The Ghost Who Called 911


Hello. my name is marla rogge.I would like to share with you a true expierience i had quite a few years ago. When my three children were around the ages of 14,13,and 9,we lived in a old farm house in reno county. The house actually was right on the rice county /reno county line. My boyfriend glenn was an oilfield driller,so he was gone from the hours of 3p -11p. Anyway one night as we were watching a video we had rented,there came a knock at our front door.I got up and answered it. To my surprise there stood in front of me 2 reno county cops. They ask me "What is your emergency"? And i said excuse me but i have no emergency. The officers went on to explain that they had received an emergency request from this address. I told the officers we had not called 911. They said ok,we are sorry we bothered you,and they then left. The kids and i continued  the movie,low and behold around 20 minutes later,there was another knock at the door. When i answered the door,it was again the reno county cops. They said mam we received another 911 call from this address saying you had an emergency. I politely exained to the officers that none of us had even left our chairs to go in the kitchen and make a call. The one officer said mam are you sure no one made a call from this house ? And i said no ,no one has left this here room to make a call.  So again they leave. we started our movie once more feeling a little frustrated. No longer do we get comfortable  and just start to enjo our movie ,would you believe it ? Yes thats right another knock at the door. Igot up and answered it and yes it was the reno county cops again. They said that they had received yet anothr 911 call from this residence. By now they are more than upset,they went on to tell me that to abuse the 911 systum is unexcusable and that if they had to come back again they were going to take me to jail. I stood up and leaned on the wall that connects to the dining room .I told the officers that none of my children or i had even left the room to make any phone calls. As im leaning on the wall,an officer ask . .     me to move away from the wall so i did. H thought that someone was holding mastig.exuse me i mean hostage.i moved away so he could see that i was not being held hostage. by now these here officers have had enough and so had i. as they are redy to leave they again told me that if they received just 1 more phone call from 911 from this sddress they were going to take me to jail. I was so scared i would surely go to jail that night . But the officers left and it quit thank god. Here just a few weeks ago a friend of mine was telling me about this farmer whom lives there in that same house had the same thing happen to him only it only called 911 once on him . but what is weird is he had no phone ,he had just happened to have his mothers cell phone in his pocket. he said he was up in his bedroom,when suddenly he hears a female voice yelling to him to answer the phone in a very gruff voice .Well this guy looks around like what did i just hear? He continued to look for the papers he was looking for when the voice yelled really loud and said "answer the phone i said!" he looks down at his shirt pocket and thought well it has got to be coming from his mothess cell phone. So he picks it up and answerd it . It was a gruff lady she said what is your emergency? He told the lady that he had no emergency and he did not know what she was talking about. She said well we received a 911 call from tyh residence saying that you had an emergency. He kindly told her no he had no emergency. so that was the only timehe had that happen ,but it is the same house we lived in when it happened to us.i do not even know this guy other than a breif meeting with him in my drive way. I would like to have some feedback from anyone who has maybe had this type of expierience. please e-mail me and tell me.

The Park


The town I grew up in had a small park located just across the street from railroad tracks, on a little triangle of green, surrounded by homes. The park had a small sandbox area, monkey bars, a see-saw, and a swingset, with a few trees and bushes along the side that bordered the street across from the tracks, nothing very elaborate. There was a story all the kids in the town knew about a boy of about 8 or so who was killed on the tracks in the 70s cutting across them to go home after playing in the park. He had waited for a freight train to pass but evidently didn't see a speeding passenger train coming the other way. Unfortunately, the group of kids who'd just been playing with the boy in the park witnessed the accident. (Ever since I'd lived there, there had been tall chain link fences along the tracks, along with big thorny shrubs planted in front of them). The park was also rumored to be haunted by the dead boy's ghost, and therefore, I remember my friends and I avoided the park when it was empty or getting dark out. Even in high school, there were tales of the swings swinging back and forth on windless days, of footprints appearing in the sand, and of a little kid's giggling from the bushes behind the swingset when nobody was around.
That being said, while I personally never had anything out of the ordinary happen to me the couple of times I went to the park (never alone), my former neighbor Brian told me about something that happened to him and a couple of his buddies there while he was a freshman in high school one night. Brian and his buddies were goofing around in the park, doing stupid things like standing on the middle of the see-saw and making one end or the other bang into the ground, or climbing to the top of the monkey bars and jumping into the sand area. One of the guys was about to fling one of the swings around the top bar of the swingset when all of a sudden he shouted out a swear word, and began backing away from the swingset. Brian and his friends said the swing next to the one the guy began to swing faster and faster back and forth for a few seconds, then suddenly stop. Brian said he also could've sworn he saw something white and glowing shoot through the bushes behind the swingset and disappear as it neared the street. Brian told me that they left the park very quickly after that.


 The Private School Ghost


I went to the same private school for two of my middle school years and then all four of my high school years, and there were stories here and there that the campus was possibly haunted, but nothing really noteworthy.  Gossip never really blossomed into more than small talk about how late night employees may have seen a little girl roaming some of the halls at night, and me being me, I was hoping that I would see something of the sort during my time attending the school.
The campus consists of several buildings: the lower (elementary), middle, and upper (high) schools, the performing arts center, the mansion, and various athletic gyms, among a few other miscellaneous buildings containing classrooms or maintenence equipment.  It was known by many of the students that the schoolground used to be a plantation, and the mansion was probably the sole building in existence at this time.  It was just like your average mansion....large with an abundance of windows and a lot of open space on the inside.  I remember the first floor would creak with its wooden boards in some places when walked on, but after being at the school for so long that sound would feel commonplace.
To the best of my knowledge, it seemed that  the few times she was "seen," the spirit of the little girl would stay around the upper school and the mansion based on the few "shaky" accounts by employees, so when I began working in the mansion I started to keep my eyes peeled for anything suspicious...I wanted to see a ghost if there was one.  I worked on the first floor at the secre ry desk answering calls, right at the bottom of the grand staircase that led to the upper landings.  After a certain time in the evening, I would be left alone in the mansion as all the daytime workers went home, and sometimes this would be a nerve-racking experience.  Many nights I would nervously anticipate catching a glimpse of some human-shaped vapor gliding down the stairway toward me or past me and into some other portion of the mansion.  This never happened.  I remember hearing from one or so employees that supposedly the attic was the place to see a ghost if there even were any (I wish I could have spent the night up there), but I never really got the chance to check it out.  I'd asked a couple of employees who worked in the mansion a good while if they had ever seen anything weird, and they hadn't.  Sometimes I would hear noises, but I'm convinced that it was just the house creaking  and settling because they weren't too unusual. I heard some office supples shuffle around on the second floor on one occasion, but again I'm convinced that it was just gravity doing what it does.  One thing I am unsure about though is what sounded like footsteps in the uppermost portion of the house one evening.  Whatever the case, they were heavy footsteps and had at least one second of silence in between them, and were certainly not those of a young girl.  There were only 4 or 5, and again this sound could have been ANYTHING, because who knows what types of sounds that old mansion is capable of making.
Although the previous accounts are inconclusive when it comes to paranormal activity, what happened months later is an incident that I absolutely CANNOT explain.  My brother and I arrived to the upper school just about the same time my good friend did, and it was about 7:30AM.  The three of us entered the school and made our way to the library, which was where a lot of people hung out before homeroom because there were magazines and computers.  However this early, no one had made it to school yet so we were alone in the library.  My brother and my friend retired to the far corner of the library to read some of the magazines, and I walked over to the table where the computers were.  There was a long office window here, and a door to the right of it which permitted one to enter the office.  The office lights were out, and when I approached the table I noticed that the dark office behind the glass and the sufficiently lit library created a mirror effect, and I could see the rest of the library behind me, which is only about 40 feet back.  There were three study desks with chairs on both sides up against the wall, and I could see the alternate entrance/exit to the library and the bookcases to the side of it.  I could not see into the office.  Bored and not wanting to be at school, I stood at the table with my palms rested on it, staring at slightly downward.  After about five seconds, I noticed some movement in the top of my vision where the office window was creating the window effect and allowing me to see behind myself.  Curious, I raised my head and saw what I can't even begin to explain to myself today, some 5 years later.
What I saw was not a young girl, but a high school boy, clothed in the dresscode that we had to abide by - khaki pants, button down shirt, a tie, and formal footwea   He was getting up from one of the study desks on the far end of the library, and then continued to push in his chair.  At this point he turned to completely face me and looked directly at me (which would have been like looking at my back from his point of view, unless he was watching my face in the mirror), standing in place.  He then moved his hand to the knot in his tie and adjusted it, moving it left and right in one smooth motion like you see James Bond do in some of those movies.  After this he turned and began heading toward the exit of the library, and at this point I was so baffled that I whipped around to try and see if he was actually there before he could get to the door, but there was nothing.  And even if he had reached the door, he would have had to open it and walk around the corner which would have taken at least another 2-3 seconds, and not to mention that that was one of the loudest doors in the school, but no sound occurred either way.  I went and inspected that end of the library to see if me, my brother and my friend had been unknowingly joined by someone else who came in early, but after doing that and asking my friend if we were alone all I got was a "yea," and a "what are you on?"  My brother and friend's views were blocked by bookshelves from that end of the library so even if there was something visible, it was not to them.  When I was looking around, I was trying to feel if that end of the library felt cooler than any other part, but I couldn't really tell any difference.  I wish I could see if taking pictures at that time turned up orbs or mist.  I think that was in 11th grade, and I haven't seen anything peculiar since then.
Compared to other ghost accounts I've read this one isn't too eventful or anything, but I ask myself WHY did HE want ME to see him? WHY did HE look at ME?  Another thing I wonder about is his interaction with the environment.  The fact that I saw him push in his chair makes me wonder if the chair moved in reality behind me, or if it was just a manipulation of this spirit's energy depicted in the simulated mirror?? I have a feeling that the chair didn't actually move in the library, and was just depicted that way. Was the refracted light on the simulated mirror of the office window enough for me to see the spirit in the reflection, much like a camera does? And that's why I couldn't see him with the naked eye?? These are questions that I'd like to get answered, but time may never tell

The Ghost Story of my Grandpa


Hello, my name is Simone.  I do have a ghost story but it is not as freeky and spine tingling as you would expect to hear.  However, it is not from my own experience but rather from my mother's.  The story happened when I was just one and three months, my mother recalls as she was explaining it to me one afternoon in the car when we were driving to pick up some hamburgurs.
She says that my grampa (my dad's father) showed great love toward me---me being his first grandchild.  When my sister was born one year after my birth, my grampa was sitting down in the family room watching televion and my dad at work and my mom and gramma cooking in the kitchen.  All of a sudden, my grampa collapsed and started whining.  My mom went downstairs to see what had happened and it turns out he was having a heart attack.  To make a long story short, he died in her arms in the emergency room.  Even though he loved his only son very much, my grampa had a special connection with my mom.
Moving on, one night around two a.m. in the morning, three months after my grampa died, my mom and dad awoke to hear a burgerler alarm go off in the house.  They ran downstairs to see what was going on.  Now in the family room where my grampa had collapsed, there was a window that would never open.  It was always barred shut and no matter how much my dad tried with his muscles, he could never get it open. Guess what?  Turns out that that window had been opened allll the way up causing the alarm to go off.  My mom closed it and they went back upatairs to bed.  The next night the alarm went off once more.  This time only my mom went down to close that window.  It occured once more the next night.  My mom opened the conversation with my dad and gramma about ghost hauntings of my grampa.  my dad and gramma were skeptical about the supernatural so they disagreed with my mom and closed the subject.  She decided to avoid it too becuase it was a sensitive subject because he had only recently died. On the fourth night my mom woke up with the alarm ONCE MORE. She went downstairs, closed the window, and turned off the alarm.  She walked to her room, but stopped.  She had a gut feeling she should check on me and my sister.  So she walked in and saw us sound asleep.  She continued her check into my gramma's room which overlooks the street.  She saw her sleeping.  However, her window was open, so she went to close it.  As she reached the window, she got a glimse of my grampa.  He was a solid-looking figure (just like a normal person) wearing the clothes that he had died in.  She stared at him and he smiled and started crying.  They stared into each others eyes for about 10 full minutes.  Then he turned around and walked away down our street into a smoggy kind-of cloudy looking mist.
My mom tells me she believes he wanted to say good-bye to her and that those clouds represent heaven---as if he had walked, in her eyesight, right into heaven.  I believe he's our gaurdian angel.

Me and My Haunted House


    To start this off I moved into my house when i was 6. not far from
my old one but about 30 min away. I live in basalt CO (near aspen). My
story begins about  a year after i moved in. I didn't totally like the
house, I mean it was scary. It's not all that big, but scary. Anyways,
my first encounter with this ghost I couldn't tell (P.S I live near a
graveyard, I mean I can see it out my window.)that  It was a ghost I
just thought it was weird. It happened in a dream. I dreamt it was dawn
on this turn in a road in the middle of nowhere, me and my dad were in
a car driving and I see something go across the road. Like a shadowy
figure. I woke up right after we turned. You might think man this guy
is stupid , I mean this is stupid, it's just a dumb dream, but please
read the whole story. About a week later my dad took me on a road trip.
about 2 days in at dawn my I saw this turn in the road, the same on in
my dream, then I saw the shadowy figure. After the turn (when in my
dream I woke up) I started FREAKING OUT I mean I was only like 8 years
old, and I didn't know about foresight or any thing like that. I got
over it in like 5 min., and told my dad about the dream and he said
that he didn't see anything on the road, and it was all my imagination.
I forgot about it until about a year later, now i've been in my little
brothers room for half a year. I have a new wooden bed  and 2 plastic
containers next to it full of stuffed animals an some things on top.
About 2:00 in the morning on a summer afternoon I woke up to a small
ball and a stuffed animal floating in midair obviously I was in shock
they dropped in about 10 sec, but I was so scared I didn't move for
about 3 min.. In the morning I was still freaked out from the night
before so I didn't feel like talking. I've only told about 2 people
about that incident. I also can kind of see who that was now, it was my
dead little sister. she died in my mom and if she had lived I wouldn't
be living, but the connection from toys and my dead sister are kind of
weird, and whenever I think of it I get this funny feeling. I got over
it and decided it was all my mind, but about 1 month later me and my
older brother couldn't find my dad ( around then my dad had been
working on our air conditioning in our really small attic, and just to
keep us out of there my dad said if you go up there you will run out of
air). So when I heard sounds up there me and my older brother went to
go check. When I went up there no one was up there. We later found out
that my dad was still sleeping. The incidents stopped until I was 11.
One night (now i am in my old room) I went inside my room and heard
this really scary ghost like moan. 1 second later I was out of my room
running and freaking out. Now I'm 12 going on 13 and haven't  seen any
more things, but whenever a new friends spends the night in the morning
they say what was that sound last night, and I know it's there but I
guess I've just gotten useed to it.


My House...

We were looking to rent a house and we came across a very very nice one renting for a price that was right up our alley. So we applied and got the house when we went to sign the lease we walked through the house my son was terrified of the den and said that he did not like that room. I just said OK and we left.  The first night we moved there my boyfriend had a dream about a little girl who was about 11 she told him that she liked him and then after that he had sleep paraylsis (when you are awake but cant move your body or speak at all) Every since that day i knew something was not right.  I work at night so he has told me that he has heard footsteps and talking in the attic at night. He also says he hears noises coming from the den. When me and my son are there alone i hear noises and slams coming from the den and when i go look there's nothing there i got so use to it that sometimes i didn't even bother to go look.  I just figured it would stop when it got ready. One day while watching TV my son asked who is that and i said "who is who" and he said "Who is that in the hall" when i looked up no one was there. Sometimes the  AC is on when neither one of us has turned it on and by the time we get there the house is freezing. I have also seen a white mist float by one of the bedrooms i just figured that i imagined it.  Well, one night i came home my son was sleep so i carried him to my room i proceeded to go out the door and into his room and there was a tall black shadow of a person standing face to face with me which vanished as soon as i saw  him. I am terrified of ghosts but for some reason i wasn't scared to enter the room after seeing it. One night i went to the drive way to get something out the car my son stood in the door and waited for me and as i turned to look back at the house i saw a little black shadow no taller then my 3 year old run out our front door and into the yard and vanish. My son didn't seem to notice the shadow.  When i told my boyfriend about it he cut me off mid sentence and described the same black shadow i was seeing. He says he sees it all the time standing in the hall or at our bedroom door. He didn't tell me he was seeing it because he didn't want me to be scared. The scariest thing that happen was when i came home and went to bed and then i had my own sleep paralysis experience and when i tried to move my body i couldn't but i heard footsteps coming down the hall towards my bedroom what ever it was had a very STRONG presence and my back was facing the door.  At the same time i was seeing a little girl in front of me (could been the same one my boyfriend saw) and she was trying to tell me something about our front room but i was trying to scream but i couldn't move my mouth the more i tried to scream, the angrier she got and her face turned red and blue and she screamed too and then vanished. I finally woke up but immediately fell back to sleep then when i tried to wake up and move again i could feel someone standing on the side of the bed looking at me I could feel it staring and its presence but i couldn't turn around and see what it was. It looked at me for a while then i heard its footsteps walk away when it left i could move again. No one was there but me and my son and he still sleeps in his crib so it wasn't him cause he cant get out!! Since that day i stay at my mom's house every single day until my boyfriend gets home from work.  I don't ever want to be alone in there again eventhough the ghost or ghosts for the most part don't seem angry.

Heres a Story for You


One night my stepmother and I were having trouble figuring out how to do something for my fathers wedding.  We asked my grandmother(who lives downstairs) to come up and help us.  My stepmother had told her about something that had happened not to long ago.  Everyone in the house was sound asleep when my stepmother was awakened by the sound of the bathroom radio.  She went in and r the radio was as lound as could be.  She walked in to my roomand then my brothers thinking maybe we did to pllay a joke.  but it was not us.  When my grandmother heard this story a smile came to her face as she looked up at us.  We could tell she had some strange stroies for us. She told us one day when my mother was getting ready for work she felt someone playing with her hair.  Turning around expecting to see my father she saw a farmer. Also my grandmother also told us that sometimes you can hear and see to kids running and playing in the hall way.  You can also see who we thought might have been and father.  An old farmer stands there just looking around.  During the night my stepmother will wake up to feeling some one moving hair out of her face.  Turning around to hopfuly see my father she sees my father but he is turned around facing the other way.  Something has also happened to myself.  I was home all alone on my summer vacation do in my chores and i heard some unfermilier vioce whisper my name.  But the strangest happened just the other night nbsp; My stepmother was sitting my her bed talking to my cusin on the phone. Something told her to look at the light switch.  She watches it fall and the lights go out.  I heard her scream as chills covered her body.  No one was even in that end of the house to do it too her.  My father and I were in the kitchen and my brother was in bed.  I still dont know ho they are and I anm not sure if i want to either.

Ghosts around my Home


Hi my name is Brittany and one day I was sitting in my back yard talking to my boyfriend about ghosts and if we really have a soul. I looked at a chair and saw someone sitting in it. Not even thinking I just kept talking and I was looking at it for a minute. I looked back at my boyfriend and my heart skipped a beat. I asked him if he saw what I saw he said yah. We he said yes we ran out of my backyard so scared. Later on my sisters power went out and she came to sleep over and I told her and her fiance. Her fiance and I went outside and started taking pics. When the camera flashed I saw a little girl hanging from the ceiling I was really scared then I looked in the picture she was there and so was another guy walking towards her. When I first heard of ghosts I was a little skeptical. After that night I'll never be again.

Duendes at my In-laws House


Three years ago on January 2001.  My husband and I, drove from Houston, TX to Omaha, NE.  To visit my in-laws.  We arrived at 2 close to 3 in the morning.  After a long drive I was tired, and headed to bed.  My husband and his parents headed on to the casino at Council Bluffs, IA, a few minutes away on I-80.  I stayed and went to bed.  I was 4 months pregnant at that time,  as I drifted off to sleep laughter of children awoke me.  Not only laughter but someone kept running around the bed and pressing on the mattress all this happening at the same time.  For a moment I thought it was my step daughter, but I remembered that she was asleep with her aunt.  I took a look and it was little people called "Duendes," some are mischievous and others are helpful.  I got scared that night and started praying they would go away, and they did.  When my husband got home that same morning, I told him and my in-laws what happened.  They thought, I was crazy.
    My second encounter with them was last year in March 2003.  My husband and in-laws went to the casino and I stayed home with my step daughter.  We fell asleep on the sofa in the living room watching TV.  Around 1 in the morning, I heard footsteps and woke up only seeing a "Duende" quickly running to hide in the book shelf by the sofa.  When I looked at the book shelf and around the book shelf, he wasn't there, nothing he was gone.  I later called my mom and told her about what was happening in the house.  She told me to go church and get holy water and spray it all over the house.  A year has passed and I haven't seen them since or heard them.  As a child, stories of "Duendes"(little people) were told to us by our parents to scare us, so we kids could behave.  Now, I really believe there are other kinds of people who live with us without us knowing or being aware of it.

Dad's Death

By: Anonymous

My Dad died in unfortunate circumstances after a long illness. We all went to see him in the intensive care unit before my stepmother pulled the plug on his life support, because he was brain dead. As I sat in his hospital room with several other people, I had what I can only describe as a vision. The room disappeared and I could see Dad above me looking down at me through what looked like, of all things, a dirty porthole. He was moving around the 'porthole' and knocking on it like he was trying to get my attention, then he smiled and told me "This is better." He said something else which, I am sad to say, I don't recall exactly, except they were comforting words, and repeated "This is better."
Suddenly I was back in the room with everybody. I was so surprised, and quietly looked around at everybody to see if anyone else looked like something surprising or profound had happened. No one did. I thought about this for several months before mentioning it to my sister and she had not seen or heard anything. My husband hadn't, either, but seemed to believe me when I told him I had. I have wondered if I had a psychic experience or if I conjured up a self comforting illusion because of the stressful situation.
We were estranged from my stepmother after my father's death, and had no contact with her whatsoever. A year and a half after my father died my stepmother tried to commit suicide. She shot herself in the neck (yes, the neck -- a psychologist friend of mine said she didn't want to damage her pretty face) and lived as a quadriplegic for six months before she died. She had insisted that we not be informed of what had happened or of her condition until after her death.
A few really odd things happened around our house after her death, but I don't know if the happenings are attributable to my stepmother or have a totally mundane explanation. They have happened neither before nor since.
Recently my husband had a dream about my stepmother. He told me that, in his dream, he had climbed through a hole high up in a wall and into a brightly lit room. My dead stepmother was sitting up in a bed of white linens in a white nightgown and the room was bright and all white (she had spent a good deal of time in bed and in night clothes in life). She said hello to him and he woke up. I think he had the dream because he is the one in the family most sympathetic to her. Anyway, he has had no dreams about her since, so maybe she managed to end up in a happier place than she found here.

Apartment Ghost


I've lived in a few haunted places. I suppose it's because the SE Texas area
is full of ghosts from various storms and such. The apartment I currently
live in is haunted. The apartment complex is called Aston Brook and it's
located on Walters Road, just off of 1960. We moved from one apartment to
another inside the compex. The first apartment had no activity. But from the
moment I stepped foot in the new apartment, I could feel there was something
here. Since moving here, we've had items vanishing and reappearing, objects
being thrown from shelves and that sort of activity. The cat is often
restless at night, wandering the hall and yowling loudly. She has only done
this in previous residences where there has been activity. Most of the
activity seems to take place in what is my office and right outside it in
the living area. There seems to be none in the bedroom as if they are afraid
to go in there for some reason. The farthest they go into the bedroom is the
doorway. Things hung on the over-door hanger will suddenly start swaying. If
you stay "Stop playing with the clean clothes!" the movement will stop. On
some photos of the pets we took we have found orbs. There seem to be two
spirits here. They seem young... perhaps twin children as the orbs we
spotted are linked together. They have even turned my computer on a few
times when I was out of the room or not home. I've had them throw things at
me from the shelves behind my desk. They seem pretty harmless for the most
part and I'm rather accustomed to haunting phenomena since I've lived in
four other haunted places and the home town where I grew up is full of
wierdness. I guess after a while you get so used to it it's almost
entertaining to see what they'll do next to get your attention. But there
were a couple of houses where the activity was pretty frightening.




 This is from a friend I had when I was younger and she and her mother were telling me ghost stories about a trailer they lived in when my friend was 3 or 4 years old.   They moved into a trailer in Dickinson, TX when my friend, Christie, was 3 or 4 years old. The only thing that was in the trailer when they moved in was a red cape (looks like Little Red Ridinghood's cape) hanging in Christie's closet. Well, her mom thinking maybe Christie could fit it, left it there. So, they settled in and Christie played in her room on the Hobby horse and her mom would hear her talking but kids do jabber on. So she didn't think anything of it. Well about 30 minutes later, she went to put Christie in the bath, and there floating in mid-air was the red cape! Ok so they got rid of the cape. About 2 days later, Christie's mom was taking her vitamins (she was pregnant) in the kitchen and heard Psst, Psst, behind her and thinking it was her husband yelled at him to cut it out. He told her he was in the living room with Christie and what was she yelling at him for. She turned around and there was the red cape again floating in the air. They burned the cape, got a preist to come and bless the house, and (for some reason I don't understand) put rice that was prayed over in the corners of the house. Still the red
pe came back about 3 days later and kept floating, never tried to hurt anyone but they had one baby and one on the way (who wouldn't be scared?). So, they moved out of the house about 2 hours after the cape came back with just enough clothes and toys to keep Christie occupied while they looked for another home. About 3 hours after they left, the trailer burned. No one (not the investigators, neighbors, anyone) could give them a clue as to how it burned. While doing a background check on the property, Christie's parents found that the trailer was on an indian burial ground. It started at their trailer and went back for 10 acres. No one lived behind them only about 2 acres in front. About 1 year later, someone else bought the property and tried to build a house, everytime they got the outside framework done, it would burn



I had an entity that seemed to follow wherever we lived and it took different forms through my life. When I was little it was a teenager when I was a teenager it was a child. What scared me the most was that people would describe him to me without me telling about his appearance.They would see him I only seen him as a teenager but always felt his presence. My t.v. would skip to selected channels. One night my friend and I seen my brush being thrown with noone around it.  My mother used to do practices of a psychic since she was in high school and she had to print (still does). Because a guide as she would call it would take over and write answers to her or take over. Anyways he was called Edward. When I was older we were joking w/ my friends in front of her saying the ghost was named Edward. She acted as though a rock hit her in the face.  Only one time she showed me her writing in cusive My friend and I were asking questions. The answers in the future turned out to be true. I called the little ghost boy by a certain name and never really talked about it with my mom. It turned out that was the guides name too.

First Apartment


This story is real! In the summer of 2001 I moved from my parents house and into my very first apartment. The place was really well kept with absolutely nothing to spook anybody, even me! I felt really at ease even though I lived there by myself. But about a month after I moved there, I started hearing foot steps on the rug at night when everything was quiet. At first I dind’t pay much attention to them but as the days passed they became louder and louder, so much so that I couldn’t just say to myself that they weren’t there! I started feeling a little uneasy in the apartment! I spoke to my friends about it and they though I was nuts! So I decided to have a couple of my girlfriends over for the night. We had a good time watching T.V. and all but later in the evening, we had turned of everything in the house and we were quietly chatting in the living room when all of a sudden, the radio went of! Not just playing.. But playing really loud! None of us were touching or even close to the radio! We started freaking out but figured that it was probably just something explainable! Shortly after that we went to bed. I let them have my bedroom because I knew that was where I had heard the footsteps before!
I slept like a baby! For the first time in about a month I hadn’t heard any noise at all while I slept! I got up the next morning and went in my bedroom to see if my friends were up. They were alredy in the living room. They had spent half the night there because they couldn’t sleep from all the noises on the carpet, they told me they had also heard someone or something going through the cubboards where I stored my food! Now this I had never heard so it was becoming a little bit more scary and I am easily scared! Even with everything that was going on, I still felt safe in the apartment, so I wasn’t going anywhere! But neither was the ‘gost’!
A few weeks after the incident with my friends, I was slightly dozing of in my bed when I heard something in my bedroom. I hopenned my eyes and I saw a girl sitting on the floor right next to my bed. She was looking at me, not saying anything. It was a though I couldn’t touch her or she couldn’t touch me either. I just sat there and instead of feeling scared out of my mind as I should probably have been, I felt calm and not scared at all. I decide I should ask her what she was doing there and I did, she smiled at me and then with a blink of an eye she had disapered! I never knew who she was nor if she was real or just imagination. You’ll have to decide! I moved out of the apartment not long after and a week and a half after I moved out the whole building where I used to live burned down. What a story eh? The best thing about is its true!

Florida Ghost Story


I just read your article on ghost stories that took place at Flagler College in St. Augustine.   I attended Flagler in the early l980's and have several ghost stories to tell.
Once, I was alone in my dorm room (the former Ponce De Leon the Flagler Dorm) and was laying in my bed.  The room was dark and I was just resting and not fully asleep.   Suddenly, my stereo on the dresser bust on and played loudly.  I know the stereo was completely turned off and that I was totally alone when this incident happened.  Other students told me that footsteps could be heard in the ballroom of the Ponce de Leon Hotel on the upper floor of the structure. At the time the footsteps were heard,The ballroom had been closed for many years and was being used for storage.  A group of female students told me that they were sitting in a dorm room one night, and suddenly there was a knocking sound revolving around the room, going from wall to wall.  It terrified them and they started screaming.  I believe the place is HAUNTED.  Rumors persist that Henry Flagler's second wife (who went insane) was sometimes locked up on one of the upper floors of the hotel.  But, I never heard of any sightings of her.  Let me know if any of my stories will be included on your website.  That would be great.  Thanks your great site.  I will recommend it to others.

Spectral Guests


There are very few places I have lived that didn't
have what I've come to refer to as "spectral guests"
but no place has been so active as the old farmhouse
on Lakeside Drive in Liberty, Texas.  Five members of
my family moved into the 1900's farmhouse several
years ago: my mother, aunt, nine-year-old cousin,
infant son and me.  At first all was quiet but as time
progressed, we all began to experience things.  Of
course, holding true to form, I was the first to
suspect anything.
We had converted the dining room into a den and I was
in the habit of rocking my son, who was about seven
months old at the time, to sleep while I watched
television in that room.  Once he was asleep, I would
place him on an oversized floor pillow and turn off
the TV to read until he awoke.  One day as I was
slowly rocking with him in my arms, I chanced to look
at an occasional table that was standing near the far
wall.  Trystan, my son, had been munching on saltines
earlier that morning and the cracker package had been
left on that table.  As I watched, the package of
crackers slowly turned clockwise so that it completed
a full circle while I watched.  I looked out the
windows to see if it was windy outside, it wasn't, nor
were any doors or windows open.  I laughed it off as
strange and lay my sleeping child down.
It was some time later that same day that I heard a
baby's laughter coming from the front living room.
Surprised that my son had somehow crawled past me
without my noticing it, I went to see what he had
found that was so funny.  The living room was empty
and his toys were still littering the floor.  I walked
on into my mother's room but it too was vacant, as was
the bathroom and my cousin's bedroom (the original
house had been added onto so that the rooms made a
complete circuit).  When I exited through the second
door in my cousin's room, I saw my son still asleep on
his pillow.  The laughter had clearly been that of a
baby, not a child or adult, and we had no young
neighbors to account for it.
It was after this initial experience that things
became increasingly active.  My mother would be
awakened in the middle of the night by a woman
whispering her name insistently and would often wander
through to my own bedroom to ask me why I was calling
her.  I denied ever doing it and she would shake her
head and go back to bed.  It was when she
inadvertently fell asleep in my room that she
discovered who was calling her.  My bedroom had one
door that led to the back porch and another that
opened into the kitchen.  I rarely closed the kitchen
door since it was my only source of warmth in a very
drafty house.  My mother had fallen asleep one
afternoon while laying on my bed and was again
awakened by an older woman calling her name softly.
Still half asleep, she raised her head toward the
voice and looked through the door and into the kitchen
where she saw an older woman sitting in a chair at a
table placed against the back wall.  Later she asked
if I had been working in the kitchen, moving furniture
etc during her nap, but I had been busy in the front
living room.  Our kitchen, while there was a table I
had set against the back wall, had not a single chair
in it.
A month or so after these incidents I managed to get
blood poisoning and was laid up in bed for the
evening.  My son was especially fussy and my mother
and aunt were trying to soothe him, wondering if they
should take him to the ER due to his fever and a
strange sore they had discovered on his leg when a
very heavy beading loom that had been set flat on the
sideboard became airborne and landed on the floor at
my mother's feet.  They decided to get the baby
medical attention as a result of our ghost's distress
and he was admitted to the hospital for pnemonia the
next morning.  The house always had an uneasy feel to
it whenever my son was ill or cranky.
We also had a practical joker among our "spectral
guests" who liked to hide my mother's contacts.  We
would search the house only to find them in exactly
the first place she had looked or not to find them at
all.  On the days when they did no show up, I would
drive her to work and when we returned home that
afternoon, they would either be where she had left
them originally or they'd be in the icebox.
Later, after doing some research, we learned that the
landlady's daughter had comitted suicide in the barn
behind the house when she was just a teenager, we
believed her name to be Mary (which is also my
mother's name--the same name the older woman would
whisper in the night).  We were never able to learn
anything about the baby or the older woman.  The one
thing we knew was that, although the teen couldn't
handle my son's fussing and was at times inconsolable,
the other "spectral guests" were rather happy and none
of them ever made us feel unwanted.
Perhaps I will write of my other experiences in other
haunted houses later.  My son and I only lived in the
farmhouse on Lakeside Drive for a year but it was long
enough to figure out at least some things about some
of the "spectral guests" we shared our home with.

I was Two


ok, this is isn't gonna be professionally written, but, here it goes. it's a story told 2 me by my grandmother, and she was there. I'm 14 now, so this was about 12 years ago.
When i was 2, i was walking home with my grandmother. There was a swimming pool, huge, near the house, and of course, i'm a swimmer, so i let go of her and ran and jumped rite in it. It was cold outside, so the pool had a cover. My grandmother can't swim, and the cover was pulling me under, about 2 make me collapse within it and suffocate. A stranger, a blonde blue-eyed boy, about 20 years old, appeared, and calmed my grandmother down. He was armed with a net, which wasn't there before. He got me out, and according 2 her, i was laughing the whole time. Thankful 2 have me back, she turned 2 offer the boy some money. She turned and he was gone. He of course, got wet because of my splashing, but there were no wet marks, no wet footprints, just, nuttin', he was gone. To this day, we still don't know who he is, but we thank him, especially me.

More About Enocks Knob in New Haven


The Guy who wreck off the bridge was not that long ago.  His name was Eric.
If you look on the bidge it has I love you Eric written all over it.  I know
this might not sound too accurate but I have a friend (Andy) who used too
hang out with Eric.  They used too get drunk and go out too Enocks too see
all the weird crap that went on.  According too Andy the Eric thing wasn't a
suicide.  Andy told me that Eric was drunk one night and was going too go
too the bridge too hang out and he was flying down the road and just lost
control and wrecked about 5 feet from the bridge and ended up in the water.
I go out there all the time.  Every time you out there you feel like your
not alone.  I've been down there in small and large groups.  No matter how
man people i have with me you always get that feeling.  My friend Dave went
out there with me one night and started too climb the side of the bridge and
was sitting on the beams on the top.  He told me that when he got on top he
felt a huge gust of wind and didn't feel safe up there anymore and climbed
right down.
Also a couple times right as i pull off the bridge were the wreck happened.
As soon as i get too a certain spot my gas peddle has been floored on its
own.  Luckily I drive a slow crappy Buick and it doesn't accelerate very
good at all.  But it always scares the hell out of me.
One other time at the spot of the wreck i was driving past because there
were a bunch of ppl there that i didn't know It seemed like the road
disseapered from below me and I bottomed out.  It was pretty much a 3 foot
straight down drop.  I dont know anyone else this has happened too,  but i
promise this happened too me.  I even had like 3 other people with me.
This has happened too me a few times and I've had some people that also told
me that this happened too them too.  I was parked on the bridge and nothing
interesting was going on so i drove off and then i turned around too go back
too my house.  When i drove over the bridge again I could see a glowing car
in the water just floating.  It has always been on the on the right if you
go to Enocks from Highway 100.
Other times of cold nights.  The outside of your car will fog if you park on
the bridge and you will hear tapping on the window and when you drive off
you will see hand prints on the window on the outside.
I got out too Enocks just about once a week at night.  Its a fun place too
bring girls they aways get scared and need a little comforting (HaHa).  I
think i have been out there around 150 times in my life.  I only started
going out there last year.  Stuff only seems too happen out there I would
say 1 out of every 5 times your out there.


My Best Friend came to tell Me it is OK


My name is Kira. I'm 20 years old and live in Pennsylvania. When I was 17, I lost one of my best friends in the world. He was a nine-year-old Boston Terrier named Midas. People think I'm crazy when I say that I still can't talk about him because I'll turn into a ball of tears. He died in my bedroom at 2:57 in the morning of a brain hemorrhage. He died instantly but had seizures for almost an hour before he finally went still. I stayed up all night with him until my parents made me put him down and get dressed to go to school. That night, when I went to bed, I took his mate, Ineeda, to bed with me since they always slept together with me. I cried myself to sleep and woke, again, at around 2, the same time the night before that Midas began his first seizure. I felt something moving under the covers where he always used to sleep, right against my back. I rolled over and put my hand on the spot. It felt cold, but not cool, like there was nothing there, but cold. I began crying again when I felt what I can only describe as a licking-type sensation on my hand. Midas would sit and lick me for hours if I had let him. I know in my heart of hearts that he was trying to tell me that he was ok now. He came back a lot over the next few months. A little over a year later, we lost his mate, Ineeda. After he died, and then she died, I swore I'd never have another dog. I have two now, probably because my parents couldn't stand me crying all the time. They don't come around as much as they used to but I still dream about them and I think that's their way of saying that its ok to have my two dogs, Socks and Weeman. They just won't ever let me forget them.

My Brother Bobby


Hello, my name is Becky and i am 21 years old. I was looking at the website and decided to share my experience with you. My oldest brother Bobby died 2 years ago of cancer. It was a peaceful death but not for me i still have moments that i sit and cry i miss him so bad. Anyway, not long after his death i started seeing him around the house. He just more or less smiles at me as if to say everything will be ok. Just so you know he was a big practical joker especially on me. He would do anything for a laugh. So even now still does play jokes on me. The  one that sticks out in my head the most is the time he turned my water on in the bathroom in the middle of the night. I was asleep of course and when i heard the water it scared me so bad that i sat straight up in bed. I looked into the bathroom told him he made his point and i heard him laugh and then of course he turned the water off. I'm not the only person in my family who has these experiences. My mom also has them. It wasn't 2 weeks ago that she saw him walking in her flower garden. The neighbor thought someone was messing around one time while my parents were gone so of course he told them what had happened. He described the man that he had seen walking around, about 6ft 2in tall long blonde hair and beard that looked to be maybe in his early 30s. He came close to the house to get a better look and of course he was gone. My parents just laughed and siad that was our son that passed away to cancer hes still here. The man just looked confused and walked away. I can lay in bed at night and watch my son sleep and see his hair move like someone is playing with his hair but of course it doesn't sca me cause i know its just Bobby. My son can even see him at times when i can't. He will be sitting in the floor playing and just start laughing and saying Bobo which is what he called him cause at the time of his death my son was only a year old and couldn't speak well yet. I have also noticed that things i have lost and hunt for turn up in plain site a few days later almost like he has found them for me and out them where i can find them. He was also a smoker, and somenights i can smell the smoke and even see it. I believe he is my guardian angel and he will always be with me. I am glad i have found somewhere i can share my experiences with others like me


My Odd Experiences


hi! Ive always been facinated with ghosts and hauntings and I love this site. Ive had experiences since I was a child and perhaps I will write about those at a later date.  Presently, my family(Husband and 2 teens) and I live in one of the original farmhouses of the area in suburban Pittsburgh. PA. When we first moved in about 3 years ago, I felt a bit uncomfortable simply because it is old and many of our friends who visited felt that something was present. I honestly never did but it was just the age of the house and the feel of it, that made me think that it might be possible that we have residents other than ourselves. After a while, I completely dismissed any chance that we may have a ghost around. This house to us, has a very warm presence. No cold spots. No bad vibes at all. Then it happened for the first time. I was doing dishes at the sink when i felt little "fingers" tapping me on the hip. Like a small child. It felt so real, that i looked down fully expecting to see a child. Nothing was there. It didnt scare me. I didnt get a cold chill or anything at all. I brushed it off and went about  my business. Since then, it happens occasionally. It really doesnt bother me.  I never heard footsteps in the house until we made a small unused room into an office. no one of our computers is in there and there is a very old fashioned cubby/closet type thing in there. before the renovation, it still had the antique type smell to it. when you are on the computer now, you can hear light childlike footsteps going up and down the stairs. when you go to look, nothing is there and the steps cease. when you sit back down at the desk, they start again. We are so used to it now, that we dont even check. I work at night so i sleep during the day while my children are at school. I like to fall asleep watching TV. One morning, i was watching and the TV started glitching. making odd noises. I checked the connections, all good. It didnt create the "squares" like when the satellite signal is wavering. I finally gave up and just shut it off and went to sleep. The next day, I was watching TV in bed again. It was working fine for a while and it started again. I got this feeling that it was our "ghost" and I said out loud and firmly "cut it out now!" The TV went back to functioning properly and didnt give me another minutes trouble. A few months later it happened again. i repeated what I did the first time and again, the activity stopped. I have never heard voices or seen anything but I get the distinct feeling that this may be the spirit of a child.  Who knows?

Church Trip to Italy


I went to Italy four years ago for a pilgramige.  We went to Rome, florence, siena, assisi, naples, pompie, verona, and venice.  I have always been interested in the paranormal but i never expected anything to happen to me in italy, but that was not the case.  The hotel in Rome we stayed at was considerably nice When we first got their we went to our respective rooms.  My roomate david and i decided to tak e aa quick rest.  we woke up maybe an hour later to someone knocking on our door.  When david opened the door there was no one there.  We were teenagers at the time, and thought someone in our group was having a little fun so we just let it go.  This happened two more times that afternoon.  That night we asked our group who did it. Of course, no one fessed up.  so, we let it go.  That night we got back to the room and stayed up for a while talking about teenage guys talk about when there away from adults.  Well not even an hour after we had started our conversations camee this knock louder han the rest of he times.  We thought it was one of the adults that had come with us.  I went to the door and there was no one there.  I was mad at this point and i closed the door.  I said my share of friendly words about who ever was doing it.  Not too long after that we decided to go to sleep.  At about 5 AM the next morning came another knock.  I was very mad at this time.  So, i got up as fast as possible and went to the door and was ready to kill somebody.  i opened the door nothing.  So i decided to get dressed and check out the hotel.  when i got downstairs there were a few people who worked there getting breakfast prepared and i walked around the lobby area.  On the wall there was a cross.  It looked old, but i thought it was decorative.  when our tour guide came down i asked why it was there and her response was that the building was originally a monestary, and they had just added parts on to it to make a hotel.  Apparently it was very very old.  My roomate came down not to long after the tour guide did.  He asked me what i needed when i came in to the room.  I told him i had been downstairs since 5:15. Our tour guide said that she has had other groups experience the same thing.  at least we werent the only ones though it had happened to.

Stepp Graveyard

It was three summers ago, some of my friends and I thought it would be fun to go too the spooky graveyard in Morgan State forest. Now Stepp has a history that anyone can look up with a computer, lots of good stories lurk around there, but this one is mine. To get to the graveyard you have to walk about half a mile in the woods and it sounds like animals are running wild all around you, plus it's pitch black.
When we got there it was so very cold and something kept pulling me to one headstone, i shined my flashlight long enough to light the white candles we had brought, and there on the marker, okay you know sometimes they have pretty words on them, but this one said "Never At Rest" and when ever my boyfriend read that out loud all of our candles went out and so did our one flashlight.
We just kind of stood there and I swear to you that I felt something kiss my neck, well that was enough for me and I started to cry then my flashlight came back on and we started as fast as we could walking to the car. We got back and I know that you are never suppose to look back but of course we all did. And it looked like a black dog but bigger like a horse. I want to go back but none of my friends do, and to be honest I'm too scared to go alone.
Well that's my story I live in Bloomington Indiana Stepp is about half an hour away from Morgan State Park.

The Noisy Thirsty Ghost


I live in central Texas in a small town, near San Antonio.  In March of 1998 I separated from my husband and moved out of our home to a one-bedroom apartment across town.  I moved into this apartment with my two daughters.  The apartment was in an 8-plex building and was the front first-floor apartment closest to the small parking lot.  The apartment was small with a kitchen, dining area/living room combo, and bedroom with a connected bath.  The kitchen/dining/living room combo was L-shaped so that when you were in the kitchen you could not see into the living room and vice versa.
While moving into the apartment my husband would not allow me to take much of our furniture, limiting me to only 1 pickup load.  (At the time of our separation we had been married for nine years - I can only say he was a real peach of a guy--)  So out of a houseful of funiture I only took an entertainment center, TV, baby bed, sofa, and two dining room chairs.  I used an air mattress to sleep on for the first few months.
Within the first couple of weeks there were strange occurences within the apartment.  I did not like to be alone in the house.  I found that when things were quiet, such as when the girls were asleep, I could sense and hear these occurrences with more clarity.  Most of the feelings and sounds I dismissed as my imagination.  The first unnerving event was with my television.  While watching a movie I would suddenly hear a loud pop!  It was like a combination of a bang and a popping sound that would occur within or very close to the television.  The television was only about three years old - had perfect sound and picture except for this VERY LOUD pop.  Aside from the fact that I was worried I'd have to buy a new TV, nothing else would happen, only the loud pop.  So I'd go back to watching the movie.  This "popping" noise would increase in frequency as the months went on, but my television remained normal.  It would occur when I was alone or with friends.  And it would startle you because it was so loud and sudden.  Everyone who heard it would comment that they had never heard such a thing.
The next event would happen many times during the six months that I lived in the apartment.  While watching TV or reading I would hear - a distinctive series of sounds from the kitchen - someone would open the cabinet, take out a big plastic cup, close the cabinet, and open the refrigerator.  That was it.  I'd get up, cautiously, and look around the corner into the small kitchen.  Noone there, no cup on the counter, fridge is closed.  This would happen at least once or twice a week and it did not matter if I was alone or not.  The sounds were very distinctive, even to the point that I *know* the cup was a big plastic one.  (The cabinet next to my refrigerator did not have cups or glasses in it.  It held cans and spices.)  Late one night, around 2am, I had two friends over watching a movie, we had just eaten pancakes so the kitchen was a mess.  We were quite engrossed in the movie when the sound of the cabinet, cup, and refrigerator occurred in the kitchen.  It totally freaked out my two friends and they didn't know what to think.  One friend insisted that one of my kids had to have gotten up and gone in there.  He got up to check and was freaked out to find that the kitchen was empty and the fridge was closed.  As time went on these sounds became more frequent and I would get more afraid to check the kitchen, though I was still compelled to do so.  You could also hear these sounds from the bedroom.
One of my cousins worked the late shift in town but lived in another city nearby.  Occasionally when he had to work overtime and would be too tired to drive he would come by and sleep on my couch until morning.  I had given him a key to my apartment for this purpose.  One night, not long after I had finally bought a real bed, he woke me up very upset.  He said that he had let himself in and been surprised to see me sitting up on the couch waiting for him.  He had turned on the lamp by the door and very startled when he saw that I was not there.  No one was on the couch at all.  He claimed he could see a person sitting there perfectly because of the light from the streetlight coming through the window.  He could remember details such as that their hair was sticking up, they had their hands folded in their lap, and that he thought they were sitting cross-legged because he did not remember seeing their legs below the knees or feet.  He definately saw something that night because he would not sleep on the couch and was too scared to drive.  He slept on the floor next to my bed until morning.  Some weeks later a similar event again took place with him and he refused to stay over anymore unless I moved.  Prior to my cousins experiences, I believe that I also had encounters with this intruder, though I never saw it, I would get up during the night to go to the bathroom, but often I would not go into the living room because of a creepy and sinister feeling I would get.  I would hurry past my bedroom door and get quickly into bed.
I did finally move in October to a different place.  A year or so later we were having a party at a friend of mine when someone mentioned that they had lived at that apartment building.  He asked if I had ever noticed anything odd.  We compared notes about different strange experiences that went on while we lived there.  As a note, my children never seemed to notice anything other than the noise the TV would make.  For the record, we still have that television, it never made that noise again, and it still works wonderfully.

 The Mary Anne


While vacationing on Cape Cod (September 1987) I was bike riding just North of Orleans, on the ocean side of the Cape.  As I came over a small rise (too small to be called a hill) I instantly realized that I had gone back in time.  The two-lane macadam road I had been binkin down had disappeared ... I found myself trying to follow an extremely narrow footpath surrounded by a tangle of weeds, stickers and sweet peas.  The summer houses that had been on my left (the ocean was on my right) had disappeared and been replaced by a farm complete with cows in a pasture, sheep and an apple orchard!  Everything looked very faded and old, like an old tintype, and there was very little color.  I wasn't afraid, just puzzled that time had twisted somehow and thrown me back into the past.  I got off my bicycle and began walking it along this little footpath (which disappeared from time to time into the weeds).  Suddenly I noticed a man up ahead of me standing in the weeds.  He looked to be about sixty years old, was partially bald and had a grizzled beard.  He was gazing towards the ocean and seemed to be wearing old-fashioned clothing that included some kind of knee-breeches and a torn and rumpled white shirt.  And his clothing was very, very wet.  When I got close to him, he turned to me and said, "It's too bad about the Mary Anne."  "What's the Mary Anne?" I asked him.  "She's a ship and she went down right here and took everyone with her to the bottom of the ocean," was his answer.  He then began walking towards the ocean.  Once he reached the water, he kept on walking until he disappeared into the surf.  At this point I was somehow catapulted into the present time.  The farm was gone, the summer houses were back and I was standing by the two lane macadam road.  Interestingly enough, once I had access to the Internet I looked up shipwrecks and found that in 1717 a ship called Mary Anne was lost just off the ocean side of Cape Cod at about Orleans.  No one knows exactly where she went down ... except maybe that old man

The Shadow


My name is Erica and I am 20 yrs. old.  My family, especially my mother's side, have had countless experiences with ghosts and other apparitions.  In one of what began as a series of experiences happened in my own home as I was growing up.
It began in the summer of 1994 the night that O.J. Simpson was fleeing from the police in the infamous "Bronco chase".  My Mom, Dad, brother, and I stayed up watching the news coverage of the story as it unfolded.  I was going into the 5th grade at the time.  Later that night my mom was awoken to someone shaking her.  To her surprise she saw a black figure of a man above her.  She screamed and shook my dad to awaken him.  When she told him what happened he just told her, "You were just having a nightmare from staying up watching that guy being chased from the cops."
In October of that year we moved from that house to another in the same city.  In this house my mother continued to see this apparition.  She swore she was always wide awake when she saw it.  I remember many occasions hearing her scream at night, and myself being so terrified that I would see it also, I would pull the blankets over my head to sleep.
Later that same year in December my mom had just picked my brother and I up from school and arrived at the house.  I remember that day vividly.  My mom was carrying a large roll of wrapping paper, since it was Christmas time.  I walked down the hall to my room which was the last door on the right.  I was carrying my backpack when I stopped at my doorway.  I saw a tall silouette of a man standing there.  I immediately dropped my backpack and ran down the hall crying hysterically.  "Mommy, there's a man in my room!"  So my mom, carrying the roll of wrapping paper, went to my room.  Of course no one was there.  I knew what I saw, and my door was wide open.
Years later she told me that earlier that day before she took us to school, she saw that shadow standing in the hallway.  She paid no attention to it since she was in a hurry and she was used to seeing it anyway.  My mom continues to see her ghost every once in a while.  It's a harmless ghost.  My mom can't figure out who it is and why it comes to her.  She used to think it wanted to tell her something.  But maybe it's there to watch over her

The Phantom Rock at Mokuleia

By: Anonymous

I'm from Honolulu, Hawai'i. First, I'd like to say that Hawai'i has many ghosts. The people of the islands have great respect for them and fear of them. The story I'm about to tell you happend when I was in the sixth grade, but for years after I still refused to believe in ghosts, though I'm a native of the islands and have had several "experiences" to prove otherwise.
When I was in the sixth grade all the sixth graders of my school went on a camping trip. We were to camp at a place called Mokuleia Beach- a site that had cabins and we were to be there for a week (five days, actually). It's on the northwestern/ western shores of Oahu. I didn't have much friends but decided to go anyway. My twin brother went, too.
This place was rumored to be very haunted, and kids being the way that kids are, they helped reinforce that fear by playing pratical jokes. They scared the Hell out of me and I broke into tears, but after a while I began to enjoy myself, a little. I was also reassured by our teacher, and the guys who scared me, that there were no ghosts. But, I did see something- after everyone went to sleep.
The cabins are near the beach, across this large, empty field from the cafeteria, and the swimming pool. From this field you can see the two-lane highway, in the daytime. At night you can't see it because there are no street lights. Now outside the cabin doors are a few trees and the beach. The room I had was on the side of the field. I couldn't sleep because of the practical joke. The kid who was with me couldn't sleep because "we're not home so why sleep?" I was looking across the field at the cafeteria and everything else. There were no clouds in the sky, but no moonlight either.
Right outside of my window I saw a rectangle of light, as if coming from a window. In this rectangle of light there was the silhouette of a man sitting on a large boulder, perhaps smoking a cigarette. His legs were bent and drawn up toward his chest so he could rest his elbows on his knees. The kid with me saw this, too, and we thought that maybe it was one of the teachers. We didn't want to turn on our flash lights because we didn't want to get caught.
Then, we realized that there was no boulder outside of our room or next to the cabin. Our cabin was the first one that you could see from the cafeteria. There is no boulder outside of that room! Then we also realized that our window was the only window on this side of the cabin and our light was off. Where was the light coming from? Even if it was a teacher smoking a cigarette on the porch of the cabin, where was the large boulder he sat on? And if it was the porch light, the trees should've been illuminated, but they weren't. This rectangle of light came from a window, our window. It was the only light on the field and we were sitting in complete darkness.
We didn't say anything to anyone about it for fear of being ridiculed. But, we both saw something. To confirm our suspicions, the next morning we looked out of our window and found no boulder there, just an empty field.


Ghost Walker on the Beach

By: Anonymous

Here's an incident that happend in Honolulu back in 1988. One night me, my two brothers and their two friends went "cruising" around through Waikiki and the Diamond Head area in a Monte Carlo SS. On the way to Waikiki we stopped a place called Ala Moana Beach Park. We parked on the road next to the beach and just hung out. The road is very well lit  and you can see the sand , down to the water, very clearly. It was about 10 p.m. and back then, it was still okay to hang out there.
Ala Moana beach park is a very popular beach and is well visited by many tourists. The smarter ones will go there instead of staying in Waikiki, which is several blocks away. At night they have tractors that go onto the beach at Ala Moana to "comb" the beach. These tractors have a giant rake-like appendage behind it to do just that. The beach-comber gets the sand nice and even for the beach-goers.
I saw the beach-comber heading our way and decided to follow behind it as it went back the other direction. As I did this, the rest of the guys decided to follow me, too, but they walked alongside of me, along the wall next to the street, and a little behind. We were just walking the beach. As I looked down at the newly combed sand I noticed that there were footprints along side of mine, following the tractor, just as I was. The problem was that it was on the side nearest the ocean and not the streetside were my brothers and friends were. They were also a few feet behind me.
I stopped in my tracks. Over newly combed sand there should only be the tracks of the giant rake, as the tire tracks get smoothed over when the rake passes over them. I left footprints, and so did the others with me. But, they should've been the only prints. They all saw me stop and I said, "Hey, there's another set of prints beside mine." As they came running up and they saw the other footprints  and stopped a few feet away from me.
Someone said, "Yeah, and there's enough light to see." I looked ahead of me and saw no footprints from where I stopped just the lines created by the beach-comber, which looked about the size of my thumb in the distance. I was wearing shoes, the prints were "foot" prints. We followed the prints back to when I first started following the tractor. It didn't frighten us, but it did feel eerie. It puzzled us, too, because we heard of no hauntings on this beach before. But, Hawai'i is an interesting place when it comes to ghosts.
To this day we don't know who was out there walking beside me. My twin still tells this story to people. My younger brother remembers it. it's always mentioned whenever we talk about ghosts.



this isnt that scary- just weird. me and a friend were staying up late at my house when we heard a man shout into his walki-talkie "quick, we need backup!!!" and the sound of screeching tires. it was exactly midnight. we both got reall scared and ran upstairs to my room where we locked the door. I got a baseball bat and she got pepper spray. the plan was, if someone busted in, she would run up and spray their eyes, while I would charge and club the  dude. we stayed watch at the top of my stairs and finally went to bed. a couple nights later, it was midnight and I heard the exact same thing at the exact same time. I immediately freaked, our neighborhood never had people doing stuff like that. seniors populate most of it. although we laugh a lot about that first night, I've never told her that it happened a second time.


Hi my name is Sara I grew up in Fontana, CA and now live in San Bernardino, CA. This might sound strange but I hope not. I don't have one specific story to tell, but many. My entire life has been spent being haunted my one ghost or another, no matter where I have lived there are ghost there. I remember my mother telling me stories of her encounters with ghosts, it seems most of her life was also spent being haunted, my sisters also are haunted, some of us more than others. One paticular house does come to mind as my sister and I have recently discovered we had been having the same dream for many years about this house, I have not lived in the house for 23 years. The house was full of shapes and shadows that we're not explainable. There we're strange noises and strange smells. The cat was always being thrown in the pool, we would here the water splash and run out to the pool but there was no one there, except the cat in the pool. We would see faces and shapes in the glass back door we had, and there was always a feeling of forboding and unrest a presence of evil lay over this house. I could go into great detail about this house and my experiences there but I waon't at this time. The house is no longer there, after we moved out the house was occupied by several other families, but no one stayed very long and eventually the house was bulldozed. I have recently taken my daughter and some of her friends there (to the property where the house once stood) without telling them to mush about the house. While we we're there a couple of them started getting sick and one ended up with a few scratches on them, another had something push him and almost knock him over, other things happened that I do not want to discuss right now. I know to some this sounds like a made up story but it is not. There was something there and it did not want us there. We have been back a couple of more times with pretty much the same results. We don't know if we will go back again, but for some reason I am drawn to this laand where I once lived as a child, why I don't know but maybe one day I will find out. The property is located on Alder Ave. Thank you for your time and for letting me get this off my chest, I feel better finally getting to tell someone (who understands) about some of my experiences. Again thank you.

The Native


I have heard about a ghost of a Native American living in a house on the north east corner of Belt and Everett in Spokane, WA. My parents lived in this house for 5 years back in the 1970's and always felt uneasy while living there. My parents bought the house to start off their new family just before my sister was born.  It was a small but welcoming to a young couple about ready to start a family. My mother was the first to feel uneasy when she was resting with my sister on the sofa in the living room. Our dog Taffy was in the hallway growling with her teeth showing and all the hairs on the back of her neck were standing. My mother could not figure out what Taffy was growling at and tried to call her near. Taffy would not take her eyes off what ever was in the hallway. My mother got up and walked toward Taffy, but as soon as she came near the puppy the episode was over and Taffy went back to her favorite spot in the house as if nothing had happened.
Another time my mother had a friend from out of town over to stay house to see the new baby (My sister) and the new house, but as soon as she walked in the house she noticed something strange right away. She told my mother there is a presents in the house and it would be wise to have my sister baptized or have the house blessed by a priest.  My mother's feeling was a little uneasy by this suggestion, didn't take the advise and continued her everyday life at the house. The next account was after my parents came home to a house with the main doors open and nothing out of place. They knew they had locked the house before leaving and thought someone may have broke into the house while they were out for the day. They found no one and nothing was missing. They asked neighbors if they had seen anything, but no one in the neighborhood knew what they were talking about. This happened several times after and happened while they were out for the day.
One evening my mother was laying in her bed while my father was working graveyard. She felt very uneasy while he was working late hours and she would refuse to sleep incase someone or something would harm her and my sister. While sitting up in bed she saw a figure of a man in a raccoon hat and buckskin (clothes like Davy Crockett) walking down the hallway. This man never looked at her or even acknowledged my mother's presents. He just walked right into a wall and disappeared into thin air. at this point she thought she was going crazy or dreaming. When my father came home she told him about the strange man in the house and what he looked like. He didn't say anything about it and just calmed her thoughts and told her to get some rest. Not long after my parents found a new house to accommodate their growing family and moved. My family never saw him again. Who ever the Native was he stayed behind and never bothered us again. Years later while having a good time with old friends the ghost of the native man came into a conversation. My mother was talking about the old house and the story of the ghost when my father jumped in to mention that he had in fact seen the ghost too. My mother was astounded and could not believe my father had not confided in my mother and kept this from her for so many years. My father had seen someone walking through the house and had his own experience with Taffy. My father believed it was a ghost of a Native American that lived in the area at one time. He knew the spirit would never hurt anyone in the house and my family came to terms that he was friendly and maybe looking for something or someone. He was peaceful and respectful, despite leaving the front door open on occasions.
While I was in high school, I became friends with the grand daughter of the current owners of the little house on Belt and Everett. She told me about a house that her grandparents lived in and how strange things happened there to her family. At first we had no idea that we were talking about the same house until I drove passed it and pointed out the house to my friends in the car. Kim spoke up and said "that is the house that my grandparents live in!" We both looked at each other and realized our stories had a lot in common. We talked about it and found the ghost was the same Native American that my parents had seen. Who ever the ghost may be I hope he finds what he was looking for and can finally rest in peace.
I like to believe he may be a part of the Spokanee Indian Tribe, before the city of Spokane was born and he somehow died and lost his way to the spirit world.

My House is Haunted


Well, it all started about 6 years ago.  My mother bought this house exactly five years ago on November 26 1998.  One or two weeks before we moved in the house, my mother told me to come with her, so I could see the house.  I came with her, and then she asked me If I liked the house.  I told her that the house was pretty, but i was getting a weird feeling, when I enter to the bedroom that she choose for me. I told her that I didnt like it, that she had time to make up her mind and buy another home, but she didnt listen to me.  When we started to move, our house almost got on fire.  The fist night that I sleep in my bedroom, I felt somebody stending next to me, I looked and I saw a woman wearing a long white pijama.  That night I couldnt sleep at all, I was so scared and at the same time confused, cause I was asking my self why she just stood there?.  The next day I aske my sister If she was in my room, she sayd no.  I ask my mother and she sayd no, the I told them that there Its a ghost in this house, and they didnt belive me.  They were saying that I was making up a scary story, but its all true.  Then, after 5 years that i saw that woman every day in my room, for all of this years, I started seeing dark shadows.  The dark shadows that I see, are just standing between my bedroom door.  Til, one day I felt somebody touching me, I looked and cant see no one, and I started feeling verry cold, and started to feel like somebody elses hands touching me.  About like 7 or 8 months ago, my mothers friend came to my house, to refinance the house and my mother wes talking to her about that I was telling her that I see a woman in my room, and that I see a dar shadow too.  So, that lady about a week later, she came to my house again, but with her husband whom I never seen until that day and her husband while my mother was talking to her, her husband went to the basement to help my father to fix something in the basement, cause his wife told him to help my father.  When they finished, he was kind of weird.  The next day, his wife came to my house, and asked my mother: whos the one that sees a woman here in your house?, my mother told her it was me.  My mother aske her why, and she sayd: Its that my husband saw her last night.  He says that you got to beleive your daughter, cause my husband saw her too, and she was in the basement, wearing a long white pijama.  Then my father was telling that to my neighbor, and my neighbor told my father that his wife, saw a strange woman coming out of our house, and when she was looking to see who was that woman, she disappered. (Excuse my English).  Well, thats my story, and once again..  This its all true, no lies.  I dont like to lie about something serious.

Something in the Bedroom


When I was 13 a lot of weird stuff began happening to me. I had always felt that I was being watched, and when I was 13 my theories proved to be true. One night I was sleeping in my parents room (I had accidentally fallen asleep there) and I was suddenly awakened by this very loud wheezing. It sounded like someone was standing over me and choking! I shut my eyes really tightly and held my breath thinking that maybe it was somehow me breathing. Well, instead the wheezing became louder and more desperate and utterly horrible. I have never been so scared in my life! I was praying for it to stop and finally, after what felt like forever it stopped. I made up my mind that on the count of three I was going to sit up quickly and look to see who or what it was. One, two three! I sat up but thankfully there was no one there. (at least no one I could see) After that I think I fell asleep because when I woke up it was morning. That same day, when night fell, I went back into my parents room. The closet door was open a little bit and I looked in. I wasn't really close to the closet door. I was sitting on my parents bed and I kind of peered in from there. I'm not totally sure what I saw but it appeared to be a face with eyes and a nose and mouth. I only got a glimpse of it because I shut my eyes so quickly. However when I reluctantly looked again what I had seen was gone. To this day I am still very nervous about going into my parents room and I only go up there in the day or at night if someone goes up with me. Other "weird" things have also happened to me in that same room and in other parts of my house.


Wetherly cemetery


About a year or 2 ago me and a few freinds went to the Wetherly cemetery
twice once on hallloween and the other a week or so b4.. the first time
my freind walked the cemetery by himself  while i waited in my truck at
the edge of the cemetery after about 15-20 mins he came runnin back
screamin to let him in the truck and to get out of there i didnt ask any
questions just started the truck and got outta there.. when i asked him
what he saw he told me he was at the oldest section of the cemetery when
he felt someone watchin him from behind when he turned around he told me
he saw a dark figure standing there thats when he ran and never looked
the second time was on halloween this time we brought 3 more ppl with us
2 were from that area and new some of the storys one of which was to
ring the flag pole at the front of the cemetery and something is to
happen but i cant remember what it was... but me and my freind from the
first time went to the flag pole while the other 3 ppl waited in the
truck... at  midnight we rang the flag pole  times as we did that we
heard compelet silince not a single sound this lasted about 2 mins then
we heard what sounded like something fallin from the tree behind us when
we went to see what it was there was nothing on the ground or no broken
branches thats when we heard a loud scream comeing from the old section
of the cemertery a moment later the same scream from the other side of
the cemertery when we returned to the truck we asked the other 3 ppl if
they heard anything strange they all said no... just normal noise`s like
the wind threw the trees even thow we didnt hear any of that... it was
the last time we had gone there... im not one to get scared to easy but
i had the feelin of being watched while we were at the cemetery and i
canot explain the screamin we heard that night

The Sounds and Sights of Children


Hello! I am currently working at the London Regional Children's Museum in London, Ontario, and the staff and volunteers here could say that this 77 year old building is very much haunted. There are many different stories that have been told over the years about unusual experiences that the staff have had. First, I should start off by stating that before this building was a Museum, it was an elementary school for grades JK-8. It was called Riverview Public School and it was built in 1927.
On with the encounters: Either in the early morning (before opening) or when we are closing and there are no visitors left in the museum, we can distinctively hear the sounds of children laughing and giggling and running through the hallway on the second floor. (we have three floors in total). It continues to occur and it frightens the staff everytime it happens. We also witness the elevator door opening and closing and going from floor to floor on its own. We've ruled out that it is a technical problem because we have notified the company who operates the elevator.  They have checked it several times and reported nothing to be wrong with it. Sometimes, if I'm feeling brave, when the elevator door opens up when I walk by, I'll peek into it. Nothing unusual happens ut I do get an eerie feeling as I step inside! (*note*-The elevator does not contain any censors that open when someone walks by)
The most recent and frightening story that I myself have witnessed, still boggles my mind. It was the end of the day, and I was just cleaning up some of the galleries to get ready to close up when I saw a little boy running down the steps by himself. Nobody was around, and as museum policy, we have to make sure that the child was not lost. I followed him down the steps and I was about five steps away from him. He had a mushroom cut, striped shirt, and shorts on. He had no shoes on though, which is bizarre because none of the activities in the musuem need to have no shoes on. Anyways, he ran right into a little space ship which is no bigger then a chair. I did not take my eyes off the ship and I walked right up to it to ask the little boy where his parents were. As I looked in, no one was there. There are no other exits to this space ship. I  took a double take and could not believe what just happened! I then went to the front exit to see if the little boy would come out with his parents (just in case he did run out of the space ship, which was very unlikely I had my eye on it!) but there was no boy that fit the profile of what I saw. All the visitors left and no one was left in the museum. I never saw that boy again.
I also see different figures out of the corner of my eye but when I turn to see what is it, no one or nothing is there. One time, when I was sitting at the front desk by myself, it was about 7:30 at night. No one was in the museum except for myself and a girl that I work with(who was upstairs at the time.) I was facing the front door, when I heard someone whisper "Sara" (my name) right behind me. I turned around expecting to see my co-worker, but again, no one was there. I called up to her asking her if she had played a trick on me, but she told me that she was in the washroom. That story still freaks me out!
Another occurence did not happen to me personally, but a co-worker of mine. He told me that he was on the third floor in the staff room. It was pitch black because we were closing. In our staff room the door has a glass window in it. As he went to leave, he saw a distorted face staring at him. He screamed and opened the door to find nothing there.
Over the years, many students that have attended the school (before it became a museum) come to visit us. I've asked several of them if anything strange or unusual had ever happened in this building. They just shrug and say, "Let's not bring that up again.."


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