Regarding Santa Ana High School

By: Anonymous

As one of the members of a theatre group that had shows at the auditorium, I can tell you that the legend of “Alice” seems to be correct.  One of the oldest high schools in Orange county, it is said that Alice fell through the rafters of the auditorium during the opening night.  She was rehearsing upstairs and fell through the rafters, through the ceiling and into the front row of seats.  This is, reportedly, in the 20’s.
To my knowledge, no “signs” have ever been carved in the floor of the attic.  However, the groundskeeper Or janitor (if you like) did sometimes allow students to go up there and ask for Alice’s blessings. if the play’s principle characters did not go upstairs and say a prayer or offer flowers, it was inevitable that someone unexplainable would go wrong.
Mics would go out with no reason.  The power would be fine, every mic would work when tested but once on stage, the principle’s mic wouldn’t work.  Lights would go out with my reason and in the attic, doors would shut and lock though open and unlocked when left.
When I was in a play there, the local school officials had banned students from going into the attic.  They had been poorly informed that “Satanic rituals” were being done upstairs and since it was a public school, such things weren’t allowed.  I felt bad for the spirit, however, and wet alone upstairs anyway,  I knelt on the floor and offered her a flower.  I was told that at the end of the show I could come back and get it so there’d be no evidence of anyone having been there.
At the end of the show, I ran upstairs to go get the flower.  I had the more horrible and terrifying experience.  I felt like I couldn’t breathe and something told me that I needed to go back downstairs RIGHT NOW.  I did.  When I walked up a few minutes later, I found that the attic door was locked, when it had been left open and unlocked previously.  The only person with the key swore that he didn’t lock the door and that “Alice must be playing tricks again.  She probably wants to keep the flower”   Since it’d been tradition, I was perfectly fine with that.  So far, there has been  no corroboration of this Alice story.  It seems to be purely lore.

Plantation Ghost

My father lives in Delhi, Louisiana on a huge cotton farm.  It was built a very long time ago, I think in the late 1800's.  I lived with my mother in Mississippi most of my life.  I am now 19 and attend college in Mississippi at a University here.  Therefore, I have only been to the farm a couple of times since my parents got a divorce when I was 14.  But I used to have to go there all the time when I was little, which I hated.  It all started as far back as I can remember.  I would go visit my grandparents when they were alive and lived at the plantation house.  Everyone called it "The Place".  There would always be something there that always made me uncomfortable.  Being so little I couldn't describe it.  I never wanted to be alone in a room.  My mother would worry about me because I would always stay in this one little cornor and play.  I would hear things and think I would see things.  I would play outside a lot at a little pond they had.  I would always think I saw something moving behind the trees at the pond.  The place was just down right creepy.  Just a couple of years ago, maybe 1 or 2, I was talking to my mom after I had come home from school.  We were talking about "The Place".  She told me for a little while one of my ancestors ran a doctor's practice out of the huge formal living room that it had.  A lot of people had died in there.  Thinking about some of the chills and scary feelings I had had in that living room (since all the adults would be talking in the den) things started to piece together a little bit for me.  Then, one night my dad had called.  My dad is a very smart man.  He also has a very good head on his shoulders.  He sounded a little upset.  He moved into the house after the divorce.  He had another wife, but they had gotten a divorce.  He was at that house all alone.  He started noticing some weird things that he had accounted to other people being in the house.  Things were moved out into the middle of the floor.  He would walk into rooms and all the lights would be on.  He would hear thumps and thuds all through the house.  He didn't know what to think.  Things would come up missing a lot.  And he said he knew when things would be bad at night when he drove home from work and there was a haze around the moon.  I never experienced anything like this, but I have no doubt that he did.  I thought I would just share this story with people like the hosts of this site (I have read your personal story) and wonder if this is normal or if we are all just imagining things.  I hope I can get some kind of response.

Person in the Bedroom


hi my name is michael wood and the event that i am talking about is the gods honest truth.
what happened was on a november morning at six o clock i awoke to see my nets blowing in my bedroom so i gets out of bed it was also light by the way, and i get the window and close it.
my partner is also in bed and as i walk back to my side of the bed and lay down i pulled the quilt up to my neck.
then the next thing i saw was a person walk out of my bedroom and i thought it was my partner going to the toilet so i asked where you going bab to the toilet, i had no response and thought that it was strange as the floor boards next to my bed creek when you walk on them,so i reached across my bed and my partner is still there and i woke her up and told her what i had seen. at this i phoned tamworth police station and told them what had happened and they laughed at me.eventually i got in touch with a parishner in london and he told me how to bless my house i done this and my house felt so much better as for ages before this it always seemed as if someone was always watching you .
this is the total truth and i would even be hypnotised to prove my story. i have told people my story some belive some dont, and to be honest i dont care who belives me as i know what i saw. i am no nut case and dont drink or take drugs i just wish that i looked at the persons face so i knew who it was .hope to here from you .

Paranormal Activity


You will probably think this is boring, but to me it was anything but boring..ok heres the day  my mom was getting ready to take my 2 little sisters and my little brother to a halloween party and,  i was hungry so i went into the kitchen and i opened the refrigerator and there was a roll of toilet paper in there, i asked my mother and siblings how it got there and they all said they didnt know and it was probably put there by someone on accident, so i dismissed it as nothing. The very next day me and my little 4 year old brother were home by ourselves and i decided to wash the dishes so i picked up the dishwashing liquid and was getting ready to wash the dishes, when my little brother called me into the hallway next to the kitchen so i could read him a book..I was reading to him 5 minutes when me and him heard the refrigerator door open then close, he looked at me and asked "did a ghost do that?" and i said "no i dont think so." Then i brushed that off like it was nothing, about 10 minutes later i decided to go and do the dishes, i went into the kitchid was gone, i thought i misplaced it so i looked all over the house, i even had my little brother look with me, we found it no where, so i just sat and thought were could it be, then i got a brilliant idea and decided to open the refrigerator, when i opened the refrigerator i saw the dishwashing liquid sitting right there on the top refrigerator shelf, my little brother looked at me shocked and said "The ghost did that." i just looked at him, when my mom came home i told her and she told me to shut up i am lying and all that crap but me and my brother know what we saw, and i will never forget it, also in that house i would hear footsteps of little children running up and down the stairs, when i would look no one would ever be there, there were a few instances where my t.v. would come on or turn off without me touching it, there were also a few times where my bedroom door would fly open really fast..this all happened about 2 months ago so its pretty new to me, im not sure what it was that caused all the paranormal activities but i never felt scared or threatened by what/who ever it was. I have a few more incidents involving paranormal activities if you are interested in knowing about them then feel free to contact me at

The Left Side


*03/31/04* Myexperiences began when I was very young, at least five or six years old. Most of the small town I live in is Indian burial ground and one highway is especially haunted. I don’t live on that highway but the house I lived in was haunted anyway. I would often hear someone call my name when no one was around and also strange laughter, also when no one was near me. A few times I heard someone call my name while I was taking a shower and the voice sounded identical to my mom's voice. But when I asked her why she called my name she appeared confused and said she never called my name. My dad thought something was really wrong with me and many times he would sit me down and pray for me and for the weird incidents to stop happening. I knew something was wrong but I didn’t even know what it was, what was causing it, how to stop it, or why these things were happening to me and no one else. Not much else happened until I was ten or eleven years old. My family and I had just moved to a new house on a large piece of land with a two-story house next door to us that was almost one hundred years old. At first all seemed right but after a few nights of sleeping in the new house I began waking up in strange places like the kitchen or the living room. A few times I even saw apparitions of things I cant explain, the one I remember the most was a floating piece of paper. Those incidents were often accompanied by uncontrollable chills and shaking. After a few nights of that happening to me I never went through it again until a very later time, which I will explain eventually. Nothing happened for at least a year until one day my mom and I were outside doing yard work for my neighbor who lived in the big two-story house. I was watching the road when I saw an extremely bright flash and a small figure darted across the road and vanished. It looked like a Persian cat but it was too far away for me to be sure of what I had seen. I dismissed the sight until a few days later I was back in my neighbors yard. She had a cat that had just had kittens and she was more than willing to let me play with them so a lot of time was usually spent in her big backyard. There was no kind of fence or barrier blocking our yard from hers so I would always just walk to her back door and play with the kittens. While I was over there that day I was playing with the mother cat. I was bending over to pet her and I saw a white cat walking towards me between my legs. I stood up and turned around to pet it and no white cat could be seen. Suddenly I remembered the Persian I had seen flash and run across the road that day and I figured it had to be a ghost. From then on I often saw the cat playing and running out of the corner of my eye. It would sometimes even follow me when I walked back to my yard and when I turned around it would vanish. I never thought of the ghost as dangerous or serious but things would start happening that would quickly change my mind. I began to see what appeared to be a very large man standing in my yard. He wore a plaid jacket and he was at least six or seven feet tall and he was also wide. I was never really scared because he never attempted to harm me or come near me in any way. It was almost like he was watching over me in a way and I even began to like him. Back then before my parents divorced my family consisted of seven members: my parents of course and five children, me being the oldest. Our house only had three bedrooms but I didn’t have one so I slept on a bed in my living room that folded out from the couch. Soon I began to hear someone breathing close to my left ear as I tried to fall asleep at night, for some reason it was always on the left side of me. I was paralyzed from fear at first but I soon got used to it and I figured it was the man I had seen standing in my yard, only now he had moved into my house and into my bed. The ghost began to get more comfortable and almost every night I would feel the bed move as he lay down beside me, and the bed would move again when he decided to get up. Once again I was extremely scared as these things started happening but they happened almost every night so I eventually got used to it. The ghost considered the left side of the bed his and he never let me sleep on that side. If I ended up falling asleep on that side he would blow in my ear or hit mypillow until I moved to the other side of the bed. Sometimes he would lightly touch my face or brush his fingers through my hair. I felt some kind of loving connection with this ghost, not a romantic kind of thing but like something protective and safe. As time passed I began to see another figure, a little girl in a white gown. I was never really afraid of her because by then I was used to seeing ghosts, even in other peoples houses. I quickly learned that she loved to play as I would often see her hiding around corners and running when I walked past her. She was usually smiling and the presence that accompanied her was a happy one. I named her Boo because one night as I was lying in my dad’s bed listening to music, she playfully pushed me and said, "Boo." Maybe she was letting me know she wanted to play. I became fond of the ghosts and I wasn’t scared of them anymore, but there were other spirits that weren’t so nice. Strange things happened to me in my neighbor’s house. Because she was ninety years old and lived alone she would have friends come pick her up and take her to get groceries or to see her husband who lived in a nursing home. One day I was outside as one of her friends drove into her yard. I watched as she spent a few minutes knocking on the front door with no reply. She walked over to me and asked me if my neighbor was home. I replied I didn’t know but my mom had a set of keys to her house in case of an emergency so I got those and we walked back to her house and let ourselves in. While she looked upstairs for my neighbor I looked in the kitchen. From the minute I walked into the house I sensed a weird vibe, like there was some kind of evil or strange presence in the house and it wanted us out. Her kitchen was very small and in the back of it there was a door that led into the pantry and in the back of the pantry there was a screened door that led outside to the steps where I played with the kittens. The door that led into the pantry had a large glass window that took up the top half of the door. I walked up to the door and peered into the pantry to see if my neighbor was in there. When my face was a few inches from the glass something banged it and I screamed and backed away. It sounded and looked as if someone had thrown a fist into the glass but it didn’t even crack. My neighbor’s friend decided that we should leave the house so we quickly locked the door and she drove away. From them on I never went into the house alone. Back in my house there were times that I would see terrifying things. Sometimes a tall black figure would walk from a few feet away from my bed to the kitchen and it would do this all night. Probably the most terrifying thing I have ever seen were small black figures that were at least two or three feet tall and would run on all fours from behind my chair and into the hallway and back again. When I saw these things I would pray and ask God to make them go away and they would disappear until the next night. After a while they were gone and since then I have only seen them very rarely. At least a year after I saw the black figures I got my own room and strange things happened there too. Myprotective ghost followed me and because my bed was small there was no room for him to lie on the left side so he would often just sit for a few minutes and for the rest of the night I would hear him walking around my room. When I slept over at my friend’s houses I would warn my brother to stay out of my room and apparently my ghosts decided to enforce my warning. One night when I was away my brother slept in my room and all night the ghosts shook my bed and rattled two bedrails that were leaning up against my wall. Needless to say my brother never slept in my room again. I later found out that these things weren’t happening to just me, my mom had also had similar experiences since we had moved into that house. I was amazed when she described the little girl and the man in the plaid jacket, and she told me that she often saw the man standing at the edge of her bed or at the end of the hallway as if he was watching over her and the kids. And it appeared the she and I were the only ones that could see them. My mom and I both experienced a feeling of being followed as we walked down the hallway. And she would often walk down the hallway to find the closet door open only a few minutes after she had shut it. One of my strangest experiences happened one night when I was asleep. I had just gone through a bad situation with an ex boyfriend and I felt terrible and extremely stressed, like everything was going wrong for me and it kind of was at the time. At about 2:00 in the morning I woke up and saw a black figure similar to the grim reaper walking towards my bed. I felt like I was in some kind of trance and it seemed to hold me there as it continued walking towards me. For about three or four hours I fell in and out of consciousness and when I was unconscious I found myself fighting the figure in every way I could. It was very evil and I felt like it wanted me in some way. When I was conscious I would lay paralyzed in my bed looking at the figure standing above me until I eventually fell back into the dream state where I continued fighting it. After what seemed like forever I felt physicallyand mentally exhausted. Just when I was about to give up I fell back into unconsciousness and saw what saved me. I saw an angel above me with what I think in his hands was the Holy Bible. Behind him was a large crucifix and it slowly began to glow until it was very bright. I watched as the angel pointed one hand at the demon while at the same time saying some kind of banishment prayer for deliverance from evil. The demon covered its face and backed awayand eventually vanished. I looked thankfully at the angel and finally woke up for the last time. I stayed awake for the rest of the night trying to figure out what had happened to me. I know what I just described sounds unbelievableand unreal but I swear it really happened. Since then nothing like that has happened thankfully but I did continue seeing my two ghosts. One day my mom came home with news that my grandmother was in the hospital dying. Since the only thing we could do for her was take care of her at home we had to move into her house. Since my parents divorced several years ago my dad had moved into a smaller house several miles away from us, but when we moved into mygrandmothers house he moved back into my house with the ghosts and he lives there alone now. Since we moved I haven’t seen my ghosts, but sometimes when I visit my dad Boo will let me know she’s around and I can still hear the man in the plaid jacket walking around the house. My dad has never seen these ghosts but he finally believes me now. While my grandmother was dying she would often confuse things and for some reason she only called my name for help. I hardly ever went to see her because I was scared to see her that way and I figured my mind probably wouldn’t be able to handle it. She died on a Saturday and only a few days after the funeral strange things started happening again. My mom and I began to see her in the hallway, often near my cousin’s old bedroom. Later, doors could be hear slamming in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep and my grandmother would keep my mom awake most nights. This was all very stressful to my mom and finally one day when she sensed my grandmother near her, she told her that it was time to go home and that everything was okay for us. Since then nothing has happened to anyone but me. Sometimes I still see my grandmother’s short stout figure in her white gown in the hallway though. Something that bothers me really bad is my ability to see death angels as my mom calls them. Tall black figures that often appear a few hours or minutes before a person’s death. Only a few weeks ago I was sleeping in my living room when I saw one walk past my fireplace and into the kitchen. I tried to brush it off but a few hours later my mom’s friend called and told us that her ex husband had died of a heart attack an hour earlier. I told my mom and she believed me but something makes me wish I had kept it to myself. I guess this is the end of my story for now. In a few months I will be moving to Tampa and I can only imagine what I will see there.

More Ghost Stuff....


This is continued to my previous post. Lately in the last few weeks my
ghosts have been actively walking around the house as if looking for
someone or something. A few days ago, today is March 31,2004 I was
sitting outside on my front stoop smoking a cigarette when, out of the
corner of my right eye, i saw a full apparition wearing a black cloak, it
had no face, no arms, and wasn't walking on any feet. It just glided down
the sidewalk, once it noticed it and it noticed me, it vanished. It
didn't' scare me since I'm so used to ghosts, it most likely wasn't evil
and wasn't going to hurt me, most likely it was a lost soul looking for
its body or its family.
I've also very recently noticed a white streak of light, again out of the
corner of my right eye, down at the corner of my neighbor's patio, once i
would see it, it too would vanish. It has been said and I'm waiting to
get all the information, that my complex was built on a graveyard before
Houston was founded in 1836. Most of Houston was built over a graveyard,
most people just don't realize it or aren't into the paranormal as most
of us are. Anyway, I believe i have a new ghost or two in my house that
are trying to get some acknowledgement. Yesterday I had knocking on my
front door, I, thinking it was the neighbor, went to answer it, there was
no one there and no one around. Today I discovered that i had been
scratched on my leg, this scratch however was a bit deeper than the usual
ones i would get and it drew some blood. Having ghosts in my house does
not terrify me, they just want attention, so quite often I'll talk to
them, ask them questions, they speak to me in my mind, not out loud. My
investigator thinks that if they talk to me out loud that it will scare
me, so i figure as long as they communicate, it's fine. My ghosts are
just lonely or lost, or have lost someone close to them and i intend to
help them anyway i can, because quite frankly, I'm not afraid, and I love
my ghosts, they are my closest friends. Weird huh?
Now, for those of you who are scared by these ways of communication, the
best thing to do is to acknowledge that they are there by simply telling
them " I know you are here". A lot of times they will move personal
items, scratch you, or you might even get lucky enough to hear them say
something out loud if they really want your attention. A lot of these
ghosts are lonely and just want someone to talk to. Don't feel stupid by
talking to them, or even feel frightened, most will not harm you. If you
are ever harmed very seriously, contact your local paranormal
investigators right away. They are there to help you and to help the

Haunted Room 11


When was 8 years old (3 years ago) I was diagnosed with a hole in my heart. I had to have surgery the summer of 2001. Well, summer rolled around. I was having my surgery in Morgantown, West Virginia (about 178 miles from where I live). We headed down to Morgantown July 13th, 2001. I was having my surgery at Ruby Memorial Hospital on July 15th, 2001. Since we got down there early we stayed at the Ronald McDonald House right beside Ruby Memorial. When we got there the employees said they had one room open, and that was room 11. They said that they have gotten weird reports from people that stayed in that room, and we asked like what kind of weird things have happened and they said, "Someone might knock on your door at night and you go to open it and no ones there." "Someone might call on the telephone and when you pick the phone up they would say something like I'll be waiting for you in the Parlor tomorrow and other freaky stuff." We were amazed by what they said but we decided to take the room anyway. That night I took my shower, brushed my teeth, got my nightgown on, and hopped into bed. About 3:00 in the morning the knocking on the door and the phone ringing started. I didn't get any rest that night. That morning the employees asked did you have in strange experiences? We said yes. The night after that was the same. Well, it been 3 years now and I hope to never see that awful place again!

Ghostly Song


When i was about 11 years old i was at my friend Kathryn's house for
a sleep over.  We were thinking about participating in the talent show
at school which we have done in previous years.  She wanted us to dance
to the song "sunday bloody sunday" by U2.  For about 4 hours we worked
on developing a routine and we played the song over and over at least 11
times all the way through.  at one point in the song it is only
instumentals and kathryn was doing her solo dance, at one point we heard
this voice laugh HA, HA, HA, in the room with us.  it was a deep male
voice and no one was in the room but us and we knew it was not on the
tape.  We ran down stairs and told her dad and he listened the tape but
nothing was on it.  We were really freaked out.  no other experiences
since then!  thanks for reading!

Feeling Comfortable


I moved into my sisters place when my wife and I split, My sister has never
noticed anything strange in her house. I found an odd feeling while I was
staying and one night I had a dream where I was told that the house next
door was in danger of structural failure and that I should warn the owner. I
did so and found out later that they were not aware of the fault and that if
they had not repaired it there would have been big trouble. I was visited by
this same ³spirit² on several occasions and was told that he used to occupy
the house I was staying in. Now when ever I go to the house I feel welcome.
At first I was afraid, now I feel relaxed when ever I¹m there.

Chateau Frontenac, Quebec Canada


I have noticed that  Le Chateau Frontenac is not included in the list of haunted places in Quebec...I was born in Quebec and some 10 years ago I must have been 15 or 16 we had a party for my granny in the famous hotel.. being "teenagers" me and my cousins went exploring to find ourselves stuck in a room decorated with victorian looking furniture and window drapes.. music playing...a man sittingin a big chair with a high hat in a black suit staring at us!!! We turned around to find the door from where we had came from to our dispair it was NOT THERE... we then took a stair case heading down we saw to the corner of the room ;to end up behind another stair case (wich was going up)adjascent to a main hallway somewhere.We all stared at each other afterwards all out of breath questionning if that REALLy happened and somehow we never talked about it ever again...well that's my story, nothing nuts just plain strange.. i do not know the history of the chateau but i do know it's VERY old and creepy too

Boyfriends First


My name is Martine and I believe that there might be a ghost or spirits
trying to telle me something.
I believe in ghost and spirits so it did not surprise me when began to sense
someone.  It all began when I met my boyfriend 3 1/2 years ago.  We use to
talk about paranormal things all the times but he never believed in any
apparitions until then.  My boyfriend has a tatoo around his arm about a
woman who once he liked in high school but was killed in a car accident by a
drunk guy.  He explained what had happened and why he had the tatoo done and
I could understand that.
So there we were in my boyfriends bedroom (he lives downstairs) just
listening to a movie when suddenly we heard three knocking on his door, my
boyfriend sai "come in" but no one came so he got up and opened the door to
check but no one was there.  He climb upstair to see if someone did a trick
but no one was there, he came back with this confuse look and I told him
that it had to be a ghost or spirit of somekind.  We let it go but not long
after the window was not open and the cord started moving and banging the
wall and suddenly stopped.
We dont know what to think,  is it her.....????
The funny thing is , is that my boyfriend never experience something like
that until I came in his life!!!

The Shadow man



I am writing to tell you about the things that have happened in my grandparent’s house. They moved into the house when I was around 8 years old. Only one other family had lived in the house but no one had ever died there. My mother and I lived with them some when I was growing up and so did my uncle. I used to hear the sliding glass door open and footsteps go down the hall and one time the pictures in my room seemed to shake and vibrate on the wall but made no sound at all. My mother used to wake me up screaming for her daddy in the night (my grandfather). My mom would say that she saw the shadow of a man watching her. He was broad shouldered, appeared to be wearing a suit and a hat like they might have worn in the 40’s. My grandmother used to see this figure too. She took my grandfathers hand and reached out to touch the shadow man with it (my grandfather was sleeping and she was too scared to use her own hand. Ha!). The thing disappeared and she says she hasn’t seen the shadow man anymore.
One night my cousin stayed all night with me there. We were just kids but we were lying in bed and heard the piano playing a few notes. It scared my cousin so bad his mother had to come and get him. My uncle also heard the piano playing. He was down stairs on the phone with a friend. No one else was home. He told his friend to hold on, went and got his gun and went upstairs to investigate. As he was headed up the playing stopped. He looked thought the whole house and found no one. He went back down stairs and as soon as he got back on the phone with his friend and sat down the notes started again. The radio has also been known to come on by itself full blast. My aunt has thought she has seen someone coming up the stairs and going down the hall thought a mirror reflection but no one was there. My grandfather has tried to explain all this away and doesn’t believe anything is going on. I remember as a kid thinking it was neat that my grandmother and mother had seen an actual ghost manifest and wishing that I could see one. I was scared but I was also intrigued and curious.
The last think that ever happened to me in that house to date made me regret ever wishing that I could see a ghost. This was years later. I was 23 years old. I had graduated college and moved to Charlotte, NC for a job. Well, I had come back home to East Tennessee to see my family and stayed all-night at my grandparents house. I was going to sleep in the room my mother used to sleep in when we lived there. I hadn’t even thought about the ghost in a long time because the things that would happen had happened over about a 15 year span and was not that frequent. I hadn’t heard of anything happening in a long time. I hadn’t been drinking or drugging or anything like that. I had not watched anything scary on T.V. either. In fact, I had read the Bible some before going to sleep. When I had finished reading I laid the Bible on the floor beside my bed and went to sleep. In the middle of the night I woke up suddenly as if someone had touched me or something. I looked to the side of my bed and I swear the shadow man was on his knees kneeling over me beside my bed with is head cocked to the side looking at me like he wondered how I was or what I was doing there. He was just so close to my face that it scared me to death. I looked at him for a second and blinked and he was still there so I screamed and he disappeared. I jumped up and ran to the kitchen and called my mom and told her what I had seen. I was crying and panicking and she said,” Say I rebuke you Satan in the name of Jesus Christ.” I was like,”Oh my gosh mom! You are freaking me out! He’s not the devil!” Needless to say what my mom told me wasn’t any help at all. I was so scared I made my grandmother sleep with me for the rest of the night. I was a grown woman but I was too scared to sleep alone.
I have moved back to Tennessee, married and have 2 girls. I am now 28 years old. I will never forget that as long as I live. I have never stayed the night there again and I won’t encourage my girls to as they get older. We visit a lot but anytime I’m alone in that house I am scared so I don’t stay long alone. I have had several strange experiences in my life and so have other members of my extended family. I think we may be sensitive to these things a little bit. This was the most up-close and personal that I had ever gotten with a ghost. I was scared because he was so dark and shadowy. I thought he must be evil. I have learned from your site that just because they appear in shadow form doesn’t mean they are evil. I am still intrigued by ghost and the paranormal. I would like to see a ghost again, just not on the home front when you never know quiet when they will pop up!!

Pennville, IN

I lived there for a short time taking care of a blind friends
2 yr. old twins. Their room was down stairs and mine up, so I had baby moniters so I could
hear them through the night. One day I was taking a nap upstairs and saw some one
coming up the stairs. I thought nothing of it until no one ever reached the top landing. I
went to the top and looked down and a large black shadow went over my head and out the ceiling. That night I heard a baby crying over the moniter. I went down stairs to check on
the kids but they were sound asleep.
I turned off the moniter and could here a baby screaming at the bottom of the stairs. Of
Course I had the ibby jibbies by now, but I tried to find this sound. The crying would switch rooms and when I would open the door to the room it was in, it would fade to another part of the house.
This crying lasted for three days and three nights non stop. I knew I wasn't crazy when friends came over and they to heard it. My puppy continuously barked and cried at the corner where I the dark shadow re entered the room. The 2 year old children even asked where is that baby at, and why is it crying? I don't know the story of this house, but I moved out the following week.

My Whole Life


My whole life I have had experiences that were strange and associated with
the paranormal but I was never really sure if I believed that ghosts were
real... until recently.
I'm 22 now but it all started when I was 5. My family and I lived in an old
house in Amarillo, TX that I will swear to this day was haunted by what I
called the "Pinching Lady." I would wake up in the middle of the night and
there would be a lady standing next to my bed pinching my arms. Neither one
of my parents believed me until my 16 yr old cousin moved in and started
telling them the same thing. We moved out not long after and it never
happened again. My life was pretty much quiet until I was about 14. We'd
moved to WA state and my dad had remarried and had a house built for the new
family. Whenever I was home alone, the toilets would flush by themselves. It
wasn't just the noise a toilet would make when flushing, the water would
actually be twirling down the toilet when I went in to the bathroom. This
went on for about a year then other things started to happen. Something
would knock on my bedroom door or throw it open when it was completely shut.
It would open so furiously that it would leave marks on the wall behind it
from the knob. My brother complained that he would wake up in the middle of
the night and there would be someone sitting on his chest.  It was getting
so intense that I was afraid that I was going crazy since no one else seemed
to be experiencing the same things. It wasn't until recently that my father
started complaining of the same things (he still lives there.) He says him
and his wife will hear doors opening and closing and people walking around
but there's no one there except for them. One time it was so loud they
called the police because they thought some one had broken in!
 Over the years there have been a few other things that have happened but
nothing was as real and scary as last night. We had been at work talking
about ghosts and hauntings when one of my co-workers mentioned a "ghost"
that would turn the radio up in her car and at her mom's house periodically.
I joked with her since my apartment already seemed to have some strange
happenings, he could come home with me so he would have some company. Bad
idea..... I was standing in the living room joking with my boyfriend about
it when we heard a deafening pop. We turned around and the entire glass
sliding door had shattered! The dog meanwhile was cowering in the corner
staring down the hall growling and whining as if someone were there. (He did
it all night!) Thinking it was malicious activity by someone in the
neighborhood I called the security patrol and was advised to call the
police. The door was so badly spider webbed that we feared opening it would
cause the pane fall out so we didn't get a good look at the outside of the
door. Once the policeman arrived we discovered the outside pane was
completely intact! Not a scratch or crack anywhere.
 While I had been waiting for the police, my boyfriend had gone to bed.
After the police left I went to crawl into bed and was greeted by a
sarcastic "Thank you" from my boyfriend for rocking the bed to wake him up.
I was amazed since at the time I was supposedly rocking the bed I was
outside with the officer! I called today to make sure that there was no
recorded seismic activity and there was nothing they could come up with.
 This is not the first time something like this has happened. Since we've
moved in the channels on the TV change when you get up and walk away, we've
both had television remotes thrown at us on separate occasions and things
will go missing and appear later in the most obvious places.
 If there's one thing I've learned from this, it's not wise to invite
ANYTHING home with you.

Hillcrest North hauntings


I am a previous employee of Hillcrest.  I have seen ghosts in the basement.  I have been on the haunted elevator-when the young female ghost will not let you off the elevator unless you tell her to.  I have heard the ball bounce from the little boy that died in surgery,  I have seen the elderly lady in the pink gown and robe set.  The residents from time to time see them they say there large face on the window,  And they always have the same description.

Haunting in Oz


My uncle used to live in an old house in the Adelaide hills in Australia. This house had a rich history. The house was used as a bakery to feed travelers between destinations. As a child of nine years I was exited by this house. It was on a large property and boasted such things as a well and a small creek where I used to catch frogs. This house obviously had quite a story to tell for my family had many experiences. Apart from some strange noises things also appeared in front of us. As kids would normally do when visiting a new place, we explored. After finding a large room with nothing in it but two wardrobes we thought we would pry. Looking in the first wardrobe, nothing could be seen. But in the second, a beautiful wedding dress was hung up. Sensing wedding bells we closed the cupboard to talk to my uncle. After turning our back on the wardrobe a large thud seemed to hit it but we thought nothing of it. After speaking to my uncle and seeing the stunned look on his face we convinced him to come and take a look. He opened the wardrobe and peered inside. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Thinking we made a mistake we looked in the next and again completely empty. We thought nothing of it until recently and decided to talk to my family about it. They were not surprised because they had their own stories to tell. After having a lovely dinner at my uncle’s house, granddad decided to take the hour long trip home. During the car ride, he recalled often hearing voices in his back seat but of course thought nothing of it. After returning home he went to bed. At 3am the next morning my grandmother woke to hearing crying coming from the lounge room. Sitting by her husband of close to forty years she asked what’s wrong. “I must save Michael (my uncle)”, he shouted “he is in danger I must save him. The next day my granddad was scared to tell people what had happened. As a veteran of the Scottish armed forces, it was embarrassing for him to cry.
Not only did this house effect family members but also a family pet. My uncle owned a large pure bred boxer. This dog was afraid of nothing and was an excellent guard dog. After spending time at the house it began to act strangely. It used to quiver in corners, bark at walls and urinate it self which he had never done before. My uncle moved out as soon as possible and has never looked back

Cornwallis (ghost Story)


Cornwallis is a massive 200 year old home  within walking distance from Halifax harbour,which in the opinion of many is one of the hottest spots for hauntings in Eastern Canada.Think about it!!!It was here where the`infamous Halifax Explosion happened,killing thousands of innocents in mere minutes,it is here where the bloated bodies from the ill-fated Titanic washed ashore to find rest in one of the oldest cities in north america.
It was here that I moved to for the first time on my own to pursue painting at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design.I arrived in a rush to start school during the January semester,in the middle of a howling ice storm.My parents and I didnt have much time to waste in finding a place, and after looking at many dingy over-priced rooms we snatched up the room on Cornwallis street with much relief.My room was vast,with high ceilings, tall elegant windows,a beautiful elaborate fireplace and hardwood floors.All the rooms in the house were like this and filled with other art students.My best friend (who came with us ) was to stay the first night with me and we were very excited.But of course we both felt a little uneasy about the place,having grown up in bright cheery modern homes.But I was determined to not ruin it for myself so I ignored the unease.We chatted  for awhile,when all of a sudden she pointed to the ceiling and said 'Did you just see that!!!!"
My heart almost stopped.'Whhat' I said angrily
"Dont you see the huge moth???"She asked in wonder....
I didnt see anything no matter how hard I tried.This apparent moth was supposedly circling furiosly above our heads on the ceiling,in the dead of winter and I couldnt see it.Great.
The next day my parents and my friend deperted.
A major snowstorm was happening so I coudnt even leave the house for 3 days.I was very depressed and homesick and the following events did not help.
On the first night on my own I could not get to sleep.I started coughing alot and I felt freezing cold one minute and was sweating with fever the next.The hairs on my began to stand on end so I turned on some Vivaldi , low volume to calm my nerves.I even tried to do some sketches ,but I could feel out the corner of my eye that next to the fireplace something wasnt the same.....
I concentrated furiosly on my drawing and refused to look up,even while the music was beginnig to distort,the violins slowing while the harpsichord sped faster.....Finally when I did look up I saw I long dark column wavering distorting with the music in front of the fireplace.I couldnt breathe.
I think I must have blacked out,for I awoke the following morning quite sick.
Many such eerie occurences occured the rest of the semester,many perhaps more alarming than that one.Perhaps I will send in more sometime.

Something about The Marshfield County Hospital


I happened upon your sight tonight, when on a whim, decided to look up ghost stories of Wisconsin.  I read the short piece on the old Marshfield County Hospital.  Just wanted to add a little bit I know about the old hospital (aka: Norwood Hospital).
To let you know the source of this story, I had a teacher in high school who's husband was a doctor turned parapsychologist (believe his name was Dr. Tierney).  During her "Death" unit in her English class, she would bring in her husband to tell us a few of the sighting he had investigated.
He told the story of the Old Norwood Mental Hospital.  A doctor and personal friend of Dr. Tierney had relayed a story of what had happened to him while working at this old hospital.  The story is as follows:
The doctor had worked long at the hospital when he started hearing patients tell stories.  They would tell of hearing strange voices, seeing shadows, feeling as if someone was there.  Well, it was a mental hospital after all, so he dismissed the claims.
Sidenote:  To describe Norwood (which was recently destroyed due to the Highway 10 bypass project) it looked like an old sandstone-colored castle.  It was a creepy place to go even after the place had closed do and places like the Salvation Army and other various businesses would hold auctions, flea markets and sales.  I used to go there with my parents after the facility was closed, so I was up close and personal.
Okay, back to the story:
The hospital had series of hallways beneath the facility that would lead to rooms for storage and utilities (heating and plumbing).  These tunnels were only accessible by administration and staff.  A room would mark the end of a hallway, with no way out.  That way, if a patient did get down there, there was no way out and they were trapped.  These hallways were also sparsely lit.
Working a late shift one night, he needed to go down to the records room.  The room at the end of a particularly long hallway.  The lights where spaced far apart and allowed many shadows.  Walking down the hallway, the doctor thought he saw someone standing against the wall need the door to the records room.
On closer inspection, he recognized the form of that of "Joe" the janitor.  He called out in greeting to Joe and asked him what he was doing down there.  The shadow then just detached itself from the wall as if to face the doctor, it turned, then walked into the wall.
The doctor was quite shocked by this, and just a bit shaken.  After a moment he dismissed it as an overactive imagination from working long hours.  He continued down the hallway, but as he closed on the door, he started getting a feeling of dread.  The closer to the door, the worse it became.  His heart pounding and his body sweating, he forced himself to reach for the door knob.  He turned the knob and the door wouldn't budge.  He starting forcing the door open and it felt as if a wild wind pushed out of the room.  After forcing the door open a few inches, a voice screamed, "GET OUT!" and the door slammed shut.
The doctor, taking a hint, ran for his life.  He sat in his office for quite a while trying to gather himself over a cup of coffee.  Finally, he decided that the hospital was starting to get to him.  He had to go back down to the room to prove to himself that he wasn't going crazy.
Slowly he walked down the hallway and reached the door without incident.  He reached for the door, turned the knob, and quickly threw the door open and flipped on the light switch.  NOTHING!  Nothing happened and nothing was disturbed in the room.  He thought with all the wind he had experienced from the room, the place would be a mess.  Everything was where it was supposed to be.  He quickly gathered what he needed and left the room vowing not to anyone about the incident.  After all, crazy things like that were the reason people were locked up there in the first place.
A month or so later, the doctor was coming in on his morning shift when one of his fellow workers quickly pulled him aside.  "You will never believe what happened to me last night down in the records room!" the worker exclaimed.
The doctor replied, "Try me."
The co-worker went on to tell the doctor and amazing story that almost duplicated the doctor's experience.  Then the doctor came out and told the co-worker of his experience.  The co-worker was very relieved and was happy they were not going crazy.
There was one thing missing from the co-worker's story though and asked the co-worker about it.
"Before this all happened, did you see anything?  I thought I say Joe, the old janitor, standing in the hallway by the door."  The proceeded to tell the co-worker about the shadow walking through the wall.
The co-worker explained that they had not seen a shadow, but that is possibly had been Joe.  Joe had hung himself in the boiler room down there several months before.
Hence the Haunting of Norwood Hospital.
I hope you find the story interesting.  I have several other stories I have looked into in Stevens Point, and even more I have experienced.
Stevens Point seems like a hotbed of ghost stories.  Just will give a little overview of a couple of them:
The legless man of Lynwood:  A short man in a turn of the century suite stands along side of County Truck P near dusk when the fog covers the roads.  He waves down people while holding a bouquet of flower, asking passersby where his wife is buried.
Calvin Blood:  I've heard several stories for a background to this haunting, but it is says this haunting is by a man once named Calvin Blood.  Blood at one time was a popular name in portage county like Jones or Smith.  The haunting itself takes place in a cemetery along the Wisconsin River off of West River Drive.  I found a police report in Stevens Point's old library about an incident happening to a couple of officers investigating a call of kids in the cemetery.
To make a long story short on this one, supposedly a blob of light and fog comes out from behind Calvin's grave stone, shutting off all power to vehicles and lights, it envelopes a vehicle, and then just vanishes restoring all power to the vehicle.
Now this cemetery is watched by a keeper who doesn't like anybody coming into the cemetery at night.  And also heard from another of my teachers that Calvin Blood's remains were moved to an island out in the river behind the cemetery.  There are 30 or 40 graves there that are unmarked.  Remains were moved there to keep people from going after the bodies.  He told of the only two people lynched in Portage county that are buried there.  Two brothers that raped and murdered a girl early in the town's history and were hung in the town square.  Another buried there was a former sheriff that were hated by may in the town.  One night, someone hung the sheriff from the maple tree in his front yard.  For years, on the anniversary of his death, people would dig up his remains and hang them from the tree, hence the reason for hiding his remains.
If interested, I'll give you a few more stories I know from the Stevens Point/Plover and surrounding area, both publicly know and a few private ones.



my grandmother died june 30,2002 the day she died i was at my cousins house sleeping over and i woke up the second she april 1,2004 i was home alone when i heard foot step up stair and then i heard her voice say "jaymes"whitch is my name.and then i saw a white light run down the hall.

My Experiences


Hi there my name is Cody I am only thirteen and a half years old and have had so many experiences over these couple of years, scary and interesting ones.
the best one was: I went back to England to stay with my dad for a couple of months in folkstone, the night I went there we went to my dads best friends pub in Radnor park called the park inn, it has been there for a good hundred and fifty years and it has been so many things over the years, courthouse, funeral parler, even a mental home, well one night after closing they had a power cut, and the strangest things started happening, bottles smashing, glasses flying, and suddenly this ghost appeared out of nowhere we all saw it, was the best thing in my life though I have many more stories to tell. Dave and Tina if it is ever possible please may you email me thanks allot best regards

Lady by the Fire


Hi my name is Linda i am 50 years old and when i was 16 i was in bed i woke up in the middle of the night to see an old woman standing at the bottom of my bed she had a while long sleeved night dress on and a night hat all in white she has grey hair i was so scared i closed my eyes then opened them to see if i was seeing things but she was still there she looked at me and smiled i closed my eyes again and opened them to look away and she was now standing by the fire place she bent down as though she was going to poke the fire she looked at me and smiled then i closed my eyes again when i opened them she was gone i was so scared i daren't move all night when i told my mother about it the next morning she told me that the same thing happened to her when she was 16 years old that is spooky

I Thought I was Dreaming


Since, I was a little girl.  I had always seen and heard things.  We in the southwest part of New Mexico.  Lived in a newly built house.  So you would think that there would be no ghost.  I remember first encounter.  I was 6-7 yrs old.  My 3 brothers were out with our cousin.  My parents were sleeping in their bedroom.  I was woke up to laughter in the kitchen.  I heard the music from the old west and people laughing, smelling of smoke (no one in our family smokes.),  and lots of talking.  I thought that I was still dreaming.  At this point I knew that I was awake.  I called out my brothers name and I heard a voice of a man say "SSHHH!!  She is up.  I told you guys that we would wake her up!"  I got out of the bed.  I approched the door.  The voice said again.  "I think she went back to bed.  But keep it down.  We don't want her to know that we are here."  When I got to the door of my room.  I in turn said.  "Hey you guys!  I'm awake now.  Here I come."  I looked in the kitchen.  There was nothing there.  I got this eerie feeling along the cold air.  I stood there and felt this brush on my arm and knew I was not alone.  From then on I always have "the feeling".  I have experienced alot more since then.  Even to this day I see and hear things that no one else can.  I think I even passed it on to my 2 kids.

An Invisible Guest


This incident happened about 12 years ago at the apartment my wife and I shared before kids. She had lived there for several years before we met and nothing like this had ever happened to her. On Saturdays I worked till 1:00 pm and would come home, have a snack then the two of us generally would go to our bedroom at the far end of the apartment down a long hall past 2 other bedrooms for a "nap"  It was very quiet at this end of the apartment and it kind of became a ritual with us.
The bedroom was laid out with the bed diagonally opposite the doorway, the windows faced west so the summer afternoon sun was streaming into the bedroom giving a very warm comfortable feeling. (this incident happened in late July in Toronto. Normally hot)
On this particular day we had just begun to doze off, we were lying on our right sides. I was behind my wife both of us facing the door when I felt the normal summer heat rapidly diminish at the same time I could feel her begin to tense up. ( Deb could sleep through a hurricane) My arm was lying along her arm up to her shoulder and as I opened my eyes I was able to watch as the hair on my arm stood up. I was looking towards the door and watched as what appeared to be a watery translucent image appear at the door to the bedroom. The temperature in the room was unbelievably cold at this point and I asked Deb "do you see that" she said "I feel it" At this point I got up and said aloud "we're leaving lets go" as soon as we passed the doorway of the room,we had to pass this thing 1st,  but it seemed it wasn't there any more the temperature rose dramatically.We went to the balcony where the full force of the afternoon sun was and just stood there for what seemed like an hour. When we went back in all seemed normal.
We moved out soon after and it never happened again but to this day my wife refuses to acknowledge the incident,she fears these things quite a bit. However when we talk about it, just the two of us she says the same thing " I didn't see it but I did feel it"


Intruder in the House


I really love this site and want to share this story,  My mother and I and my brother were watching Tv in our living room back in the mid 1960's one night while my father was at work. We had this pet toy poodle that stayed in the house who at the time was laying on the floor at the edge of our couch while we watched television.
My mother had a real close friend who had often visited us with her husband and lived not to far away. As we watched Tv our dog all of a sudden jumped up and started to growl and was focusing on something or someone down the hallway, it was dark and we could not see what he was growling at, but what ever it was it really shook up our dog because he was backing up and shivering and growling in real fear of what ever it was.
My mother jumped up off the couch and turned on the lights but there was no one there. I remember her calling my father at work complaining that there must have been a prowler around the house and told him to come home because she was afraid.
My mother had no sooner hung up the phone and then the phone rang and she answered it. On the other end of the phone was my mothers best friend who was screaming and crying that her husband had just shot himself in the head and was dead.
I was very young and the incident happened along time ago but I still get goose bumps hearing the story from my mother when she tells it to others.

Alabama House


The house my grandparents built is believed to be haunted, or was when my family (their daughter and her family) lived there.
We have returned home from being gone all day to find the bed in the back bedroom (great- grandmother's room) to be completly made up as if in a was left messed up and strowed by daughter.
While watching television in what used to be my grandparent's bedroom, a jewelry box actually flew about 4 feet off of a dresser onto the floor.
The cabinets in the kitchen where the liquor was kept would open by themselves.
Some faucets would turn on but when you went to see them they would be off.
This house is located in Henry County, Alabama. New residents now live there and have not been questioned of any "activity".

A Weird Story


this story isnt very scary but i want to share it with everyone to see if anyone else has had the same experience.  I woke up one nite around 4am and i looked in the corner of my room and i saw a green glow almost like the tinker bell mist that she comes in. I tryed to screem for my mom and nothing would come out, so i layed in bed and watched it for almost 5 min then i thought forget this and turned on my tv and it went away. It scared me very much but i didnt do anything but flutter around in the corner of my bedroom. This was my first experience and it was about a couple of months ago and it hasnt happened again.
if anyone has had this same experience pleas email me back and let me know at thank you


The Man at Work


Hi i just found your website and i think its great. i have a story i though i would tell you about...last spring i worked (waitress) for a restaurant called Giacamos on RT.40 in Richland NJ. Its a really old reataraunt/tavern and i use to have to go down to the basement to get ice and bar supplies and while i was down there i use to see a little boy sitting on the steps i just came down from. I remember the first time i say the boy i was so scared... but after that when ever i seen him it felt fine..i asked another worker that worked there for years if anyone ever said the place was haunted and she just looked at me and said yeah the man that use to live there...

Ghosts Spirits and Angels


Hi, my name is Becky
I have lived with spirits around me for the better part of my life.  I am, I guess you would say sensitive to them.  I, for the most part, have had only good experiences and really do not mind them being in my life with me.  It is nice to know you have someone around even if you can't see them all of the time.
When I was 7 years old my brother moved into a house that had so much activity in it that it was next to impossible to keep any one living there for longer than 3 or 4 months.  My brother and his family was no exception.  The first day they moved in things started happening.  In the dining room of the house (by the way this was in 1965 and the house was built in the 20's or 30's if I remember rightly)  there were 2 crystal chandeliers, not real big ones but impressive.  One was a pinkish color and the other a blue.  My brother had put his rocking chair in there and sat down under one of them to read a book.  In just a few minutes it started to swing back and forth and around in circles and then turned off, at the same moment it went off the other one came on.  He moved under the other one and had the same thing happen.  This went on a few more times till he finally gave up and said, out loud, "Ok you win, I'll go to bed."  With that they both came on, off, on, off, on and off one more time and stayed off.  He went to bed.  Two or three days later my mom and I went over to see them and watch my neqhews.  It was a warm day and in So. California at that time not many people had air conditioners.  My brother and his wife went to do some shopping for house stuff I guess and we, my mom, myself and my two nephews went into the backyard.  I don't remember what we were doing, I guess me and my neqhews were playing, since I am just a few years, 3 or 4, older then them.  We weren't outside long when we heard doors slamming inside of the house.  The windows in the house had been painted shut and the front door was closed.  There was also no breeze that day.  My mom thought that they had forgot something and came back so she went inside.  When she came back out she said it wasn't them and didn't know what it was.  My brother had forgot to tell us about the ghosts.  A little while later it happened again this time I went inside with her and we looked around, nothing.   It happened a few more times that afternoon but after the second time we didn't go back in.  We just waited in the back yard till they got home.  My mom told them what had been happening all day and my brother just laughed and said, "oh yeah I forgot to tell you that it is haunted."
I ended up staying the night there that night because my mom was going out and had to sleep in the dining room on a fold up bed.  I had been calling the spirit or spirits a name all evening.  Being a kid it was Casper the unfriendly ghost.  When it was time to go to bed I met my first spirit buddy.  I heard what sounded like footsteps coming out of the kitchen into the dining room.  I did what any smart 7 year old would have done to protect myself, I pulled the blankets over my head.  I felt someone sit on the bed next to my right thigh.  I started to peek out when a man, whose voice I did not know, spoke to me.  He told me his name was not casper  that it was Johnney and he was not unfriendly.  He also said he was not alone.  The pressure against my thigh left and I took a quick peek.  Covers pulled back up over my head I laid there for a long time finally going to sleep.
Johnney and, I guess his wife, girlfriend , whatever she was to him, ended up with me when my brother moved out.  They let them selves be known when they got mad at me or if someone doubted they exsisted.  You know throwing things around or picking things up for all to see and moving them across the room and setting them down nice and easy.  When my mom and I had been gone and came back home, you could sometimes hear them inside the house arguing.  As soon as the key went into the lock all would become quite.
Like I said when my brother moved out of the house they came with me.  Well when my brother moved out they tore the house down a month later.  In my neqhews room at the foot of Randy's, (Lee the oldest, Randy the youngest at the time) was a cold spot almost freezing cold it seemed.  In the living room was a fire place that had been bricked in there was a cold spot just to the left side of it.  Out in the side yard was a Weeping Willow and under it was another cold spot.  When they tore down the house and dug up the land they found 4 bodies, or what was left anyway, 2 in the bedroom about 5 feet under, one in the wall beside the old fire place, and one buried under the Weeping Willow.
I still feel Johnney around sometimes though not as often as when I was younger and till my late twenties.  I have also picked up some hitchhikers over the years.
I my self now live in an old mobile home that has been added on to.  The couple that lived here before me are now both passed.  He loved this place and I am told he was very happy here.  I guess so because he showed himself to me about 2 months ago and is still hanging out.  His name is Woody.
Like I said I don't mind the company.  I have had alot of other things happen in different houses I have lived in.  From a woman that haunted one place in which her husband had killed her.  She hated men and would pretty regularly hurt or try to kill my husband.  Another placed an elderly black man had a heartattack in the bathroom that seperated the two bedrooms.  It got to the point that my daughter, Erica, she was also 7 years old when this happened, could not go into the bathroom alone.  If she did he would start whispering in her ear and if she tried to take a bath with the curtain closed he would reach around the curtain, she saw his hand, and open it up and she would come out screaming.  He also liked to rub my leg at night while I slept.  It would wake me up.  I finally told him he had died and needed to go on to his next life.  That his work here was done.  He didn't leave but he did mellow out.
I have also met angels.  When my brother died, I was 15 then and he was 31.  I met my gaurdian angle.  His name is Corinthian.  That is a whole other story though and quite long.
I wish you all well and hope you have a good day.

Ghost Experiences


I have a graveyard across the street from my house. I'm only 11 but I have a lot of experiences to tell you about. I'll tell you them in order. They range from when I was 8 to now.
When I was six years old, my sister (13-14 at the time), and I were the only ones home. We were sitting in the living room and we smelled something coming the kitchen. The stove had turned on and was melting a pan on the top of the stove!
A year later, we moved into a different part of our house. (its split into four parts). I was doing the dishes and was drying a pan. I had my back tunred towards the sink. I heard a click and i noticed that the kitchen suddenly got a lot brighter. The light above the kitchen sink had been turned on.
A couple days after that, my sister was sitting at the table, studying. She noticed it got brighter in the kitchen and she felt a chill. She looked and the light had been turned on.
The next moring after my sisters incident, she was making coffee in the kitchen. She went into the lving room because I had wanted to ask her something. We both heard a chink and went into the kitchen. The spoon my sister had place fully in the cup, had been placed next to it, in the short 5 seconds my sister had exited the room.
It was peaceful until about 6 months (I was ten) after the cup incident, my sister and I were standing at the kitchen sink and my cat came running into the kitch and whirled around and hissed at something and a door slammed shut behind her. There had been noone in the house and no wind when this happened.
A couple weeks after this, everyone had gone to school, except my mother and father, who had the day off. They went shopping and came home. My mother was looking out the window and saw my cat (indoor) run across the lawn. She went to check every window, and found one had been pushed open. My sister and I came home from school, and my mother told us about that. We went to look at the window, which my dad had shut tight, and found it was shoved open again.
2 months after this, I was in my room, brushing my hair. I went outside to check to see if my friend had arrived yet, and went back in my room. It was exceptionly cold in my room, when it hadn't been before, and I found my brush all the way across my room., and noone was home.
A couple days after this, I was talking on the phone with one of my friends, and  I passed the bathroom. I heard a thump, and a tissue box and fallen from the top of the toilet, to the floor, some 6 feet away from the toilet.
A year later, (I was 11), I heard knocking on my door, and someone moving the beads in front of them. I walked to my door and pulled it open. Noone was there.
Later that day, I was sitting in my room, listening to music, and my computer moniter shut off. I have no sleep timer or anything on it.
The next day, I woke up, after a nightmare, and I turned on my TV. The remote was laying 1 foot away from me, and I hadn't moved, yet my TV turned off.
Then, yesterday, I was talking on the phone to my friend Cori, and I was absently looking out to the graveyard, when I noticed something odd. There was a man, that I could see through, kneeling at a grave, dressed in 19th century clothing. Thatwas actually the first time I had seen a ghost. Chills shot up and down my spine and I ran inside.
These are all true experiences. I find the time span of them a bit puzzling, but they all happened. There are many more to come, I'm sure.

Haunted Visit


I was visiting in lebanon, tenness from August 27, 2002 - December, 2002
i was staying with an elderly couple  next to a cemetary.  one night besides all the other strange happenings, i was sitting up againt the cushions on a made out sofa bed and all their cats started going crazy and i looked to my left down the hall way and right in front of their bedroom door was a little girl about 8 years old with long blonde hair and a ankle length white dress with bloomers and black shoes holding her hand in front of her.
then a few days later the elderly lady showed me a clock she had and it didn't work in many many years.  then one night about 3 a.m. it started working.  it would also be hot in the house and you could get up and walk toward the hall and there was a spot that was very cold.
There are three families that live on that land by the cemetary, and they all have ghost stories.

Family Tradition


    For many years now, my mother and I have been experiencing some very
interesting paranormal activity in our home.  It is my belief that my
house is haunted by several spirits.  The most active of which is
possibly a cat.  As this is a farmhouse and many cats have died both
within the house and on the farm, I can't be specific as to which cat.
It is dark brown or black in colour with a slightly angular face.  I
have seen this spirit 'running' past doorways and peeking around corners
at me.  If I leave my bedroom door open at night, the spirit will jump
on my bed waking me from a sound sleep.  I don't feel any threat from
this spirit, possibly because it doesn't bother me nearly as much as it
does my mother.  Several evenings spent relaxing in front of the TV have
been disturbed by this enitity touching my mother on the shoulder or
face.  My nine-year-old niece and I were sitting at the kitchen table,
talking, when she jumped and exclaimed "What was that?"  She explained
that she had seen something small and black running past the hall
doorway.  It seems that the women in my family are a little more
sensitive than most.
    Another spirit I have seen may be a late relative.  My great-uncle
passed away in the early sixties.  All my life, I have seen a man
wearing a brown suit and a derby style hat standing on the landing or on
the stairs to the basement.  This bothered me because this house was
built in 1968.  Only recently did I discover that the basement stairs
were taken from an old farmhouse that stood on this site since 1908.
That was the year my great-grandparents came to Canada and settled on
this homestead.

A Creepy True Story


     My mom used to live in Little Rock, AR. in the River Walk apartments. When they went to look at the apartments this really nice lady helped her pick out this huge apartment that used to belong to a handicapped man who lived by himself but died recently. My mom took that one because it was the cheapest, wonder why. Well once she got moved in lots of weird stuff started happening, first that really nice lady had died in a really bad car accident about 2 or 3 weeks after my mom moved in. It gets weirder though, my mom was cleaning one day and she turned the cold water of in the kitchen and went to the back of the house in her bedroom to do something and the hot water was on well she turned that off and went back to her room and the water was back on! She was home by herself that day so that had to have scared her allot. About a week after that her dog, which is usually really quiet, starts yelping and turning around allot like someone had grabbed her tail or something. This happened allot too, her and my step-dad would get up every morning and stuff would be missing like candles or newspapers and sometimes my video games. One morning I got up, I thought this was a trick, and found a huge pyramid of toilet paper rolls stacked up on the dining room table! I
sked my mom about it later and she said neither her or my step-dad had did it. And every morning when I woke up to go to my bathroom and brush my teeth and hair and stuff my floor would be really wet, and the maintenance man said there was nothing wrong with the plumbing. The last really weird thing that happened was the night before they were going to move they had just got the truck there but it was late so they went to bed without putting anything in the truck. They woke up the next morning and a lot of the boxes were in the truck! Thanks for taking the time to read this story

_Where do I Begin?


Hi there.  I am writing to you because there are a lot of strange things that have happened in my life.
First of all, I am empathic.  I pick up on things that normal people don't.  I can walk into a room and know it's history.  I have dreams that come true.  I pick up on peoples thoughts and emotions.  To me it is not suprising that I live in an apartment with a ghost.
Firtst the empathic things.  I used to work at a home for seniors.  A lot of our people were there to die.  One lady comes to mind.  I met her the day she came in.  I was assigned to get her room ready and to help her settle in.  I knew she had cancer of the ovaries and that's about all.  I met her daughter and son in law first, then she came in on a stretcher.  I helped the EMS team transfer her to bed and when she was safe I shook her hand.  The worst pain I have ever felt in my life pased thru my lower abdominal area the second I touched her.  I was feeling her pain.  I have no idea how she managed to stay so cheerful and pleasant in that much pain.  It happened at least 8-10 times in the 3 months she was with us.
Another time I was with a resident as she was dying.  I was asked to stay in the room with her until the family came.  She died before they got there.  I went to get our D O N who pronounced her dead and then procedded to wash her up and dress the body in something nice.  I was working with another aide and I got this feeling we were being watched.  That feeling was confirmed when I felt something cold settle right beside my left arm, it stayed there until we were done dressing her.  My partner was about to leave when she felt something cold brush against her arm.  She gasped, and I smiled at her.  I said "I think she's still here."  That was all it took for me to be left alone with a dead body.  When the family showed up, I hugged the son and daughter in law.  The husband came in a few minutes later.  As we were all standing by her bed talking about her and the arrangements for the funeral, the bedside lamp flickered rapidly a few times.  The husband looked to his right and rubbed his arms, then he touched his face.  He told us he felt cold on his cheek and like something cold was holding his hand for a moment.  Then it was gone.  I felt she was gone.  I looked at the husband and said, " I think she just said goodbye."  She used to brush her hand across his cheek and hold his hand.  They had been married for 66 years.  I would have dreams about patients to.  In life these were people who were in a vegatative state, or wheel chair bound, or who couldn't talk.  In my dreams they were well and healthy and doing things like eating icecream or getting their hair done.  I once had an entire conversation about cats with one ;ady in a dream.  This woman couldn't talk, she'd had a stroke.  Always, within 2 days of these dreams sometimes on the night I had them, these patients would have passed away.  I only got it wrong once, and that is because the woman slipped into a coma for 6 days before she passed.  She died an hour after the great grandaughter showed up with her baby that was 5 days old.  They placed the baby beside her great-great grandmother, took a picture and then when they left an hour later, she died.  I felt priveledged to be in the room with her when she passed.  We all believe she was waiting to "see" the baby before she passed on.
Now it doesn't suprise me or scare me that we are living in an apartment that still houses its previous tenant.  About 5 years ago the woman who lived here for 20 years died in her sleep.  The story we got from other tenants was that she was found the next day by her son who came to take her shopping.
She made her presence known only after I had settled down into my bedroom, which is the master bedroom and was hers..  She does little things like sitting on the edge of my bed, or brush the hair off my neck and sigh in my ear.  I have also had my hip nudged several times and feel almost nightly someone sitting down on the edge of my bed.  Our cats know she is there.  Sometimes they will look up at absolutely nothing and make the half purr half meow they use to greet us.  Sitting in the living room, we will see someone walk down the hall when there is no one there.  My bedroom door opens on its own, my closet door will get closed if it is open.  I don't like the cats to go in there.  At first I was bothered by all this, but I had a "talk" with her.  I just asked her if it would be possible to live in peace with her.  Apparently she likes that idea.
My last and most memorable experience was the night my grandfather died.  I woke up to a dark quiet room with a feeling of anticipation.  From no where my grandfather was standing beside my bed and he was smiling.  He winked at me and said,"I'm going now, I love you."  He reached out his hand and I reached towards him.  He vanished before I could touch him.  I found out that he had finally passed away after months with cancer at about 3am.
More things than I can possibly write here have happened to me.  I am a strong empath and it gets stronger every year that I am alive.  I wouldn't change it for anything.
Thanks for listening.

St. Andrews Tower Ghost


Over the many years of my 29 year old life, I have encountered many ghosts
and strange phenomina. My mother used to tell me it was because I had old
celt blood running through my veins and the gift has been passed down
through generation after generation.  The story I am about to tell is by far
one of my best encounters ever and to this day I love telling it to all who
Back in February of 2000 I went on a trip with a group of friends to
Scotland. I was excited because I could finally meet my long distance
cousins over there and do some major sight seeing. Well one of the stops was
the quiet college town of St. Andrews reknowned for their golf courses.
There they have the ruins of an old Cathedral with a cemetary which you can
walk around. Also there is a lone tower which you can climb up and get a
wonderful view of the town and sea scape. It was in the tower that I had my
I went in with a group of my girlfiends and decided to be the last one
beacuse I have a hard time navigating up spiral staircases. And this
staircase was intimidating to say the least. I started out ok. Holding onto
both sides with my friend directly infront of me. Then the virtigo kicked in
and I started to get scared so I started climbing on my hands and knees. I
started to feel really scared like I wasn't going to be able to make it to
the top and by this time my friends had left me in the dust. So I stopped on
the stairs and was literally on the verge of tears because I was alone and
god forbid if I fall no would know. So I couldn't go forward nor backwards.
It was then I heard a man's voice with the Scottish accent go as clear as
day "C'mon up!".  I yelled "wait for me!" "Don't leave me". He then said it
again and it sounded like he was just around the bend from me so I started
heading up the whole time expecting to see him as I turned each corner.  He
kept coaxing me around each corner until I hit the top of the tower. I was
there that I found all of my girlfriends standing looking at the view. I
then started looking for another staircase that the guide as I call him
might have gone down but it turned out that I was standing in the only
entrance to the only staircase. There was no male figure up there any where.
I then got lost in the view and it stood out in the back of my mind but for
that moment i got lost in the beauty of the town and landscape. I made it
down the stairs much better then going up.(basically I slid the whole way
down on my rear). But it wasn't until a couple of days later that I bought a
book for my older brother called Scottish Ghosts. I was reading it in the
back of the bus when I happened across the story about the St. Andrew  Rules
Tower, it went on to say that it was haunted by a kindly spirit of a monk
who would help people make it to the top of the tower. I was floored. For
once I had more then a glimpse of something moving, a feeling like I wasn't
alone, or a scent of something in the room. This time a spirit reached out
and helped one sorry sap who should really know her limits, and gave her a
wonderful story to tell friends and family and a lasting impression of the
magic of Scotland.

My Mom Said Goodbye


I will never forget the feeling I experienced on the night of June 25, 1981.  I had left San Diego by plane to meet my father and his family for the first time in Montana.  My first night there, I was in my bed which was in the basement.  I was awoken by the distinct feeling that someone was standing at the foot of my bed staring at me.  Thinking it was one of my siblings "checking out" their big sister who they had never met, I sat up and asked "who's there?" keeping a friendly tone hoping not to scare the child away.  There was no response or anyone there.  I got out of bed and turned on the light.  The feeling was so intense, I even looked under the bed expecting to be greeted by a giggle of one of my little brothers or sister.  There was no one in that room.  I turned out the light, a crawled back into bed.  As I started to doze off, the person came back to the side of my bed.  this time they sat next to me.  I pretended to be asleep, as not to ruin my siblings' surprise visit.  I smiled and opened my eyes to no one at all.  It wasn't a scary feeling, but i once again got up and turned on the light.  Nothing.  When I returned home to my grandparents in August, they sat me down after my arrival home and told me that my mother had passed away the night I left for Montana.  They didn't say anything to me while there because my father would have obtained custody of me.  Because my step mother stated she didn't want me to have anything to do with her or "her" family, we fought often while i was in Montana, and one day she took it to physical level, breaking my nose.  I broke all contact with my father and his family.  in 1998, my little brother had problems with the law.  He had called me and I said he could come live with me.  While living in my home, he met, married and had a child with a beautiful girl named Robin.  My father and I had recently come to speaking terms. Unfortunatley, one day he called to tell me David and Robin has been in a car accident, and that Robin was dead. This event reunited the family, and me & step-mommy just never discussed our summer of hell together.  My grandmother swore revenge for her disfiguring my face.  "Some day" she always said.  My grandmother died in 2001, 10 months after the birth of my first child, who she adored.  I took my son to see his grandfather the following father's day.  My father and his wife now live across the street from the house I stayed at the summer of "81.  Me, my husband and my step mother took my son on a walk after dinner.  As we passed the old house my dad used to own, i looked at the spot on the lawn where my step mother assaulted me.  She saw my glance and looked away.  Just then, as my husband later discribed the event, it was as if step mommy tripped over an invisible rope, her feet flew out from underneath her, and she landed flat on her face.  I quickly went to help her up and wiped the blood away.  We all looked back.  There was nothing for her to have tripped over at all.  Even, level ground.  No cracks, weeds. Nothing.  As we climbed into bed that night my husband kissed me on the forehead and whispered "Mam-Maw always keeps her promises!".  I had to laugh, I do believe my grandmother finally got her revenge.  Just one more item of interest.  My child was born to my late in life, and my grandmother passed away 10 months later.  She had raised all of her kids, grandkids, and babysat her great-grandkids everyday.  My son was the only child not to be raised by Mam-Maw.  But I believe she is with us daily.  Why? you ask.  Because I can feel her love, and almost hear her whisper "patience" to me when i get cranky with my boy.  But mostly because I have never had orbs in any photos I have ever taken.  But there is always one or two in photos of my son.  thank you for letting me share a paragraph from my life that is near and dear to my heart.  You can write me at with any questions.

Man in the Hall.

By: anonymous

In late 1997, I moved into a two bedroom apartment in Los Angeles with a couple friends.  It was only meant to be a temporary as we were intending to look for a three bedroom.  But since two of us had been out of town for a number of months due to work, the third roommate didn’t have the time to look for a place for us to move directly into, so we decided to cram into her current place for a month or two.  The building was an old Spanish style 4-plex with two apartments on the ground floor and two directly above.  All had the same layout.  We were in one of the bottom apartments and the one directly above us had been the landlord’s elderly parents’ place but was currently empty since he’d moved them to the other ground floor apartment but hadn’t bothered to rent it out yet.  When you entered our apartment you were in the large living room/dining room areas with the kitchen off the back of the dining room to the left and to the right was a very long narrow hallway with a bathroom halfway down.  At the end of the hall was a small bedroom on left and at the very end was a larger bedroom.  Since we were two girls and a guy, it was decided that the girls would share the larger bedroom and John would have the smaller room.  But since he wasn’t set to move in until the week after I did, I thought I would stay in his smaller room so I’d have some privacy.  Right from the first night, I was violently shoved awake at 3:40 am.  I became terrified of the doorway (the door was open) and refused to look, but I can see them without looking directly at them (if that makes any sense).  He was about 5’10”, sturdy build, mid-late 30’s and translucent.  Not to mention angry and aggressive. Then he started walking the hallway from my door to the bathroom and back until almost 4:00 am.  I covered my head and it took me a long time to get back to sleep.  This happened repeatedly for the next 6 nights at exactly the same time.  Then John called to say he wasn’t going to move in for another week.  That was it, I couldn’t take it anymore, forget about privacy, I moved my bed into Lucy’s room as soon as I hung up the phone with John.  From then on I slept fine, but still heard him walking the hallways in the early morning.  At first, I didn’t say anything to Lucy as I didn’t want to scare her and she’d been living there alone for 6 months.  Then John moved in.  Immediately, the shoving started with him.  The first couple times he ignored it.  But mentioned it in the morning, I told him my experience and he decided to tell the ghost to leave because it was his room now.  That night, John woke me up with a scream (our other roommate was out of town).  Apparently, the ghost must have fed off his anger because John was woken up by a pressure on his chest like someone was trying to get inside of him.  He threw the entity off him opened his eyes and looked at the door to see a translucent male figure in the doorway with his hands above his head like in victory.  Well, the two of us ran to the living room and watched TV until the sun rose.  When Lucy returned we told her what had been going on, at first she was reluctant to admit anything, but finally she said she’d always felt like someone was in there with her and had slept with a large metal candlestick under her pillow for protection, but had tried not to dwell on it because she didn’t want to freak herself out as she had been living there alone.  Despite everything, John stayed in that room.  The shoving subsided but the footsteps in the hall and feeling of being unwelcome remained.  Then one afternoon, John and I were in the kitchen doing dishes.  I was in the doorway to the dining room when out of the corner of my eye I saw a man come out of the hallway and disappear as soon as he reached the dining table.  Lucy had decided to return to Canada and therefore we no longer needed a 3 bedroom, but John and I decided we could no longer stay in that apartment either.  The rent was cheap, but with all the disturbances it was too high of a price as far as we were concerned.  The landlord, however, really liked the two of us and offered us the apartment directly above.  I was a little concerned about the ghost being up there as well but from the first time I went up to check the place out, I felt happy and home.  So, we took it.  In the end, we lived in that bottom apartment for 5 months. You could still hear him walking the hall from the upstairs apt, but I grew accustomed to it and knew he stayed downstairs so I was alright with that.  When all the activity first started downstairs, I asked the landlord if someone had died in there.  His parents had owned the place for about 40 years and to his knowledge, no.  After we moved out, two young guys just out of College moved in.  They had just started their first jobs and were big partyers.  From above I could hear the ghost getting louder with his footsteps, so I knew he was annoyed.  After a while, we asked one of the guys if they’d had any weird goings on.  They said that there was a lot of noise in the hallway and all the girls that stayed over had complained about feeling something was there with them and didn’t like the place.  But the irony is there was a lot of activity leading up to and especially the night that the elderly landlord died in the other downstairs apartment.  The ambulance came in the middle of the night. I don’t remember exactly what time it was, but the young guys downstairs said that after his death they had no problems or activity whatsoever.   I wondered if it was the elderly man himself, who was in poor health and angry, perhaps being surrounded by young life, specifically male (except for me), because the other upstairs apartment had two men in their mid-late 20’s, was jealous that he was at the end of his and was somehow astral traveling (as his younger self) and trying to get into the guys bodies because he wasn’t willing to go.  Either that or the ghost was attached to the older man in some way

Haunting Experience


I've just kept this story in so long, I want to give it out now. It started when I was younger, maybe around five. I'm near fourteen now, by the way, so it's still, in a way, fresh.
We lived in a small town off of a highway. It was called Balgonie. It didn't have an outstanding population nor anything to really put it on the map, but it was so casual, so comfortable there.
I remember best our neighbours, Grandpa Porky and Grannie Shirlee. Of course, they weren't really related to us but we spent so much time at their house it was as if they were indeed grandparents. One of my favorite pasttimes there was getting ponyback rides from Porky. He'd go on his hands and knees and say, "Hop on, Nicki," and he'd carry me around their living room. We were very fond of each other, and there were seldom a day when I did not visit him.
Unfortunately, one day he had a heart attack. I remember because I was on vacation in Winnipeg but Shirlee called us and I was so sad. I had a dream that night, and I saw him standing on the steps leading to our house, having a heart attack. Later I learned that that was indeed the way he had passed, and I was slightly unnerved.
The funeral was held some time after we got back. I remember going up to his casket and touching his hand. It was so cold, so unlike him. But I felt as if he were still alive and was bound to wake up.
My parents found me after the service sitting in a corner and crying.
That night, he came to me. I have two snowglobes given to me from his on previous birthdays, both with angels in them. He had picked one up, and I recall being startled by this because he was transparent and seemingly unable of such an action. But he held it out to me, and said, "Hold it." I took it and my hand passed through his. It was as chill as his hand had been at the funeral. "I'm always in this now," he said, tapping the glass. "I'm the angel in there."
I slept perfectly that night, and I still have the snowglobe to this day. He has only visited me once since, but there is an unmistakable feeling of comfort and something unnatural whenever I pick it up.

Grand Island Nebraska ghost


I and a friend were driving home late at night from work, he was in his car and I was in my car. We drove past a private pond next to the Platte River and as I looked over I saw a blue glowing apparition with a blue rope, it was a young boy falling into the water as he tried to swing out.  My friend slammed on his breaks about a mile later, ran to my car and said “did you see that blue ghost”, he had seen the exact same thing. We found out later the kid had broken his neck falling just as we had seen.
I have seen many ghosts.
The hospital in Papillion Nebraska when I worked on the psychiatric ward as a psychiatric technician had a floor all closed off due to ghosts and rooms we could not use due to ghosts.
I could tell at least 20 good solid ghost stories, of my own and more that I and my family have encountered. I live in Texas now and due to having two near death experiences I am very psychic. These stories above were for anyone and all have seen them that go to those places I believe the kid falling is a bit rare.



This started in 1993 when my father was in the hospital with pnumonia.  I thought he was going to be fine and come home.  The night before he died, it was about 11 o'clock at night and I was ironing in our upstairs apartment.  Suddenly I hear these 3 knocks at the window.  I wasn't scared, just thinking, "That was strange".  Then I hear 3 more knocks at the window.  My first thought then was that this lady who lived downstairs was trying to scare me (she was a troublemaker),  but would she really climb up there with a ladder late at night, esp. when she had a newborn?  So he died the next day. If that were him, why would he send me a message "before" he died?
Then someone kept playing with my sideview mirror on the car, and my brother told me someone was doing that with his car window too (we lived in separate places). Next the automatic locks in my mom's car went haywire.  We would be driving down the street and all four of them would start locking and unlocking by themselves, all at once.  This went on for months.
The weirdest incident was when I was visiting my mom one night.  She had a bad hip and could no longer make it up the stairs.  My brother was not home that night. Suddenly we hear this God-awful noise coming from my brother's room upstairs.  This is going to sound funny, but it sounded like a goose or a duck was squawking really loud up there. We just stared at each other like "What in the world?".  Finally my mom says, "Go up there and see what's going on".  Well I went up there and found NOTHING.
I have a few other stories too (but not about Dad)

Copperas Cove at my mothers house


My mother moved to copperas cove just about half and hour out of austin.
well she came down to visit one weekend and left my stepfather there to take
care of the house, its a nice house on top of a hill. well he called my mom
like at 3:00 am and told her that around 2:20 am he woke up because he had
the feeling that he wasn't the only one in the room. he opened his eyes and
right next to the bed there was a lady in white standing, she looked at him
and then started out the door. he got up and followed her all the way to the
garage door and then she disapeared. when i stay at my moms, i can hear
footsteps in the attic, and my boyfriend who is currently living with my
mother said he saw her standing by my moms doll case starring at the dolls.
Freaky, huh?


Spooksville, Portland, Connecticut


I just wanted to let you know of an experience I had in Spooksville.  A
couple of friends our kids went for a drive, and wound up in Spooksville.
We saw a number of ATV's and dirt bikes, and decided to go off-roading.
While going up a fairly bumpy hill, I noticed a stone house, complete with a
smoking chimney off to our right and mentioned it to my friends.  They said
they couldn't see it through the trees.  As we got closer, I couldn't see
the house anymore, either, but we did see an old stone foundation in the
general area.  I passed it off as a mirage or something.  Later, driving
down the same road, I thought I saw a lady in an old-fashioned gray dress
(the hoopskirt kind) standing by the side of the road, but then she
disappeared.  Later still, I cautioned my friend who was driving to watch
out for the dog in the road, and he said he saw it, but as we got closer, it
seemed to vanish-not running off, just sort of fading away.  I've been back
twice since then, and the last time we went, I had my two young children in
the car, and my son got out to look at one of the streams (looking for
frogs), and my daughter (who is 5) said to me, "Mommy, I don't think you
should let Matt get out...this place is bad!"  Needless to say, I got out of
there pretty quickly!



About 5 years ago at Forest Hill Cemetery myself and an ex-girlfriend had a
strange experience.  At the top of the cemetary is the old part, I was
reading a headstone and my ex was reading another one in front of me about 4
feet away.  I was bent over with my hands on my knees reading when I saw as
plain as day a footstep in the grass between us.  I stopped reading stood up
to ponder what I had just saw, and then looked at her.  She had a terrified
look on her face and asked me if I saw that, without me saying anything.  I
took off and ran down the hill onto my bike and started peddeling away with
her in tow.  I have since been back and still feel a presence on the hill.
Along with the other stories from this cemetary, I believe that it would be
great to have folks like you experience this place.  Thank you for your



A year ago, I lost my Ex- husband in a truck accident.
to say the least, when this happened I was shocked, not only because he died, but he also lost his current wife, 4 weeks before that of cancer. They were both in there 50's.
Jim, ( my ex) got along very well, for being divorced.
On day, on a Friday, I woke up, and had this feeling, to go to the cemetery. As the morning wore on, and the more I put it off, the stronger this feeling got.
About 11 am, I dropped everything I was doing, Grabbed the keys and went to the cemetery... Right behind pulled up a car, with Michigan tags.  Being this was only my second time, to the cemetery, I was not sure where the grave was at.
I went to the office to find out exactly where the grave site was at. When I got back, I noticed the man that was driving the car with the Michigan tags was Jim's son ... He was sitting by the grave...
Things were a bit stressed through the years with Jim & his children, so.. I left well enough alone, and never approached him.
Nw I have to wonder if I did the right thing. But... Since then, I have no more strong feeling to go the cemetery... So I summarize that peace has been made among the both of them... Could I be correct?
Another time about 5 years ago, I was going though Penna. Is the area where my grandfather lived? We came across a new county road sign and decided to take it.
We ended up at my grandfathers old homestead.
I went to the door, and told the women that owned the house now, who I was, and why I was there, that were looking for the place, to see if it changed at all. She invited my sister and I in, and proceed to tell us, that she has a friend that was a physic and the women said the house had an energy about it. And proceeds to tell us some of the encounters... Which basically was all pretty good?
Except ... there seemed to be 2 types of energies in the house... One that was looking out for everyone ... and another one that scared her 10 year old son.
Her 10 year old told me there was a "mean" man in the basement, and asked if I was his granddaughter... To humor the boy, I told him, yes... I am, and then he asked me to tell the old man to quit scaring him... So... I told the "old man" in front of the boy," Grand pa leave the kid alone your scaring him.... Which then the boy seemed to be a bit relieved.
After I did that , I went and took a walk behind the house and took a piece of shingle from it, ( just for a keepsake)
A year later I get a Christmas card, from the lady, saying there has been no more strange happenings since were we there.

Huntsman Chemical Plant story

Just to update the Story out of Conroe at the Huntsman Chemical Plant.  I currently am a security guard at the facility and Let me just confirm that the story is in fact true.  As a matter of fact that's the only reason I stumbled upon your website because everyone says the place is haunted and i wanted to do some research and here I am.  Let me update the activity as well.  I patrol the training building at night and I feel some weird things and have even seen shadows down the hall ahead of me but cant seem to catch up to them they always seem to be 10 steps ahead of me.  Also there was a famale guard about a monthe before I hired on that was actually thrown into a door from behind (that's why she;s no longer there)  And people still see the pale man walking around every once in awhile

A Touching Incounter


My brother was 19 when he met his girlfriend,they soon married and had a
son.Soon after at age 22 my brother got very sick with liver cancer and
couldnt take the pain and suffering he and his family felt for him so he
purposly got into a wreck on his new motorcycle,he died in the
helicopter,his son was only 3.I decided to go with my mom to his wifes house
outside of San Antonio Tx.Everyone was upset but we tried making the best of
it so that we wouldnt upset my nephew.As night fell,everything was going
fine.It was about 1am when my brothers wife noticed her touch light next to
her bed kept turning on,she thought nothing of it and went back to bed.The
next day I peeked into my nephews room and noticed he was playing with his
cars and talking to someone.He was laughing and saying "here daddy you
try,and laughing as the cars moved".To my amazement they really did move!I
asked him what he was doin and who he was talkin to,he said "im talkin to my
daddy,he's playin cars with me".I told my mom about it and she said its
normal he just misses his daddy.Finally my mother and I left for home.My
brothers wife called a few weeks later and said he is doin it again,talkin
to his daddy.She said he came into the kitchen with my brothers big drinking
cup and said "My daddy wants some tea in his cup,please".It started to freak
her out,but she didnt make a big deal of it,so she put the tea into the
cup.Sometimes at night she said her bedroom door would open and the touch
light would come back on.She said Dustin (my nephew) likes talkin to him
often.Often he would say "goodnight daddy,I love you" before he would go to
bed.She doesnt feel frightened at all,but feels safe.Before she goes to
bed,she leaves her touch light on,since he likes keeping it on for her.I
believe he is here watcing over each and every one of his family
members,especially his little boy who he loves very much.When I am there,I
also feel his presence in the house,and it is comforting.People dont believe
me when I tell them this but it is all true.I believe children have more
incounters with someone they love and lost than anyone,since they are all
innocent at that young age.Thank you for reading.

A Story of a Ghost


My story of a ghost is that I have had many strange incounters with plenty of gost. One is when I was a little girl my mom had just put me in the bed. Well, the landlords daughter had a baby and the baby had died in that house. Well, that night when my mom had turn out the lights these cartoons were on the walls like there was a projector in the room, but we did not have one and thats all I remember about that story. Another one was when my grandfather had just died I was living in an apartment with my dad at that time. Well, my dad and I were in the living room watching t.v. and I caught a glamps in the hallway a white foot with an old time night gown. I dont know if that was my grandfather or not. Now when my father and stepmother had just moved into a house from the apartments my stepmother said the first few nights when they had just got there, they had the t.v. pluged up and well my stepmother had turned the t.v. on channel five it would end up on channel three.  If you have gotten this far in the letter your probally thinking I am off my rocker, but I'm not. Well, I have had more incouters, but cant tell them all right now. Well, bye and if you want to email me back that would be great.



Theese events all occured when i was around 10 years old.
But still it fells like it was yesterday.
The house we live in was previously owned by an old lady who had the interrest in collectong spiders.
She died one day feeding these and when the neighbours found her weeks later her whole there was spiders inside of her.
I know this because it stood in the newspaper but i niether i nor my parents knew at the time whe bought the house.
But the events didn't start until a year after our arrival.
The first things that happened were that i heard stuff like small feet running around in the ceilings.
Those sounds lasted around five months.
After that there was a silent season.
But after around two weeks i felt things creeping inside my bed so i didn't daresleeping in my own room for a week.
But then my parents didn't want me sleeping with them so they asked me whars the matter and i told them.
They had the room checked out but nothing could be found.
So i started to sleep in my room again.
But after some weeks i woke up in the middle of the night.
When i looked up i saw i giant spider at the size of a cat.
I tossed everything aside and ran to the bathroom and locked myself in there for twenty minutes.
Later i got courage to go back inside.
You could definetly see that something had been lying on my bed cover because it was eight medium dents in the shape of a circle.
I was clearly awaken and i didn't go to sleep again that night.
I have checked up every book about spiders and couldn't find anyone with that description.
There have been other events but nothing related to this.


I have been visiting your site for quite a while now. I am very glad that it is available to me. I just now decided to share these experiences I've had with you. I've had many.. but I decided to send you the ones I think are best.
I've been contacted, whether I could tell that's what it was or not at the tim, by spirits.
For example one time in my high school mythology class, it was valentine's day and my friend found an old card she had gotten from her dad, who had commited suicide while she and I were in middleschool. She told me that she didn't know how the card wound up in her bag, but I did. I knew her dad had put it there, just to let her know that he was watching out for her and that he still loved her as much as ever.
Another time, I was sitting in french class, the teacher said that we needed our books, but mine was in my locker down the hall. I looked at a desk behind one of my other friends and saw a french book sitting there. I opened it up to see whose it was.. It had been my friend who I'll simply call Bear out of respect for him, who had died from complications following a surgery. I didn't know it at the time, but Bear was telling me that he was looking out for me! I realized it later.
And lastly I'm going to include the time that I was at the Pierce Auditorium at Breneau Women's College. If you're not familiar with the story, there are two versions of it. One is that a young girl hung herself in the basement after she found out her boyfriend cheated on her.. or that she hung herself from the diving board of the pool. One time, during a performance of the Nutcracker, I felt this girl, one Agnus by name, tap me on the shoulder. My grandmother has also had numerous encounters with Agnus, such as pictures being turned upside down, or to the side, and fruits disappearing from the kitchen.
Hope you enjoy these anecdotes.

Young Encounter


When I was about 6 me mom, my sister, and I were all sleeping in my bed when I heard some one walk down the hall way, so i looked up to see who is was and there was a shadow of a man standing at the door. When I told my mom that my dad was beck because he was at calgary. But when I looked back at my door it was gone!

  Into Spirits


hello, my name is Abby. For a while now I have been into spirits or anything out of ordinary. I'm 13 and I would like to tell you of the time I saw a ghost.
In the middle of the night, I was sleeping. I woke up to my door opening, I saw nothing there. So having cats, I was half asleep and I thought my cat did it. Then I closed my eyes and I heard footsteps. I opened them back up and a girl in gothic clothing was walking towards my window. I could only see her shoulders up. I was so scared I just pulled my blankets up over my head and went back to sleep. After that moment, I was definitly aware that ghosts exist. Thank you for reading this. Goodbye

Great Grandmother's Ghost


I had an experience as a child(about 6 yrs old) when we lived in a house
that was somewhat remote in the East side of the Sierra Nevada, just outside
of Bishop. We had just moved there form Los Angeles just a few weeks after
my great grandmother had died. She appeared in the doorway of my room, it
was early in the morning(2am) and I awoke to see a green translucent figure
just standing there looking at me. Let me tell you as a child I was really
freaked out, even to this day when I think about it I get chills down my
spine. I immediately closed my eyes to open them a couple minutes later and
she was still there in the same position, so I closed my eyes again and
didn't open them until the morning. Many years later I had a conversation
with my mother about this and she told me she had an experience that same
night, she had felt a presence in her room and had smelled my great
grandmothers perfume. This was the only experience that I have ever had with
a ghost. I believe this in my heart to be true and I know what I saw.

Ship Happenings


My name is Shannan, I'm 23 years old and in the US Navy.  I have a couple experiences... well more than a couple actually, but these two stand out.
Point Lookout State Park, St. Mary's County, Maryland.
I was stationed at NAS Patuxent River in St. Mary's County, Maryland for two years, April '99 to August '01.  During that time, myself and several friends went to Point Lookout State Park, approximately 20-25 minutes south of the base.  At the state park, there is an old Confederate POW camp the Union was running at Ft. Lincoln, complete with mass cemetary with over 3,000 brave men buried there.  One night, a girlfriend of mine got bored at about 1 a.m. and called me.  We decided we'd go down to the park to hang out at the beach.  When we left the base it was fairly warm and temperate with clear skies and a light breeze.  The base is directly on Cheseapeake Bay.  When we arrived down at the beach in the park, it was SIGNIFICANTLY colder; by about 20 degrees at least.  We stayed for about twenty minutes, all the while I was growing more and more uncomfortable.  I asked if she was ready to go and we left.  On our way out of the park, the road took us past the old fort itself.  As soon as we had passed the turn off for Ft. Lincoln, we were no longer alone in Karen's car.  There was something in the back seat.  I kept looking in the passenger rear-view mirror expecting to see a young (late-teens, VERY early twenties) man in grey with a confederate cap sitting in the back seat looking back at me.  The back of my neck positively itched, but for the sake of not looking paranoid, I didn't turn around.  I noticed ren had a white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel.  Finally, I turned and just looked in the back seat.  I couldn't physically see him, but I could "see" him sitting there, looking back at me.  He even waved!  Karen made a small noise and asked that I not look behind us anymore.  I asked why and she said because there was something in the back seat.  I said I knew that, and he had just waved at me.  She floored it to about 75 miles per hour and as soon as we had passed the park's boundary, our strange pick-up vanished from my mind's eye and Karen relaxed visibly.  I don't make any claims on being pychic, but I "see" too much.  I've always put it off as an over-active imagination, but sometimes I'm not so sure.  As a side note, this particular state park is registered as a haunted place on your site.  Karen and I both felt the presence of this young man, without leading the other up to it.  Until she asked me not to look in the back seat, neither one of us had mentioned feeling anything odd to the other.  Also, upon daylight inspection of the monument at the cemetary later that week, my family name was present as being buried there.  To my knoweledge, my family name is very uncommon and my family history on my father's side extends in the US as far back as the War of 1812.
USS Oldendorf DD-972
My first ship was approximately 25 years old at her decommissioning last June.  I enjoyed my time stationed aboard her greatly, with one notable exception.  I'll call him the "shadow man".  I was "mess-cranking" on a Southern deployment, which means I was working for the galley temporarily.  I was taking a bag of trash to our containment space just down the passageway from medical.  I'd put the garbage in the containment space and was making my way forward when I no longer felt alone.  It was around 11pm and the white lights in the p-ways had been extinguished and the red-lamps were lit for night hours.  I didn't turn around but I walked a little bit slower.  The "presence" was behind me, back where the medical passageway met in a "T" junction to the containment space.  It was standing there and glaring at me.  It did NOT like the fact I was there (women have only been permitted on combat ships for about ten years) at all.  I ignored him and kept heading for the door just ahead of me.  As I passed the double door into medical, the presence rushed up behind me and I could feel hot air, like breath, on the back of my neck.  I opened the water-tight door as fast as I could and put my hand on the handle to pull open the door when an unseen hand wrenched the lever back down.  I screamed, yanked the lever back up, threw open the door and ran all the way back to the galley.  Under no circumstances would I go back there at night again, and even during the day I'd feel intimidated.  I would walk by the water-tight door at times and peer through it's port hole and I could "see" a man-shaped shadow in an aggressive stance down at the "T" junction.  He eventually faded away and I lost my fear of going down there at night.
Later, on the same ship, I was given my own duty section, meaning I was the only IT on duty.  It was quite a responsiblity, and my workcenter superiors trusted me greatly to give it to me.  One night I was on duty and alone in Radio.  I decided to sleep in the space rather then down in berthing.  Just as I had snuggled down in my jacket with my feet on the desk, I heard footsteps on the deckplates behind me.  I had let my hair down and slung it over the back of the chair so I wouldn't lay on it.  The light in the other room was on and I could see behind me in the reflection of the computer monitor.  Now, our deckplates were somewhat loose; there was NO WAY anything larger than a mouse could have walked across them quietly.  But these footsteps stopped RIGHT behind me, and in the computer monitor's reflection, I could not see anyone!  An unseen hand started to play with my hair, as if running it through their fingers.  I didn't feel threatened as I had with the shadow-man, so I simply told whomever it was that I had to be up early for muster and if it would let me get to sleep.  I swear, on my grandfather's ashes, the hand gave my hair one last caress and I heard the footsteps clank back across the deckplates into the other room.  And I never saw anyone in the reflection, besides my own rather surprised face.  There is only one way into that particular complex of spaces on a Spruance-class destroyer, and that's though Radio's front door.  The back door can't be opened from the outside in the passageway.  I was throroughly alone; I had checked the three spaces before settling down for the night to make sure.  I don't know who might've decided to maintain his watch into the afterlife, but he never made me feel unwelcome; quite the opposite, actually.  I think he approved of my presence, or at least like me.  OLDENDORF was decommissioned and towed to Bremerton, Washington Naval Ship Yards st year.



    I would like to tell you a little about myself before i get started
about my scary story. i am 30 years old and i live with my husband Ronald
and i have 3 children, Alex, Macey, and Carmon. They mean the world to me!
We live in a small town in Florida.
    One Friday night in the winter, we all were sitting down to a nice meal
when all of a sudden, i heard the chairs in another room move. i walked in
there and no one person or thing was there. i didn't think anything of it,
so i hustled back into the kitchen. While we were all enjoying the meal, i
felt something move right past me. i all of a sudden turned around and
nothing was there. Now at this point i was getting a little freaked out, but
i didn't want to show it. That night, i couldn't get to sleep thinking about
this thing that was in our own household! I called the police to come and
help find it. Pretty soon, they found out that there was a ghost in our
house, so we decided to move to another town in Florida. We are all ok now
and it seems as if our family has never been tighter!

I saw ''Her'' again


Background Information:
My house was built in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1903 and according to new info the builder Jacob, gave the house to my grandmothers ancestors in 1912 (to find out what im talking about read my first experience)
Due to remodeling done to our one hundred year old house over the years not much remains of how it was before. The adding in a modern bathroom in 1909, the sealing of the house's side door, the ''New'' kitchen in the 1920's and remodeling done to the dining room and later the adding of aluimium siding. The things that have not changed are only the the windowless side of the house and a rosebush that was planted by the mother of my grandma's great Aunt.
My Second Encounter With ''Her''
The Woman I saw back in 1999 made a second appearence to me recently.  I wakened to the feeling of extreme thirst and I went downstairs to get a glass of milk (dont laugh cold milk puts me to sleep) I saw the time it was around 12:15am on the clock in the hall. I was at the top of the stairs when i saw ''her'' the same woman i saw back in 1999, in the doorway of the dining room on the left side at the landing of the stairs. She was still was wearing the same long out of date grey purple dress, brooch and the same hairstyle but her spectacles were gone. she looked right up at me, turned around, and walked right through the wall at the bottom of the stairs. I knew for a fact that is where the side door used to be. The first floor hall goes in a straight line from the front door, to the living room doorway on the left, to the stairs on the left, and to the dining room doorway straight ahead, the side door(which was sealed in order to put in a storm door leading into the cellar) was at the bottom of the stairs to the right of the dining room doorway. I decided again not to tell anyone at home about this ''meeting'' on the grounds that I would be called crazy.  I have chosen a nickname for the ghost ''Auntie'' because of me thinking her to be the spirit of my grandma's great Aunt. It could be possible that it is the spirit of the great Aunt's mother who planted the aged rosebush on the side of the house you be the judge.

I think Leo Said Goodbye


dear shadow lands and readers:
I want too say that i LOVE your site and have submitted stories before and your great.
this story is not scary but i find it reassuring and comforting.
my two neighbor/girlfriends and i went too a wake for a neighbor/friend last night.  it was sad of course, especially the little display of pictures of  him with his grandchildren while he was still a healthy, spunky man.  near the pictures was a sign that said "POPPY".
well, after blatting from one end of the place too the other and leaving our respects with the family we get in my car and get situated.  i turn the engine over and like on cue the song "dust in the wind" by Kansas comes on.  ok, that was fitting enough but as soon as it was over i find my self behind a pick up truck suddenly with the license plate "NY POPPY".  I think Leo said goodbye.
thanks shadow lands


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