Ghostly Sounds (EVP)

Sound #1    Phone seemed to take his phone call.  by

Sound #2   "I don't want that." (Over top of: "George tonight.")  by

Sound #3   "Earth (mechanical voice)." "Turn the water off."  by

Sound #4   "Where's the one in my life Mr. B?"  by

Sound #5    A man's voice deep in the background

Sound #6    "check it out"  recorded on an investigation by SJGR.

EVP#1 - "Take thee _um"   recorded on an investigation by SJGR.

EVP#2 - "hear now" , this one also has one of the investigators saying "35" in the background.  recorded on an investigation by SJGR.

EVP#3 - "I'm Marie" - recorded on an investigation by SJGR.

EVP#4 - it sounds like a cry of agony from a male voice after the team discusses a broken grave maker. -  recorded on an investigation by SJGR.

EVP#5- "Let me go"- recorded on an investigation by SJGR.

EVP#6- "I'm Tired"- recorded on an investigation by SJGR.

EVP#7- "A happy father" - Willistine Cemetery, Stockholm, New Jersey by Bruce and Barb Uhl

EVP#8- "I'll be there soon"  - Willistine Cemetery, Stockholm, New Jersey by Bruce and Barb Uhl

EVP#9- "Thank you"  - Willistine Cemetery, Stockholm, New Jersey by Bruce and Barb Uhl

EVP#10- "Please you don' t have to worry about me."  - Willistine Cemetery, Stockholm, New Jersey by Bruce and Barb Uhl

EVP#13- Male Voice - recorded by 

EVP#14- "So what, who cares" - recorded by 

EVP#15- "papa" recorded at the Ohio State Reformatory by 

EVP#16- "Called you here"  Deckertown Cemetery by Bruce and Barb Uhl 
