The Brief Encounter


My First encounter with a ghost was about 15 years ago.  I was sitting in my basement working at my drafting desk, drawing, when the room got cold. The hairs on the back of my neck and on my arms stood up.  The spirit looked like a Woman, she had long flowing robes and her hair was blowing in some unseen wind as she glided. She came out of the Laundry room, went around the Freezer and went up the stairs into the kitchen, as if she owned the place.  I was more shocked than scared, though I remember thinking to my self "I'm not going up to the kitchen."  I never saw her again. For a while I was trying to convince my self that what I saw couldn't possibly be real, that was till I had another encounter with a different set of ghosts

Worcester State Hospital and other haunted sites


Thank you for responding so quickly.My boyfriend was so excited to hear
from you!This is the story as he told it to me.
The state hospital is heavily watched by police.At night me and my
cousins snuck in though a hole in the back fence.Armed with a
backpack,flashlights and a small blanket, we entered through the back
door This was before they boarded up the door.At first we didn't hear
anything as we were looking around.A half hour went by and the building
sounded as if it was moving.The building was so old we thought nothing
of it.Then we heard voices,at first thinking it was the others in our
group playing we went looking for them,and found them on the
second floor.They said they wanted to leave cuz they were creeped out.Us
two wanted to stay and look around more.So the others went out to wait
at the car.As we went down the hall stairs,a large black shadow moved
across the bottom of them.We got scared and went back the other way.As
we passed a room we heard a female scream so loud it chilled your
bones.We started to run down the hall and we saw two red dots that
looked like eyes.We shined the light on them and they disappeared.So we
were forced to go back down the stairs.As we were running down the
stairs we heard more movement.Furniture being moved,screams,we were so
scared we just got out of there.
Lennox St. Worcester My uncle rented a two family house that was owned
years ago by a doctor who killed himself and his children.On the third
floor attic in the right bedroom you could see him late at night.When it
was my room,I put a rope on the light switch so at night I could turn
the light on and off from in my bed.You would hear noises in that room
only.Things would disappear and reppear when you least expected it.In
the left bedroom closet you would see two red eyes at night.Doors would
all of the sudden open and close on thier own.You would hear people
walking up and down the steps when you were the only one there.The attic
was always the coldest room in the house.Even with the heater on high
all the time.The dogs didn't like being up in the attic,even with people
there they were scared. You could people talking and there would be no
one there.You couldn't understand what they were saying but you could
hear the talking.In the basement thing were always getting broken.There
was a green mist in the back left corner and and over powering mold-like
oder.The second set of stairs were blocked off for a time because the
railing kept getting pulled out of the wall and everyone was being
"pushed" down the stairs.Any pictures taken in the house never devolped
I have to go now but I know Ben has other stories.I'll get them from him
and send them to you or have him send more himself.

The Locked Door


we were all outside and we found a babies grave in our yard. my dad strted messing around with it. a couple hours later my dad saw a shadow run across our yard. then he started shaking like he was having a seisure. he couldnt talk or anything. we went inside and when we got in their, he was fine. we decided to go to my aunts house to spend the night and when we went to leave, the door wouldnt open and the shadow appeared. it wouldlnt let us out of the house!!! we finally got out. then we moved a couple months later.strange stuff kept happening.

Visit With A Friend


This experience began two weeks after my high school graduation. One of my dearest friends was very brutally raped and murdered in her home. Her sister found her the next morning dead on the couch in her living room. Her parents were on their first vacation in nearly 17 years. I was needless to say devastated by the incident. The service was a closed casket, due to the disfigurement of her face and body.
I had much difficulty in sleeping after this incident for quite some time. I would be in my bedroom at night and I could feel her presence with me, placing her hand on my shoulder as to offer comfort to me. I never saw her at this point, just could feel her there.
Then one weekend my family and I traveled to my Grandmother's home. There were several relatives there visiting. Everyone was given bed assignments and when they got to me, I ended up with the living room couch. As had been the case many nights before I was restless. It took me some time to go to sleep. Around 1:45 A.M. I awoke to see my friend standing there. I thought at first I was dreaming, but it was in color and every detail so vivid. Not to mention the chill in the air. She seemed to be at a distance away. Her basic glow was white from head to toe. Her beautiful long brown hair flowing in the breeze. Her arms were out stretched to me. Her skin looked like that of a porcelain doll. She walked closer and closer to me. The details became more distinguishable. She wore a white dress with lace and ruffles at the top and barefooted. The closer she got to me, things began to change. I could see her face was extremely swollen, black and blue, blood all over her face and hands and dress. The dress was torn in many places. She was crying. She told me I know who did this to me, and they will pay,don't worry they will pay. Then she said and you my dear friend don't worry about me, I am fine now. With that she put her hand on my shoulder to comfort me as she had before. At that point she disappeared in to thin air, I felt almost breathless, but yet comforted by her visit.
Some years after this visit, I had married and oddly enough her brother ended up working with my then husband. He knew of the situation with my friend and how it bothered me. One night he came home and told me that the subject of her death had come up and they had discussed the instance. Note though prior to this I had never told him about my visit nor did I know any details of the murder. I felt compelled to know what really happened. He began, the two men were working in a home next door, they had noticed the two young girls at the next house and that they seemed to be home alone. They decided to come back later. They knocked on the door explaining that they had been working next door and wanted some water. Upon their entry they began the raping of her, severely beating her face beyond the point of recognition. She lost a lot of blood and passed out. They thought her to be dead and proceed to go the bathroom and were showering together. She came to and at that moment she pulled herself up from the floor, grabbed and put on a white dress with lace and ruffles at the top. She staggered to the bathroom where she exclaimed that 'I know who you are, and you will pay, believe me you will pay." After that they continued to beat and rape her tearing the dress, and left her for dead on the couch. Much blood covered her face, hands and dress. When he completed telling me the details I felt simply chilled to the bone. Thank you for letting me share this with all of you.

Our Little Ghost


My name is Linda and I live in a house that I have
rented for 3 years now. The house is in a small town
that dates back a few hundred years in southern New
Jersey. It was quiet when we first moved in for about
2 weeks. My husband and I had not gotten our bed set
up so we were still sleeping on the wrap around sofa
in our living room. My first encounter happened when I
awoke at about 6 in the morning to see a little girl
with a startling resemblence to my daughters standing
in the entryway to the living room in an old long
white nightgown holding what appeared to be a teddy
bear just looking at me. She appeared to be about 3 to
4 years old with long dark hair. She only stood there
for a few moments then disapated from the outside in.
I was a little startled but not afraid. I would of
just thought it was my daughter excepting the fact
that she was away at the time.
I told my husband about this encounter and found out
that he had seen her as well. I just figured she was
checking out the strangers that moved into her home
but who she is,is still a mystery.
However it would not be my first encounter with her in
my home. She seems particularly fond of the back
bedroom in which my boys share and we cannot seem to
have any remote controll cars in the house without her
playing with them in odd hours of the night. Everyone
has seen her and she has become more or less an extra
addition to our family. Because she seems to outdate
the age of my house I think she either came with an
antique I may have bought or lived in a house that was
on the property before this one.
I only wish that the other presence in the house was
as docile as she is. My first encounter with what I
choose to call an entity more than a ghost was not a
pleasant one. It happened about a month after we moved
into the house. I went to bed around midnight and was
watching tv when I heard what sounded like my husbands
voice call out my name in what sounded like a panic so
I turned around towards my bedroom door and saw a
shadow move across the wall past the lightswitch and
disappear into the molding. I sat there in bed afraid
to so much as move something told me it was not a good
thing that I just encountered. I finally went out into
the living room and told my husband what had happened
and he insisted it was nothing.
Unfortunately this would not be my last encounter with
"it". After the first encounter it started to make
itself known to me by bumps and bangs and bad smells
and chills. It seems to be more active late at night
and in the early hours of the morning. If it has
bothered my husband he has kept quiet but it seems
more drawn to me. Lately it has gotten into the habit
of waking me in the middle of the night with loud
bangs and thumps. I am not sure what to do about "it".
Or even what "it" is. I just know we have renewed our
lease and are here for another year.
I will do my best on keeping you updated with any new
happenings that may occur.

My Uncles Experience


I have had a lot of ghost experiences of my own..enough to fill pages on this website! I will write back with my own experiences ( only a few of the best ones) at a later date. I am going to start with my uncle's experience today. My grandparents, my dad and my uncle, all lived in Jamaica. They lived in Kingston, up in the hills. When this experience happened, there was no electricity up in the hills yet. That meant no streetlights, no house lights except for lanterns. If people walked at night, they carried lanterns too. One night my uncle was out late with friends. It was dark when he drove home. To get to their house, you had to pass over a bridge. My uncle was at the end of the bridge when he saw a person walking in front of his car. My uncle wasn't going to hit the person, as he was turning away from the person. He just kept driving slowly. He didn't see the person go on either side of the car. Usually if someone was there, they would pass by the drivers or passengers side. He saw no one. When he looked in his rearview mirror he saw the lantern of the paeson directly behind his car, walking away down the bridge he just crossed.The person couln't have walked that fast, and without my uncle see them pass the car. My uncle drove home so fast. He said he had never been o scared in his life. For the longest time, he made sure he got home before it got dark outside. That's my uncle's I said it's true. My uncle isn't the kind of man to talk about this stuff, so when he told me it scared me too because in a way it still sort of gave him the creeps. Thanks for reading this story!

My Experiences Continued


Hello again. It has been some time since I last wrote to you and I have discovered (or rather remembered) a few other experiences from my family and myself. The last time I emailed you it was under the address, just for your own reference.
The first thing that I remember is when I was a teenager, prehaps about 13 years old, my dad and I were demolishing a house for someone near where my grandparents live. It was around dusk dark one evening and we were packing up to go home for the day when I remembered that I had left a sledge hammer in the room that I had been working on. I went back to retrieve the hammer, and had my back to the only doorway into the room when I "felt" someone standing behind me. THinking it was my dad, I turned around to tell him that he hadn't scared me, but it wasn't my dad. What I saw was the figure of an older woman, dressed in a Civil War like dress, but she wasn't solid, I could see through her. I stood there for a minute, trying to figure out what I was looking at, but she disappeared before I could ask her who she was. When I told my dad about it, he thought I was crazy. I never saw here again while we were tearing the house down, but I could "feel her" whenever I got near that spot in the house.
While talking to my sister the other day, she told me about a time that she was spending the night with our aunt and uncle when she saw a black cat walk down the hall then walk right through a wall. Our aunt and uncle did not have a cat. She also said that she has seen the "person" walk by the living room window like I did too.
My wife and I recently moved into a bigger house, not because of the hauntings in our old trailer, but becausewe needed more room. The other night, I got in late from work, and my children and wife were already asleep. I was taking a bath when my wife woke up and came into the bathroom. She said she smelled smoke, like from a cigarette. Neither of us smoke. SO far, that is the only weird happening in this house, but I am watching for something to happen soon. I have come to believe that I am sensitive to these sorts of things, or that I attract them.







Hi Dave and Tina, I'm not really sure how to send a few stories in so I'll try sending them in this way. Here it goes (these are just minor experiences) I've always believed in the supernatural. When I was about threes years old my mom told me that she  woke up to me crying and saying that I saw a little black "thing" run around at the edge of my bed. My dad was downstairs at the time and thought that I just saw our dog walk past my bed but he was a pretty light colored dog so I'm not sure if that was really him or not. Another experience happened after my grandma had passed away. Maybe a few weeks before she passed away my family and I had gone to visit her. I don't know if you have ever seen those dolls that you put fake food in there mouths and they eat it. Well anyway I had brought that over and just as we were about to leave i couldn't find the spoon. We looked all over the place for it and could not find it. Well a day after she died my mom was cleaning and found it under the cushion of the couch. Three more experiences so bare with me. About maybe three years ago( this was in another house) I was taking a shower and if you see the way the bathroom is setup its like this threes a door that leads out into the hallway and when you come in that door right in front of you is a toilet and a sink then when you make a left there is a tub then threes another toilet and a sink. Well while I was taking a shower the way i was facing was into the bathroom not facing the hallway( I know your probably a little confused right now its just hard to explain) all of a sudden I see "something" look into the tub I got a little jumpy but then I thought it was my mom just by the height. So I said "mom?" no one responded i got a little scared ( then I thought it was my sister just trying to scare me). So I said something like "Danielle" stop trying to scare me then "it" backed up. When I got out i asked both my sister and my mom if one of them had been upstairs in the bathroom . They both said that they hadn't been up there since I had gotten into the tub. I thought they were joking but by the look on their faces I knew they weren't. The next experience happened to my sister. On night (a few months before our thirteen year old dog passed away) she got up and just happened to look out the window and in the trees she a white glowing "thing" that she described to look like a girl sitting on the tree branches. The last one happened to my mom. About a year or so after our dog passed away my mom stayed up after we left for school. She was looking out side just as the sun was coming over the horizon and saw what looked like our dog only looking like a puppy as he of course once did running . She thought she saw another dog but when she looked around she didn't see anything else. None of these sprits were evil but they did creep my sister and I out. Thanks for your time. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me @ RSHARRIS@SUFFOLK.LIB.NY.US BYE FOR NOW.

Bright Pop


I was lying in my bed one night, towards the end of summer, and all was quiet. My bed is lying parelell to my windows which overlooks trees and fields going for about 6 miles. I'm in bed and all of a sudden i hear an energy pop coming from a space about two feet from my ceiling and seven feet from my floor. Not even half a second after the noise a bright flash of white white blue light comes from the space and then stops. This happened three more times that night and every night for the following week. Then it stopped.
there is nothing that i could tell that would have caused this. THe only electrical thing on was my clock, which was at my bedside. My vent wasn't on and their isn't a road by my house.
THe feeling i got was one of blessing. I was frightened by i know it came for a reason.

Ghosts in Real Life


I was 6 years old the first time I can remember I was special. My mom and dad ,brother and I lived in a old army hideout which had been turned in to a house it was over 100 years old . In my and my brothers room there was a tunnle that lead down to the river, plus a door that lead in to a big open room which no one ever whent in there not even the people who we rented the house from. The room was locked at all the times because it frecked ever body out . One night as I was sleeping in my bed the door came open and then shut. It woke me up when it opend ,I didnt see anyone so I thought my mom or dad went back there for something and since I had never been back there I took the opportunity to get a glimps of what was in there. I walked in and it was kinda dark but I remember being able to see everthing I walked over where I heard talking but seen no one I came upon a tabel and there was five men sitting around the table playing cards they never talked to me but they were there. I could here no talking but they were clearly talking . They started to scare me so I started walking back to the door so I could ask dad who his friends where and why they were in the back room. As I started walking I looked back one more time and every one of them were looking at me but they were all mangled, burnt and bloody. It scared the hell out of me I never went back to that room or my room at all. But that wasent the last I ever saw of them or others ,I have had many other experiences.

Major Experience


I have been going out with my girlfriend for a while and i know shes a little
crazy but one day she tell me casually that her house was haunted. i figured
she was joking. later she told me that this teen boy killed himself in the
house and the mother couldn't bear living in that house any longer. which is all
she knew. when she had got the house there was blood att over the bathroom
doorway(which they cleaned off).
i'd come over everyother weekend to stay with her  but i'd always feel weird
in her room like i couldn't breath, like the air was stale or somthing. one
night we were in her room and i noticed a little string on her ceiling (from
where is where she had barbie hangings) was going absolutly nuts! the liittle
metal hook it was hung by was moving too. at the moment i didn't pay it any mind.
i sat on her bad while she sat on her computer chair and turn turned to me
and freaked saying "oh god" and the sort i said what a turned around only to see
my vest fall onto her bed.  my heart was racing at this moment so i stood and
she said don't pay it any attention. but i was freaking out. i eventually
calmed down and nothing else happened well until later.
i was falling asleep on her bed and it was almost time for me to go so i got
up to put my sweater on and my sneaker and i blinked my eyes and the entire
room looked different. the walls were white when they were pink as of prior. her
funiture wasnt there but i couln't mak out what was there and it whuold go
away for a few minutes. my girlfriend freaked out too because she saw my eyes go
glassy for a second and i just sat in awe . i really though i got up and
looked around for until it stoped. when i told her what i had seen she told he
about this picture of herself that she used to have in her room. it was a great
but creepy picture her brother painted. she said she took it from her room
because one night she wwoke up and from he laying space she could she her picture
looking back at her (which is how it normally was) but then it started to
bleed. it started with her forehead and then down her ears and off the picture and
onto the wall. which is where she ren  down the tree steps to get to her
mother and tell her. when her mother came into her room the picture was horribly
uneven but there was no blood. her mother took it into her room.
if you have any ideas when i should do or wha she should. email me.
on yeah and by the way my girl friend found a little crawlspace behind those
three of four stairs and fould pictures of the boy and she got freaked out and

My Dog


I have had several dogs in my life i had a female got it mated and she had a
litter of 10(two casualties) the mother(named:methya) lived quite the long
time.  i kept one puppy(named:shyler). methya was an awefully fat dog, which led
to her death having a stroke and living but having it effect her  and we had
to put her down. unfortunatly she had the stroke in the secondfloor of the
home, making it inpossible for her to go down the stairs and into the car to the
vet. we had to get a house call and put her down in the kitchen.(here is the
creepy part) one night i was staying up till like3am i had no school the
following mourning. i heard ceiling  creek like someone was upstairs. i thought at
the time that it was shyler and that i forgot to put up the kiddy gate to keep
the dog out since the upstairs had no doos cutting it off. so i whenupstair to
make sure she didn't pee on the rug again.  when i gt to the top of the stairs
i relized the gate was up but i still heard a very heavy breathing. when i
heard it the hairs on my neck stood up. i relized it sounded like methya's heavy
brething (since she was incredably fat). it was coming from the kitchen. when
i turned on the lights i saw the dog for a split second, as it it was a
shadow too. being the chicken i am i ran downstairs and still all through the night
i heard more shifts from upstairs. (btw shyler getted me when i came running
from downstairs which scared me more at the moment) it doesn't really scary me
anymore(i still hear it) i just figure methya likes it too much here to leave
(if you got questions just email me with the subject (ghosts)

My Friend or...Foe???


I am turning 16 in april of 2004.  I live in a small apartment in California.  This was about two years ago.  It was some time around night, probably around 6 or 7:00.  no one was home (my mom comes home around 7 or 7:30) and i was in the livingroom watching Television on the couch.  I thought I heard wistleing from my roon down the hall.  I was alos alone because my sister, who now lives with us, was in Boot camp for the Marines.  I imediately put the volume on mute.  I heard it agian, it was whistling.  all windows were closed and locked.  I had suddenly felt horrible chills allover my body, strong chills.  I swore that I felt someone playing with my hair( my hair reaches the middle of my back).  I can sometimes sence when someone is watching me, coming, behind or, around me.  I senced someone was behind me, someone tall, and I hated the feeling at the momment.  I was too scared to turn around, but just when I decided to turn Iwas suddenly being dragged down buy my hair.  I freaked out and ran to my room.  I put my ear to the door and I not only heard but felt heavy foot steps comming down the hall, but it sounded like two people.  They stopped and I heard a loud bang.  I quikly opened the door and ran out.  No one was there of course. I have to admit I was a little disapointed to not find any one.  I slowly walked into the hall and a couple of ideas were running thouhg my head as well as some freakishly calming chills all over my body again.  I began to feel light stroking on my hair agian.  I started to hear a young mans voice behind me. He spoke another language, but none that I recognized.&n p; None of this world perhaps.  It all went away in a matter of seconds.  I heard my Mom coming up the stairs to our small apartment. I raced to open the door.   I did not tell her about it because she would not have believed me.  I swear I am not insane.  That night I went to bed and fell into a dream.  It was dark and all I heard was The young mans voice.  I understood what he had said in my dream but I do not remember what he said.  It's like as if I understood the strange language, but I don't Know now.  I have not told any one this until now.  I'll keep you posted on any thing else.  My mother sometimes tells me of times that she lived with ghosts.  I find That we have come from a line of ghost encounters.

Noises in the Night and a Movie Loving Ghost!


I have had many paranormal experiences in my lifetime,
here are the ones that stand out the most!  My first
experience with the supernatural might have an
explanation but I have yet to find one.  When I was 7
and living in Cameron Park CA, my parents left me home
alone for the first time.  Being a kid, I was ecstatic
and as soon as the door closed behind them, I was
jumping on beds and eating junk food from the pantry.
Out of nowhere, I got really scared and hid in the
table fort my friend and I had made the night before.
I was curled up under the table, frightened and
wishing my parents would return when I started hearing
a familiar tune.  My 2nd grade teacher at the time,
was huge with classical music and threw it into the
curriculum whenever she could and my dad was a fan
too.  So when the music started, I recognized it as
the overture from 'Swan Lake'.  There were no windows
or doors open and no radios on in the house so I
couldn't tell where it was coming from.  It sounded
far away but at the same time, very audible and kept
repeating.  I instantly felt comforted and soon fell
asleep until my parents came home.
After 7th grade, my family moved to Fair Oaks, CA and
I could tell that the house had a funny feel to it.
My suspicions were confirmed when I would be home
alone and got incredibly uncomfortable.  My parents
room and the laundry room always seemed foreboding
when the house was all quiet and if it was dark, I
would only feel semi-normal if most of the house
lights were on.  Over the years, it got so bad that
when I knew I was gonna be home alone, I would arrange
to hang out with friends during that time.  I've only
had one cluster of hauntings at my parents house and
it happened when I was 17.  One morning before school,
I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing.  This was
odd, considering it was 4am and when I got to the
phone, there was just silence on the other end.
Thinking it a prank, I went back to bed but the phone
rang again and I ignored it.  I drifted off to sleep
again but woke up to a weird sound.  It sounded like
someone was messing with a plastic bag outside.  As I
lay there in bed, the sound got closer and was right
outside my bedroom window.  I was too scared to move
and almost screamed when my alarm clock went off.  The
noise stopped and I jumped out of bed and woke my
brother up, asking if he heard anything.  He hadn't
and when I told him my story, he thought I was nuts,
but was concerned because I was genuinely freaked out.
 That night I stayed at my boyfriend's house and the
following might I was back in my bedroom.  It
mysterious noise happened again, but was more
terrifying.  To be cautious, I kept a flashlight by my
bed and sure enough, I had cause to use it.  I was
awakened at 3am this time with the crinkling sound
repeating its pattern.  It seemed to move faster
though and before I knew what was really happening,
the sound jumped from outside to my parents room (next
to mind) and then it was in the hall outside my door
and then was moving around in my room!  My door was
closed, as was the window and my room was clean, so
there was no explanation for it.  I grabbed the
flashlight and shone it around the room.  The noise
stopped when the flashlight came on but I wasn't about
to stick around and wait for it to come back.  I
jumped out of bed and headed for my door.  As soon as
my feet touched the ground, the flashlight started
going berserk, like someone was flipping the switch on
it really rapidly (it wasn't a malfunction, new
flashlight, new batteries).  I broke into run and
burst into the hallway.  My dad was up, watching an
old Fred Astaire movie and looked surprised as I came
tearing down the hallway like a bat outta hell.  I
told him what happened but of course, he didn't
believe me, but knew that something had spooked me as
he commented that I ran out of my room like the devil
was at my heels.  I was firm with my story and
insisted on sleeping in the living room by the TV and
told my dad not to move from the couch until daybreak.
 From then on, I slept with my door open and didn't
have any problems.
A few months later, I got a job at a video store that
turned out to be haunted.  My co-workers have heard
their names called when the store was empty, had their
shoulders tapped by unseen hands, and had movies
knocked off the shelves with no one nearby.  After
hours, I would always people out of the corner of my
eye as I was straightening the wall and get uneasy
feelings in different parts of the store.  Once when I
was in the bathroom there, I was washing my hands and
looked in the mirror and saw a dark shadow cross
behind me.  I could tell it had substance becauwe it
was in between me and back wall.  A half an hour later
I went on my lunch break and heard a knock on the
office door and when I opened it there was no one
there.  Other little things like that kept happening
mainly to me.  Almost like the ghost liked to mess
with me the most.  A few months after the bathroom
experience, I quit my job at the video store but went
back a few months later for seasonal employment.  On
Christmas Eve 2003, I was going about my closing
duties and was going to put the vacuum away.  I got a
few feet away from the supply closet and heard the
door knob start to rattle (it has a very distinct
sound) but didn't move.  It lasted for almost a minute
but by this time I was used to resident ghost.  I felt
like it was his way of welcoming me back to work.  I
know the movie-loving ghost is friendly, but
mischievous.  It is fun to scare the new employees
with the stories of the ghostly experiences of the
store!  Thanks for reading!

My Ghostly Stories


Hey, ever since 1999, my family and I have experienced so many strange things. It all started when my grandmother was murdered. We were still living in their (grandparents) house of about 8 years. We started to feel a presence all the time, being watched. While we would all be sitting around/talking in the living room, the {tv} remote would out of nowhere fly off the table. When my cousin was in the L.r., she saw imprints of someone sitting next to her in the couch. The tv or stereo would turn off by itself. My 19 year old brother never believed us until when he was sitting in the living room (we have this touch lamp, that every time a human hand touches it, it gets brighter 3x's, then turns off) and it was on, then it turned off. So he turned it back on, then it turned back off. There's three windows in the living room, my cousin was sittin on the couch facing the tv (we were watching it) when all of a sudden she said that she kept seeing white faces, some red. She said that they looked evil. At that time I didn believe it because by time I looked out the window I couldn't see them. But now later on I did cause her face was pale for like an hour or two. One night (my cuz & I always stay up really late) she fell asleep, so I thought Id clean up & then go to sleep too. While I was cleaning, I went to take something to the kitchen, when I heard pots and pans moving around as if someone were tryin' to look for something, it was pretty loud. At first I thought it was my uncle who lived in the basement, but when I went to look, no one was there & he was already dead-asleep. The cabinets were open, so u bet I dropped everything and ran to my cousin asleep(who is hard to wake up) & I was crying. Another time was when My cousin & I were having a party for her b-day, in my grandpa's room (he just passed like a few months before, don't know what we were thinkin') while we were staying up late as usual, everyone else were asleep. We were  watching tv when we started noticing white lines (like when you press on ur skin) all over our legs, like someone was drawing on them, then we saw her initials in her legs. They were facing the other way, to where she couldn't of done it herself, like there was someone in front of her. Then we saw other initials of other people we know also. We could see the letters appearing as if it was being written at that very moment. Anyways later that morning when everyone was up getting ready hether (cuz) was headed towards the bathroom when I say at the end of the very short hall, someone walk towards the front door, like this black figure (looked like my brother who was sleeping on the couch, u could see the couch from where i was). So I thought nothing of it til' I saw my brother still dead-asleep on the couch, thats when hether walked out of the bathroom and the black figure started walking back towards where it came from, the kitchen. At the time while it was walking by it got really cold. U have to know more about this house to understand half the stuff that happened. There's so many more stuff that happened, even after we moved out of that house. Ever since then I have been afraid of the dark,

Lifelong Sightings


Like Dave Juliano, I too have felt like I have been visited by strange
things.  I moved around allot, so after a while I got used to living in a
new house.  Some of these homes scared me to death.  When I was 12 My sister
and I were unpacking our clothes in the middle of our bedroom.  All we had
in our bedroom were a pile of clothes, and a radio.  in the middle of the
room.  As we began rummaging through our clothes, the radio turned on, it
startled me,it played that one some, get your motors running, head out on
the highway! Anyways, I turned it off and looked at my sister.  She looked
scared, I said "What?" she says "It's unplugged, and we don't have
batteries" Now, to tell you the truth, It sounds like I didn't look around
enough to see if it really was plugged, but I did.  Not only did I pick it
up, but when I did, the cord fell aimlessly to the ground.  The plug was
sort of like a UB cable, it needed to be plugged in the radio, and the wall
socket in order for it to work. It wasn't plugged in to either.  I was 15 or
16, and I had a friend spend the night (in one of our other moves. She and I
hung out for a while, and fell asleep in my bed.  Something woke us up, at
the same exact moment.  It wasn't a noise, I don't know what it was, but we
both looked at my doorway ( I didn't have a door just a lace curtain) and
there was something standing there.  It was tall, dark, black, with a beard.
I could make out the figure, but it took up my doorway.  I stared, she
stared, then we blinked and it was gone.  I kept telling myself that I had
just woken up and I was seeing things, but after reading Dave Juliano's
sighting, I know now that I wasn't.  I too used to see "imps" not the way
you did, a lot less frequently.  One time I saw a little girl sitting on one
of our lamps I walked right passed her, then noticed I saw her and turned
around and she was gone.  This all happened in the same house.  There was a
long hallway, with 3 bedroom doors one closet door, and one bathroom door.
Every time I walked down that hallway I felt like someone breathing down my
neck behind me, I got Horrifying chills, I was frightened to go to the
bathroom.  At night I would get up to get some water, and I would look down
the hall briefly maybe for a split second, and I would see a woman, a figure
of a woman, all dark black, I couldn't make out her figure, long black hair,
go in from one bedroom door to another. Chills ran up my spine. this
happened frequently.  Not too much has happened since then, besides when I
went to Colorado.  I was pregnant, and sleeping in this huge house that was
sitting on 365 acres of land.  My husband and I were the only one's at his
parents house, they left out of town.  I hear a knocking at 2am, at our
front door. I ignore it, it got louder, I woke up my husband, he took our
dog (who had been sleeping in her kennel) to the front door. He opened the
door and nothing.  Nothing was there, and the weird thing was the knocking
stopped when he opened the door.  He let our dog out to check it out, and
she came back all happy jolly.  So we laid back down and closed our eyes.
The damn knocking again. Except it was like someone was banging on the side
of our house hard, like they really wanted to get in.  If it was a robber he
could have easily broken one of our many windows.  It just kept banging and
banging, it sounded like it was moving to different parts of our house and
banging.  It was freaky!  I started to cry, I got chills down my neck, my
husband freaked out and started yelling "Who Is It?" No answer. Finally he
would open the door with my dog, and nothing, the banging would stop.  My
dog was very non-chalant about everything.  (and believe me if it was anyone
else or anything else in our house she would have barked. My husband did a
quick check on the inside and outside of the house. Nothing. So we went back
to sleep, heard it all through the night, and finally went to sleep.  We
called his parents the next day and told them what happened, and they made
fun of us. they played around and said "It was probably your friend who got
drunk and drove home in the snow.  He wrecked his car in front of the house.
He died, your father had to run outside and call the ambulance.  He saw him
and knew automatically that he was dead"  WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Knowing One has Passed Away


Before I begin with my story first let me introduce myself to you.
My name is Buzz (this is my nickname, my real name isn't really
that important), I'm a 22 yr old half american guy who lives in the
I've always been interested in hauntings, ghosts and other things of
the unexplainable.
I've lived in the Netherlands for all my life, since I was born there.
My mom is an american from origin and my dad is dutch. My randmother,
my mom's mother, is also dutch from origin, and here is where the
story begins...
My grandfather was an american soldier in the US Army during the
2nd World War. I don't know really much about him, only that his
name was Donald Aiken and that his / our family owned one of the
biggest turkey farms the state of Pennsylvania holds and that,
ofcourse, he helped setting the dutch people free from the Germans in
1945 (and I'm very proud that he was part of that!).
The only thing I had of my grandfather was a picture of him in his US
army uniform. This picture hung on the wall in my room when I was
It happened in 1993, I'm from 1981 myself, so I was about twelve
years old. Me and my brother slept together in one room in what
I think you guyss call bunkbeds(?) My brother slept on top and I
had the bottom bed.
One night I woke up 'cuz I heard a sound. It sounded like something
had fallen. It was a rather loud noise, and the funny thing was
we had very thick carpet on the floor and normally if something
would fall, from a shelf or something like that, you wouldn't hear
a thing.
Anyway, as I had to go to the bathroom (which was downstairs, as
dutch houses are, compared to american houses, very small) I went
out of my bed. This was about 2.30am. When I returned to my room
I'd remembered something fell, so I turned on the light and went
searching around the room. I looked and saw that the picture of my
grandfather was on the floor. As I was eager to get back to bed,
I, without hesitating, picked up the picture, hung it back on the
wall and went back to sleep.
It wasn't untill that morning that we received a call from my
grandmother that my grandfather had died that night at around 2.30am.
I suddenly recalled the incedent with the picture and flew back
upstairs to my room. I looked at the picture again, took it off the
wall and started to investigate. The little thing at the back (in
dutch it's called 'haakje') wasn't broken or smashed or anything.
It was still very tightly attached to the back of the picture frame
and the nail in the wall which held it also was still very tightly
That really freaked me out, 'cuz I knew that, maybe my grandfather,
or someone or something else, had let me know that he died at that
very same moment the picture fell off. On the other hand I felt kind
of honored that a man, though he was a relative, who I never had met
(he never saw me either, as my grandparents got divorced somewhere
in the late 1970's and my grandmother moved back to the netherlands
together with my mom and one of my uncle's) had let me know first
that he had past away.
Ofcours I later asked my brother if he'd heard anything that night.
He didn't. He didn't hear me going to the bathroom either.
He didn't even noticed that I'd turned on the light in the middle
of the night, which would normally wake him up very easily.
I never told anyone this story, 'cuz at that time I didn't know it
was all a dream or maybe a fiction of my imagination. But as I
grew up to be as old as I'm now, over the years I started learning
not to doubt my so called 'experiences' with the supernatural.
Unfortunately the picture was later on lost during
the many times my family and I had moved. Somtimes I wished I
still had it, 'cuz as I'm growing older, the picture of my
grandfather, as I remember it in my head, is slowly fading away...
I've had several more 'experiences', but not anything big like this,
and really not to interesting to write about.

Kinda Scared


    My Name is Andrew Nguyen im 18 years old, Im just like every average teen I goto parties and hang out with my friends. About one years I spent the night at my friends house, he claimed that his
weirder thing were happening at his house, like for exp he told me he heard strange noise while he was sleeping, I laugh at him and said he had ghost, at that time I didn't believe in ghost. Later that night
we where watching a movie, in this room and I got a cold shiver in my body. While I has sleeping at night a light turned on in this room, its one of them old lights that up have to plug into the wall in order for
it to work. so I woke up and looked over at the light I saw the plug to the light it wasn't plug into the wall outlet, Just then the light turned off. so I went back to sleep. A few weeks later I decide to sleep over
at my friends house again. that night we went and saw the movie the ring, I was a kind afraid it wasn't like me to be afraid of scare movies, but I kept thinking about the first night I spent at his house.
well that night I had my first encounter with something could really make it out. when I was sleeping the TV turn on during the night to a blank channel, and he has cable so that was very strange.. Its also
one of them really old TVs that has no remote to turn it on, my friend was on his top bunk of this bed he woke up, he's like way is the TV on, I was kind scared at that moments so we stayed up for abit.
about an hour after the TV turned on I fell a sleep again. I woke up to a flash of light a bright bright light in front of me... I was scared but I looked, I saw a bright figure shaped like a very person.. and then it
was gone just like that.

Growing Up in a Haunted Town


When I was at the tender age of 3 My parents moved me and my to older brothers to the town of Amery Wisconsin little did we know what lied head as we moved into are knew house. After A year went by one particular night while I was lying in bead about 10 o'clock  rubbed my tired eyes. and looked at my closet while lying in my bead on the other side of the room. I saw what I thought was unimaginable.
A beautiful Angel standing in front of my closet. I ran to My mother And told her about the Angel and she sed I was dreaming. but I had not yet fallen asleep. from then on I believed in spirits

College Experience


It wasn’t something I, or my roommates noticed at first.  Amazingly, we were never scared or felt an evil or malicious presence.  Looking back on the experience what ever “it” was, was more “playful” than anything else.
I moved into my sorority house in the fall of 1990.   My sorority was new to the campus at Florida State University and instead of building a new facility, they chose to purchase an existing facility.  >From the appearance of the building(s) it seemed to be a renovated “motel” or apartment type building.  There was a “main” house in the front that was seen from the street, in the rear there were “mini” apartments that were outside and not enclosed in the house.
I shared my room with (2) other women.  We were in the “main” house on the second floor.   The first, most annoying thing we noticed was in the middle of the night the TV would turn on and flip channels like crazy.  The TV had a built in VCR & the TV would suck any tapes in, fast forward, rewind, play, push them back out.  We always figured it was just a simple malfunction of the TV. The TV faced the street and across the street was a fraternity house.  We considered that maybe one of the men living across the street had a TV near their window & perhaps the remote control was affecting our TV.  After investigating at their house, we found nothing to substantiate our claim.   We sort of just let it go.
The next thing we noticed was the TV would turn on when we came home from class at around lunch time.  It also flipped to the appropriate Day Time TV Drama!  Again, we just blew it off.
We also had “issues” with our phone.  Over Parent’s Weekend my roommate’s parents brought her favorite novelty phone to her from home.  She unplugged the existing phone, wrapped all the wires up around it, and put it on my bed.  I was visiting w/ my mother & the stupid thing started ringing!  It wasn’t even plugged in!!  The ringing persisted and my mom, who did not realize exactly which phone was ringing, asked with annoyance, “Aren’t you going to answer that?!”  Dumbfounded, I told her that I couldn’t and showed her it was the completely disconnected phone.  I later put the phone in a box and put it on the top shelf of my closet.  That thing would ring like crazy at all hours of the day & night, from the box, buried in the closet.
It wasn’t until I had moved away & was sharing this story with a friend that it occurred to me that it was always bitterly cold or excruciatingly hot in our room.  We thought that it being an old building we just had the cold air (in the Winter) seeping through the windows.  We covered them with duct tape.  It didn’t help.  We would adjust the thermostat.  It didn’t help.  We would add oscilating fans for when it was too hot & adjust the thermostat again.  It didn’t help.  Our House Mother arranged to have someone come check out the house, check the air conditioners cooling & heating.  Nothing was wrong.  They checked the insulation in the house and around the windows.  Again, nothing wrong.  It must have been “Jorge”.
I don’t remember when or how we named “it”.  But “Jorge” just sort of “stuck”.  We started talking to him.  When we came home from class and the TV would turn on we would say, “Thank you, Jorge!”  When the TV went crazy in the middle of the night, I could usually just call out, “Not NOW Jorge!  We are trying to sleep! (study)” and it would just stop!  The phone would ring from the depths of the closet & we would acknowledge Jorge letting him know we knew he was there and it would stop (or get crazier!! Ha Ha)
Recently, my former roommate and I were talking about Jorge.  We will always wonder what or who “Jorge” was.  The house is gone now.  All that is there is a parking lot.  I will always wonder where he went.  I told my old roommate that sometimes I wish I could have just brought him with me, so I know he is OK.  I guess that’s weird, though, right!?

A Short True Story


It has been about Three to Four years since it happened. Me and my brother were driving home from Disney Land. We were on this mountain side, it was late, probably around One A.M. My brother was about to fall asleep at the wheel, and I was pretty tired too. I thought something was strange, because I kept hearing a truck honking in the distance, like when a big rig blows it's horn. I looked out the windshield, and saw something that will probably haunt me in the dark for years to come. It didn't really look like a woman, but it had the shape of one. Like steam coming out of a sewer, but it actually had the shape of a woman (there were no sewers in the area, I asure you). I got shocked awake right away. When we drove through it, the radio bgan blaring static, very loud static. I could faintly make out the sound of screaming in the static, but it also sounded like screeching. It only happened for about eight seconds. My brother was shocked awake as well, by the blaring radio. I remained quiet until we got home. I told him about the radio, I told him that it was probably just the static from the mountains, but he told me he had a CD in at the time. I don't travel anywhere near mountains late at night anymore.

Daytona Beach (Hollywood Street)


I saw the story of the Haunting of a House on Hollywood, my family and myself lived in a house on Hollywood Ave. it was 38 South Hollywood Ave. Daytona Beach Florida.
This house is approx. 100 or more years old.
And one morning I was sitting on the couch and out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw something and I turned my head and at the top of the stairs there was the figure of a woman dressed in 1600 period clothes and a bonnet on her head but I could see though her.
She was looking right at me and things got moved around the house so one day I got up the courage to tell my two daugthers and to my amazement they had see her too.
One seen her brushing her hair looking into my dresser mirror in my and mine husband's bedroom and the other one said she was sitting on the bed upstairs looking out the bedroom window that looked straight at the grave yard on main street and she was crying.
I went and spoke to a Historian on Daytona  and they helped me look up some people that lived in the area and there was a young woman named Arlanea Smith they told me to look in the Grave Yard and my daughther and I did and we found her mother and father and then on the side of her mother's grave stone down by the ground in the grass we found the name
Abagail Smith she died when she was a young woman and drowned in the river.
But she was never given a grave stone of her own and no one knows why.
But I will never forget one night my daugthers and I was alone in the house and a man parked across the street and he came up on the porch and something scared him so bad he ran back across the street and backed up so fast he hit the wall and then flew down the road I think Arlanea was protecting us because she never showed herself to any of the men in the family only myself and my daugthers.
So the caretaker of the property ask the last people to live in the house before us if they had seen a ghost and they said that they had.
But she never tryed to scare us, something was making her so sad and I ofter wonder because she drown in the river maybe she was never given a proper burial and she greaves over it to this day.

The Eyes


my story is set in the uk in essex.
when my parents moved in they were cleaning out the attic and found a picture of a small girl anyway they kept it (i dont know y)
any way in 1995 we had a fire in da attic and the picture got burnt but about 2 weeks l8ter when we moved back in i saw a pair of eyes under the stairs
they looked like the little girls any way i passed it off to being tierd .anyway i was sitting in my dads office on the annerversary of the fire we i heard "hello" when i was alone . i turned around and saw the little girl and she giggled then dissapered i got freaked out so i locked up and walked up the road to my mums surgery when i got back my dad is normally in his office but he was sitting in the living room and refused to go in the office and said somthing was watching him i said o its the little girl i saw her .  she has been visiting ever since and somtimes i talk to her and i found out a little girl lived here and got killed during the war round her friends house becuase of a fire



My name is Randall thomas wharram i am 16 years old and live on a farm in highwood Montana on the Original Family Homestead i have an instance to share the first one i will share is that i restore old tractors about a week after i broght my John deere R home i have been having sightings by the shed it is stored in i was driving to the shed to work on it one evening and all of a sudden as i went around the corner a man walked out in front of me I of course hit the brakes the man was looking at me then slowy vanished i got a good look at him he was about 5'9 wearing bibs and an old pennys hat  he looked dirty then about a week ago i was hooking up a cultivator to move it and i kept getting brushed by something and getting glimpses on the corner of my eye

This One was Proven


in pennsylvania is a town in luzurne county called larksville there are woods and i was riding my dirtbike when i hit a pothole on the side of the ride i remember laying with a eye closed for a few second on my way back to my house push my dirtbike cause i couldnt start it i came to a hill and off the side of the trail is a place call "devils table" were i saw a white glowing women with her mouth up it took place about 3 years ago and while at your site i read about a "resurrected mary"
From your site :Altoona - Wapsononock Mountain - Beulah Road - This legend is a cross between the spectral hitchhiker stories you have heard before and the sort of "Resurrection Mary" type tales familiar to the Chicago area. the ghost of the white lady still walks at bearing a curve known as the "Devil's Elbow"
she seem to like placed name devil when i read that i was shocked just so yous know i dont believe all your stories but that one was prooved

My Family's Experience


My name is Sherry and I would like to share my story with you.  About a year ago my family and I moved into a new appartment in the town I had grown up in.  In my family at the time there were six of us. My husband, my two children,  a foster child and my brother.  My son Joey was two at the time.  Immediatly after moving in strange things began happening to my little boy that started to frighten me, and I don't get scared easily.
My son would run out of his bedroom screaming and crying, telling me somebody was talking to him.  I would immediatly run to his room and check it out but never found anything.  My brother would run up to the second floor to see if the neighbors were home so we could "logically" explain this phenominom.  The neighbors were never there.  So I
became concerned.  When my son had come out screaming for the third time I was no longer concerned but angry.  I went into his room and asked whoever was scaring my child to please stop, he's only a baby and means no harm to you.
All was quiet for a long time after untill, one day while doing the dishes I heard my son having a conversation with somebody.  When I went in to check on him I asked him who he was talking to.  He told me he was talking to the man standing next to me.  He asked me why I didn't see him.  I asked him what this man looked like. He replied that it was an old man like grampy, he was tall, wore a white shirt, black pants and white sneakers.  I thought wow, is this real or does Joey have an imaginary friend.  He would talk to "The Man" often.  He never mentioned a name just "the man".   I let him talk to "the man" I never said anything against it.  Then about three weeks later joey came running from the living room to the kitchen where I was and held on to my leg for dear life.  I thought he was hugging me so I said "I love you too".  Then he started crying and shaking.  I quickly picked him up and asked him what was wrong.  He said "the man" had scared him.  I had had it.  I went into
the living room and sternly told the man he should be ashamed of himself for scaring the nice little boy who enjoyed his company and to go away untill he could play nicely.  Then my son looked at me and told me the man was gone.  From then on things got stranger
Come to find out my appartment had been the home to a friend's of mine grandparents.  Her grandfather had passed in my living room by heart attack.  She had come to visit once and only once because she was so overwhelmed with saddness.  She said she could feel him there and could not come back to visit me in that house again.
But there's more........



I've had one experience in my house and one in my neighbors house. I will tell you of both.
I live in Hamilton Ontario Canada. Pretty big city. My house is located in a small part of it. We know all the neighbours and i've been living in the same house for the past 17 years. My bedroom in my house is on the main floor. My room is right across from my grandparents floor which is the upstairs part of the house, it's like another house. if you stand outside of my door, facing my grandparents door, and look to the left, there's my kitchen/dinning room.
One late night, i was reading in my room and decided to get a drink of water. As i started out of my room, i heard some noises in my living room. If you walk into my kitchen, on the left wall there's a big opening to where the living room is.
The noises i heard were walking and whispering, but i couldn't make out the whispers. My brothers were in my grandparents house that night, seeing is how my grandparents were gone for the summer, and my parents were sleeping at the other end of the hall.
I brushed it off and got my water from the fridge. Then i heard the walking from one end of the living room that i couldn't see to the other. when i looked to the opening, the walking stopped. i got spooked and ran to my grandparents house to tell my older and younger brother. My older brother doesn't believe in that sort of thing, so he when downstairs and checked everything out. he told me it's just because the house is old (almost 70) and that it was my imagination. my younger brother didn't say anything.
My neighbours house was just build about 5 years ago. brand new and a beautiful house. when you walk in the front door, there's a hall that leads to the kitchen and stairs that lead to the bedrooms. when you walk directly up the stairs, you end up in front of the main bedroom. to the left, there is a guestroom beside the main bedroom, then the younger son's room, Nick. he was about 9 at the time. to the right of the main bedroom, there's the bathroom and a little bit further there is the daughter's room, who is a good friend of mine, Danielle. She at the time was about 15 or 16. All the rooms were aligned in a half circle sort of way. if you walk down the hall from the front door, it leads to the dining room, kitchen and living room, all in one big room.
4 years go, i was babysitting Nick. Danielle went out with some friends and so did his parents. it was about 10:30 and i was on the phone with my current boyfriend. that's when i heard walking. from the kitchen, i can see the rail of the stairs. i didn't see anything. i heard walking that went up and down the stairs only. it would never leave the bottom step. i told my boyfriend what was happening and i called out "Hello?" and the walking stopped. Freaked out, i took the cordless phone and a knife (not that it had any use to it) and started toward the stairs. I started to call out Nick but he was sound asleep when i looked into his open door and he's not the one to do these kind of scary things because he gets spooked easily himself. I brushed it off and went back down to the kitchen, still on the phone.
Now, when you walk up the main stairs to the main bedroom, the 2 doors are always closed when no one is in the room. About 15 minutes after i heard the walking on the stairs, it happened again. Only, it was walking a bit faster and it walked from room to room and up the stairs. From Nick's room, to the guest room, down the stairs and back up, the main room, the bathroom, danielle's room and around again. I started to get really really scared now. Note: i'm still on the phone this entire time. I yelled out hello and it stopped. I decided to check again. Grab the cordless, grab the knife and i made my way to the stairs. I looked around the half circle of the upper floor. All the doors were open which was normal. I called out Nick's name and no answer from him, all i could hear was his snoring which i heard all night. Then i looked at the main bedroom. The doors were wide open. i took a few steps up and looked in the room, on the verge of tears. The blinds in that room are always open. And when the blinds are open, light seeps through and lights up the room. Well, the only light i could see in that room was outside the window. the room was pitch black. I stared at that room for a few minutes, tears running down my face, my boyfriend asking me if i was ok. I yelled out nick's name a dozen times to wake him up without me going to get him. When that didn't work i booted to his room, i told my boyfriend that i'd call him back, i put the phone in my pocket, the knife (it wasn't that sharp anyway) in my back pocket and picked up nick in the blanket. I ran downstairs into the light of the kitchen/living room/dining room and i put him on the couch so that i could keep an eye on him. I fell asleep after i called my boyfriend back. I didn't heard the footsteps the rest of the night.
I dont babysit him anymore. It was only that one night that it happened. I have been to their house so many times, this has never happened. It's scary though, i never liked going into Nick's room.
Note: I found out four years later (today actually) that Nick refuses to sleep in his room. He says that they're something/someone in his room and the room is always cold. He's been sleeping in his parents room on the floor for while, going in his room only to get clothes from his draws. He's 13 now. His parents don't believe him but i have no doubt that there's something in that house, despite the age of the building.

My Families Experiences continued...


After my friends visit she told me about another spirit that was in the house.  Her grandmother had always sworn that there was a little girl that inhabited the bedroom that was my childrens.  I kept this info. to myself since my husband thought I was crazy already anyway.  Then one day I saw him stop in front of my childrens bedroom with my nefew at his side.  I saw them both look at each other and then they went into to the dark room and came back out fast.  He told me he had heard a little girl talking, as if she were reading a book.  The childrens' books were all over the floor when he walked in.  He stopped thinking I was crazy.
    Then I think after the visit from my friend, I became very sensitive to something that was in our home.  I would hear whispering,  I couldn't make it out though.  everytime I closed a door behind me it sounded like someone was pacing outside it.  When I would lay down to bed and close my eyes,  there would be this bright blue flash of light and some one would say my name wery softly.  I would run to my husband, who is a night owl, and tell him what had happened.  I would ask if someone had turned on a light did a police car go by anything.  But no.  This light flash would be so bright that my eyes would ache.  This kept happening to me, so I came to the conclusion that since this had started happening to me after my friend's visit that mybe her grandad's spirit was trying to get my attention because of her.  I begged her to come for another visit but she wouldn't.  We had to move because this Phenominom kept happening to me and it became too painful for me.
And that is our story.  All true, take it or leave it.
I do have many more experiances but I don't want to take up all of your time.  This one was just the most odd.

Faceless Spirit


When I married my husband and we I moved to the mountains of Tennessee.
I was awakened in the middle of the night by a large bumping sound .  I opened my eyes to see a robed figure with a hood moving from my closet over my bed .  I could see the folds in the flowing robe move as the figure moved, but could not detect a face.   There was a glow around the figure.  The robe was wine colored .  I looked at my clock to see the time and pinched myself to make sure I was not dreaming.  I even turned to see if my husband was awake  and I kept punching him but I could not utter a sound.    Through the years I have experienced other paranormal happenings but I do not like to discuss them with others.  Most people that have never experienced things like this thing you are bonkers.

Ghost or Intruder


The other night my wife and I were entertaining friends at our home. It was me my and two other couples. We all had dinner and coffee shared a few laughs and some stories. We all decided to watch a movie so we all moved downstairs to the basement were the entertainment center is set up. It was around 10 o'clock when we began watching the movie Chicago on DVD. We sat in our chairs my wife had put out some popcorn and pretzels in case any one of our guests felt like snacking and we began watching the movie. Around 10:35 I began hearing a light thumping sound in the house and it sounded like it came from upstairs. I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed the sound and it appeared that everyone was into the movie and had not noticed so I choose to ignore it.
I was starting to feel a little sleepy so I began dosing off during the movie when suddenly i heard this loud bang that startled me I know it was not from the movie because it sounded like it happened next to my ear I quickly made like I had not been sleeping cause i did not want our guests to feel uncomfortable thinking that I had no interest in them being over the house no one had noticed that I had fallen asleep I turned my attention to the loud bang I heard. I lost interest in the movie and now my thoughts were focused on the noise in the house I looked at the clock on the VCR and it was 10:59 I pretended I needed to go to the bathroom so I walked upstairs and walked through all the rooms I noticed nothing wrong I went back downstairs and joined my company only to see the lights were on and the television not working.
I asked my wife what happened and she told me that the DVD player and the television set just went off. My friend was looking behind the equipment and the wiring and he found nothing wrong we checked the fuse box and there was nothing wrong, well on that note our guests decided to call it a night and left. My wife was starting to pick up the snacks when the VCR clock began blinking 12:00 a.m. "The power is back" my wife said I turned to switch to the television on and it was working fine, I was tired and I did not care to investigate why there was a power outage I was going to do it in the morning.
As we were winding down our clean up my wife and I heard something slam on the glass table we have in the basement. We looked at each other like what was that. I wondered over to the table and everything looked fine I don't know I told my wife lets go to bed when we heard footsteps coming from upstairs. My wife now frightened thought we had an intruder in the house she made me go upstairs I reluctantly did as I was going up the stairs I could have sworn I had the feeling I was chasing after someone cause the footsteps were getting louder
I turned on all the lights nothing was there then I heard footsteps in the dining room so I went in there turned on the light and all I saw was the chandelier swaying. No window was open and there was no draft in the house. Nothing has happened since. Was it a ghost Don't know.

My Apparitions


hey, i gotta say i love the site, and i believe for
the most part that the stories are entirely true which
is really cool.  but any way i have a great fasination
with the ocult/magik/supernatural and stuff.  its been
my idea that the supernatural winks back at those who
wink at it, meaning if you believe it shows itself to
you.  but anyway i live in pelham new york and in my
house when i moved in i had a certain thought about
the aura surounding it.  me and my mom both agree that
it has very good karma surrounding it, but i think it
has lingering energy of tenants past, its over 100
years old.  also as a side not, i am irish, and am
sure i have a familial banshee, will come up later.
any who i have seen a few apiritions like, i saw a
little boy standing infront of the door as i was
reading, and a white apirition floating accross the
hallway, i think that might have been a banshee.  i
hear foot steps all throughout the house.  i started
getting very paranoid about the supernatural so i made
an evil eye, blue of course, to watch over my room and
house, and nothing has happened since.  personally i
think it is better when you make it yourself, you put
your energy into making it is better. but just a
little rant of stuff.


Indians in the River


i dont know if you will believe me,but im going to tell the story anyways,you might be interested.About 3 months ago,and friend and my self were fishing a remote part of the halifax river(in florida) at tomoka state park,we were night fishing and my friend (randy) saw something on the river,i had a 1 millon candle power spot light and focused the beam on the figure,which,to our amazment,dissappered,we dissmissed it as us just seeing things as a result of being tired,it was 2 am so you can understand.At 3:13 my friend hurd paddles from a small boat,a canoe or something coming down the river,i once again focused my spot light on the area where the sounds were coming from.there appered the be 2 indians paddling a canoe down the river,i dropped my light and both my friend and i ran for our camp site.the area was the home of the tomoka indians long ago.i dont know if you believe me,but i know what i saw.

Paranormal Sightings


   Of all the sites on the net i have found this the most interesting.
I have psychic feelings.A few experiences,I now live i a rural area ~200 miles NW from Sydney,Australia.Around october 1993 on a drive back from house hunting there was a place that is at the bottom of a hill at ~16:30 hours.Running across the road a a distance of approximatly 300 feet was a man,about 100 foot high!Seemed more like a shadow and was wearing old fashioned clothing,a bit rough.I was the only one who saw it.
When i moved to this house i had vivid dreams of i suspect the dead owner,saying it my house.She was told go back to the other world.When i went walking out back in the bush there across my path ran a siluette of an Australian Aborigine carrying a spear!
Other stuff i've seen.Way towards the end of the property on a rock,all rocks and hills are pure granite,pity i didn't have a camera handy,what you would call an Energy was about a foot long and glowed a bluish colour,i thought why is there a fluroescent tube there.It dissapeared after a few seconds.I have also seen UFO related stuff.
I recently purchased an old "Portable"(Very heavy actually) valve gramaphone.I have strong feelings the original owner still lives within.As the circuit chassis looked rusty and dangerous it has been stripped and am building a new amp.At the initial strong feeling i asked 'What is your name?' and the old man said George.I feel he died in aged about 75.It is at this point sitting in the laundry which adjoins the computer room.
I feel he is looking at me write this.
I like many people have had things moved and stolen,when i am not looking.Eg i bought a box of 30 plastic rulers (They were a bargain),within 3 months they have all dissapeared.I have searched the room,to no avail,and as far i know they were'nt humanly moved to another room!
Hope you haven't fallen asleep with this rather long winded letter...


More Comfortable with Ghosts


Reading the recent posting about the hauntings in the Jefferson Hotel in Jefferson, Texas caused me to recall this story.
The restoration of Jefferson was begun in the early 1960's by the Jefferson Garden Club. The first commercial restoration was the Excelsior House Hotel. (At that time the Jefferson Hotel was still a residence hotel and in rather poor shape) My mother had heard about the Excelsior House so we drove out from Dallas for the weekend to see the town and stay at the Excelsior.
The town was beautiful in its age. It has since become all too "cutesy", but at that time Jefferson retained much of its earlier charm. The restored Excelsior House had only been open a couple of months and was in fine shape. My parents shared a large bedroom and I was in a small "drummer's room" nearby. No one had mentioned a thing about ghosts in the place so I stayed up late reading. My Mom decided to have a cigarette before bed and stepped out into the hall to smoke. I heard her speaking to someone and thought little of it.
The next morning I asked my Mom, in passing, who she was talking to last night. She answered " A very sad lady". Being 11, I just left it at that.
Many years later my wife and I went to spend a weekend in Jefferson and had a delightful time. When we returned we discussed the trip with my Mom. She shared her experience of that night with us.  About midnight she had decided to step out into the large stair landing to have a cigarette and admire the building. As she was standing there she turned around and saw a young woman in a long dress moving toward her. The woman looked very distraught and  Mom realized that this was no real person, but the ghost was not scary either. The ghost looked at my Mom who just said "What's the matter, dear?" The woman answered "It so sad, so sad..." My Mom who was deeply moved by the woman's clear distress and realizing that this must be a ghost, answered "Its been over a long time ago, dear"  At this the woman faded away.  Mom returned to her room, shaken but never really afraid. The ghost impressed her only by her sadness and distress.
The next morning Mom discreetly asked the lady at the desk if there had been any thing strange seen....she got the "well, you never know in an old place" type of answer. I understand that now, the Exclesior House, and the rest of Jefferson, have become much more comfortable with their ghosts.

My Name is Danielle


I always sensed things around, but the first time I saw something I was 10 yrs. old. I walked upstairs & turned to go in my bedroom when i saw an orange man sitting on my bed, he was looking at me, but the only visible feature on his face was a smile. I ran into the bathroom( across from the bedrrom )& started screaming my brothers name, he ignored me for a minute, then came upstairs. He could tell by how scared I was that something really happened, & he believed me- thank God, because he was the only one who would end up believing me. During that same year I was visiting my Dad in colorado. I was outside playing & there was a hill with aathway that went down about 20 ft. to more flay ground. i looked down & saw a little boy (about 8 yrs. old) standing at the bottom of the path. He had brown hair & was wearing blue shorts & a yellow t-shirt with some writing on it. I was excited when I saw him because I thought I had found a kid to play with, but as i stared at him I thought he wasn't very nice, & was trying to figure out what was wrong with his face, there was something bad about his eyes, then he just faded away. I ran & told my dad & he just told me to go inside. After that is when all the nightmares began, so many that I barely ever got any sleep. Me, my Mom & brother had moved to these project apartments that were still in the process of being built, me & a girl named Shawna were the first 2 family's to move in. We connected & became best friends immediately. The first time we met we grabbed eachothers hands & looked at eachother before speaking. Soon she told me about all her ghost experiences & I told her mine. We began experiencing things together, & would often spend the night & sleep under her bed to "hide from the ghosts" One experience we had together was really amazing. We were awake &  looking out her window at 3 in the morning, when we saw this white thing about 4 ft. high, which looked like a stick figure hopping across the parking lot. It was very strange because the thing wasn't even scarey looking, it looked like a cartoon character, but it hopped so high it went above the carports. Afterwards we were both freaking out & I asked her what she saw & she said" a white guy jumping & flying" I was so glad there was finally someone who did not think I was a lyer, or  just making things up. when i was 14 my Mom got married & we moved into a house across town, While i was sad to move from Shawna, I was glad to move away from the "ghosts". nothing happened for a year, until i was 15. I was laying in my bed, directly behind my head was the wall. Suddenly i felt something blow on the back of my head, I sat half way up & quickly turned my head, It then blew in my eye, but I saw nothing there. I layed back down with my eyes shut tight, frozen with fear, Something tapped my shoulder, then ribs, then my thigh very hard, I did not open my eyes. I couldn't even scream for a few minutes. then finally started screaming loud for my mom, who ran in & comforted me a little, but didn't seem too concerned. Another night I was having one of my nightmares when i woke up to find the room spinning so bad it felt like i was pinned to the bed. Spider webs & faces were appearing right before my open eyes, so fast the room was filling with them, I couldn't even see the white walls, then a face came swirlind down right in front of mine with really huge eyes , it said Hi I'm Davel with a smiIe, then everything just stopped. I was pouring sweat so bad itwas like i had just ran the mile. Then once, during the day I walked into my room & saw what looked like blurry air coming towards me fast, it went right through me with a strange tingling sensation. After  that i began praying alot & nothing else happened for a while. By this time my dad had moved closer & i went to live with him when I was 16. I thought for sure this time i had finally escaped it all, but that's when the scariest things ever began to happen. One night I had just barely layed down in bed, (my Dad was asleep in the livingroom) when I heard a whisper say " psst hey you" I looked around & saw nothing, then as I lay on my side something behind me whispered "turn around" i was so horrified i kept my eyes shut & didn't move( my all time favorite defense tactic) That began to happen every night, & on one occasion icy cold air moved past me above my bed making a low hissing/ growling noise & it had a really rotten smell. I never told my dad, because I was learning by this time that no one believes you when you say these things, & it makes them think differently of you. Actually, a couple of things I'm telling about here, i have never told anyone before. So, i started spending the night at a friends house as much possible to avoid being alone in my room, & my Dad was hurt because he thought I wasn't happy living with him & didn't want to be around him, & here he was cooking dinners for me, & I wasn't even coming home to eat. To make a long story short, no too much more happened in the next 5 yrs. Until i was 22. I was pregnant with my son &  about to go to sleep. My boyfriend was already asleep in bed next to me. I started to see a couple figures moving around the room, my first rational thought was burglars, until I saw one disapear into the dresser, then my attention turned to this black guy staring at me, i could see him perfect, even in the dark. He had yellow amber colored eyes, but not scarey. He looked about 55 & had his shirt off, for some reason i thought he was a cole miner, then he disapeared. I turned and woke up my boyfriend & said I just saw a ghost, he smiled at me cute & said "aw, are you scared? come here" pulled me close to him & fell right back asleep. Great, another disbeliver!  & for my last experience ever, I was 25 (3 yrs. ago) I was in my own apartment ( Shawna was my roommate by the way) but she was not home that night. I was having a nightmare that this schizophrenic guy that  lived next door was opening my bedroom door. I woke up because my waterbed was moving all around. I opened my eyes & saw somone standing over me on my bed with my blanket over their head, the blanket was suctioning to them, like it was being sucked onto them it then laid down on me & was heavier than any person of that size would be. Right away I had these hardcore chills going through me, but they weren't my chills, they were someone elses, if that makes sense. The chills were so strong i totally froze me & I heard a vey loud sound loike powerlines. It felt like it was trying to go throught me, but didn't. I was praying very hard in my head & it stopped. i think I layed there for a while & then fell asleep eventually.  Well these are all my experiences, I'm not the greatest writer but you get the picture. Hopefully now it is REALLY over, for good!

Moving Day


Hello, my name is paul and I live in Kansas city, mo. Found this sight by
accident and have grown to love it. I have also shared a couple of stories
with you so far, but like many sensitives the experiences continue to
happen. Spending many nights here at work reading ghost stories is the norm
for me. Having read over 4000 of these stories and others have giving me
proof that I'm not the only crazy guy.
It had been over 7 months since I had my last encounter with the paranormal
at my best friends house. Not just Two weeks ago my grandma moved from her
house to some duplexes that are closer to my aunt's house for comfort. As I
was helping her move in to her apartment I had this feeling come over me
like a cloud of pot smoke at a Pink Floyd concert. Although it was not
threatening it was still very strange.  That was just the beginning. When I
was moving my grandma's oxygen tank into her closet in her bedroom I herd
someone say "What are you going to do with that?" I spun around so fast to
the direction of the voice and found no body there. Everyone was outside on
the driveway unloading the U-haul. So eventually I kept going. After My dad
and I Got the bed set up my dad looked at me and said "have you felt
anything weird about this place?" I said yea and told him about the voice in
the closet and he told me when he went walking into the bathroom he saw the
handle on the toilet move down by itself and flush all on its own.  Then not
a second later he had the sensation of someone walking by and bumping in to
him. Freaked out he jetted outa there like a rabbit being pursued by a
cheetah. As we were setting up her TV and entertainment system I was bent
over hooking up wires in the back when I saw a person walk right up behind
me out of the corner of my eye and tap me on the shoulder. Stunned I spun
around and saw my family staring at me like I just saw Jesus or something.
They asked what was wrong thinking I got hurt and I asked them if they saw
it. NO, I was the only one out of 6 people. The figure looked around six
foot tall had a big black overcoat on and a top hat from around the forties
or fifties. I could see no face, just a figure.  The ghost did not present
anything buy curiosity. Probably just wondering who the hell is moving into
his home again. My grandma from time to time will call my mom to tell her
about strange noises and voices and other creepy happenings. None the events
seem dangerous nor does the entity seem evil or mean. I think he was just
trying to talk to me. After all it could have been 50 years or more since he
had a person to talk to. Thanks for reading this. I have many more
experiences to share with you, but I have simply run out of time.  Time to
get back to work later.

Moved Out

By: Anonymous

Last April my Boyfriend and I bought our first home, it was 26 years old, and so we did need to fix it up a bit.  (Now I have to back track a little bit, when I was a small child I had lived about two blocks away from the home that we purchased, the house that I lived in as a small child, is the same age as the home my boyfriend and I bought.)
My childhood home, contained the ghost of a man, that we came to call Henrey, he was heard by everyone, opening cupboard doors, and running up and down the stairs, and opening the door to my sisters and my nursery.  He was seen only by a few, and htose who saw him, all described him as a tall man, with an old fashioned hat on, and a kindly face, I was one of the people that saw him. I had woken from a bad dream, and was screaming for my Mom, but found him sitting on the side of my bed, he put his fingers to his lips, to silence me, and I suddenly felt very safe, and I feel back asleep. The next morning, My Uncle who was staying with us, asked my Mom if I was okay, and my mom asked him why confused, he said he heard me scream and heard someone run into my room, and then I stopped screaming. &nbs  Henery never did anything to make the family uncomfortable, and we did our best to respect that he like to wander at nights.  We moved when I was eleven, and my parents current home is uneventful, they also no longer live in the same community.
When we purchased the home last year, my younger sister, had mentioned a cold feeling coming over her in a back bedroom, and I just attributed it to the fact that the doors were all open while moving in furniture.  Later that day I was putting away China in a hutch my grandmother had given me, the door had a postion that it would get heavily stuck in, and so I put it the stuck postion so that I wouldnt have to keep opening and closing it, (Its a pain to take out of the stuck postion) The door swung shut twice and extremly hard rattling the glass and at one point almost shutting on my hand, as this was happening an extremly cold chill came over me. My boyfriend was a non believer at this point and said that I must not have put it in the right positon. I knew I had. Things were okay for about a week, and then I decided it was time to start updating the home, so I removed wall paper, and started getting wall ready for painting, thats when things started getting a little chaotic, The phone would come unplugged, or in the middle of a conversation it would go dead, things would be moved to random locations, and the the light bulbs exploded in their light fixturers. As soon as we finished making changes it would calm down again. THis happend over a period of about 6 months. I had started getting terrified vibes, and was unable to sleep, I refused to sleep in the house alone, unless allt he lights were on and I had the dogs with me, the dogs had started skirting around the dining room, and were extremly skiddish if the came anywhere near it.  The worst even happened when I was walking upstairs one night, It felt like someone grabbed my feet and ripped them out from under me with extreme force, I feel hard on my wrist and face, spraining the wrist and ruising my face, my boyfriend came home to find me crumpled at the bottom of the stairs, hysterical and in horrible pain. Strange things continued in the house, not so violent as my attack, but that things would turn up in diffrent locations, there were heavy vibes of anger and hatred, it mangaed to make me so emotionally unstable, that we decided to rent the home out, and move back in with our parents.
Anywyas I just though Id share this with you as it did get to a point where I was physically harmed. Thank you for reading this.

Little Girl Lost


well i was getting ready for bed one night and i went to turn off the lights by my bed and i have mirrors all along one side of my wall. well anyways when i crawled into bed i looked over to the side and i saw a little girl standing in the mirror. she had a white dress that had been tanned by dirt. she had blonde hair hanging in her face and she looked filthy. she also had scars all along her face that looked a bit like slash marks.. i stared in shock for a moment and then she was gone. i have seen this girl before at my old house but she never seemed to bother me to much. i have always been a bit frightened by her but i also felt a sort of comfort by her precence. (please excuse my spelling) another time i have been visited by a small child was at my mothers house. i slept in a room with my sister. we had bunkbeds and i always slept on the bottom half. anyway around 10:00 p.m. i went to bed and that was early for me because during the summer i dont usually go to bed untill 4:00 a.m. well i woke up around midnight to find myself in a pitch black room. i quickly got up to turn on my lights and then i went and layed back down. well there is a big arm chair in the corner of my room and when i was laying in bed i scenced something in the corner of the room where the arm chair is. i looked up to find a girl sitting on the chair with her hair also in her face.her hair was black and a bit above her shoulders. she looked up at me and i froze. she quickly vanished and i ran to my mothers room in fear. my mothers house is known to be haunted. when me and my mother were outside at night by the car. we were looking in the trunk when all of a sudden my mom was lifted o the ground and was shoved forward into the trunk. we ran back inside after that. i have many more experinces but ill spare you the long stories.

Update to the Little Pink House


hey i still don't belive in ghosts but i deffinetly had a unexplainable experience how i have wrote to you before about my story well this is my update on it recently i was staying at my sister=in-law's parents house in a small town in north dakota.
i was staying in the basement room where i had first experienst a so called ghost. i was some what reluctant to stay in that room but after one quiet night in that room i was convinced that nothing was going to happen. i started secretly dating my sister-in-laws nephew we wanted to keep it secret because we didn't know how everyone would take it ,so i would sneek out the window to see him. one night i left the window open and while i was out it started to rain my sister-in-laws mother closed the window and locked it. when i got home at about 2 in the morining i found that i was locked out i didn't want to go in the front door and get cought so i sat against the window to think when the window opened and i fell in i was a little confused on what had just happend and was trying to gather my thoughts when i heard a scuffle of foot steps around my haed and the window closed i was so shocked i said thanks kinda mocking my self in thinking that there was a ghost when to my shock i heard a your welcome i was terrified i ran upstairs and slept on the couch.some time has passed and i'm now engaged engaged to her nephew and we recently went to visit his grandma my sister-in-laws mother and we stayed in that room late one night i was awoken by the ring on my hand being turned around and i rember being very cold i was scared and pulled my hand away in fear i was pettrafied i couldnt move then i herd i just wanted to see and that sent me over the edge i woke up my husband to be and we moved up stairs the whole experince left me terrified of that room and now i just stay up stairs where i have never been bothered by what ever is downthere. it terrifies me so i stay clear i learned my lesson from staying down there. p.s . i 'm going to be married the day after my 18 b-day septeber 5 2004

Is it Real or Not


My friend grandparent's house is sooooo creepy but fun at the some time.I injoyed going over there just to have stories to tell everyone.But some times it got pretty scaries here is one of my many stories.We were watching TV one night and there was nothing on.So we turned it off and talked.As we were talking Tasha, my friend, said in a whisper she heared something.So I started listening to.Sure anuff I heared something.Sounded like foot steps outside the door.As we looked at the door we saw a showdow under the doorwhich was closed.So we thought we knew it couldn't be her grandparents they were in bed when we went to get some candy about thirty minutes ago.We were both scared it could be a robber or something.We got up tp go see what it was and nothing was there.But all the lights were on her grandparents door was shut.But when we was getting candy all the lights were off and her grandparents door was open.I'm 13 and no you don't have to believe me but if you do just write me back.

Martha Washington Inn


I had an experience at the Martha Washington Inn in Abingdon, Va I will share with you. I was a professional musician and was staying at the Inn for a week while we worked in town. Upon checking in the desk staff told us the place was haunted and shared several stories that appear on your Martha Washington Inn web page. I laughed as the stories were related to me thinking them to be the product of overly imaginative minds.
My room was on the top floor at the very top of the stairs. Upon returning from playing one night I noticed the light was on in my room and was shining out from under the door. I am certain I left no light on. My door was locked as I had left it. Upon opening the door me and my bandmates saw that all of the lights in the room were on. The TV and radio were on full blast but no station was tuned in. The water was running full blast in the sink and the toilet had just been flushed and was running. There was the shape of where a person had been lying on the bed.
I was completely freaked out. So were my mates. In fact, this still bothers me today. I could not sleep the rest of the night and as it was our last night in town, I could not check out fast enough in the morning. All of my bandmates were with me all night so I know it could not have been one of them playing a trick on me. As I was getting in the band bus I looked up to the fourth floor window where my room was. I could see a lady in victorian era clothing standing at the window looking down on me. True story.

House in the Bronx


I grew up in this house. My name is Sue. My father owned both houses. The address above is the one we lived in. It was haunted but nothing compared to the house to the left of it. I don't remember the number of the house. My father rented out the one to the left of 2047 house and always had trouble keeping tenants due to all the disturbances. I am not sure how many spirits there are in the house but the main one is a man who you see most regularly. There is also a little girl that had grown fond of my mother and would constantly call her and even followed us to our new home when we moved. The whole family has heard her. There is also a section in the basement of this house that my father found when doing some renovations. a little room in the wall with a name carved into the cement. My mother made him close it up and not disturb it in fear of upsetting something. The things that went on in this house were unreal. You heard footsteps in the attic. The basement was a place that you just never wanted to go. there was always such a coldness in that basement. Not even animals wanted to go in there. Whenever my grandmother went out on the porch to hang laundry the porch door would slam shut and lock her out on the porch. The spirit did not like doilies under the lamps. He would take them. Tenets would complain that they would be on the couch watching TV when all of a sudden they would get a chill and turn around and there he would be standing over them behind the couch. There is just so much more to tell but not enough room in this email. But just wanted to let you guys know that these two houses were definitely haunted. And some neighbors two houses down said they also had problems so maybe it was the area that was haunted. Who knows. If you have any questions feel free to get in touch.

Stories about Old Dubois Central


You have dubois central christian down as one of the haunted places, but you
don't have any good stories to go with it.
I am not sure about the headmaster but you could be refering to Father
Leopold. Father Leopold is the one ghost that haunts central that everyone
knows. Father Leopold died in a car crash and he was the cross country coach
at central.
  In 2000 a korean exchange student came to central to live with the english
teacher and their family. One night the english teacher had to come back to
get some papers and the boy went and waited. While there he was walking
around the halls and he saw a man sitting on a bench in the lobby area. he
supposedly talked to the man or said hi to the man and then he went on his
way and went to the teachers room. He asked the teacher who the man was that
was in the lobby, thinking that it was a janitor. The english teacher than
quized the boy about the man to see about it. She asked him what he had on
and waht he looked like and stuff.. The boy said he has a track suit on liek
a jogging suit type outfit. Not thinking anything of it she said that they
would look when the left to see if he was still there. When the left the man
was no longer there but the boy pointed to a picture in the lobby and
explained to the teacher that the man in the picture was the man he saw in
the lobby. To her surprise it was Father Leopold. Now explain to me how a
boy who barely speaks english knew about the story of father leopold.
The little boy that haunts central basically stays in the gym.. No one knows
who the boy is but he like to play with balls that are left in the gym. A
social studies teacher who had worked at central said that the one night he
was there cleaning up after a practice and he turned the lights off and he
saw a ball roll to him and then he rolled it back and it came right back to
him. It didn't hit anything to bounce off of because he saw the ball jsut
rolling around back and forth by thte glow of the pop machines, that were by
the gym doors.
There are also some weird things like portable chalk boards that have
mysteriously ended up in the hall way when no one oculd have moved them or
securly locked windows opening before peoples eyes. if you talk to any
teacher that has worked at the old central or people who have attended the
old central, there are tons of stories.
I jsut thought i would share some of the old central stories to let people
know. All alumni's and student who had a chance to attend the old central
know them and love them. The one thing that is missing from the new central
are our beloved ghosts, hopefully we get some!

Let Me Sleep


Hi - I saw your site and thought..why not tell my one else believes me and I can assure you - this is real and very disturbing to happens in my own home.  I have lived in my home now for 18 years (Forest Hills Victoria Australia) and I absolutely love my home.  The only thing is I cant sleep in the spare room - I have tried so many times.but I end up fleeing in fright!! You see it started years ago. My husband is a chronic snorer (god bless him) and Ifind it hard to sleep with him some times because he is so loud.  Years ago I decided to sleep in the spare room - I did it up and put in a spare bed for me.  The first nite I went into the room and put my head on the pillow...about 5 mins later..I felt a very cold breeze that went right up my spine and the hairs on my neck stood up!!  There were no windows open and it was a very hot nite...I let that go - but I was scared..then a little time later I heard someone outside my window..he was laughing - it was something like Vincent Price..only deeper - but as he laughed - there was thunder with it...I can assure there was no storm that nite.  I was very scared so I ran to the living room while I calmed down.  Maybe 6 months later I tried to sleep in the room again..the same thing happened!! I swear I asnt asleep..but not just the laughter and the breeze this bed started to shake...I cried out to my husband who didnt hear me ( the guy can sleep through anything). I ran out of the room again!!  Its been so  many years now and every time I go to the room to iron or change something...I get physically ill and the room does get cold.....sorry to go on  - but this is my story... I cant believe that I am scared to go into a room in my own house.



I use to live in this house where me, my mom, my dad, my brother, and my sister. me and my sister shared a room. My brother was next door and my mom and dad accrost the hall. I was about 10-11 so my mom and dad didn't believe me then. So it was in the early morning. I woke up. It fealt cold to me. So I fealt the window and the vent. then woun't that cold. I got back into bed. My door was open and I look in the hall and nothing was there. But I was still clod. I saw my breath so I felt the window again.. but it wasn't that cold to make me see my breath. So I get back into bed. I lay there just looking at me breath.I had a bad fealing when I was fealing the window. Then I look back at my door way and I see two out lines. I had a good fealing about one and a bad fealing about the other. The good one was trying to stop the bad one. But the good one didn't win. The bad one charged at me. I was kiking and screaming. Rember Me and my sister shared a room, my mom & dad's door was open and my brother's door was open. No one heard me scream. I was scared out of my mind. I finaly eased my self to go to sleep. I was dosing when my mom came in to check on me and my sister. She had a bad fealing. I tryed to tell her and she told me to go back to sleep. In the mornig I tryed to tell my family about what I saw. Then didn't believe me. A few days later my mom and brother saw red eyes in the attack. I told" them I told you so." Then my brother started to believe me. My mom now believes me. I have to tell you one more thinf. there was another Ann living in that house. cause she painted her name on one of the closet shalves. Thank you for reading.

First Experience


My first experience was 2 months after my divorce in 1994.  I found a small
2 bedroom apartment for my children and I.  On a weekend when my kids were
gone, I decided to go out dancing with my sister and her husband.  I arrived
home around 1 AM, and within fifteen minutes was in bed.
Lying there wondering how my children were doing, I got this sudden feeling
of being pushed into my mattress.  Unable to move but not yet afraid, I
asked, "who is this?"
For years I've believed in the here after and tried to understand the
reasons for some of the spirits being here in this astro plane.  So I wasn't
really afraid.
Again, I couldn't move, nor open my eyes until my question was answered.
"Who do you think this is?"  Typical male to ask a question when answering
In my mind my voice was responding as was the words I was hearing him say.
I knew in my heart some how it was my very best friend.
He then asked "what are you doing here?"
I responded with the truth.  "I'm doing fine, I've filed for divorce from my
husband and now I'm going to live."
It was at this time that I was able to move.  When I opened my eyes I
witnessed the black smoke like appearance descending toward my ceiling.
I jumped out of bed and ran into my living room.  About thirty feet away.
ha, ha.  I called my sister, and it was then that I realized almost two
hours had passed since I climbed into bed.  We spoke and I went back to bed.
Not afraid but comforted in knowing he was watching over me.
Thanks for listening.  I've had several others, and so I'll send them soon.

Eden, Wentworth/Berry Hill Road


I have been to the graveyard and old plantation house in question. Let me say that the lady in white is STILL there and you will not stay around that graveyard at night. I experienced this place by accident when i was 14 years old. I knew nothing of the legend that surrounds this area at the time but i can assure you that it's ALL TRUE! I have seen the lady in white up-close and personal. I do not travel this area at night and get a very creepy feeling even in the daytime when my travels take me through this area.
As a side note, my great grandmother told me that the plantation house was used as a hospitol during the civil war and esimated that there were at least 500 people buried around the plantation house during that time. There is a connon ball lodged in the chimney of the old house to this day.

Freaky Things


This all happened when my best friend Beth and I were young, about 12. I lived in one of those old shot gun houses, that arent wide, but very long. The house had two front rooms, and then a second room, and then the hallway. To your right, was the bathroom...Up a little bit to your left was a bedroom, which my family used as a storage room, and then up a little bit more was my bedroom, adn finally the kitchen. My mother slept in the second room, since it had two doors, one leading to the front rooms, and then one to the hallway.
One night when Beth was spending the night, we stayed up all night. We were giggling, early in the morning, and we heard a terribly loud crash in the kitchen. All of a sudden, we heard a little girls voice say very quietly and VERY creepy, "Oops, I didnt mean to." It scared the crap out of us. We sat there for a while, and got enough courage to go look in the kitchen. When we got in there, nothing was broken. And I was shocked. It sounded like everything in the kitchen had been broken. We went back in my room and fell asleep.
Beth left later that day, and I slept with an uneasy feeling that whole night.
The nexy morning, I woke up to a banging. It sounded like someone was knocking on the door, so I got up and opened the back door, but no one was there, and the knocking had continued. I looked behind me, and I saw the door leading to m mothers bedroom shaking violently as though the devil had possessed the door! My mother was SURELY awake I thought. I was frozen in my place. A few moments later, the knocking stopped. I got the courage once again to go look and see what was causing such a ruckus. I opened the door slowly, thinking that something might possibly jump out at me...I looked in my mothers room...And she was fast asleep, as though nothing had made a single peep.
Beth and I heard several bangs and crashes after that, but we just learned to ignore it. It wasnt so scary after a while.

House of Bad Energy


The last house that I lived in had this weird feel about it. The previous owners had divorced and moved out swiftly, and I was convinced my parents would do the same. Having barely fought before, they would argue at least once in two days. Everyone disliked one another. But, having grown up with this I thought despising your family was natural.
I was the only person in my house to see anything whilst living there. I remember one night waking up and seeing an old woman in rags at the bottom of my bed. Very cliché but very real. During this time I also saw a young child and a baby. I am quite sceptic, so am still trying to look for answers of how they may not have been real.
There were also weird feels about the house. I would walk into my kitchen and feel as though I was being watched every time; even in daylight. The weirdest thing was when I was about 13 though. My brother worked late hours, and would come home at around one o’clock am. I am a light sleeper and so would hear him come in then turn the television on. I would then go down to greet him, and watch some television with him for a while. I woke up one night, and heard the familiar television sounds coming from downstairs. I climbed out of bed to meet him and stood on my landing listening to the sounds for a few minutes. The sounds were loud, so I walked downstairs to tell him to keep the noise down, and I opened the door to the front room, but it was pitch black, and the noises had stopped. Scared, I ran to my parent’s room and slept in an armchair.
We later moved out. We have barely argued since.

Mean Spirited

My mother brought my niece to visit with me because I lived two hours away and never got to see them.  For something to do, we went to the local park to swing the three year old.  As we sat there on a park bench we were approached by an old lady.  She was not the typical meek old woman you might meet on a Sunday stroll.  She was built like a man.  I have heard the horror stories of men dressed as old women with a knife in their pocket.  Anyway, she began to talk about my niece without looking at her.  "Oh, she's soooo beautiful," she said, in an evil voice.  "My brother had one jusssst like her."  This she said but would never look at the baby.
It was as if my niece were not there at all.
My mother and I noticed that the park became secluded.  We got up to leave and she actually followed us to our car.  My mother held the baby and she stayed right at my back.  It was truely dissconcerting.  It was even worse when, from behind, I felt her put me in a bear hug.  The whole thing felt surreal.  I turned around and drew my fist back at the same time.  She simply smiled as if I had only shook hands with her.  I lowered my fist and started toward the car again.  As we were getting in the car another couple pulled up with a small infant and as they started toward the park the old lady went for them as if we had never been there.
NOW for the freaky part.  Mom and I had a strange feeling about it all that night.  We both had nightmares.  The NEXT day a friend called from my home town and said, "where have you been!!  I called you four times yesterday and some mean old woman kept answering."

Mary’s Haunted Move


My friend Frank and I had the opportunity to move our other friend Mary back to school in Oneonta, NY. Mary had decided to continue her education and needed to relocate from Long Island. Mary is a friend of my wife, then girlfriend, Debbie.  We rented the truck, and moved, packed the belongings, and both of us drove the 5 hours to Oneonta.  Needless to say, it was a long day.  There were other people to help carry and move, but we were up early and did all the driving. Needless to say we were tired that night.
Mary had rented the up stairs of an old (very old) building.  It had a one-flight walk up.  It was a regular setup, and had two bedrooms.  One strange item it had was a long (10 foot long) shared closet between the two bedrooms.  One strange thing happened as we were moving the stuff in to the place.  We had to put an air conditioner in the attic.  I turned on the light, went up there, and looked around.  I went back down stairs and shut off the light, leaving the door open.  I went to get my brother Pete to carry the machine with me.  When we got back to the door to the upstairs it was closed and the light was on.  The door was shut so tight that we had a hard time opening it.  There were other people in the place, so it didn’t strike me a funny except that we didn’t see anyone in that room at the time.  The time frame was very short, only a minute or two.  We went about our business.
That night we all went out for dinner.  After dinner everyone decided to go out for drinks.  Frank and I decided to go back to the apartment and hit the hay.  We walked from down town back to the apartment.  As we walked to the apartment, from a block away we saw the outside door light flickering on and off.  We quickly decided that it must be a loose wire or that the controls could be down stairs in the second half of the building.  As we walked up the stairs we could see no need for controls down stairs.  At the top of the stairs there was an old push button light switch.  Both of us walked into my temporary bedroom and sat down.  As we sat and talked, we noticed a noise, click …click …click.  We got up to investigate and saw the light switch pushing it’s self.  As it did you could see the light down stairs going on, and off.  Mechanical malfunction?  That must be it!
We sat down again in the bedroom.  Now the next occurrence happened.  The door at the end of that closet opened up.  We got up and shut it.  It was a very tight door.  You needed to pull on it hard to open it.  As we would sit down and talk, a few minutes later it would open again, or the light switch would start clicking again.  We talked for an hour, or so, and decided to finally hit the hay.  He went into one bedroom and I into another.  We set up our sleeping bags on the floor and as we were getting situated, all of a sudden, their came a crash from what we believed was the kitchen.  It sounded as if every dish in the place had broken all at once.  I yelled to Frank “are you O.K.?  He yelled back “ I thought it was you that dropped something”! We came to find that each of us were still in the bedrooms.  We went to the kitchen and found nothing broken.  We went through the apartment and found nothing! Just then the light switch started in again.
At that point we pretty much knew what we were up against.  We knew it was going to be a long night.  We went to sleep, me with a pillow over my head.  All night long I had the feeling as if someone was smacking me in the face to wake me up. It’s hard to explain.  Not a physical feeling, but a mental one.  The others came back at 2-3 in the morning, crocked, and went to sleep.  I heard the crash again in the early morning, but no one else got up.  Mary claimed to have a few incidents in the apartment, but nothing a strong as that night. She also claimed that her cat would often see something and rise it’s back for no reason.  I guess this ghost just didn’t like change!  Needless to say, I never went to visit Mary at college!
please add this to your collecttion

The Hippy Ghost


My family and I moved into a old rent house in the early 's
1980's and adjacent to our house was an old burned out home that the woods had grown over and looked kind of creepy. My parents had always told us to stay away from there since it was dangerous you know snakes and other things like that.
Well getting back to our house it was an older home ( wood frame ) but clean and in good condition, three bedrooms and one of the bedrooms had been converted from a garage and had a laundry room attached to it.
One evening while my parents were out my brother and i were there alone and I was watching television in the living room and my brother was asleep in the bedroom that had been converted from a garage.  Everything seemed fine to me until my brother came walking into the living room eyes wide with a scared look on his face.
He asked me who was in my bedroom ! I said no one... My brother then walked through the house as if he was searching for someone and then again asked me " Is one of your friends in here " I said no again... He then told me he had awakened to see a guy dressed in 60"s era clothing with long dirty blonde hair standing in the doorway of the laundry room and he was stareing at him, the guy knodded his head yes, as to say " I see you too "  and then my brother
 closed his eyes and opened them again and the guy had disapeared. Well he insisted I had a friend there and we were playing games with him. But I again told him that he was crazy and was probaby dreaming.
A few days passed and I was ouside doing yard work and stopped to talk with one of the next door neighbors. I told him the story about the 60's looking guy and what my brother had seen, and my neighbor turned pale and then told me that when he was a kid he remembered that a young teenage guy that fit that discription had burned to death in the house next to us that the woods had grown over. I felt chill bumps rise on my skin.
I told my parents about the incident and they were as creeped out about it as me and my brother. Year's went bye but none of ever saw the ghost again.

Who's There?


when my granparents  first got married, they lived in an apartment. They got a bed knowing that a man had died in that bed. One night my granpa got home late and my granma was cooking dinner for an special event the next day. Anyway, when he got in bed someone was pulling his covers away from him. He thought it was his wife playing tricks on him. He yelled at her to stop. she said she was in the kitchen cooking. Thats when my granpa got scared. Somebody was taking the covers away from him. He didn't sleep at all that night. Needless to say they moved out by the next month.

"Ghost Stories"


Sorry I didn't know what the subject line should be.
I am 16 and I live in Rockford il. I have been to Bloods point cemetary and seen some of the stuff you listed there. Also I would like to add, my friends and I saw a mistress of the cemetary. There is a tombstone... I think her name is Jane. I was sitting by it last August for about 45 minutes. We have some of this on tape. We stayed there from about 11:00pm until maybe 2:00am. As we were leaving, we were going to the gates, (there was 7 of us by the way) and my friend Jd pointed out he saw some sort of white floating thing. (this could be fake we aren't sure.) and he said it came from the grave in which i was by. i had been sitting there near the grave trying to feel energy and just seeing what would happen. and we all saw it. we saw her walking. it was a faint image of her, but she had long-ish hair. i don't remember what she was wearing. i didn't really see that much. but at the same time all of us saw it without any of us pointing it out ahead of time. i was wondering if y
 heard of her or not? sorry i am not too specific on the name.
theres a few other haunted places in my neighborhood. one is the forest twin sisters which i posted. there is a creek running through there and for as long as i can remember i have seen a ghost who we call "sarah." last september my friend ashley and i were by the creek, and ashley saw her. i had mentioned a ghost, but i had mentioned a lot of ghosts. and ashley gave me details on her, and what she looked like, and it was the same as i saw her. i know that could be coincidence but then other people i know saw her too. we think she has a little brother named josh and it looked like she was drowned in the creek. i had a dream about it and then i went and looked at the place in the creek from my dream and it looked fairly much the same with a little change over time. shes been around for a while now. i've seen her for about 4 years and its been about a year now since other people have seen her. it seemed though every time she came around she would leave dead animals. I am not sure if that was her though. it could have been another animal outside or something but there is also a chance it was her so i am not excluding that idea.
my friend ashleys house (i mentioned her in the above paragrapgh) we think may be haunted. Last february 15th at her birthday party her mom was sort of drunk. she asked me if i could see ghosts. and she was drunk so i was kinda playing along with her. i thought she was kidding. so i said yes. her mom asked me if there were any in their house. and i was kidding the whole time until she asked me that cause i suddenly realized there were. and i named them off. with fairly good details. and as i said them ashley and her mom both agreed that those were correct. ashley and i had never really talked about her house being haunted before which is what surprised us all. there have been many encounters in her house. she has 3 dogs. they are have a cage outside at night. and her cat has a cage downstairs. i was staying at ashleys one nigh
and we heard scratching on her door and thought the cat got out or a dog got out. so we checked. they were all in their cages. and both her sisters were gone. and her mom and dad were fast asleep. this had to of been at least at 2:00am. the scratching on the door got louder and the door started shaking a little. ashley touched the door nob to open the door and it was really hot. which was weird cause it was still winter and cold outside. we have never figured this out. it could have been our imaginations but we aren't sure.
i have many other stories. sorry for bothering. if you want to hear more ok then.



I am relatively new to the internet and came across your website while surfing the net. From my childhood onwards, I have always had a curious nature and an intense interest for the unknown. This fascination moved me to read numerous books on the paranormal in a quest to come up with real answers.Since the beginning of my search, I have had numerous supernatural experiences. I would probably have to write a small book to share them all with the readers, so for the sake of brevity, I will only discuss the more significant ones.
My interest in the supernatural began when I was about 12 years old. My mother was an avid reader and would often return from the library with a handful of books on topics related to the paranormal, religion, and E.S.P. I would often read these books and begin asking myself a lot of questions about the true purpose of our existance. The same kinds of questions that all people probably contemplate at some point in thier lives. In most other respects though, I was a typical kid. There were fairly serious family problems between my parents, however, and they eventually divorced.
After my parents seperated, my 2 brothers and I moved from Toronto, Ontario to a small town in New Brunswick, my mother's hometown. It was here that I had my first unusual experience. At about the time of my 16th birthday, my grandparents bought me a modern translation of the bible for a birthday present. I was getting into a lot of trouble so they probably thought that it would do me some good. They were right when I look back on it now.
Anyway, after I got it, I went downstairs to my bedroom to begin reading it. As God is my witness: before I finished reading the first page, a tremendous urge to sleep came over me and I was out. Immediately afterwards, I found myself awake again but not physically. Crouched over me was the most horrifying creature that I had ever seen in my life. It was about 5'10" to 6' in height with the upper torso of a lean muscular man and lower legs that resembled that of a goat's including hooves. It was of a dark pitch red colour but also had hair on its legs, particularily around the location of the calves. Its eyes were nothing like human eyes. Thier were no pupils or white; only an intense, penetrating firelike essence that could unnerve even the toughest of characters. As best as I can describe it, there was something about its force of presence that overwhelmed me It seemed to have the capacity to drain my strength from me. After jumping on me while I lay there in bed, it grabbed me by the neck and began choking me. The last thing I remembered saying within myself was "Oh God" and I immediately woke up. It has been almost 25 years since I had that experience but I still remember it vividly. I might add that I have had 2 other encounters with him afterwards.
The third encounter that I had with him was the most significant spiritual experience that I have ever had. It happened about 7 years later while I was living in Toronto. After riding the fence of the Christian faith, I was at a place in my life where I had made a firm resolve to reform my life and get serious about walking with God. After getting back from work one night, I decided to attend a service at a local church in the neighborhood. I came home feeling inspired and exilarated, made something to eat and went to bed. Into the early hours of the morning, I woke up feeling a powerful, warm, bubbly presence surrounding me like a cloud. Before I had a chance to really take this experience in, something else caught my attention. As I looked up at the opened bedroom entrance, I saw something that resembled a miniature tornado coming through. It was about 3 feet in height, 2 feet in daimeter and 2 feet off the ground. It moved through the doorway and hovered over my bed above my legs. As I was taking this all in, I was instantly caught up in what I can only describe as an out of body experience. At the moment that I was caught up by this powerful benevolent presence that still surrounded me, I found myself in what seemed like empty space standing before this tornado. The tornado immediately dissapeared to reveal what was in it. Although I could not make out all of his features as clearly as I had during my first 2 encounters, I immediately recognized him as the same demon entity that I had had previous run-ins with.
I also realized that the reason I wasn't able to see him as clearly was because of this awesome cloud that I recognized as God's presence surrounding me. Over the past 40 years of my life, I have never experienced God's presence as I did during that evening. The demon's force of presence had no effect on me as he had during his former 2 visits and not even a hint of fear touched me. For some reason, I found myself looking down at my body and realized that I was dressed as a priest. I was wearing a long wine coloured robe that went down to my feet and each of my sleeves had a purple tassel on it. Although the demon could not affect my spirit, he had this uncanny ability to keep me from speaking but as soon as he made a motion with his hand to afflict me in this way, the words "God is with You" were spoken to me by an unseen voice. The moment I acknowledged those words as true, the entity's power was broken. I stepped forward making a sprinkling motion with my right hand and said,"The Blood of Jesus". I can't explain why I did that. It was almost as if the que was given to me. This entire sequence of events happened in an identical fashion 3 times. Then as suddenly as I found myself out of body, I found myself back in my body and awake. It was like being transported from one plane of existance to another. Now physically conscious and awake, the same bubbly and warm cloud of the awesome presence of God compelled me to start laughing and I did. As I was doing so, an audible roar filled the room coming from directly behind me. I know that it was audible because my wife heard it and it woke her up. I knew that it was coming from directly from behind as I layed there looking at her while still laughing loudly because his roar caused my hair to blow around. All I can say in closing is that if even the most skeptical of unbelievers were to experience such things, they could not maintain an attitude of unbelief.

All my life...


All my life I have been surrounded by spirits. Strange occurrences happen around me no matter where I live.
Some people say it's my imagination, but then how would you explain my parents being witnesses, my husband, and my children also.
One of the first that I remember was when we were at my Grandmother's home visiting her on the way to Alaska. I was about 11, and in Oregon.
I was really sick and I had woken up in the middle of the night to a man covering me with a blanket and tucking it under the mattress. The next morning I felt much better and had thanked my dad. He was the only man in the house, as my Grandfather had died when my dad was young. He stated that he hadn't tucked me in and asked my mom and grandmother about it. They also said they had not been in my room that night.
When I was thirteen I lived in Alaska. I crossed the street without looking and was hit by a car. I felt hands grab my arms and throw me into a snowbank before I could go under the car. I got up and walked away with just bruises on the back of my knees.
When I moved to Massachusetts I was about fourteen. We had just moved into a house and were still unpacking. My parents went to go furniture shopping and I was left alone. I took a shower and when I came out into the hallway I notice my cat and dog acting strangely. The cat was hissing and the dog was shaking and barking. They would not step into the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen I was hit by paperwork that flew off the table at me. I was about 3 feet away from the table, there was no one else there, and no windows open.
At the same house my mother, my husband and myself all saw a figure of a tall man walking across the basement. He was dressed in clothes that might have been worn in the mid 1800s. My mother and husband has only seen this while I was around.
Currently my husband and I are living in Texas due to the military. We have this one painting of a Native American and his spirit. This painting has been knocked off the wall violently several times, no matter how we secured it to the wall. Doors have slammed, and the TV's have turned off and on their own.
This past summer I went back to Massachusetts and stayed at my parents house they just bought. Once again my mother was amazed that strange things happened while I was around, like lights turning on and off, the toilet seat slamming down hard on its own when no one had been in there.
Recently I noticed that my new digital camera has caught orbs around myself and my two children. These pictures have been taken in Arizona after my maternal grandfather died a few days earlier. So I started looking at other pictures and have noticed them in pictures taken at our home.
My children and I have both heard voices and seen things other haven't. My children also talk to what my friends call "imaginary friends." I don't believe that is the case.
There are other things that I see, feel and hear everyday, but I am so used to it that it has never bothered me. My mom has said that all my life I have had things happen around me. My husband has never had these experiences until he met me.
So that's my experiences in a nut shell. I hope maybe others will read this and know that there are others out there that share some of the same thoughts, experiences, and feelings I have felt myself, as I hope I can feel I am not alone either.



OK well im going to start off by promising you that this story is completely true. Well im 17 and my parents are divorced and my father lives in an extremely old apartment building in Manhatten and one time while i was visiting him I was sitting on the couch and watching some movie on the Russian mob(dont remember the name)and anyway it was like 1:30 or something like that in the morning and i was falling asleep, well i guess i did fall asleep but then suddenly i was awoken by something grabbing my head(i know it sounds strange)  but i know it was a hand b/c i can remember feeling the fingers grab my hair as it pulled away so i naturaly jumped off the couch and looked all around and no one was there and i looked at the clock and it was exactly 4:28 in the morning and after that i coudnt fall back asleep for like an hour because i was so scared i kept imagining something standing over me everytime i closed my eyes and i know it wasnt a person because the apartment has really, REALLY  creeky wood floors and i didnt hee ant creeking.  and inothing has happened since then but i hope it does.

The Little Boy


In Graniteville South Carolina there is an old grave yard where a gravestone simply says "The Little Boy."  I did some research using the date the little boy died which was in the late 1800s and found that he was traveling on a train by himself and became deathly ill.  Some people took him off the train and he died.  The little boy had no identification and was too ill to speak before he died.  We talked to the caretaker of the cemetery about the flowers which were in front of the grave and he just said that new flowers are always there but he never sees anyone put them there.  I felt very uncomfortable in that cemetery, there are graves that date back to the 1700s.  Supposedly a witch was buried there after her execution.  Very spooky place; I be you could get some great footage there.  It is outside of Aiken South Carolina and near Augusta Georgia.  I love your website!


I Have a Story on My House


A couple years ago, we moved into the house I live in now.  Before us, there was a lady by the name of Edna O. She was born and raised here, but, unfortunately, she died here. She died in our Dining room, and we hear her sometimes.
Once when my sister woke up in the middle of the night, she was out in our sitting room.  She was walking out of my room, actually to get back to her room.  As she turned the corner, there she seen a figure.  A big white blob right in front of her! She jumped back, rubbed her eyes, and looked back. It was still there, staring at her.  All of a sudden, she vanished.
Another time, is my parents had taken a picture of them, and in the back, you could see a figure floating above them. In this figure, you could make out arms, a face, and legs.  She deleted the picture because of the way it was.  My parents smoke, but they weren't smoking at the time.
Another time, is when my dad was remodeling our house.  He was in the kitchen, and everyone else was in the Living Room.  He got the feeling someone was watching him, so he turned around and seen a lady he'd never seen before just standing there watching him.  This happened a few more times, but the last time we seen her was when my dad was working on our living room.  He got that feeling again, turned around, and seen her standing there with a mad face. He said to her calmly, "Don't worry, I am making to where we like it. I am not going to ruin your house." She smiled, and vanished.

Odd Scratching Noise


I was at my house and decided to call my friend.I asked her if she could come and spend the night. She said yes and i said that's great! When she was over we jumped on my trampoline and talked for hours.Soon my Mom said it was time to come in. So we did.We ate supper,brushed our teeth,and got in bed. We were watching my T.v. and suddenly we herd this odd scratching sound. I was at the side of the bed so I looked over the side and there was a black basketball coming up to the side of the bed! We screamed and Mom came in and asked us what had happened. We told her but she was like (whatever to us) You could tell because of the look on her face. I'm still scared to look over the side and see that ball!



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