In Brazil

Brasillia - Brasillia City Hall - The original city hall was temporarily used as a morgue for thousands of dead bodies. Later on it burned down and a new city hall was built on the same property. Due to all the dead bodies and deaths from the fire, the building is said to be very haunted. One night an employee of city hall was working late, and to his surprise, the office door shut by itself and locked. On another night, a person working late claimed to hear file cabinet doors opening and closing. When she investigated however, no one was there.

Brazil - The Church of Mary - The Church is an abandoned church out in the middle of nowhere. I have done ghost hunting there and have experienced cold spots, footsteps, and voice recorders turning themselves on and off.

Petropolis - Rio de Janeiro - An apparition of the Brazilian Emperor Pedro I is seen at night in the garden of the museum by a guard.

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