clammy and it felt "wrong". This was especially true of the guest
room my aunt slept in when she was down from Kelowna. I would NOT go in
there for any reason unless someone was with me. I remember once I was very
sick and had a high temperature so my parents put me down there for a nap,
since it was much cooler than my room. I awoke, covered in sweat (my fever
had broken)and terrified. I nearly killed myself running up our stairs and
never once did I look back.
When we moved out, the house we moved into was a rancher - one floor and no
stairs except into the sunken living room. I felt much safer in this house
(which had only had two previous owners) and was glad that the bathroom was
only across a narrow hallway from my room. But things can occur even in
small spaces. I was about 13yrs old and my best friend Melissa, who is three
years younger, was sleeping over. We had turned my closet into a fort and
were sleeping in it. Well, Melissa was, I was sleeping with my head towards
her forming a letter "T". In the middle of the night I realized I had to
pee. Not wanting to awaken my friend I decided not to turn on the light in
my room. My eyes had adjusted to the dark and I had no problem finding my
way across the hall. Now, before I go further I should explain the set-up of
our hallway. I'll try and make a diagram:

        tv     I
TV Room        I--   ---+
------------+  I Front   I
            I      Hall  I
 My Room    I  I--------+
------------   I<-------------- Wall with Picture
  Guest     I  I________
  Room      I   ________I <--Bathroom
------------+  I

This may not be exact, but you get the idea. It was on the trip back that
things got weird. Having turned on the light while in the bathroom my eyes
were no longer adjusted to the dark. I was slowly making my way back across
the darkened hallway when, just outside my door, I brushed past someone. I
thought it was my friend, because it felt like her height. We had been
friends since she was a baby and I knew what she felt like. I had thought
she was asleep but figured she had awoken for the same reason I had. I
turned to whisper to her, but in the semi-darkness saw there was no one
there. Now, we have, as I have shown on the diagram, a picture on the hall
wall. It is a large painting, framed with a glass front and it reflects
perfectly, just like a mirror. I had watched many things on the TV when my
parents thought I was abed. And at night it reflected the clock numbers from
the VCRs. As I turned to what I had thought was Melissa, these reflected
lights wavered, like things do when you look at them through heat waves. The
hair on my neck came to attention, I made a strange choking-mewling sound
and lept into my room, slamming the door behind me. This awoke my friend,
who had been fast asleep and for the rest of the night we alway turned the
light on and kept both the bathroom door and my door open when someone was
doing their business.
This hallway seemed to be a focal centre for occurances. This one also
involves my friend Melissa, though she was a few years younger at the time.
When she slept over back then, we had to sleep in seperate rooms so we
"would get a good sleep" as our mothers said. Who ever heard of getting a
good sleep when someone slept over? Anyways, Missy would have to sleep in
the guest room which she has since told me she hated, cause it made her feel
odd. One night, she was lying there after my parents had gone to bed. The
door to the hall was open and she saw someone walk by the door and peer in.
Thinking it was me and that I wanted her to sneek into my room (not
difficult since they are next to each other) she got up. But when she opened
my door I was fast asleep. I came into the story when I suddenly felt a warm
body crawl into my bed and grab me in a very tight bear hug. I remember
turning on my light and seeing Missy's pale face huddled against my shoulder
- she was totally terrified. From then on we insisted that we sleep in the
same room when Melissa slept over and except for the one occurance we've
never had another bad night.
Things have settled down over the years and I no longer fear going to the
bathroom in the night. Though I still always have my light on when I do so.

The Watcher


this may not be an amazing story; it's a simple story, but it was very real and scary at the time.
I was about 12 or 13 years old and my mother was still alive (but she was dieing of cancer at this time).  So, of course, my mother was going through this "Lord is going to heal me if I believe" kinda thing. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in God, but she was what you call a "Holy Roller" at the time.  Being at a difficult age with peers, I was having a hard time dealing with her sickness and the huge change of what I could and couldn't do. She was now telling me that I couldn't listen to rock n' roll, have anything that was mystical or "new age"(for example, unicorns), or have any posters of anyone in rock n' roll music; because this was all considered evil.
(but please understand, I was not mad at her or will never will be, I understand now what she was going through, and I will always love her and I know she is better now that she is with our Lord and Savior, God bless her soul.)
The reason why I'm telling you this is because I think that this was part of the reason this occurance happened.  I was young, confused, and going through a difficult time in my life.
My mother and myself was at one of her friend's house, Cindy, who also had a daughter my age that was my bestfriend.  Anyways, there were also other chuchgoing women there as well.  I was the only child there at the time though.  We were all sitting around the table talking.  About nothing in paticular.  Then Cindy stopped in mid-sentence and said that she felt something weird, but thought that maybe it was her imagination, so we ignored it.  But about five minutes later, Cindy's mother felt something also, something very stong this time.  She said that she felt somekind of presence there. At first, I didn't believe it, but when we all held hands to pray, I then felt it.  I had my eyes closed to pray, and then there it was, in my mind.  An evil enity, which I do not believe it was ever human at any time.  I felt it all around me and through me.  This enity was laughing and talking to me, telling me that I was weak and that he will win this fight,(the fight over my soul I believe).  I was so scared at the time, and I was crying, telling it no, that he was not going to win.  Finally, I prayed unto the Lord and asked Jesus to protect me and all that was around me, I commanded the enity to leave me and the house, and to not ever return. I felt this emmense strength from within and from above when I did this, and then he was gone, and I knew he was gone for good. I never felt a such complete peace before or since that moment in time. I then looked up at everyone and told them that he was gone, and they all laughed with sheer happiness and relief.  My mother said that at that moment, there was a warm glow coming from within me, and that they all saw that glow and knew that he really was gone.
I didn't relize until then that Julie was standing behind me with her hands on my head praying over me. And I have never had an experience with him since, though I have had others..... but I won't go into that right now.
I don't know if this is what you would consider a ghost story, but it is of the paranormal.  This is something that I have never forgotten, but haven't spoken of it much.  I never felt that anyone would believe me, and some of you out there may still not believe; I even still have a hard time believing it myself sometimes.  But it's true and with my mother as a witness.

The House on Walnut Ave.


It all started five years ago when me and my family moved  into a 150
year old house. The house was located in one of oldest part of town,this
area was a swamp when the house was built.
The strange happenings started almost at once. My mother was the first
to experience the ghosts. She was laying on a couch in the living
room,when she was awaken by the sound of russtling cloths,she was alone
in the house at the time,so she thought this was very odd. When she got
up to investigate, my mother discoverd that some vines that were on top
of a cabinet were set down very neatly in front of the cabinet. She
tried tilting and shaking the cabinet to make the vines fall like she
found them, but her efforts were in vain.
The next thing happened about to weeks later and was probably the most
astounding. My mother and I were laying in her bed, which faced the
kitchen,there was no door so we got a pretty good view of the kitchen.
We were wide awake and talking when I heard a noise in the kitchen. When
I looked I saw the shape of a human head floating over the island that
was in the middle of the room. I was so afraid that I started to cry,
then my mom saw it too. We watched in horror as the head floated to the
living room.We both started screaming for my father and my little
brother, who were at the far end of the house .We did this for about
five minutes, with no answer. We finally got up enough courage to go get
them. When we got to were they were sleeping and asked them why they
would not answer, they said they could not hear us. It was like what
ever it was, was trying to split us up. When we told my father what had
happened, he thought that we had seen a burgler or something. We all
went into the kitchen together, while dad was checking the back door,
everyone of us heard the sound of a big heavy door being shut, there was
no such door in the house.                                   In each
room of the house ther were different feelings, like in the living room
there was the feeling of sadness or depression. In my room there was the
feeling of evil and feeling of being watched. My brothers room and mine
were once a part of a wrap around porch. The library was once the
bedroom of two elderly sisters.
There were many different ghosts in that house. There was an old woman
who was seen playing with the microwave,we actually heard the beeping
sounds. She was also seen in the library. There also was a child ,who
would call "mommy" , late at night. There was an evil ghost, it would
jerk our cloths and pulled us backwards,we felt this ones presence all
through the house. There was also a cat and a dog. We heard the cat
quite often, we would watch as scratches apeared on our arms and legs an
we could feel it,too. And then there was the black man. We all seen him
at different times and in different rooms. He was very tall and lanky
and he walked slumped over and swinging his arms. He was always seen
wearing pants, and some times he had on a shirt and some times he
did'nt. He was first seen on the porch opening the door ,than he was
seen in the kitchen, untill he made his way to the library where there
was a big window. He pulled back the curtain and started looking out. He
was never seen again.                                            We have
moved and have had no more experiences. We drove by the old house about
a week ago, It was like coming home to see old friends.As we were
driving away, we felt as if we were being watched.

Harold Hall


The building,called Harold Hall,since renamed,perhaps stands  four stories
and houses some eighty families.The basement area is the only place ive
encountered,face to face,the entity that followed me home and whom stands
gauntly by my bed at night and delivers mind blowing dreams,It stands at the
intersection of 92 st and fort hamilton parkway,in brooklyn,not far from
Shore Road,on the Narrows and abuts the old army base still there,Fort
Hamilton Army Base.I Know nothing of the history of this building except that
when i left,sure that anyone who entered the basement would meet it,it seemed
to have moved with me. I am straddling the fence of the twilight zone
surrounded by harassing,omnipresent,sinister,psychic,tenacious entities whose
presence fills me with wonder and indignation.Bless you for your patience;the
out of body attacks differ from my dreams in their vivid 3d total sensory
envelopement and the inherent visciousness in provoking angst, realistic in
every way as compared to consciousness.The perspective is waking to find i
am asleep wrapped in delusional thoughts and scenes, dreams  so aligned with
negative thoughts that the scenarios reveal that they are imposed,by virtue
of their worst scenario plots and their vividness.They,whomever these
discorporate negative thought entities are , are masters of delusions  and i
have  recognized the raw power of the vividness as more than my murky dream
scenarios could ever muster and am convinced  we are dead wrong about the
nature of dreaming,itself;At night ,your astral body travels to realms from
angelic to demonic,a spirit world of myriad vibrational levels and the
pictures you see on the backs of your eyelids,while you rem,are not dreams
but visits,souvenirs of a greater reality.Like a goldfish who never suspects
a greater world beyond the ponds surface,the limited awareness of humankind
floats beneath the surface of a greater reality;groping,mouth agape in total
ignorance. Now,thats waxing my verbal virtuosity ,dramatically.
                                 sadly,ive only met sharks,not the
porpoises,in the ocean currents of unconsciousness,between 2 and 6 am and
grounding is essential,but,how?     As we struggle into consciousness,each
morning,a self-erasing mechanism destroys memories of dreams;only vague and
vivid snippits remain as clues,But how many people can recall dreams that
were not dreams at all?I have recall for hours and days,afterwards of these
impositions ,unlike the general amnesia accompanying most of my dreams,all of
my life.I assure you that i have shockedly unlearned all jungian and freudian
concepts of dreams;its only our own languages impotence;calling these
dreams;the eskimos have myriad words for snow;we have only one for dreams
that often are not dreams  which we,ourselves,generate.My experiences,in the
extreme,illustrate this undigestible possibility,to me. paul; god bless you
for the chance to ventilate and exchange ideas in this horrid realm;horrid
,because that attacks continue and vary in intensity to the point where i
have tacitly accepted all ive told you at the risk of denying eveything about
the mind and dreams ive ever learned
                                            description of haunting
at night a large black shapeless mass turns out the lights while you are in
the labyrinth of mazes hallways enroute to storage rooms,in the back,and
stands in your way laughing,evilly,there is a terror and a strong wave of
hatred felt.Trying to retrace your way in the darkness,back towards the
elevator,hugging the walls, brings air blown onto the back of your neck,your
name whispered in your ear and your clothing clutched and plucked at by
unseen hands.The presence is large and blacker than the darkness surrounding
it;you feel a sense of being watched and sense waves of intense hatred which
is undeniable.Flashlights fail and dim and blink out when one tries to
outsmart its turning the lights out.The six floor apartment building ajuts
the fort hamilton army base,a quarter mile away and is at the virtual foot of
the brooklyn side of the verrazzano bridge.I have been the supt of that
building between 1990 and 1999 and have encountered that entity through my
denial to acceptance to raw fear of it.It has intruded into my
dreams;followed me into the elevator and into my bedroom to evoke horrid
worst scenario nightmares which betray that it knows our minds better that we
do;I avoided the basement,neglected my duties there and was subsequently
fired by the management office .This building stands at the intersection of
92 street and fort hamilton pkwy,in brooklyn new york.The psychic attacks
continue,nonetheless;i am drowsing over the bathroom sink;half asleep and
yawning,supporting myself with my arms an both sides of the  sink,tired,
still half asleep naked, when something brushes my face and loins,both just
below the sink and just above my face, above the sink.I open my bleary eyes
and see an enormous conglomeration of festooned fishhooks surrounding
me,hanging from the ceiling across the sink;a  filigree chandelier of razor
sharp connected fishhooks that ive stumbled onto,stark naked , now,with
pinching sharp connections at my groin and lip and face that apprise
me,quickly panicking now,that ive been deeply hooked in myriad places; intomy
genitals, pulling through my lip and my cheek and that to move backwards,in
shock or panic flight is to deeply gaff myself further,inextricably and
beyond help.I am attached painfully and as i lift my right arm to gently work
out the fishhook,razor thin,dozens of others fasten against and bite into my
flesh scaring me further into desperation and deeping my angst as i
awaken,quickly now,to a gathering sense of panic and helplessness and the
hook in my cheek tears deeply into my mouth and the fishhhooks,unseen,beneath
the sink begin to bite deeper and more painfully into me,I am a marionette
impaled  from face to scrotum andhave wandered unknowing into this macrome of
 razorblade like fishhooks some madman must have concocted over my sink in my
bathroom,The slightest movement brings sharp  painful reminders that i an
stuck fast and in  a nightmarish predictament i cannot solve as i am
screaming,muted for help from my wife asleep in the other room<Opening my
mouth  to hollar i feel the deeper bite of the hook into the deep muscles of
my face and i can only growl and moan loudly,aware i wont likely be able to
reach her ears with my low moaning and an becoming more entrapped with every
movement.Like a monsterous wind chime of dangling fishhooks,i am trapped and
my fear level climbs to near hysteria as i awaken,suddenly,in bed.Again i am
aware of the imposed horror for etherial feasting but dazzled at the raw
power of the  attack; the totality of sensory  construction and the
visciousness inherent in the scenario.I am beset with demons;negative thought
entities who are malovelent and who know our minds much better than we do in
projecting telepathic sustained attack How can you fight something you cant
see? This was the first of several creative virtual reality psychic attacks
delivered,on this night and represent a continued program of spiritual and
out of body attacks at the hands of unseen entities who are clearly
brilliantly malovolent and tenacious . submitted paul schroeder for your
comment and assistance                 Some time ago a friend of my wife's
and a group of friends made a trip to historical sites in the Middle East.
During the tour she had a chance to visit a cave on one of the hills around
the holy city of Makkah. Inside, she was attracted by -she swears it was
nothing but- a bright light perched on the cave's wall, and took a picture of
it. When she returned home the rolls of film she used during the trip were
developed. And she was surprised to see a picture (attached) of a creature
she never saw before in her life. She took the picture and showed it to her
spiritual teacher. The ustadzah explained that it was satan in one of its
forms, as was described by her teacher decades ago while she was still in

Oatman AZ.


The wife and I spent the night at the old Oatman hotel in Oatman Arizona.Although we did'nt hear of any hauntings by Clark Gable or a chambermaid,we did hear of a ghost who resides within the hotel.The owner,manager and employees refer to him as Oatie,a drunken Irish miner who died behind the hotel in 1930,his body was not found for several days.His remains were dumped in a shallow grave (actually a depression in the ground)as the story goes and never properly buried.He lived in room #24 of the old hotel.We chose this room for the night not because it was his room but because the old creaky sign out front was so noisy in the heavy wind.We never actually saw Oatie,than again both of us were pretty skeptical,the old hotel is drafty and the wind whistles through holes in the metal roofing and old windows so the night was very noisy and we had trouble sleeping.But throughout the night,(niether of us slept but a few fitfull winks)there would be times when it seemed all sound hushed in an instant.The sign swinging noisily in front of the hotel would silence in mid-swing,no wind noise,no nothing.Like someone dropped a thick blanket over the room.And in that silence you could hear footsteps out in the hall,they did'nt creak on the old floors as ours did no matter how careful we were(we tried).The footsteps would stop at the other hotel room doors(never ours)and we could hear the lock cylinders on the doors turn as if someone unlocked it,than relocked it.Never heard the doors open though,this repeated all the way down the hall OVER and OVER and OVER all night long.There was also the sound of someone tumbling what sounded like those little wooden blocks kids play with down the hall.Now I know you are probably saying"it may have been another guest or an employee,but this is impossible as we were the only guests in the hotel(it was the 25th of Dec.)and the only employee in the building was the manager who resides in an apartment at the top of the stairs and we could hear her in her room during the "block tossing " incidents.thought you might like to give Oatie the credit for his haunting instead of Gable.

No Surprizes


I don't like surprises! When I came hme from school one day my mom told me
there was going to be a surprise coming for me the following weekend! So of
course i was excited. come to find out my sister was coming in from LA,
California! I was so excited that i screamed in front of the whole airport!
Well anyways she was only coming for the weekend so we had little time to do
anything. Saturday we had lots of fun shopping, and doing the usual girly
stuff. But come Sunday, we had the biggest surprise to come. She had just
awokin me up to tell me to get dressed for the 2 hour drive to the air-port.
So i got dressed, and had breakfast while she took a shower. When she had
gotten out, and started drying off i heard a blood-curdiling SCREAM!! And of
couurse i ran to see what happened. She said that she was facing the other
way of the shower and she saw the shampoo in the mirror (in the shower) and
went back to getting dressed. But when she turned around the shampoo bottles
were on the counter. ( may i tell you that my mother had a sister that died
when my sister was about 12, 13 and when i was 2,3 we had our dad die the
following month or so later. We were very close to both of them especially
My Father.)
So she was thinking that it was some considence. Because a few years back
she was at work and the boss called her into his office and when she got
back the paper in the computer printer was full of X's, just then she had to
go to the wash room and when she got back she saw that the printer was now
full O's. By this she got really freaked out but she just thought of it as a
different way for the paranormal to say their feelings to their loved ones :)

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