Alachua - Newnansville Cemetery - On
certain nights, ghostly figures will walk throuought the cemetery.
Amelia Island - Old Jail -
Luc Simone Aury was the bastard son of a pirate
named Luis Aury. He was a renowned scoundrel and wanted for many crimes
such as murder, rape, and robbery to name a few. Upon his capture, Aury
was sentenced to hang in the gallows behind the jail. As word spread, a
huge crowd gathered to witness the execution of this famous criminal.
The night before the hanging however, Aury managed to slit his own
throat in effort to deprive the city of his humiliating spectacle. A
surgeon was summoned to crudely stitch him up just enough to keep him
alive until the execution. With his collar buttoned to hide the wound,
he was drug up the steps on his appointed day. When the trap was
sprung, the stitches ripped open, nearly decapitating him. Blood spewed
into and all over the crowd. Women fainted, men screamed, and children
were trampled as the crowd fled in terror. Aury can be heard moaning
where the old gallows used to be. On rare occasions, his ghost will
appear with a gaping slash across his neck covered in blood.
Anna Maria Island - Bali
Hai - Every year, around early August, a shadowy
figure walks the beach of the Bali Hai hotel. You can usually see them
out of the corner of your eye and when you glance in her direction, she
will disappear.
Apalachicola - Gibson Inn
HWY 98 - this place is haunted by a man who died
there on he’s stay with pneumonia. He haunts the rooms there and the
bar and dining room you hear footsteps late at night and no one there
piano has started playing in the bar at night when its closed and no
ones there. He appears to the workers there and guest he pull there
blankets off them at night and moves your shoes and stuff in a neat
place he’s a good ghost doesn’t bother anyone but be careful not to
trash he room 128 or hell destroy your things and hell mess with you
the whole stay. The workers there well tell you the stories and you
always feel someone watching you at night.
November Correction/Update: Room 309 is haunted by the ghost of Captain
Wood. He died of pneumonia after returning from sea in that room. He is
a friendly ghost that moves things in the room such as shoes or tucks
guests into bed. He stays in that room. We also have the ghost of a
woman that roams the second floor. She has been seen wearing a long
gray dress with her hair pulled back in a bun. This is reportedly
Sunshine Gibson, one of the Gibson sisters that owned the hotel in the
1920's. A worker at the front desk claims one of the ghost has been
calling their phone all night. Sometimes when the phone rings, the
switchboard lights up from rooms that are unoccupied. The only thing
they hear on the receiver is a crackling noise. They’ve gotten phone
calls from the kitchen and the phone in the kitchen is not working.
They also received a phone call from the boss' office even though he
had left 2 hours earlier. The speaker on the phone has come on by
itself a couple of times also.
Apopka - Orange Blossom
Trail - A Native American warrior in loin cloth
crosses the road after prey, looks at you, then disappears.
Apopka - The Captain &
The Cowboy Restaurant- formerly listed as
Townsend's Plantation - according to a local
radio station that did a bit there lights were seen in the middle of
the night, sounds, and temp. Changes were noticed. - September 2004 additional information: The radio
station was at the Plantation that year because they were having a
haunted house there for Halloween. Workers there report hearing loud
bangs in the attic where no one is allowed to go. And feeling someone
brush up against you when you are alone.
Arcadia - Old Blue House
in neighborhood - It is said to be haunted by a
family of ghost that once lived there. When they were murdered and the
house was burnt down soon afterwards. In the early 1800's. Spirits have
been seen walking around and still living in the house after being
rebuilt in the 1900's, over their graves.
Astor - Astor Campsites -
Gobbler rd. - in Astor has known to have a
glowing white male walking down the road very casual. In a blink of an
eye he will disappear. Footsteps have been reported. This figure has
been seen many times. it usually is spotted around 9:30 to 11:00.
Auburndale - the Bowling
Alley - is supposedly "cursed". The land it sits
on used to be swampland, and people say gangsters used to dispose of
bodies there. No one who has owned the bowling alley supposedly has
been able to make a go of it. Some say the building is haunted.
Auburndale - The Good
Shepherd Hospice - The building was at one time
a hospital. There are about 10 beds there, with about 2 or 3 people
dying each week (sometimes more). The ghost of Mary Morrow, the wife of
the doctor is sometimes seen by the staff. In 2004 one CNA that worked
there saw a woman wearing a flower pattern dress walked through a
closed door. She told the nurse on duty what she saw, who described
Mary Morrow to her. The description she gave matched. Some staff in the
office areas report feelings of nausea and light headiness at times,
but a source for this has never been found.
Babson Park - Webber
College - Girls Dorm. - Many girls and
employees have seen a dark shadow in the second floor of the dorm
Bartow - Old Courthouse - Construction on the old courthouse was completed in
1909; there is now a newer, much larger courthouse across the street
from the older structure, and the old courthouse now houses the Polk
County Historial Museum and Genealogical Library. Although the 1909
courthouse was the third building to serve as the courthouse in Polk,
it's only the second courthouse to have been built on that particular
plot of land (the one before that was built in 1883). The boiler room
is located in one of the four basements (it's the basement accessible
by elevator only), and many years ago there was an explosion there,
killing one male worker; staff, cleaning crews, and visitors have
reported hearing screams of pain coming from that basement. The bodies
of the Mann brothers, who were lynched by a mob for murdering Marshall
Silas Campbell in the street outside the courthouse, were brought and
displayed for several days in 1886 in the 1883 courthouse on the second
floor the area of the old courthouse corresponds with the second floor
rotunda of the 1909 courthouse - there is a feeling of sadness there,
and apparitions have been seen on the spot where the bodies were laid
out. Also, near the second floor bathrooms and on the third floor, the
apparition of The Lady in White has been observed by many people - it
isn't known who she is, and she could be one of several women who had
strong ties to the building. Strange things have been observed in a
room containing ancient Native American artifacts on the first floor,
from cold spots to malfunctioning lights. In the actual 1909 courtroom,
cold spots are felt and sometimes people feel something "brushing"
against them - the exact cause isn't known because every trial from
1909 until the new courthouse was completed in 1987 was held there, but
it's believed it might be Judge Chillingsworth, who was murdered along
with his wife in West Palm Beach and whose gangster killers were tried
in that courtroom.
Bagdad - Bagdad Cemetery -
Witnesses have heard kids laughing in the
daytime, just outside the cemetery (in the overgrowth of the property.
There were no sign of kids where the noise came from. We also caught a
few orbs on film when we visited there at night. Note of caution, the
county sheriffs department stakes out the road nearby and patrols the
cemetery because of vandals and drug users. A Local legend is
associated with the large round ball tombstone in the SE corner of the
cemetery, near the exit road. On dark moonlit nights, you can see and
hear the granite ball slowly rotating in it's pedestal!!! Also for some
reason, the three adjacent obelisks have always been refered to as "The
Bellaire - Belleview
Biltmore Resort / Spa - A phone that is
disconnected rings on the 4th floor (which is closed off) Voices are
heard and lights go off and on. Doors to empty rooms open and close.
Faces appear in windows to late night staff.
Black Creek - Black Creek
Cemetery - Had an old church next to the
cemetery that was built in the 1800's. It is said that a young girl and
her little brother were walking home one night in the early 1900's.
They decided to cut across the cemetery. A bear chased them into the
churches' bell tower were they were killed. It was said that you could
go to the church at the stroke of twelve midnight and here the little
children screaming. You can also here the bear with them as the church
bell would ring. Now there is a new church built and the old bell tower
has been relocated.
Blackrock - Twin Ponds - Twin ponds joined together a large tree resides in the
middle of the joining of the ponds. A glowing sword is seen in the top
of the tree where it was struck by lightning many years ago. It is said
that if you turn your back on the sword you'll die a horrible death
later that year.
Boca Raton - Florida
Atlantic University - Humanities Bldg -
has a ghost that has been spotted by employees on night shifts. She was
seen at the top of the amphitheatre crying, when approached, she
vanished. When locking building up at night, one person started on the
third floor, checking & locking all the classroom doors. When he
got to the second floor, he radioed in that there was someone on the
third floor running through the halls slamming the doors. He and
another unit went to the third floors from opposite ends and found all
the doors locked, nothing out of place, and no one in the building.
Boca Raton - Boca Raton
Inlet - During cold nights warm spots felt
though an area and orbs sometimes appear during cloudy nights. A young
lady was said to be buried in this Park. No body was ever found. Also
an image of a person sometimes seen through out the park. After the
park being searched nobody would be there.
Boca Raton - The Hole - There was a girl raped and killed there in the late
1960's. People have seen her walking around in the parking lot crying
for help. She is wearing a dress.
Bowling Green - Hardee
Correctional Facility - Reports of hearing
voices & feelings of someone walking behind you.
Boynton Beach - Holiday
Inn - The Holiday Inn on Congress Avenue is said
to be haunted by spirits. Many people who have stayed in the hotel,
have said to have seen apparitions of human figures roaming through the
hallways. This Holiday Inn is said to be built on top of an old Indian
Burial Ground.
Bradenton - Coquina Beach
- On Coquina Beach, at the very southern tip of
the island before the Longboat Key bridge, there is a span of public
beach where there once was a hotel but now it is a picnic area. On the
beach, a male figure in black clothing walks from the picnic area to
the shoreline and vanishes. This particular area has a lot of wandering
spirits at night, but this male ghost has been seen in daylight and
looks totally out of place.
Brandon - Brandon Place - A girl who has been nicknamed Matilda but whose real
name is possibly Susan haunts this place. This place used to be a
funeral home, which explains the hauntings of the young girl in blue.
Brevard County - Merritt
island - crooked mile road- 18th century
haunting of church in grave yard, hands have been known to come out of
graves to those who have entered the grave yard, and people still maker
rituals to their beloveds. One person actually reported a hallucination
but actually saw somebody their family knew as a mentally ill person
who was after their family for a long time.
Brooksville - OLD
Courthouse building - The old court house
building is haunted by an escaped criminal that ran from the jail on
the second floor, as he ran a bailiff went to scare him with his gun,
but he pulled the trigger on accident. so now you can see a large blood
spot on the wall and floor where he was shot.
Brooksville - The
Brooksville Heritage Museum - People have seen
and heard things unexplained things in that mansion that is now a
Brooksville - The
Brooksville Nursing Manor - Once when one of
the patients were badly sick and about to die, one of the nurses
reported seeing a woman coming down the hallway going into the patients
room but when they got there the patient had died and there was no sign
of the woman they had seen in the hallway.
Brooksville - Hernando
Heritage Museum - Many things have happened in
this house, including hearing a child cry when no child was around, and
seeing orbs and mists on digital cameras. Lights have also been
seen at night when it is closed and people on tours have felt cold
drafts pass by their bodies.
Brooksville - Lady Bug
Flower Shop Brooksville Florida - This is a very
old building on Main Street and Jefferson Old part of Brooksville
Florida. Constantly moving things around while working. The most resent
was when Pat O'Leary the owner had cash in her hand and placed on her
desk still while sitting at the desk not moving from her spot the cash
disappeared. Two workers went over to help her find her misplaced money
and as they looking right in front of 3 of them the cash appeared.
Brooksville - Spring Hill
Cemetery - The Spring Hill Cemetery, is located
off of Fort Dade Ave. in Brooksville. It is an old black cemetery with
the earliest "known" burial starting in the late 1800's. At dusk you
can see what seems to be a man hanging from a tree limb. Also, groups
of spirits can be seen standing together around the headstones of
family plots. One report states that an infant’s cry can be heard
during certain times of the night.
Brooksville - Springsteads
Gift Store - it is filled with all kinds of orbs
and something throws objects and breaks them, foot steps up and down
the stairs and you can hear people walking up stairs most of the time.
Lots of cold spots too.
Brooksville - The Weeks
House - There is a house in Brooksville that has
been featured in the Tampa Tribune and the St. Petersburg Times, among
others, about this house that is a family home built in the early part
of the 1900s. The story goes that if you drive by late at night (before
the current owners moved in) you would see a candle passing by the
windows on the second floor. Doors being slammed and whispers are also
very common.
Captiva Island - South
Seas Resort - In employee housing, room 51, a
baker died there and still haunts the room. Orb sightings in pictures,
footsteps heard, presence detectable. Also on the North end of the
resort, the King's Crown restaurant is haunted by the former manager
who died on premises. Plays the piano after hours, employees will hear
the piano after closing and come in to find nobody there. If the
silverware is not rolled right, employees will leave the room for a
moment and come back to find the bucket dumped out. He had a sense of
humor... he will arrange all the silverware on the tables so they form
a zig-zag pattern down the rows of tables. The resort is a former
plantation where many slaves were killed and still walk the ground.
small historic cemetery a block away.
Carol City - Subway
Restaurant - Strange vibes of someone's presence
about to run into you (attacking). The doorknob to the back door moves
like someone is trying to open the door. Dust fell from the ceiling as
if someone were walking up there.
Cassadaga - Cassadaga
Hotel - There are several spirits who reside
there. Known to be a mischievous one named Arthur, Gentleman Jack, a
cigar smoking ladies man; 2 little girls named Sarah and Katlin. The
hotel rents rooms out and has resident psychics available daily.
Cassadaga - Cassadaga
Spiritualist Camp - Cassadaga Established in
1894, Many ghost hunters identify Cassadaga as one of the biggest
geomagnetic vortexes in the country. A wonderful place to go visit if
you’re interested in ghost and Psychic Phenomena. Cassadaga has also
been on the unexplained shows due to the natural glow of BLUE the
halo's this area for no apparent reason. Also if you are in the least
sensitive then you can feel the energy that this area posses. For more
info, you can visit
Cedar Key - the whole
island - There are a lot of presences here; just
about every business in town has more than one ghost. Some are from the
Seminole war.
Chief land - Antioch
Cemetery - One of the hauntings is a small boy
that likes to play hide and seek around the headstones. We have named
him Josh. The other haunting is an unknown presence that more or less
watches over the cemetery. One person reported to me that he had dreams
of a tall dark figure and that coyotes surrounded his house that same
Chumuckla - Formerly
posted as being in Jay - Coon Hill Cemetery - if you walk on the high wide brick wall around the
cemetery that before making it half way you will be pushed off by
unseen hands. Many voices can be heard within the cemetery and several
murders have occurred on that same spot. It is very desolated and far
out in the woods. Very hard to find. Many pictures have floated about
locally of ghosts within the cemetery. Several have proved to be hoaxes
while others (Some very old) seem to prove not to be a hoax. Reports of
a thick fog seeming to cover the ground only inches high and every time
a small child can be heard singing. You go to Chumuckla Highway off
Highway 90. There is a Tom Thumb and Waffle house on that corner. Take
Chumuckla Highway down about 5 - 8 miles, You'll see another Tom thumb
on your left, which is also the road for Chumuckla Elementary (Highway
182), Take that left. Go to the very end of that road, you'll come to a
stop sign, this road is called, Chumuckla Spring Road. Take Right. Stay
On this road, you'll go over two narrow bridges. You'll come to another
stop sign, take a right. Follow this road down, you'll see a house
which has a fork in the road, take LEFT fork. The road will be the
Second dirt road on your left. Go to the VERY END, the cemetery is at
the end. You can see the cemetery when you round the last corner of
this dirt road. The wall is NOT very high, and it IS a smaller
cemetery. - February 2005 Update: An
investigator reports that they are clear cutting the woods around this
graveyard and the dirt road has been closed off with a gate. You have
to stop at the gate and walk another quarter mile to get to the site.
This was an excellent haunt site. Way out in the woods, old creaking
gate that leads into walled graveyard. Moonlight was bright and there
was a gathering fog. They report to have 2 evps- one alright-the other
was GREAT!!! Cameras worked on test shots by the car. Went into
graveyard and everything died. They always bring replacement batteries,
and they were gone too. So no pictures except for this one that we
could directly link to the evp. That one shot with an orb and the evp
of a girl say take a picture of me was worth the whole three hours I
spent in the cold. They suggest that anyone going to this site- DO NOT
go alone- It seems to draw not so nice types people to it, especially
at night.
- January 2007 Update/ Additional Information:
Everyone has to clear out of the place by 1am. Police do patrol the
place often. Many people [a LOT] have been hurt falling off the wall,
tripping over graves, breaking arms - that kind of thing. There is very
little to no cell phone service out there. Officers take minors back to
the Tom Thumb and/or GrovinNovins and call there folks, wait for them
to arrive to pick them up and go get the other vehicle back at the
cemetery. There are homes in this area. Be respectful on how loud you
are driving the road.
Clearwater - Clearwater
Bach - In the late 1930's/ Early 1940's
Clearwater Beach stationed not only the Coast Guard, but also had a
Military Police Training Barracks. There Army MP's would train there
for deployment to WWII. Sightings of a young woman in her early 20's
running down the beach while wearing an all-white dress. It is said
that she was engaged to be married to a G.I. who was shipped overseas.
When he died in combat, she disappeared days later. She waits for him
to return to her. She will run past you at night. As soon as you
approach, she vanishes into thin air. At times she will mumble at very
low levels, but the only words that can be made out are "John", and
"Wait". Many have seen her, she appears only at night during the summer
Clearwater - Eisenhower
Elementary School - In 2000 Eisenhower
Elementary School was to undergo massive renovations to its interior.
Once the plans were announced night custodians would hear strange
banging’s and often see a small boy in a baseball uniform run by. The
occurrences became worse and many custodians would not work the night
shift. A tape recorder was left on all one night. The sounds of a
recently deceased teacher talking to a recently deceased student were
heard. This is the boy in the baseball uniform who had died after being
hit by a car in front of the school while on his way home. The image of
the first principal of the school was observed numerous times and her
distinctive perfume could be smelled. Once the renovations started the
strange occurrences ceased once and for all.
Clearwater - The Royalty
Theater - The theater is said to have been
haunted by 3 different spirits. The first was an aged man with a goatee
dressed is a blue coat and a fisherman's hat. The owner himself
reported sightings of "The Captain" as many at the theater refer to
him. The second is a previous manager of the old theater. It is said
that this spirit, Bill, was robbed and killed in the balcony by drunken
tourists because he was believed to be a homosexual. The third is a
young girl, believed to be between the ages of 9 and 12. She has been
described as a friendly spirit who watches over the theater and all
within it. There have been numerous reports of alarms going off in the
middle of the night when no one had come near the theater at all,
chandeliers swinging during and after performances, and "mists" or
"orbs" showing up in random pictures taken at the theater.
Cocoa Village - The Cocoa
Village Playhouse- The playhouse is haunted buy
a former handyman. He is harmless. He can be heard around the building,
opening and closing doors and footsteps.
Coral Gables - Biltmore
Hotel - Construction worker were fearful during
the renovation of The Biltmore Hotel a historic landmark building in
Miami. It was once a veteran’s hospital and had other previous uses.
Stories of things moving inexplicably and the sort. A receptionist who
works there and lives nearby told of how once she got into the elevator
and didn't press a selection and that the elevator went to one of the
floors that at the time was not being used. It is known as the Bridal
floor as a death occurred in a honeymooners stay. People report of
seeing the bride's ghost at that floor. The fact is that the elevator
was disabled to stop at that floor. Another account was of a fellow
traveler whom stayed often at the hotel stayed with a colleague for 4
nights on business. The colleague said she saw people, which the fellow
traveler didn't observe. The two concluded that the place was hunted.
This was on a trip from Miami to NYC. This traveler was a fairly
centered successful business woman who finally said that one should be
more afraid of the living than the dead- which she told her colleague
to subside her fears.
Coral Gables - Biltmore
Hotel - 13th Floor - IT has been
recorded that the 13th floor of this world- renowned hotel is haunted
by the ghosts of soldiers that were treated there during the WWII era.
Unexplained noises and lights are seen here. Here is a history on that
Biltmore hotel. It was served at a hotel in the early twenties and then
they used it as a hospital during WWII and many people died in that
place. In 1968 they chose to turn it back into a hotel and in 1983 they
spent over 55 million to restore the hotel.
Coral Gables - St. Theresa
Catholic School - Feelings of not being alone
and footsteps heard.
Coral Springs - Blockbuster
Video - The Blockbuster on Atlantic Blvd. and
Coral Ridge Drive. Haunted by a little boy, employees have seen him in
the backroom. Tapes are often rearranged just after being organized,
after hours.
Coral Springs - Coral
Springs Medical Center - A nurse that used to
work in the hospital had a deadly incident and was hospitalized with in
the hospital and later died in it. Now she has been seen in the halls
just in front of the main elevators for visitors and at night she often
opens the doors for people when they are walking towards it without
them pushing the button.
Coral Springs - Coral
Square Mall - Around midnight you can hear
shouting and moaning around where Burdines when the lights are all out.
Other employees have reported seeing things move fast in the dark. And
some sightings of a small boy have been seen.
Crestview - Cobb Cemetery
- On a normal basis, this cemetery is haunted by
a ghost that walks among the grave at about 1:24 A.M. AS the story goes
this ghost is a man late 80's ; retired officer looking for his wife.
He appears mostly in Feb. - January 2007
additional information: The road is between a gas station on highway 90
and a hairdressing place. Keep going past the church, a ways. This road
is mostly paved. It's on the left hand side on a dirt road - it’s very
narrow (ie, you can't turn around in it till your in the cemetery) KKK
apparitions, ghosts of the lynched and a wondering man. There seem to
be a lot of white flashes, like a sheet running and then it's gone.
Crestview - Jameson Inn - In the year of 2000, a new hotel was built next to
Cracker Barrel off of Interstate 10 in Crestview. Within a year,
strange happenings were going on. An apparition of a man was seen
walking through the hallways of the second floor and frequently hanging
around the elevator. Employees that work there claim that the man
haunts room 208. There have been complaints from guests that have
stayed in the room, about strange smells, Cigars, cigarettes, and other
things are mysteriously left there burning out of nowhere. Wet/cold
Crystal Beach - Crystal
Beach Pier - some people have reported sightings
of a woman hanging from the tree right in front of the pier.
Davie - Broward Community
College - Central - Two years ago, a guy went
psycho and shot his ex-girlfriend in the back of the head between
classes. He then killed himself. Both died between Building 5 and
another building. Students exiting their night classes report seeing
white figures and strange smells from that corner. Also, a permanent
blood stain still remains on the ground.
Davie - Waffle House - Last year, two employees were shot and killed in the
freezer by a crazed former employee, early in the morning at around
4:00. Since the murders, employees and diners have reported a "creepy
feeling around the place" and employees have sensed a presence while
there without customers, during opening and closing. Blood stains can
still be seen on the floor of the cooler, although covered with boxes.
Daytona - Daytona
Playhouse - Two people haunt the playhouse.
Their names are unknown but we know it is a man and woman. The man died
fighting a war in Spain and when the woman could wait no longer for him
to return, she committed suicide. She was pregnant. She dove into the
Halifax River killing her and her unborn child.
Daytona / Orlando - Highway
between Daytona-Orlando - Main highway that
links Daytona with Orlando. A phantom car has been spotted, driving
erratically and without lights, along a lonely stretch of this road.
Daytona Beach - Auditorium
Blvd - near Ocean Center & Pinewood Cemetery
- Several pictures have been taken in the area. One is at a house on
Hollywood of a woman. Another is of a man seen standing near a fence on
Auditorium. There used to be houses there until the 1970's, and his
girlfriend murdered a man while she collected his checks.
Daytona Beach - Northeast
side of the Orange Avenue Bridge - at the bridge
approach. A dark-haired woman in a night robe has been reported. There
have been reports of flying objects such as chairs in the area, even
when there is no wind. There is reputable documentation of occurrences.
DeFuniak Springs - Sunbright
Manor - Old Victorian boarding house has been
reported haunted for years. Doors open and shut by themselves, and
visitors see odd things. No one owns it for long.
DeFuniak Springs - Emergency
Operations Center - Ghost of a small girl
wanders the Emergency Operations Center. The girl (Sally May) keeps
E-911 Operators alert on the Midnight shift. Locals say she died a
violent death in the 1920's on the location the building now stands.
Deltona - Pineridge High
school - There is a ghost who sometimes is seen
by the janitors. The reason behind it is that a man was caught in the
gears of the clock tower.- October 2007
Additional information: - All of the students know about a ghost of a
man who died while the school was being built in 1994. Also the "ghost
bell" randomly a beep can be heard coming through the speakers. The
students can hear it, but some teachers cannot. Also, the clock tower
has an elevator in it. When you walk up to the elevator entrance
upstairs, it's a different vibe that the busy buzz of the school. You
just feel a rush of another feeling. Another interesting thing is
teacher parking lot (the old senior parking lot), Driver's Ed range,
and our Agriculture Barn and fields are built right next to Osteen
Cemetery. At the graveyard, the school can be seen. There is also talk
that the teacher parking lot was built on old unmarked graves.
Dunnellon - Tiger
Trl./High School Rd. - Reports of seeing 3 kids
that had died at the intersection around 3 in the morning.
East Milton - HWY
90 - there are a row of white houses off
the side of Highway 90 that is haunted. Witnesses have gotten pictures
of orbs and facial images in the background. In The bathroom, after the
room was steamed up from the hot shower, different words written on the
mirror would appear.
Eustis - Bay
Street Theatre - The Bay street Theatre
was once the State theatre of Florida but sadly is now a mere echo of
it's former glory. Theatrical productions still thrive, as do the
encounters with the supernatural. Screams have been heard in the
upstairs costume and prop rooms, orbs have been witnessed, presences
felt. A man was seen hanging by his neck from a whole in the balcony
ceiling. On several occasions during technical rehearsals the switch
board on the same balcony operated unmanned, randomly turning lights on
and once the main spotlight dimmed and pulsed slowly to a heartbeat
rhythm. And was unaffected but peoples attempts to fix it. The area
under the stage known as "the hole" has marked temperature variations
and few people will go down there because of the sense of a presence.
Nearly everyone who has worked there has some kind of experience, there
are simply too many to list.
Eustis - S.R.
44 - Cemetery - There has been reported
sightings of a female figure wearing a lace outfit walking down the
side street of the cemetery. No one is quite sure who the spirit is, or
what she wants, but if you do see her, it will be late at night. Many
people have stopped thinking it is a real woman who may need help, but
when you stop, all you hear is crying off in the distance, and they say
that you can see her lying over a tombstone, where she is reportedly
Everglades City - Smallwood Store - At the
end of a dead end road there lies a historic trading post and general
store that sits on stilts at the banks of the everglades. This was the
site where a rather large manhunt ended many years ago. A local farmer
was shot and killed as he came ashore at the store one day. He had
lived near by, and operated a farm. He was found to be killing all his
migrant workers at the end of the season, mutilating their bodies and
dumping them in the glades instead of paying them. When word got to
shore that he had left his farm and was heading by boat to the
Smallwood store the sheriffs and local towns folk came to see this
notorious killer. He was shot and killed on the banks and his farm
later was burned. You get a feeling of uneasiness whenever near the
store, and that you should not walk under the store at any cost. (It
sits on stilts and is about 5' off the ground) Store is seasonal. Get
permission before doing any investigating.
Fernandina - Fort
Clinch - Fort Clinch is an old Union
Civil War fort that was never finished due to of lack of funding from
the government. During construction, the fort was ambushed quite a few
times by Confederate troops. Several of the Union men died in the
process. One incident included a man who was shot after promising his
wife in a letter that he would not die until seeing her again. He is
said to haunt the fort today. Re-enactors that volunteer at the fort
often see his ghost in the courtyard along with several of his
comrades. Perhaps he is searching for his wife? Fort Clinch
Fernandina - Wiccademous
Grave - The story is told that a young
teenage girl was accused of practicing witch craft and was questioned,
but the towns people did not believe her so she was hung on September
12th in the 1600's....The grave is located On a narrow path right
across from Fernandina Beach High School when you get on the path you
walk straight to a large oak tree the ground shakes and a loud booming
noise is the be heard it is the spirit of Wiccademous telling you to
LEAVE her grave and let her rest in peace...Sometimes if your lucky she
want even let you reach to the grave before she starts acting up if
that happens you are in trouble you may have walked away with a part of
her spirit with you it has been told that you will have dreams of
Wiccademous for 2 nights then you will actually see her at her grave if
you visit after the 2 nights. - May 2004
addition - If people want to check that out, they may want to be aware
that the police do happen by there every so often. Bewarned, you may
get arrested for trespassing, so you may want to try to get permission
first. The supposed booming noises more than likely come from a
drainage pipe that runs underneath the ground. If you tread hard
enough, the sound hits the pipe and reverberates back.
Fernandina Beach - Amelia Island - A
lighthouse on the main beach is said to be haunted by its former
caretaker and his young bride. She allegedly died tragically and he
killed himself at the top of the lighthouse. When people visit putrid
smells appear, the radio is turned on every night and a door is
constantly unlocked.
Floral City - Cabin
Clutter Antiques - Collectibles - For
many years, through multiple ownerships, there have been reports of the
ghost of an old woman who makes her residence on the third floor (the
attic) of this antique and collectible shop. Most appearances have
located her in the attic, but on at least one occasion there was a
report of someone seeing the apparition on the first floor. Most
sightings describe her sitting in an old rocking chair in the attic.
The most recent paranormal experience in this shop took place on
December 12, 2003.
Fort Myers - Fort
Myers National Bank / Near Haunted Train Tracks - employee's have reported to have seen a man running in
the upstairs main hall. During office hours, he moves things from
Fort Pierce - Battered
Womens Shelter - STRONG feeling of being
watched all the time,unsetteling feeling when alone. Frequent noises
and sounds of footsteps running up and down stairs almost nightly.
Reports of phantom scratches appearing on residents. Windows opening on
their own, even after they where sealed shut.
Fort Pierce - Chinese
Buffet - This restaurant was closed down
for selling cats and dogs as a meal. Before so, finding them enclosed
in a locked freezer in the burnt kitchen, which killed three. People
have spotted cats and dogs chasing former employees who lost lives in
the fire, included the cook.
Fort Pierce - Old
Antique Store - There is an old antique
store sitting on a hill overlooking the St. Lucie River on US1 that is
long rumored to be haunted. In the early 20th century, a man was
brutally murdered by his wife on the staircase of their house which
later became an antique store. When you come upon the second floor, the
smell of cigar smoke seems to follow you around and you never feel
completely comfortable. The stair on which the man was killed makes a
horrible sound whenever it is stepped on and an old man was "pushed"
down the stairwell on that exact stair a few years ago on Halloween
night. The owners boarded it up after Florida experienced all of the
Hurricanes and there is no word on whether or not it will open again.
Fort Pierce - Pace
Center For Girls - In 1977,before the
small building that is now Pace Center For Girls was an abortion
clinic. Women use to go there for there abortions but didn’t know that
all abortions were wrongly done. The women use to die a few nights
later. Students at Pace Center For girls reportedly heard women crying
in pain, especially in the bathroom and the small English classroom. No
one has ever seen a ghost but has heard cries. The weird thing is, is
that half the students who enter the small school always tends to get
sick. Who knows maybe the ghosts are trying to make these young girls
feel their pain. Also people in Fort Pierce say that they have seen
lights switching on and off and verticals moving.
Fort Walton Beach - Brooks Bridge - December
2006 - Has been removed.
FortLauderdale - Art Institute - Sunrise Hall Dormitory
- A long time ago the dorms used to be a house
of ill repute. There were said to be lots of murders in that house.
Later it burned down to nothing. Time passed and a hotel was built
there and it eventually became the A.I. dorms. There have been numerous
reports from the second floor that the sound of moans come from the
third floor around 1am. The sound of metal pipes being dropped and
rolling across the floor can be heard in the ceiling. And the sound of
high heels walking around the second floor hallway, if you wait 10
minutes the noise comes back again but it sounds more like running.
Fort Lauderdale - Las Olas - Riverwalk -
Oldest hotel in Ft. Lauderdale, supposedly been there since the early
1900(s) and was recently made in the last thirty years a Museum. Been
known to be the most active around the hours of late, between 11:00pm
and 3:00am. Countless spirits haunt the establishment, as most popular
apparitions making appearances seem to be; a man seemingly in his
mid-40's wearing a duster pacing the downstairs area. A younger man,
whom is in no terms of the word 'shy' as he will in static motion
creepily advance to the front door, press palm and face against the
glass and scare the passerby if they're caught staring and a little
girl with shoulder-length curly hair, wearing a ruffled dress around
the ages of 5-7, looking sullenly out the window. Several more can be
seen upstairs as well as looming in the hallways, nevertheless, their
presence is very clear and realistic like. Some cold spots and
overwhelming energies, though experiences vary with the person.
Fort Meade - County
Line Rd - Heard Bridge Rd near old Mt. Pisgah - In the 1950s and 60s, ghost lights were seen in this
beautiful quiet country area. Not sure if they are still seen. Some
said the lights were phosphorus from nearby mines, but there were no
mines then. Some have spoke of lights (phosphorus) following them at
Fort Pierce - The
Boston House - Is rumored to be haunted
by a woman looking for her family that had been missing for years. It
is said that she still looks out of the top window hoping to find her
family. It's now a lawyer's office and papers or personal belongings
become missing or moved around.
Fort Pierce - The
Hilltop House Restaurant - Reported loud
knocks when alone, chills. Eyes have been seen staring from the woods.
- - November 2003 Update - has been torn
Fort Pierce - Indian
River Community College - There have been
sightings of a tall male figure in the theatre. This figure appears
pale blue and has been seen in the broom closet on the left side of the
stage. He has also been seen in the light and sound room. Sometimes the
figure dances and waves, but mostly just watches people silently. Cold
chills have been reported as well as soft gusts of wind.
Flagler - Coast
- Palm Coast High School - It is said
that the high school is haunted by a young man by the name of Jonathan
Ritchie it is known that he can be seen by the girls locker room
relieving himself around each class period. He died a few years back
leaving the high school homecoming football with his ex-girlfriend
Katie Murray when they got in a car accident and he passed away. It is
said that around these times a strange odor and misty film is to be
coated around the locker room. Katie was the only survivor of the
accident but mysteriously disappeared.
Frostproof - Bereha -
If you sit at the four way stop sign on
Bereha road a light will float up to your car, it’s called the ghost
light. You have to park and sit for awhile.
Gainesville - 13th
Street Plaza Theater - orbs. a hobo wrote
"Monter Bad" and an arrow leading to a room. Blood covered walls and
Gainesville - 13th
Street Steak and Shake - Three people
were murdered in the wee hours of the morning inside the walk-in
freezer by a disgruntled employee. Current employees will not stay in
there alone anytime of day or night. - March
2007 update: this location was closed late 2006 for re-building. The
new building is almost finished and expected to open soon. - October 2007 Update: The Stake and Shake on 13th St.
has been torn down and fully rebuilt for a grand opening of yet the
same steak and shake. It is still under construction but it should be
open sometime this year. No reports to why the owners felt the need to
tear down the place only to rebuild it.
Gainesville - 13th
Street Wal-Mart - A woman has been seen
and felt by those of developed psychic sense. She is harmless and from
observations made she was employed here up until three days before her
passing. Roughly a month after, employees have seen and felt her
presence, in particular, Infants and Girls wear. In other parts of the
store, Jewelry, Crafts and Domestics, conversations and cold spots have
been experienced when no one is around. Best times have been between
the hours of 3:00 AM - 7:00 AM.
Gainesville - Archer
Rd. - Goodys - Sounds of change being
counted in cash office without anyone being in the room. Leaving the
store neat at night and returning with it still neat and turning around
and clothes being half off hangers with no shoppers in the store. Also
alarm has sounded at 3:00am and security cameras shut off at the same
time for no reason.
Gainesville - The
Purple Porpoise - The Purple Porpoise has
been a Gainesville institution for years and is about the close it's
doors but the problem will probably go to the new owners. This is a
college town and in the '60s a female student was brutally attacked and
killed in the upstairs bathroom. To this day her ghost AND the violent
ghost (more like an imprint) of her killer haunt the cramped hallway
and restroom. She emits a feeling of hopelessness and fear while he is
pure evil. Men are usually safe but numerous females have been
Gainesville - The
University of Florida - Beatty Towers - A girl committed suicide here by jumping off Beatty
Towers into the street. People who have lived in the towers have often
seen a ghostly figure walking through the halls and in some of the
rooms. Strange noises have also been heard throughout Beatty Towers,
along with things being moved around in the rooms. This girl's dorm has
been around for years, and it is rumored that she was pregnant at the
time of her suicide. Tom Petty, who is from Gainesville, sings about
her in his song "American Girl."
Gainesville - The
University of Florida - Thomas Hall Dormitory - with its red brick surface and gothic gargoyles at the
entrances, is one of the oldest buildings on campus, dating back to the
early 1900s. The building used to be used for classrooms and residents
have been known to hear ceaseless banging coming from the
radiators/heaters during the months when they aren't in use. The
presence of an old employee is thought to haunt the building.
Gainseville - Sweet
Water Bed and Breakfast Inn - There are
two parts of this Bed and Breakfast. The pink house and the blue house.
It used to be an old plantation of the family. Many people claim that
the old blue house attic rooms have a spirit. Many claimed to be
sleeping and have a heavy feeling on their chest. Also, the maids that
clean the rooms experienced an old bureau having its door open and
close. There is a scary feeling in those rooms. Even the owners claim
to have seen an image in the window of the third floor.
Gainesville - University
of Florida - Norman Hall - Norman
Hall, now the College of Education, used to be the P.K. Young School.
It is haunted by children who died in an elevator accident many years
ago. People have heard the children running and laughing on the third
floor during all times but mostly at night. The elevator that they died
in is still there.
Gainesville - Wayside
Antiques - South On I-75 - Employees
have reported to hear a voice from the back of the huge antique store
call them by name, usually when they're opening or closing the store.
Also, in one of the upstairs showrooms (right corner of the building
facing I-75) is a antique dresser. A little girl, in period clothing,
has been seen playing in the room around the dresser. She is usually
only seen by psychics or those with honed psychic senses but others
have reported a coldness or presence in the room. - December 2003 Update: The store is closing it's doors
in the new year, 2004, right after the holidays. Whether it will open
under new owners, remains to be seen.- March
2007 update: this location was closed late 2006 for re-building. The
new building is almost finished and expected to open soon. - October 2007 Update: right off I-75 the famous Wayside
antiques that have been closed down for some time have just been
recently opened. looks the same but it is not known if it is the same
owners. The only addition to the old barn like building is a huge sign
above the building that says ANTIQUES, plus a new billboard advertising
the place a few miles before the exit of I-75 to get there.
Graceville - bridge
- on hwy 2 there's an old bridge that you
can pull up to an stop in front of put in park they say that the girl
who died there will drive you across.
Grand Island - Wedgewood's Golf place - There
are several sighting of Ghosts walking around w/ limbs missing. Their
are reports of screams of "help there’s a gator". I would warn any one
not to go in the lakes looking for their golf balls.
Green Cove Springs - Little Ruth Church Road Cemetery- across the road from the Feed Store. At the end of
course is a little church and a very small graveyard. The area in fact
is large but very inhabited by dark apparitions, sucubuses, and a very
mysterious dark apparition that runs around. Witnesses have reported
seeing the apparition which is called "The Runner" that seems to follow
you. He follows visitors while walking on 17 you can hear him, a
distinct walk with slight scuff of his feet on the pavement.
Green Cove Springs - St. Jon's Landing Apartments - Various apartments are haunted in this complex.
Originally built as military housing back in the thirties and has a
cemetery on site in the middle of the complexes grounds. When the
military base closed in Green Cove Springs, the housing was sold to a
private owner and over the years became slum until 1997. Then a new
owner took over the apartment complex and began restoring the buildings
back to their original glory. There have been many sightings of
apparitions, shadows and electrical charges in the air. Tenants report
voices, doors opening and closing, and footsteps up stairs and through
out the apartments.
Hialeah - Hialeah
High School - The bathroom near the auditorium: A couple of years ago, a freshmen had gone to the
bathroom during her 3rd period class. A couple of boys raped her and
banged her up so bad that she bled to death in the bath room and no one
found out until after school hours when a janitor was went to clean the
bathroom. Now, she haunts that bathroom and can not leave until the
five boys who raped her die. Students have seen her sitting in the
corner of the bathroom, on top of her own blood, rocking front and back
chanting "when will they die...".
Hialeah - Hialeah-Miami
Lakes Senior High - fourth floor - There has been told that a few years ago a group of
students were in the planetarium on the fourth floor of the main
building. One of the girls that were in that group of student fell
through a big skylight and was killed instantly, they then shut the 4th
floor down. Nobody is allowed up there, you rarely see any janitor up
there either but it is to be said that the janitors that do go up there
have heard many noises from the 4th floor and believe it is the girl
who died there many years ago.
Hialeah - Hialeah-Miami
Lakes High School - In Hialeah Miami
lakes High school's little theater (place were drama students have
class) their has been sightings of a ghost nick named Fred, some times
music can be heard, and light tend to turn on and off.
Holiday - Lakeview
Rodeo - Ever since the Lakeview rodeo
burned down in may of this year there have been sights of a young man
standing in the middle of the sight.
Hollywood - Hollybrook
Golf and Tennis Condominiums - Hollybrook
is a retirement community. LATE at night on certain nights, as you're
leaving this community, if you're driving over the speed limit (15mph),
as you are approaching a stop sign, an old lady, almost glowing,
appears on the left hand side of the road wearing a flowing pink night
gown and motions you to slow down. As you pass her, she stares at you
in disgust. You can watch her disappear in your rear view mirror.
Hollywood - Hollywood
Beach Resort Hotel - Many orbs have been
photographed on the 7th floor, noises of voices and more. This hotel
opened in 1926 and was a favorite place to Al Capone. The hotel became
a hospital, a bible college and now a hotel again.
Homestead - South
Dade High School - In the auditorium, only
if there are just a couple people lights will start to go on and off.
You will also see a figure of a boy and girl on stage. There is also a
faint sound of music.
Holmes - Poncedeleon
/ Euchee Valley - Euchee Valley Presbyterian Cemetery - A shadowy figure appears and comes after any one in
the graveyard at that time.
Homestead - South
Dade Sr High School - A small boy would
stand just north of the baseball fields close the green houses. Late at
night he would wonder into the teachers parking lot. On the south side
of the school there is stairs leading up to the roof you can see a
Teenager climbing up there but you never see him on the roof. The
Troopers dogs at the school bark every night at 11:27.
Hudson - Pasco
County - Hudson Hills Manor - In one
apartment there was a little girl who was haunting the place and when
we left she continued haunting the people who moved in. She would open
and close the cabinets and turn on the television sets, and talk to
little kids. - May 2005 update /
additional information: the first several one bedroom apartments are
also haunted. Everything from Red Orbs to black shadow people have been
seen in the first few apartments as you enter the building complex.
There is rumored that the property was once a burial ground and the
county took it over to use as a dumpsite. Much uproar from residents
arose when plans to move the bodies were brought to light.
Inverness - Old
Movie Theater Downtown - Long ago, When
the Jail use to be across from the Old Courthouse, the Prisoners were
aloud to be escorted to the upstairs balcony at the theater to see a
movie for good behavior. The prisoners have haunted the theater ever
since it's closure in the 1980's.
Jacksonville - Greenbriar Light AKA Ghost Light Road - Traveling slowly down Greenbriar Road late at night
may be hazardous to your mental health if the Greenbriar Light decides
to follow you. Motorists say this mysterious ball of light appears from
out of nowhere and bobs along behind their cars, sometimes hovering
over them, but never passing on the road. Reports were so numerous that
the Sheriff's Department dispatched scientists to investigate the
mysterious luminescence. No explanation could be found. However, locals
connect the light to the untimely death of a young man on a motorcycle,
decapitated when his bike hit a cable in the road. Supposedly the
Greenbriar Light is the solitary beacon of his motorcycle, searching
the road endlessly for... its missing parts. - June 2005 Update – The light actually came from the
very end of Greenbrier (which at that time was a dirt road) where SR
210 heads directly towards it and then curves away. A witness recently
reports they have been out there many years ago and it was a little
scary in the middle of the woods on a dirt road seeing what looked like
one headlight coming towards you and then one brake light going away.
They have since changed the way 210 and Greenbrier intersect and with
the change, the Ghost Light went away.
Jacksonville - Homestead Restaurant - ghost
of Alpha Paynter is seen by the fireplace.
Jacksonville - neighborhood - the house
is haunted by a little boy. Sometimes residents would get locked out of
house and food/cloths stolen. Sometimes residents would hear footsteps
in attic.
Jacksonville - Orange Park - The Sports
Authority - the phone extension in the Footwear department will ring.
This is not an outside phone line. Other times, the store alarm will
sound. The manager on duty and the police will be called to the store.
This happens often and it is usually due to the motion sensor from over
in the Footwear /Team Sports area. The police will search the store and
find all is secure. Other times, we will leave the store neat and tidy
and return the next morning to find an entire shelf of sport bags from
the Team Sports area all over the floor.
Jupiter - old
Jupiter elementary - the old building
that's not reconstructed has been heard to turn lights on and off .
also the walls and floors make creeping noises.
Jupiter - Jupiter
Lighthouse - Employees have reported
strange noises and cold spots inside this lighthouse. Visitors claim to
feel someone's hands upon their shoulders, only to find no one there.
Jupiter - Trapper
nelson's at Jonathon Dickinson’s state park - Feelings of being watched in the bathrooms. His
apparition can be seen waving and staring from the docks and under the
pavilion were he was murdered by a shot gun. call park for more info
and tour.
Kennedy Space Center - Apollo 1 Launch Complex 34 - The old abandoned Launch Pad of the Apollo missions is
believed to be haunted by the ghosts of the three astronauts that lost
their lives in a tragic fire. When you are on the pad you get a weird
feeling, then at night when you enter some of the abandoned buildings,
if you're quiet you can hear screams of panic and distress. NASA, at
one time, let visitors tour the facility, but due to 'strange
occurrences' they no longer include the Apollo Launch Pad on the tour.
Key West - Artist
House B&B - The home of Robert Eugene
Otto is haunted by two spirits one is a malevolent spirit of Eugene’s
doll Robert who was put in the attic by his wife just mainly an evil
presence is felt in the attic. Also Eugene’s wife’s spirit is
believed to be trapped in the Turret room where Robert was kept.
The house is now a hotel or B&B. Robert is displayed at a
museum in Key West
Key West - Cemetery
behind St. Paul's Church - Haunted by
several. First, by the ghost of a man who almost single handedly drove
the pirates out of Key West. Very angry spirit. When there is no wind,
there is said to be seen whirlwinds through a tree next to his grave.
Also, he has attacked several visitors to the cemetery. The Ghost Tour
does not bring tours into the cemetery any more because of him. The
second haunting is a group of children who died in a fire across a
small alleyway from the cemetery. The fire was started by the pastor of
the church to kill his wife, who was having an affair with the deacon.
He started the fire while a Sunday school class was taking place,
killing all in there. If you go into the cemetery and sit quietly in
the corner where they are buried, you can faintly hear the sounds of
children playing. Smoking in the cemetery upsets the children.
Key West - Monroe
County - Fort Zachary Taylor - Is haunted
by the spirit (seen by several workers and confirmed during a tour when
his relatives were present and showed a picture) of a man named Wendall
who died in Civil War days of Yellow Fever. Anomalies have been caught
on film.
Key West - Ocean
Key House Resort - Third Floor Suite
facing Duval Street - Cold spots during the day. At night, sounds of
keys and objects moved around on dresser, sound of sighing, and feeling
of someone sitting down on the bed while you're in it! Day or night,
upon returning to the room, the lights and curtains are never in the
condition in which you left them.
Key West - The
Hemingway House - Many people have
witnessed Ernest Hemingway waving from his studio window. and lights on
and sounds of a typewriter being used after the tours are over and the
house is unoccupied.
Kissimmee - Big
Bamboo Lounge - Ladies bathroom toilets
flush by its self you have a feeling that their is some one else in the
bathroom with you but no one else is there also the employees could be
alone working and thing move by its self chairs glasses and lights. - April 2008 Update: Has been torn down.
Kissimmee - Celevration
- Apparition of a man that was shot many
years ago has been reported.
Kissimmee - Dead
Man's Oak - There is an oak tree south of
Kissimmee where a headless horseman has been seen on many occasions.
The legend behind the haunting is the horseman was beheaded beneath the
tree by Spaniards, some say for stealing the horse.
Kissimmee - Shingle
Creek Cemetery - The ghost of a
Confederate soldier has been seen. A Vietnam veteran-- a fellow
soldier-- reported that a man in grey was walking around the cemetery
and at one point appeared and saluted him. The man in grey
admonished him to "be careful." There is a Confederate soldier
[casualty] buried in the cemetery (d. 1863) and several Confederate
veterans are also buried there. The man in grey doesn't seem to
be malevolent; he actually seems to be patrolling the area on behalf of
the living. The cemetery is family-owned, but it is accessible to the
public. It is on Old Vineland Road, behind the Shingle Creek
United Methodist Church.
Lady Lake - Rolling
Acres Road - Loud roars, yells, and
screams in the surrounding woods throughout the whole road. A very
bright, white, flowing entity walks up and down the road. Said to be a
woman by the name of Julia that was murdered by an unidentified man
while waiting for her soon-to-be husband. A man that was not permitted
to see the woman because her parents despised him.
Lake Wales - Spook
Hill - stop your car at the bottom of the
hill and watch as it goes up the hill ,.... IN NEUTRAL!!!!
Lake Worth - Lake
Worth Playhouse - Lucien Oakley helped
build the Lake Worth Playhouse, he also died there.
Lake Worth - West
Palm Beach - Lake Worth 8 Cinemas - cold
spots can be felt in the auditorium, there is sometimes an occasional,
brief breeze, and the temperature of the auditorium is always colder
than the rest of the building, regardless of what the thermostat is set
at. There is also a knocking sound that can occasionally be heard
coming from one of the doors leading from the hallway while movies are
playing and whenever a children's movie is run in that auditorium, the
projector will either stop during the middle of the show several times,
or the film would get jammed in the machine.
Lakeland - Florida
Southern College- Strange noises - cleaning
staff reported feeling things touching them and breathing on them they
will now only clean during the day. It also has tunnels below the
school, some of which they haven't been able to open. Lots of suicides
happened in the freshmen women's dorms
Lantana - Red
Lion Pub - There are three ghosts in this
pub: a male, a blonde female, and a brunette female. The story says
that before the pub was built, the blonde woman lived in that area. The
man was in love with her, but their relationship was ruined by the
brunette woman. Today, bottles and other objects fly towards brunettes
and sometimes they feel a hand hitting their head. Blonde women feel
their hair and face being gently stroked.
Leesburg - Wal-Mart
- Merchandise falling off shelves for no
reason. One witnesses has felt cold spots and heard footsteps behind
them but no one was there and lights in bathrooms turning off when by
Leesburg - Warren
W. Willis UM - This is a United Methodist
summer camp for kids from grades 4-12 that was built in the mid 1940's.
There are two cabins know to be haunted on this site. Lodge 5 is said
to have things be moved from one place to another. Suitcases will end
up on the other side of the cabin. Campers will be pushed out of bunks.
In Girls cabin 45A, strange things happen in the bathroom at night.
Lights flicker. One of the toilets will flush during the night. It's
not really a spooky place. Very enjoyable to be there. The ghosts like
to play jokes.
Lehigh acres - An old ware house - November
2007 - Private Property - This listing has been removed
by request of the owner. This property is private and trespassing will
not be tolerated. There are dogs present, and a possiblity of getting
shot. Trespassers will be prosecuted.
Long Boat key - Old
Ritz Carlton - In the early 1920's, John
Ringling of circus fame purchased considerable acreage on the south end
of the island. Ringling constructed a golf course He also began
construction of a luxurious hotel, the Ritz-Carlton on New Pass. The
hotel was never completed. The story goes that a worker brought his
young son to the job site one day and showed him around. the worker got
distracted or called to do something and had to leave his son for a
while. some how the young boy fell down the unfinished elevator shaft
and was killed. the site was abandoned after and the hotel was never
completed. currently a shopping center and a chart house resturant are
on the site. staff at the chart house often report seeing a small boy
playing in the mens room with a ball or in the seating area after
close. often times a faint scream is heard.
Longwood - The
Old Longwood Hotel - Now converted to an
office building but has not been changed due to its an historic place.
Lights go on and off in different offices and footsteps are heard but
no ones there elevator opens and runs by its self. Cold spots and
shuffling sounds were heard on the 3rd floor. 230am the police
responded to check out a possible burglary there and the 1st officer
there saw some one in a window, they set up a perimeter around the
building. They went in and did a room-to-room search and found nothing.
Most of the Veteran officers say its haunted.
Maitland - Enzian
Theatre - While watching films guests have
seen a disembodied head of a woman in the north corner of the room. The
head will appear suddenly and float from one corner to the next
screaming emphatically only to disappear in the next-door restaurant
named Nicole St. Pierre. For reasons unknown, the head is present only
on moonless nights at 1:00AM.
Marianna - Bellamy
Bridge -Is haunted by a woman. There is an
old foundation of a large home near it. The story is that on this
girl's wedding day it was cold so she had a fire in the fireplace in
her bedroom. She walked by it in her gown and the trailer caught fire.
The girl panicked and ran through the house catching fire to the home
in her distress. She ran out of the house across her yard over to the
middle of the bridge and jumped in. According to local legend they
never found her body. Many people say that they have seen a fiery
apparition run to the old bridge and jump in to the river below.
Marion County - Ocala National Forest -
There are many locations in the "forest" as it is know to locals. There
are many secluded camping sites where the "rainbow people" ( a group of
modern-day traveling gypsy-like people) have told stories of seeing
ghosts of children that giggle with affection. Campsites have been
found destroyed and scattered over miles of rugged terrain. One of the
most famous of paranormal activities that occur in the forest is that
of a man who wanders up and down the country roads. Dressed in a long
hooded black coat (which is worn so you cannot see he face). Numerous
travelers from Daytona Beach to Ocala have called local rangers and the
highway patrol reporting a man laying on the side of the road, walking,
and sitting on the guard rails of bridges late at night.
Marco Island - Olde Marco Inn - It is
said that there is a ghost that inhabits the original building, now the
lobby & dinning room. The ghost can be heard at night walking up
the stairs and opening and closing doors. It has even been said it
moves chairs.
Marco Island - Vandys With An Edge - This restaurant is haunted by a spirit in the kitchen.
Late at night after closing the spirit will turn lights on and off and
also the appliances. No one has actually seen the ghost but plenty have
experienced different encounters.
Margate - Office
Building on Banks Road - On 2000 Banks
Road (where Banks and Copans meet) there is a pink office building with
a green roof. Strange smells come if you stand on the roof, and
sometimes in the elevator and the women's bathroom you can hear someone
crying. In the old Health Clinic in the building, there is a shower
with strange spots that look like rust or blood. The West stairwell
also has what looks like bloodstains at the bottom. A man hanged
himself outside the building in the parking lot, and there are some
weird things in the trees. Christmas ornaments, a saw blade, even an
old pink teddy bear is nailed into the tree.
Melbourne - Miquels
Mexican Restaurant - was once Doc Sloan's
House. Doc Sloan was a bootlegger during prohibition and the rich guy
in town. He built a fancy Mediterranean style house on what was then
the edge of town. His three year old daughter caught herself on fire
and died on the second floor of the structure. Since that time people
have heard a child screaming, sometimes a child crying and many times
things move about with no explanation. - November
2003 Update: This Structure has been torn down and has become a
Melbourne - The
Henegar Center - Rumored to be haunted by
"Jonathan", who makes noises, moves props and can be seen in the
balcony sometimes.
Merritt Island - Crooked Mile Cemetery - A
witness that grew up in a house next to this cemetery, experienced many
strange happenings. When camped out in the backyard and would be awoken
by strange noises, and feeling a strange presence.
Merritt Island - Old Olan Mills location - An
old Indian is sometimes seen by the employs.
Miami - Coconut
Grove - Field adjacent to LaSalle High School & Mercy Hospital - LaSalle High School is located at 3601 So Miami Ave in
Coconut Grove. LaSalle High School and Mercy Hospital are adjacent to
one another, the grounds are on the water's edge and you can view
Biscayne Bay from there. The story originates from the 70's or 80's
when supposedly a young girl attending the school (which is an all
female Catholic high school), either committed suicide over a broken
heart or took an accidental drug overdose in this field. In the suicide
version, she was a student athlete, which is why she haunts the field,
and has been seen occasionally during daylight hours at sporting events
and has been mistaken for a participant. However she is usually seen at
night, and even police officers patrolling the grounds have seen her
shape and mistaken her for a security guard when none are hired to work
there. Upon further inspection, no one is there. Most students who have
attended this school are familiar with the stories about this ghost.
Miami - Deer
Run-"Curtis Mansion"- There are reports
of lights going on and off, door opening, and sightings of ghosts of
visitors, children, and a man.
Miami - Hammocks
Middle School - It is said that the
auditorium of Hammocks is haunted by 2 ghosts... It is said people have
seen 2 shadows around and the curtains opening and closing and
flickering lights.
Miami - Hirschfield
Theater - footsteps and other unexplained
events are common here.
Miami - The
Jockey Club - People who work and live
there complain about lights turning on and off, hearing footsteps when
they know they are alone, hearing voices, doors locking by themselves.
On one occasion security was called when people heard a fight going on
in the garage. When security got there they could hear the yelling but
could not find anyone there and then suddenly the voices stopped. It is
not certain how many spirits are there but at times they do make
themselves known.
Miami - Krome
Insane Asylum - Many people have seen
strange figures, heard many noises. Including screaming, talking and
Miami - Lee
Kornegay Junior High School - There have
been reports of apparitions seen and voices heard in the library.
Miami - Miami
Beach - Colony Theater - Footsteps and
ghost has been seen back stage and other unexplained events.
Miami - Miami
River Inn - This is a beautiful
hotel on the edge of Miami River in the oldest part of town. Henry
Flagler and many U.S. Presidents stayed there during their visits to
the city. It has been around since the early 1900's and has been
restored a few times. In one of the cabins, there are many noises heard
by the concierge and security guards. Many guests who check into the
cabin complain about the noises and request a room change the next day.
The noises that are heard are part of a series, almost like a night
repeating itself at 11 PM every day. If you stay in the first front
room, you can hear a door opening and shutting very loudly, feet wiping
on the welcome matt and then a brief silence followed by running
towards your room and a fierce shaking of the door knob, which you can
even see move. The shaking gives up and is followed by the crashing and
breaking of antique ornaments right outside of your room, then running
up the front stairs followed by the opening of a door in the room above
yours. The worst is what commences after a minute of silence in the
room upstairs. For an hour, furniture can be heard moving, scraping and
the room can be felt vibrating. Finally, the sound ceases and there is
silence once again, try going to sleep after that.
Miami - Miami
Senior High School - Miami Senior High
School is a school made since the 1800's and many people have been
killed by gangs or by other things, and now the spirits of that people
are haunting the place. One time there was a girl of about 15 years
old, she went to the girl's bathroom. When she entered she saw another
girl with blood in his face and a knife between her right shoulder and
her arm. She was so scared that she had to go to a doctor for
attendance. Another day a security camera captured a men with a
graduation dress walking on the auditorium at 10:43 PM, when the
security went to see if there was somebody there he hear a scream and
he found a black spot on the floor. There are too many things that
makes this place haunted that I would take hours to explain.
Miami - Miami
Springs - Curtis Mansion - When Miami was
a growing city this man- Glenn H. Curtis build his mansion on Deer Run.
He loved kids so much, he turned half of the mansion into a daycare,
but when he found out his wife had an abortion he got mad and his wife
-as for revenge- burned the house down with Glenn Curtis inside. There
have been reports of lights going on and off also of ghosts playing
tennis and some screaming at night. - October
2007 Update: The house was not burned down by Curtiss… it was an act of
vandalism. After Glenn Curtiss's death in the early 1930s, Lena Curtiss
married an old friend and business associate of her husband, H. Sayre
Wheeler. Wheeler served as mayor of Miami Springs from 1942 to 1944 and
was also part owner of the Michaels and Wheeler Insurance Company. The
couple lived in the house until the late 1940s. The estate was sold in
the mid-50's and became the world renowned Miami Springs Villas. It was
sold to Forte Hotels, International, Inc. in the late 1970's and is
currently owned by Manor Care, Inc.
Miami - Southwest
Miami High School - Auditorium -
Sometimes the TV’s turn on by themselves, music can be heard, a guy and
a girl whispering. Supposedly a janitor died in there, and an old drama
club president while fixing lights on the catwalk died also and were
never found until the next day.
Miami - Southwest
Miami High School - Library - According
to the librarians many who have worked there for several years books
are constantly rearranged after organized and lights flicker.
Micanopy - The
Herlong Mansion - Inez was the oldest of
6 siblings. They fought for 20 some odd years over the house after
their mother passed away. The day Inez took possession of the house she
had a diabetic seizure and died possibly in her childhood bedroom. That
room remains haunted. The Herlong Mansion is now a bed & breakfast
and has been investigated by professional ghost hunters.
Milligan - Cobb's
Cemetery - When a closed can of beer is
placed beside a certain tombstone in the cemetery and left for about 15
min. It will be empty and still closed when you return. There are
extremely eerie feelings and noises as soon as you pass through the
Milton - CRX
Railroad (by the Old Spanish Trial) - A
strange brown mrb has been seen in the daytime by hikers along the
Milton - Milton
Graveyard - A picture taken picked up a
thin shadow image in the distance.
Montverde - Magnolia
Creek Lane - Magnolia Creek Lane where
all kinds of horrible things happened there in the late 1800's. A train
crashed 200 people died. Many ghostly activities and noises occur.
Montverde - Montverde
Academy - DAR, the girl's dorm, built in
the 20s or 30s, has had eerie sounds of footsteps running up stairs and
doors slamming during the months when the school is not in session and
the dormitory is empty. It is rumored a girl committed suicide there,
and past students claim they would return to their locked rooms after
class only to find objects rearranged. The old Arnold Hall which has
since been torn down was also rumored to be haunted. The school has
been was built in 1912.
Naples - Cracker
Barrel on 951 - In the mid 1990's in the
freezer some employees were tied up and gagged and then had their
throats slit Their killers are now on death row. As a former employee
when we would go in the walk in freezer and adjacent cooler the dim
lights have power surges and the cool air blowing in does strange
things. You get a feeling of being watched even when you are in one of
the coolers alone. It has also been reported by morning shift workers
that the ghost(s) like to move things around in the front store as a
Naples - Witch's
Brew - Witch's Brew is a nightclub,
reports of a dark shadowlike figure has been seen and lights flickering
on and off, my dad has also come back to find all the cables to his
music equipment rearranged and unplugged and such. - October 2005 Update: The building has been torn down.
Office buildings are going to be built.
Narcossee - stretch
or road toward Cocoa Beach - Around mile
marker 15 there is said to be the ghost of a teenage girl, who died in
a head on car crash, on her way to the beach on prom night. Moving
puddles of blood have been sighted on the road at night
Newberry - Newberry
Cemetery - There are about 70 orbs, a
gatekeeper at the back gate of the cemetery, 3 shadow krakens, and
other unexplained phenomena. Very strange place.
New Smyrna - Beacon
Theater - In the girls bathroom there
have been reports of sinks coming on by themselves and the stall doors
opening and closing when nobody is in the stalls.
New Smyrna - Indian
River Inn - There is believed by many
witnesses that is haunted with many spirits. You can see strange lights
in there at night and the sound of people moving around.
North Fort Myers - Island Vista Estates - in
the trailer park there are often seen lights flickering and loud
moaning in the middle of the streets. and on eland and gnu there is a
big tree where people say there is a hanging of a man at 3:18 am.
North Fort Myers - Motel 6 - There are 4
buildings at this Motel 6 property. - reports mainly from staff at the
motel, that noises, and the feeling of being watched. Also, footsteps
in the puddles of water, strange screeching noises, screams, and moans
of agony, a very strange odor of a female's perfume, and temperature
Ocala - Old
Downtown Graveyard - Many people have had
strange things happen in this graveyard. The most significant of which
can occur almost any night. After dark if you drive thru the cemetery,
near the back stretch over a large crack in the weathered roadway, your
car will shift into neutral. This has happened many times to many
people. All type of cars and almost all makes.
Ocala - Ritz
Historical Inn - Rich socialite from NY
would spend summers here and would have parties during prohibition.
During one such party, a fire started (reason unknown) and several
people died including the woman and her 2 dogs. To this day you can
here the sounds of that party in her room and also the sounds of people
running into the hall and down the stairwell trying to escape the fire.
Ocala - St.
James Church - (now vacant) - This is the Church used in the film "Jeepers Creepers"
it lies just west of town off hwy 40. This site was used in the movie
"Jeepers Creepers". At night the church has a strange fog that
surrounds it and strange light come from inside. On the same site, a
small graveyard almost touches the roadway and scrambles car radio and
cell phone signals briefly. - October
2003 Update:The church has been torn down due to 2 local teens setting
fire to the structure.
Ocala - The
Old Silver Springs Shores Hotel- It has
been closed for longer than twenty-two years but even before then
numerous accounts of hauntings had been reported. Kids flock to this
abandoned building now only to return with terrors of apparitions in
their eyes. - March 2007 Update: has been
torn down.
Ocklawaha - Ma
Barker's Residence - The home of Ma
Barker and her sons at the time of their fatal shoot-out with the FBI
and local police. It's located in the town of Ocklawaha on Lake Weir.
It's said that you can sometimes see Ma Barker on the premises'. It is
reported that the house is in original condition and still has the
bullet holes as a result of the shoot-out and hasn't been changed.
Oldsmar - Suncoast
allstar gym - In the year of 2000
employees heard sounds of gym equipment being used. No one was in the
gym but employees. When one of the employees went to look who was there
he could find no one. but there was signs of trampoline being used
Olustee - Olustee
Battle Field - Orbs and figures can be
seen late at night or when the re-enactment comes orbs and figures with
the actors. Sometimes voices can be herd.
Orange City - Blue
Springs - rail road tracks - a old house
that has been there for years, its falling apart and the windows are
broke, some say a old man killed himself in there, at night you can see
him on the door step, some have seen him on the rail road tracks right
next to blue springs, the legend is he overdosed on pills if you go in
the building you can feel a unhappy spirit there and you feel cold
lonely and not wanted there.
Orange City - Lankford
Funeral Home - third floor room is
haunted by the ghost of a daughter of the people who originally built
the house back in 1918, long before it became a funeral home. The story
goes that she contracted some kind of infectious disease common around
those times and was cared for in third floor bedroom to keep here away
from the rest of the family. She eventually succumbed to the disease. A
ghost of a young girl has been spotted looking out the third floor
window. And the few people who have lived in the second floor apartment
have talked about hearing the floor creaking on the third floor, as if
someone is walking around.
Orange City - Natures
garden - One day a face appeared in the
window and seamed as if he was in agonizing pain and screaming.
Orlando - Annie
Russell Theater - one particular chair
was always in the same spot no matter how many times it was moved to
another location.
Orlando - Citrus
Center - Republic bank/Orange Ave. - Numerous
employees and visitors have witnessed apperitions of a shadow type
figure as well noises, doors opening and shuting,elevators with no one
on them moving with footsteeps coming off of them. Numerous siteing of
a female looking at you in restroom mirrors and then vanishing.
Orlando - Cricket
Club Apartments - Strange smells
emanating from one of the apartments in the complex, strange forms seen
at night walking around outside. Strange voices heard also. Cannas
Orlando - Disney
World - There is known to be a tan figure
walking down the streets in front of the castle.
Orlando - Disney
World - Pirates of the Caribbean - The
spirit of "George" a worker who died there when a beam fell on him
during construction still haunts the attraction. At the beginning of
the day and at the end of the day attractions workers must come on the
PA system and tell George good morning and good night. If not the
attraction has been know to shut itself down adding more work before
the workers came go home for the night. - March
2004 Addition/ correction - when the ride was being built in the early
70's (it opened Dec. 15, 1973) , George was a welder who clearly,
welded different parts of the scenes on the attraction together. One
particular area on the ride, called the "burning city", required George
to climb up quite high above the ground. George lost his balance, and
fell to his death. If you talk to any of the employees at pirates, they
will either know of someone who has had an incident with George, or
there is a chance they move have had one themselves.
Orlando - Evans
High School - The drama students and
teacher have reported strange howling sounds, lights going on and off,
and even people being locked in rooms (mainly the green room woman's
restroom, and the costume room). - March
2005 Correction: The current auditorium is haunted by a man that hung
himself in the gym back in the 60's. The door on the costume room does
not lock and there is no ladies restroom in the green room, because
there is no green room. What can be heard is noises of something moving
on the catwalk above the stage and the lights around the stage will
come on and go off with out anyone working them. As a former Drama
student and graduate of Evan's, as well as many of the students have
experienced the guy from the gym in the auditorium. He has never tried
to harm anyone or scare anyone at all. It is believed he just wanders
around the school and doesn't want to leave, you can feel him in
different parts of the school.
- March 2008 Correction to the 2005
Correction: 1994-1997 There was a greenroom with separate boy's and
girl's dressing rooms. There were a few times that girls were locked
into their dressing room, and no matter how many of us tugged on the
door it would not open, even when the stronger guys tried.
Orlando - Leu
Botanical Gardens - The old mansion in
the Harry P. Leu Botanical Gardens is haunted by the ghosts of the
former residents. Visitors to the house on guided tours have reported
cold spots in the upper bedrooms and tour guides have reported spirits.
The gardens are off of S.R. - 1792 (Orlando Ave.) east of down town
Orlando - Little
Econ River - Every October 13th a spirit
of Christopher Klink appears under the bridge on Old Econ Rd. A light
will flash under the bridge highlighting Killer Klink's tag which is
written under the bridge. (Dated October 13, 1987.) It will get
extremely cold, and the river will then flow the other direction. You
will then see an image of Klink hanging from the bridge, and suddenly
disappear. Then the water will start flowing back in its original
Orlando - Miller
Sellen - Its an old historic house from
the early 1900's. A former employee states People that had worked there
for awhile would talk of strange noises like someone running though the
hallways when no one was there. One employee got a call from an inside
line only to hear static and a sound of a little girl playing on the
phone. Problem was everybody was out to lunch.
Orlando - Naval
Recruit Training Center - The second
floor of the Division Ten barracks gives you a vrey bad feeling while
making your rounds during watch. The whole floor sounds like it's
breathing. - October 2004 Update; was
torn down in 2002
Orlando - Oviedo
- Andrew St. - Apparitions of children
playing in the field, hearing someone whisper in the ear, "help me." It
sounded like children or a child.
Orlando - Oviedo
- Anders street on Chapman - The celery
field on this dirt road is haunted. People have seen a man in between 2
pillars (electric fence) dressed in a suit carrying a suitcase. you can
hear children's laughter and see kids playing in the field and a
shadowy figured man.
Orlando - Oviedo
- Baseball field - There was an Indian
seen before, going into the woods around the 7:00 at a base ball game.
Orlando - Oviedo
- Boston Hill Cemetery - There is a image
of a man hanging in the trees and a lady kneeling at the mans feet. The
woman is weeping and praying. Foot steps heard on the ground and the
grass was seen moving. Also reports of pockets of fog spinning in
circles. There were many cold spots.
Orlando - Oviedo
- The Celery Fields of Chapman Road - There
have been numerous sightings of children walking through the tall grass
and wondering around on the streets of the neighborhood that now stands
where the field had been.
Orlando - Oviedo
- Chapman open fields - There is a field
down a dirt road in between two sets of telephone poles which people
always hear screams after driving down the road. There is always fog
around the at location also no matter how the weather is.
Orlando - Oviedo
- The Econ River - Lots of very strong
spirits. Mindless whispers and some even violent ones...There are MANY
patches around Geniva and Chilioda. Behind still water, there is this
pit in the econ. by a moldy blanket.. there is a lot of action there
and more spiritual patches.
Orlando - Oviedo
- Oviedo High School - auditorium - light room. figure and flashes have been seen.
Orlando - Oviedo
- Oviedo High School - Baseball field outskirts - on the out skirts. There is spiritual patches and
portals.. There are red marks on the trees and other stuff like that.
You'll see orbs in the distance and suction like feeling towards it.
Orlando - Oviedo
- Oviedo High School - the girls dressing room - There sits a girl crying and blood on her dress. she
has long brown hair and is sad and pale. She’ll follow you though and
stalk you for a little while. She'll tell you her story and try to
scare you. She stalked students for days at a time, and they claim she
has followed them home.
Orlando - Oviedo
- The Oviedo Lights - These eerie lights
can be seen from a bridge where a young man killed himself after he
lost his love. It is well know to native Oveidans. And has been seen by
many, many people. The mans ghost has also been seen in the area below
the bridge.
Orlando - Oviedo
- St. Luke’s cemetery - In the small
building in the center of the cemetery the corner to the right of the
door you feel an odd and almost threatening presence. Upon entering the
corner it is reported some feel it is hard to breath, hands tingle as
well as some reports of marks appearing on their necks.
Orlando - Peabody
Hotel - cold spots and apparitions
Orlando - Rouse
Road Cemetery - The ghost of a man who
died in the 1840's is seen here. He is seen often as a shadowy figure
in period clothing in the cemetery, the adjacent woods and the fields
across the street. The apparition is known as Benjamin Miles, a local
settler who is buried there in an unmarked grave. It is said that this
is a particularly angry and dangerous spirit. His presence is
accompanied by a chill in the air and the call of an owl. The sound of
that owl is said to be a warning that Benjamin Miles is nearby. All of
these phenomena are almost always seen at night usually in the fall and
winter seasons
Orlando - Walt
Disney World - EPCOT - Spaceship earth - a small girl with long blonde hair has been seen
riding in a car & a boy run in front of her and vanish at the same
location (outside during the day).
Orlando - Walt
Disney World - Tower of Terror - There
has been a story among employees of a ghost walking around the "Tower
of Terror" at off hours; he's usually found walking the wrong way, does
not respond to calls and then disappears.
Orlando - Sunland
Hospital - Sunland was an old Mental
hospital in the Pine Hills section of Town. Many reports of poltergeist
activity voices and screams. - This
submission was originally posted as " “Belleview Mental Hospital" It
has now been demolished and turned into a park where it is still
believed to be haunted. And interesting link can be found here
Orlando - Super 8
Motel - Room 206 - I-drive - room
206 is haunted by the ghost of a man who rises from bed also bed
shakes, and feels like someone is getting in bed beside you when no one
is there. The room stays cold and it feels as if you’re being watched.
The sink also comes on by itself.
Orlando - Tabu
Night Club - formerly posted as "Zuma
Beach Night Club" - an old woman ghost
has been seen by the stage. When she comes it gets real cold.
Orlando - typhoon
lagoon - typhoon lagoon there was a
little boy that drowned on the boat slide. Now you can see at night a
little boy riding a raft.
Orlando - universal
studios back to the future - Some guests
have died from natural causes while riding the ride and two maintenance
guys have been crushed by the cars while working on the hydraulics. On
the third floor at the entrance there are large mirrors where a small
hand print appears about 7 ft up especially when that floor isn't being
used. won't be cleaned off. also on the third floor when it's closed
you hear the song one of the maintenance guys liked to whistle and the
sound moves up and down the halls. on the second floor when cleaning
cars at the end of the day the cars will close on the employee with no
one at the controls and you hear a small girl giggle. also some heavy
doors open on their own when the ride isn't turned on. also shadows are
seen in the employee hallway up to the third floor followed by a
feeling of foreboding.
Orlando - Union
Park Elementary - the girls bathroom is
haunted. Witnesses report the sinks and all the doors started to shake
and hearing a loud- but faint yell, and seeing a little girl with a
white dress. Believed to be Mary, the daughter of the janitor that
works there.
Pace - Wal-Mart
- Orbs in the maternity section
Pace - Just
east of Wal Mart - A strange light was
seen around a cell tower just east of Wal Mart behind Chic Filet.
Strange lights have been reported.
Palatka - San
Mateo First Church of the Nazarene - The
ghost of an old man who used to attend the church shuffling up the
aisle, just the same as he always did when he was alive. In the nursery
the ghost of a pilgrim times woman, (you can only see her shadow, but
you can tell by the way her shadow's dress is shaped) screams. It
sounds like she in sheer terror.
Palm Beach - Flagler
Mansion - There is said to be ghosts all
throughout the many rooms of the Henry Flagler Museum and mansion.
Palm Beach Island - This is called the witches road, numerous reports of
peoples electronics in there cars messing up while on this road
Panama City - Confetti's
a Nightclub/Eatery - Objects moving and a
smoky apparition have been observed by the staff here.
Panama City Beach - Holiday Inn - In one of
the rooms near the top floor, the ghost of a man was seen standing
between the two double beds. He wears a white T-shirt and sunglasses
around his neck, but his head cannot be seen. Strange occurrences also
happened, such as radio stations turning by themselves, belongings
missing and then reappearing, and being mysteriously woken up every
night at the same time (around 4 a.m.).
Parker - Across
From Paper Mill - Swing outside swings by
itself at times when there is no wind. if your in a car your radio
comes on by itself, the windows go crazy and your car dies. sometimes
if you look at the window you’ll see a girl put her hand on the window
and it’ll start bleeding and spell out help.. sometimes you see the
murderer with his axe walking around.
Pembroke Pines - Publix 528 - In Pembroke
Pines in store 528 at Silver Lakes. There was a customer that was a
lady by the sea food area, wearing a purple sweater, that had a
heart attack and died. Several years later it has been said by a couple
of associates that when the store is closing, a lady has been seen
walking by the sea food area wearing a purple sweater. When the manager
went to get a customer count the lady is nowhere to be found. It is
said until this very day that she still haunts the sea food area of
Publix 528.
Pensacola - Cazenovia
Seville Quarter - The man who died at
Seville Quarter was named Wesely. He fell in the beer cooler and hit
his head, knocking himself out and he died of hypothermia.
Pensacola - Dorr
House - There is a floor to ceiling
mirror in the 'Formal' sitting room... when a female visitor stands in
its sights, if they have on a short skirt, they report feeling a
'tugging' as if someone is trying to make the skirt longer. Many
visitors and guides have reported smelling Roses (fresh cut) at
intervals followed by an EXTREMELY COLD spot. Roses were Mrs. Dorr’s
favorite flower. Visitors have reported hearing soft crying coming from
the sick room/sewing room. A word of warning to all who visit, MIND
YOUR MANNERS... Mrs. Dorr doesn't allow rudeness and has been known to
'make sure' the perpetrator doesn't stay or wants to leave posthaste.
This ex-Docent has seen first hand that Mrs. Dorr is still the 'LADY'
of the house.
Pensacola - Fort
Pickens - Visitors feel presences in
certain rooms; it seems like someone is watching you.
Pensacola - House
on Alcaniz Street - The Gray House on
Alcaniz Street, which faces the Dorr House across Seville Square is
said to be haunted. The ghost of a sea captain named Thomas Moristo who
lived there in the 1700s is believed to still reside there. When the
home is vacant, a man has been seen peering through the windows. Many
people who have lived there have reported that they will turn on the
stove, go upstairs, then come down and find the stove turned off. On
one incidence, a resident was painting the house and left the paint
inside the front foyer. The next morning he found all the paint had
been moved outside. - The house was once in a bad fire, and it is
believed the ghost does these things attempting to prevent another
fire. Many people have become too frightened and refused to live in
this house, and some residences have claimed to see apparitions of the
old man while inside the house.
Pensacola - Light
House - There is a story about the light
house on the navy base (NAS) being haunted by the former keeper. People
have felt cold spots while touring the light house.
Pensacola - New
World Inn - The Inn and bar are said to
be haunted by the previous owner. Several employees have reported
seeing him.
Pensacola - NAS
Whiting Field - Branch Medical Clinic - The
ghost of a navy corpsman killed while stationed there reportedly roams
the hallway between the lab and X-ray departments. He always is seen
carrying something in his hands and wears a tech jacket.
Pensacola - Original
Sacred Heart Hospital - There is a
hallway that is about where the nuns would cross to go to the chapel of
the hospital. It is been reported that there is the kind old spirit of
one of the sisters that frequents the hallway and corridor. She will
often tap people on the shoulder from behind, much as she did in life.
Pensacola - Seville
Quarter - About ten years ago there was
a man who would visit the bar at Seville Quarter frequently. He would
visit so much, that he was offered a bartending job there. He worked
there for a while and everyone loved him. He died in the bar one night
(not exactly sure how) but people have reportedly seen his ghost in the
bar area
Pensacola - St.
Michael’s Cemetery - This is a large
cemetery that was started when Pensacola was settled. This cemetery
contains famous people and people that helped to shape Florida in
history, politics, and commerce. People say they have seen lights
circling gravestones. They have also heard voices inside the cemetery
at night.
Pensacola/ Dasanai - Crampton Brewery - In
this building sightings are expected because they happen like
clockwork. Many people have said to see an elderly man walking the
halls with an old lantern, he speaks in another language. He is said to
appear in a mist and vanish in a bright flash of blue light. When the
people see him, they are not afraid because he is not an evil spirit,
but instead he is kind and helpful. Some workers in the building said
that if they knock something off the wall or shelf he will catch it
hand place it back where it was, they say that he even helps them clean
messes and junk.
Perry - Their
was a family that lived in this house back in the early 1900's and they
often had bad fight's that resulted in her death. And it was never
lived in for year's it has only recently been renovated and families
have lived in it on and off. Because she still stands her ground.
Everyone that has ever lived in it has had problems with fighting. If
you have a fight she will haunt you till you move, although she has
never hurt anyone. Wanting only to let them know that there will be no
more fighting in her once owned home. She will turn lights on and off
and turn on the water and plug up the sinks to let them over flow, and
she move object's around in the day while no-one is home. Families
don't stay living there long.
Pine Island - Capt
n' Cons - There is a lot of strange
occurrences, such as, the dumpster lid slamming up and down, as well as
sightings, voices, and loss of breath.
Polk - Polk
City - Fantasy of Flight Aircraft Museum - Owner
collects WW1 and WW2 military aircraft. Most of the aircraft were found
after being shot down. Voices, footsteps, cold spots can be
experienced. A Pilot has been reported as being seen hanging in a
cockpit of a crashed plane that is exhibited exactly as found. On
9/11/01 employee reported seeing 2 men dressed in ww2 uniforms walking
on tarmac and entering one of the hangars.
Port Charlotte - Restlawn Memorial Gardens (Cemetery) - The first house ever built in Port Charlotte is
located adjacent to the cemetery. The house is said to have been owned
by a farmer who murdered his wife. After the structure fell into a
state of disrepair, the county decided to condemn the old shack. Since
that time, many have reported hearing eerie noises coming from the area
that the house is located in. Also, a ghostly figure has been spotted
roaming around the cemetery late at night. Also, the sound of swarms of
bees has plagued neighbors around the area for years.
Ponce de Leon - Corinth Church - This
church is believed to be haunted. The story behind the church is that
back in the late 60s early 70s and young boy was playing in the church
at the time, an escaped convicted was hiding in the back pew, and
brutally murdered the little boy. In the church can be found blood
handprints all over the walls and ceiling, small enough to belong to a
young child. Among walking in the church you will encounter cold spots
and scratching noises on the left hand wall if entering from the side
Port St. Lucie - Oak Hammock Park - When
you walk down the trail it gets very cold. Weird noises come from the
girls bathroom. It sounds like someone slamming the stall door. When
you go in there no one will be there. Weird things appear in pictures.
Port St. Lucie - Oak Hammock Park - The Devil Tree - Oak Hammock Park is a local hangout for fishermen and
boaters along the C-24 Canal. On January 8th, 1973, long before the
park was built, the deranged serial killer beat, raped, hung, then
buried 2 girls beneath the "Devil Tree". Over the next few days he
returned to commit lewd acts to the bodies. In January 1977, almost 4
years to the day that the murders were committed, two fishermen
discovered the skeletal remains of the two bodies, and the hanging
ropes were also found. Over the years people have reported hearing
screaming, and seeing hooded figures walking around the woods. In 1993
an exorcism was held, and a cross was erected, after two boys claimed
to have seen a Satanic ritual taking place near the tree, and being
chased away by the Satanists who yelled that they wanted their blood.
Before the park was built, they were going to cut down the tree, but
their chainsaws kept malfunctioning in the area surrounding the tree.
They tried to cut down the tree manually with a two-man saw, but the
teeth of the saw broke off, so they left the tree where it was.
Port St. Lucie - Sanctuary Apartments - noises
in the club house numerous reports of ghost sightings.
Quincy - Quincy
Leaf Theatre - Numerous spirits haunt
this building in downtown Quincy. There are several in the balcony and
upstairs area, some in the backstage area, and some on the main floor
in the seating area. None seem to be malevolent as there are many
theatre productions that go off without a hitch.
Riviera Beach - Suncoast High School -
In the schools auditorium there is said to be a phantom ghost on top of
the rafters that frequently makes noise and startles the drama
students. The ghost is speculated to be the ghost of a boy who was
buried on the schools campus
Rockledge - Ashley's
restaurant - has a ghost that will often
"play" with employees and guests. The building is right on the railroad
tracks it's rumored that a woman was killed by a train there. - December 2003 Update/addition: It is said that
Ashley's Restaurant was built over a train stop which had caught fire
and burned down. The train stop, it is also said, was built over an
Indian Burial spot.
Safety Harbor - The Safety Harbor Spa Resort - Several housekeepers tell of hearing their name called
from the woman's bath area of the spa-and nobody is there. During a
renovation in the mid-90's, the front desk would receive phone calls
from empty guestrooms in the dead of night. When security would
investigate, they could hear voices in the totally empty building.
Sanford - New
Tribes Mission - Former hotel is now home
to missionaries from New Tribes Mission. In the East Wing there have
been disturbances of many kinds including poltergeist activity and cold
spots. To date there has been no formal paranormal investigation due to
fear of bad press, but an informal check shows that something is going
on there.
Sanford - Shiloh
Cemetery - this cemetery dates back to
the 1700's & is the largest in the city it covers approx. four city
Sarasota - Palms
of Sarasota - There's an abandoned Mental
Hospital in Sarasota near the Interstate, there at night you can hear
people swimming in the pool but the pool is filled in with rocks, you
also hear screaming and sometimes laughter, sometimes people even see
shadows and strange things show up when you take pictures. - December 2003 update: The Palms of Sarasota was
bulldozed earlier this year! Nothing but a few sewage drains remain on
the property.
Sarasota - Ringling
School of Art and Design - The Old Women's Dormitory - has been haunted for decades by a ghost named Mary. It
used to be a hotel in the 20s and she committed suicide in the
stairwell between the second and third floors. It is now an unused fire
escape. She has been observed walking the corridors (out of the corner
of the eye, turning a times, a resident would enter her room and her
paintbrushes would be slowly swirling in the water of the rinse cups as
if someone had just spun them around and let go.
Sarasota - Ritz
Carlton Sarasota - formerly known as
Ringling Towers - built in the early 1900
this hotel housed the richest of the rich, presidents, movie stars.
After it's demise[date unknown]satanic worship and black masses were
known to be held there. The stairs still had red carpet on them but no
railings. The top penthouse floors have various cold spots. freezing
room temp. in the summer. Feelings of being watched. in the lobby there
is a very evil feeling. - - May 2005
Update: it's been demolished and a new building occupies the site.
Sarasota - Timberchase
Apartments - In 1992 a young woman was
stabbed to death in her apartment on N. Briggs (Timberchase). A
neighbor who lived directly across from the victim was leaving and
noticed her friend’s front door slightly opened. The neighbor thought
her friend accidentally left her door open so she went over to confirm.
She found her friend on the floor stabbed multiple times. To this day
there is not a suspect. Reports of eerie feelings & apparitions of
a young woman. - May 2005 update: The
Ringling Towers where demolished in 2003 and the Ritz Carlton now
stands in this spot.
Sebring - Harder
Hall - Harder hall is a large hotel that
was first built in the 1920's. It has changed hands MANY times, and
every owner has died under extremely strange circumstances, most of the
time, right in the hotel. There have been many accidents in the hotel,
and all of which had at least 1 fatality. Some of the accidents
include: fire, flood, floor collapse, innumerable suicides, murders,
and others. Witnesses see lights inside and hear music. Most anyone can
see the people peering out from the windows, and/or see the multitude
of people roaming around in the courtyard, searching for something. - August 2004 update: they are remodeling it and there
are rumors of them making it into a museum.
Sebring - Kenilworth
Lodge - The stairs definitely have an
eerie feeling to them. Many guests have reported doors opening and
closing on their own accord.
Shalimar - End
of Garniers Buyou - Many Indians Used to
live in this area. Some nights on full moons shadows of Indians appear
in the fog over the swampy land. Sometime depicting scenes of Indians
being slaughtered by white men taking there land.
Silver Springs - Silver Springs "Bridal Chamber" - apparition of 2 people in an embrace seen in the
Silver Springs - Old Six Gunn Territory Property - Once the land, which now is filled partially by a
shopping center, was the location of "Six Gunn Territory" a attraction
which lasted many years. On this site 2 tourists were killed, both
accidentally. It is said at certain times screams are heard and upon
investigation, nothing is found. Some remains of the rail-road which
visitors would ride can still be located among a heavily wooded area.
The rail car was a factor in one of the deaths. The park was closed in
the early 80's.
Spring Hill - Hungry
Howies - formerly 7-11 - In the early 1980's in the town of Spring Hill which
is outside the city of Brooksville there was a 7-11 convenience store
which took in most of this towns business. And since it sat along the
towns main road it was easy to access Highway 19 to the west about 3
miles away, or the longer haul 7 miles to the east. At one point during
the night in the late 80's a drunk male came into the store to buy a
case of beer. But the clerk decided out of his own good will to not
sell the case feeling the man was drunk enough already and did not want
him to drive back to the store later on. The man became angry yelling
and cursing so on and so fourth. So instead of buying beer he decided
he wanted a pack of cigarette’s. After the purchase the clerk turned
his back toward the man to grab some cleaning stuff from under the
counter. At this point the man revealed a .357 revolver and shot the
clerk in the back of the head killing him instantly. Now the 7-11 has
since moved and now it is a Hungry Howies pizzeria, and as the night
moves further on more this will happen. The saloon doors to the kitchen
will swing open, cups and utensils will fall off the tables and onto
the ground. The hanging lights will start swinging back and fourth and
the lights and arcade games will suddenly shut off. The strangest
occurrence happened one night when one worker left the store one night
after setting up for a new promotion and came back a few hours later to
help the owner for the early shift and found all the pictures and
posters laying on the ground or on the counters directly under where
they were placed and the security camera tape was blank but yet still
Sorrento - Al
Capone's house - There is a still
standing, beautiful Victorian style home, that residents still believe
is Capone’s home. Many, many people have tried to live in this home,
but no one lasts. They are frightened by pots and pans banging at night
(as if someone is cooking in the kitchen), by lights going on and off,
voices of what is believed to be deceased notorious gangsters, and what
feels very much like a body crawling into bed with the people who
reside there.
St. Augustine - Abbot Mansion - haunted
by 2 spirits, Miss Lucy and The Captain.
St. Augustine - Anastasia Island - The Lighthouse - near St. Augustine, many spirits are here; one of a
man who hung himself (when, not known), and one unidentified spirit in
the basement of the keeper's house. During the 1980's, when the
keeper's house was being restored, workers spent the nights in the
place to protect it from vandals. They would wake up in the middle of
the night to see a small girl in old-fashioned clothes watching them.
She would then vanish. The workers would also sense things during their
work and would look up to see an apparition of a man hanging from a
rafter. The spirit in the cellar has never been seen, but workers at
the lighthouse all report an uneasy feeling when they're down there
alone, especially at closing time when the place is very quiet. There
have also been stories of footsteps on the lighthouse stairs when
there's no one around. The guides there are very open about the ghosts.
There are many good reasons for the lighthouse and keeper's house to be
haunted: the man who hung himself, the little girl who was killed by
the train, a light keeper who fell to his death while painting the
former lighthouse (very close to the newer one), and 13 executed
pirates who were buried behind the lighthouse. Also, there has been
some form of a lighthouse on the site since Ponce De Leon in the
1500's. - Update about the little girl
spirit, it is believed that there are 2, They were daughters of the
lighthouse keeper and of the foreman when the new lighthouse was being
built further up on the island. They used to play on the train-carts
that were used to haul supplies from the water to the new location of
the lighthouse. According to the local historical society that provides
tours of the area, the girls were playing on a cart with the daughter
of the foreman. Apparently, the brake was loosened, sending the cart
hurtling toward the inlet below. Three of the 4 girls (2 of the
keeper's daughters and the foreman's daughter) were not saved in time
and drowned when the cart flew into the water. Occasionally, you can
hear girls giggling in the vicinity of the lighthouse, and the girl
that appeared to the workers was also one of the daughters that is more
active than the others.
St. Augustine - Augustin Inn - Saw the
ghost of a man wearing a white suit with white hair walking through my
fully restored ground floor guest room (first room off the ground floor
parlor). He simply walked through the room and through the door. It was
St. Augustine - Casa Monica Hotel -There
are many employees that can recall hearing strange noises, almost as
though someone is trying to say words but the wind carries their voice
off into the distance.
St. Augustine - Casablanca Bed and Breakfast - Some have witnessed a light of a lantern flashing in
the night.
St. Augustine - Casablanca Inn at 24 Avenida Menendez- This beautifully restored Inn is known to be haunted
by an elderly lady that once owned it during the 1920's. She too ran it
as in Inn. The lady was a key player in helping booze smugglers during
the prohibition by going up on the widow's walk of the building and
waving a lantern back and forth. This was to let smugglers know the
coast was clear and since the house is located right on the bay front,
this was most useful. People have claimed to still see the lantern
light from atop the house to this day, especially those out at sea and
in the harbor. She has also been known to appear inside of the Inn.
Guests have reported seeing an apparition in the hallways and stairway,
feeling cold spots, and complaining about items disappearing from their
rooms and reappearing later on in strange places. The lady is buried in
the nearby Huguenot Cemetery.
St. Augustine - Castillo de San Marcos - Some
of the most unusual occurrences include the "Battle Echoes" heard by
visitors. By placing an ear to the wall, it is said you can hear the
echoes of cannon fire and yelling. There is also telling of a young
solder that can be seen leaning on the outside wall facing the bay
after sundown.
St. Augustine - Flagler College - Ponce de Leon Hall - once Ponce de Leon Hotel, has numerous ghost stories,
most of which are in Ponce de Leon hall, the girls' dormitory. One such
story is how the mistress of Henry Flagler haunts the 4th floor where
she hung herself. The room is boarded up, but some students venture up
to peek in the keyhole still. Also believed, When Flagler died; his
funeral was held in the front hall of the college (the one with the
tile floor). They had all the windows open so his spirit could "fly
away" instead of being trapped in the hall forever. As a janitor was
passing by during the funeral, he noticed that all the windows and
doors were open, so he closed them. People felt a big gust of wind,
supposedly Flagler’s spirit. It had not made it in time, all the
windows and doors where shut. It is said that his spirit hit a window
and bounced back and landed in one of the tiles. So to this day, you in
a certain tile to the left of the doors and towards the back of the
hall, there is the face of Henry Flagler.
St. Augustine - Florida School for the Deaf and Blind - Gregg
Hall Dormitory - There is one ghostly
figures that wander around the 1st floor east wing, a boy, in his
teens, he is almost solid and you notice him clearly, he has blonde
hair and wears really old fashioned clothes sticks to the bathroom only
he never comes out and girls using the bathroom late at night, are met
by a horrific sight, he’s dangling from the shower rods and his neck is
nearly severed and he gets down and walks in to the wall with his head
hanging on his neck and disappears and a trail of blood follows him and
he’s laughing in a really weird high pitched voice and suddenly a
fierce wind starts blowing and pins u up against the wall and the doors
slam shut and 2 big pairs of red eyes looms out towards you.. And you
hear a really high pitched cackling afterwards then all of a sudden it
stops the lights go back on again and you fall on the floor and it all
looks normal as if nothing ever happened. Upon research nothing has
been found on any type of murder on the premises.
St. Augustine - Fort Castillo De San Marco - The night watchman of the fort has witnessed a young
woman in a white dress wandering about the fort grounds and vanishing
behind trees and walls. Young Spanish soldier also spotted looking for
a ring on the outer grounds of the fort. History tells of him being
killed by a cannon ball while searching for this ring.
St. Augustine - Huguenat Cemetery -
Photos have been taken that show orbs and what looks to be a spirit in
the trees.
St. Augustine - Old City Gates - As the
story goes, at the time an epidemic of Yellow Fever was going around
and a little girl about 13 or 14 years old wearing a white dress was
found dead by the City Gates. No one claimed her. But sometimes around
2:00 or 3:00 in the morning you may see her dancing on the Old City
Gates. - October 2004 update: her name is
believed to be Elizabeth.
St. Augustine - Old Jail - This jail was
built at the turn of the century by Henry Flagler because the jail
across from his magnificent hotel was offensive to his "newport
clientele" It is located north of the old town on San Marco. Tour
guides and tourists alike have experienced the sound of shuffling feet,
the smell of putrid unwashed bodies and sanitary facilities(a bucket
for 4 prisoners), cold spots and even a shadow entity of an extremely
large man- sheriff Perry ( the first sheriff) was over 6'5" tall.
Students have even seen a man in a "funky plaid suit" in the main cell
St. Augustine - Old Lighthouse - It is
said to be haunted by the old light keeper. Shadows have been seen
moving and talking has been heard coming from the top steps.
St. Augustine - Spanish Military Hospital - now that it is a tour, people have seen ghosts and
flashes. The ghost is known as a one-legged man that roams around the
back room.
St. Augustine - St. Francis Inn - There
has been reports of doors slamming ,lights flickering, and once a man
woke up and found himself wedged under a bed, the fire department had
to be called to free him. The incident is blamed on a ghost of a
servant girl.
St. Augustine - the Florida school for the deaf and blind - several apparitions are seen on campus and in the
dormitories. These sightings have been witnessed for years and most of
the staff and children are not alarmed by the strange noises, smells
and cold spots allover this beautiful school.
St. Cloud - Hunter
Arms Hotel - This hotel believed to be
haunted by 'Vivian.' If you ask the owner of the hotel, she could
probably tell you more about Vivian. Guests staying in it have reported
strange noises, sudden coldness, and doors slamming and water turning
on, if my memory recalls correctly.
St. Cloud - The
Old Cannery - This old cannery was used
during W.W.II. The building was burned down a number of years ago and
sat empty for quite some time. Recently, a group of school kids started
restoring it into a museum. Strange noises and sightings have been
St. Cloud - Narcoossee
- It is said that at the end of Jones
Road there is a haunted creek. A little boy died in it several years
ago. He was swinging on a rope attached to a tree that hung over the
creek. The rope broke, and the boy feel on some rocks in the middle of
the creek and died. If you go to the creek you can hear the little boy.
He's very angry and doesn't like people to come back there. The creek
is in the middle of woods so it's usually always dark.
St. Leo - St.
Leo's College - A young lady has been
witnessed walking through walls.
St. Petersburg - Ft. Desato State Park - Voices
can be heard around the old fort at night. Also footsteps can be heard
in the southern most powder room.
St. Petersburg - Boatyard Village - One
couple report visiting the museum to old warplanes sit. “One
day, we went to see the planes and there was a B52 bomber with a man
sitting inside it. He smiled at me and waved and I told my
fiancée to take a picture. We thought it was great they put on a
show with men dressed the part like soldiers of the war. As we left, we
told the keeper what a great idea that was. He didn't know what we were
talking about; telling us no one sits in any of the planes. We ran back
to look again but there was no one there. When the pictures were
developed, there was only a bright light where the man was sitting, as
if the sun reflected off the window.” - May
2004 Additional information: this area is no longer accessible to the
public. The area is completely blocked off. The buildings are no longer
there either.
St. Petersburg - Don Cesar Resort - Reported
sightings of the now deceased owner.
St. Petersburg - Haslam's Book Store 2025 Central Ave. - A book-store since 1933. Apparition seen, books moved,
employees feeling someone else is there after closing.
St. Petersburg - The Don CeSar Beach Resort and Spa - The Don CeSar Resort was once the private residence of
Thomas Rowe. He had studied in London during his youth and fell in love
with a girl named Lucinda. Her parents sent her away however, so when
Thomas returned home, he never saw her again. He built the castle to
look like the one where they met. His ghost can be seen walking
hand-in-hand with a beautiful dark-haired woman along the shore.
St. Petersburg - Florida Sunshine Skyway Bridge - This bridge was the scene of a tragic accident during
the early 1980's. The bridge was struck by a boat and collapsed,
killing a great deal of people. The ghost that haunts the bridge seems
to be unrelated to the accident. He is a hitchhiker that will climb
into peoples' cars at the bottom of the bridge. By the time the unlucky
individual gets to the other side, the hitchhiker is gone. Also, There
is a woman dressed in a nightgown that appears usually around 12am at
the top of the bridge and hitches a ride with oncoming cars. One semi
truck had his story printed in the paper where he said he picked up a
young woman, dripping wet and she told him to drop her off on other
side of bridge but as soon as he got there, she was gone. There were
many sightings of this woman on the bridge who locals believe was a
suicide victim, one of many jumpers on the bridge. The Skyway Bridge is
200 feet tall and connects St. Petersburg to Sarasota. - May 2004 Correction: This is a correction to the story
already listed. a long time resident of St. Petersburg and knows for a
fact that the spectral hitchhiker of the Skyway is not male, but
instead female. She is a young blonde woman who has been seen wearing a
tight t-shirt and jeans. I have never heard of a male hitchhiker who
disappears after being picked up. In addition, they have never heard of
the woman in a nightgown, only of the woman in the t-shirt/jeans.
St. Petersburg - Royal Palms Apartments - Residents
have reported feeling a tugging on their pillow, a very hard tugging.
Felt like the pillow would come out from underneath their head. Seeing
a man standing by their beds, being paralyzed, as well as strange
incidents with water coming from no where.
St. Petersburg - Rutland Manor - October
2004 UPDATE: This is now private property. NO TRESPASSING - around the 1950s a servant was taking a bath when her
radio fell in and killed her. also, prior to that event, a murder was
committed inside the estate. footsteps can be heard inside house, along
with lights and faces in the windows on several accounts during the
late evening to early morning.
St. Petersburg - St. Petersburg High School - This school is said to be haunted by students that
have had some tragic death while attending the school. Teachers and
students have said to hear strange noises and sightings of strange
movements on the third floor of the main buildings. Some of the late
night workers have even said to have seen hauntings in the auditorium
where the old gym use to be.
St. Petersburg - Vinoy Hotel - A Major
league ball player stated that he was visited at night by a spirit
that; While asleep in his room, someone pressed on his back and
awakened him. At which time he looked at a man in a top hat and long
coat standing beside his bed. When he refocused his vision, the man was
still there. He rolled over to turn on the over head light, and when he
turned around, the man was gone. He stated this actually happened and
has several major league ballplayers say the same thing happened to
them while staying at the Vinoy hotel.
St. Petersburg - Weeden Island - Reported
4 men in a vehicle where driving on a road, the driver almost hit a
woman in the road, swerved and got killed, the 3 other passengers
witnessed the event coming out of the wreck unscathed, the woman was
never found.
Sunnyside - Sunnyside
House - Just a flat out, freaky place.
Not known if anyone lives there. But green lantern like lights has been
seen inside.
Tallahassee - Florida
State University - Teenage cadets of the
famed West Florida Cadet Battalion. Still drill on the ROTC parade
ground on the campus where they once drilled during the civil war.There
have been numerous reports of electricity going off in individual rooms
during showers. When the person gets out of the shower to investigage,
the lights mysteriously turn back on and the mirror appears fogged up
with the letters "TB" drawn out on it. Another incident involves a
nude, hairy, figure appearing next to women walking on the outskirts of
campus in the late evening hours, usually just before midnight.
Tallahassee - Florida
State University - Cawthon Hall Dormitory- According to a story reported in the University
newspaper, The Florida Flambeau during the summer of 1971, numerous
students have related encounters over the years with a poltergeist in
an old dormitory. According to the report, several years prior to the
University's becoming coed in 1949, a female student was sunbathing on
a balcony on the roof of the shadowy gothic building. As is typical in
Florida, a sudden and particularly violent thunderstorm arose to the
east of the building, and welled up ominously over the campus. Although
the sky directly above the dormitory was blue, a freak lightning bolt
snaked across the sky, curling over the building's turrets striking a
sunbathing female student, killing her instantly. Since that time,
subsequent occupants of the room she occupied have reported mysterious
object movements, unexplained sounds in the room at night, and at times
an overwhelming sense of another individual present in the room.
Sometimes students would find that common items, such as stacks of
books or pictures, would be moved around during the day, with no
apparent rhyme or reason, other than perhaps a restless spirit seeking
to maintain her link with the world of the living.
Tallahassee - Florida
State University - The head master's building - An apparition of a young woman is said to be seen
walking around the halls at night.
Tallahassee - Jefferson
Correctional Institution - Inmates and
guards all report late at night you can see in the dorms kids playing
and, One night a girl thought that the officer was tapping her to get
up and then when she looked up there was no one there this went on for
a month or so. Found out it happened to others in the dorm as well.
Another inmate also saw a big 8 foot angel in dorm g. officers said
they heard keys hit the bars in lock up when there was no one there and
a little girl haunts lock up crows sits outside. Reports of a man on a
horse outside at night. The prison was built on a graveyard.
Tallahassee - Leon
County Jail - The new Leon County Jail
was constructed in the early 1990's. It was built on the same location
that the old jail was built. (Ted Bundy was housed there for some
time.) According to locals, the site it is built on is an air field.
Corrections Officers and medical staff claim to have seen a woman in
period clothing walking the halls crying, late at night, in the medical
department. Also shadows seen and the feeling of not being alone.
Tallahassee - The
Lively Building - The Lively Building,
located at the SW corner of Monroe Street and College Avenue, was the
location of The Leon Bar. It operated from 1892 to 1904, and was a
gathering spot for the roughest sort of element. Many shootings
occurred there, as well as murders. The City passed an ordinance in
1904 that outlawed the sale of alcohol within the city limits,
effectively putting The Leon out of business. Today, there is rumor
that some of the "Crackers" (slang for the cowboys who frequented the
bar, so named for the whips they used to corral the cattle) are still
hanging around the corner where The Leon was once located.
Tallahassee - Oak
Lawn Cemetery - A man by the last name of
Phillips built a 20ft Mausoleum for himself so that he could go there
to die. He also placed a Cherry Wood coffin in it and gave a friend a
key to close it up after he died. People have reported feeling eerie
feelings after leaving this site.
Tallahassee - Oshman's
Supersports - It is believed that a ghost
haunts this building. There have been numerous unusual occurrences such
as motion sensors going off when no one is around, shoe boxes being
thrown to the ground, and other flying objects during non business
Tallahassee - Sunnyland
Hospital - It used to be a hospital for
people with T.B, back when there was no immunization, and people would
go crazy. Then it became a hospital for mentally insane people or
mentally challenged people that families didn't want to take care of.
It was closed down several years ago (at least 15) . The place has had
all the windows and doors busted out, but beds still remain made with
hospital paraphernalia lying around. The weirdest thing is that the
third floor - (some say it is the fourth floor) - has
always remained locked and no one has ever been able to get in there.
If you go to the hospital late at night you can here shuffling and
whispering coming from up there. And the sound of things being dropped
April 2007 Update - Sunnyland has been
demolished, and new contruction has begun.
Tallahassee - Tallahassee
Community College - Reports of a strange
light that moves around in circles.
Tallahassee - Velda
Mound Park - Old Indian Village.
Sometimes at night, you can see visions of Indian’s keeping warm by a
fire, but in a split second, they're gone. There is sometimes said that
there is a white wolf that glows that can be seen there, and neighbors
often say that they can hear it howling throughout the night.
Tampa - Britton
Cinema - Doors in the ladies room are
reported to shut and lock and toilets flush when no one is in the
restroom is in there (except for the frightened customer). Also,
multiple ghosts have been reported by managers past in the upstairs
theaters that used to be one large balcony. Voices have been heard in
the hall near auditorium #5 late at night when no one was in the
building. An usher once heard someone call his name in auditorium #3
late at night when no one was around. And, last, an assistant manager
once told me she had been followed up the hall by a shadow figure on
the wall that was not hers.
Tampa - Fun
Lan Drive-in theater - Built in 1950. A
witness reports seeing a woman who was 6 feet tall walk in the door.
She had long dark hair and as she walked in, she was looking down at
the floor. The witness turned to look at her, but when they did she
Tampa - Howard
W. Blake High School - The site of Blake
High school was a hospital many years ago. When walking in hallways, it
will be normal temperature. Once in a classroom, especially in the E
building(theater) or B building, temperature will drop drastically,
even if the air conditioning is broken, giving you hospital conditions.
It is believed by the students that the B building was where the
mortuary was.
Tampa - Howard
W. Blake High School - Auditorium - Years ago a teacher died in the auditorium (area 1)
of a heart attack during a pep rally. A cold spot can be felt while
walking into the auditorium for every pep rally.
Tampa - Howard
W. Blake High School - Library - the
library where another teacher died. Near the tables in the back of the
library you can feel a strange chill rise up your spine.
Tampa - Howard
W. Blake High School - Main Theatre - To roll with the typical "all theatres have their
ghosts" you can see strange lights in the wings, music, and occasional
whistling. Things seem to go wrong during every show staged in that
Tampa - Falk
Theatre - Believed to be haunted by
Bessie Snavely. In her time, it was the Park Theatre. Bessie Snavely
was an actress whose dressing room was on the third floor of this
theatre. She hung herself there.
Tampa Hillsbrough - Haynes services - Reports
of seeing a child ghost.
Tampa - Old
Tampa Theater - It is an old theater
that is very intricately detailed inside and has a particularly haunted
look to it anyway. A young man in the 1940's started working there, his
job running the projector. He loved his job and continued to work there
until his death. Now employees have said that they occasionally hear
footsteps and chains in deserted hallways behind the stage and have
spotted someone in the projecting room even though there was no one up
there at the time. Also reports of smell rancid smells, such as vomit
and garbage, drafts of icy air, reports of something grabbing workers
by the neck.
Tampa - University
of Tampa - This place used to be a hotel
over a hundred years ago. Theodore Roosevelt even stayed in it once.
The second floor is blocked off and said to be unsafe because of age.
Tour guides report seeing apparitions from the windows outside.
Tampa - University
of Tampa - Frank Theater - A
building owned by the University, actually off campus called the Falk
theater is said to be haunted by a women who used to be an actress
there. For some reason she hung herself and her apparition has been
seen as well as strange voices.
Tarpon Springs - Brooker Creek Elementary -
There has been ghosts looking like he is jumping off the balcony.
Tarpon Springs - Former winter home of Al Capone- The "Manors"-Known for hundreds of sightings. Screams in the dead
of night. Faces appearing in windows. Also known for women in white, on
roof looking over the edge. - December
2003 update/addition: this building has been torn down. about a month
ago only the bottom floor of the entire building was left now it
appears to be cleared ground.
Tarpon Springs - Rose Cemetery - Rose
Cemetery dates back to the early 1900's and, during the days of
segregation, was available for African Americans from New Port Richey
to Clearwater. Today, it still remains a final resting place for
hundreds of black residents. There are many graves here that have never
been identified.
Titusville - Emma
Parrish Theater - As entering the attic
noises have been heard while no one else is in the building
Treasure Island - The bridge at John's Pass - reported to be haunted by the spirits of two farmers
who were pro-union during the Civil War. They were murdered by local
rebel militiamen and buried on the south end at the mouth of the pass.
On nights of the new moon, some have seen the two walking near the
bridge or even silently sailing by in their boat trying to return home,
some say the rotten stench of decaying flesh accompanies the
Umatilla - Stanna's
Restaurant - In the early 1900's, a young
woman hanged herself on the third floor above the restaurant. Several
workers and customers have had experiences with her ghost. People have
claimed to see shadows of her in a long dress and wicker baskets
falling off the women's bathroom wall. Several customers have
complained of cold spots and strange laughing accompanied by piano
Umatilla - Umatilla
Cemetery - The Umatilla Cemetery in the
city of Umatilla. Many people have heard strange noises and sometimes
what sounds like the faint sound of a woman screaming. Other times You
will hear what sounds like a woman’s voice calling for help. Many orb
and ecto pictures have been taken in that cemetery. Sometimes You just
plain get an eerie feeling when in the Umatilla Cemetery. There are
four cemeteries that are either in or around the city of Umatilla. Well
actually only two of them are really in the city limits but the one
spoken of is located off Golden Gem road in Umatilla. The cemetery is
on either side of the street but most of the activity seems to come
from the older section in the back. The newer section of the cemetery
is on a hill that goes down to a lake the older section where most of
the activity is reported is surrounded by orange groves on all three
side of it. This can certainly be verified by quite a few people. NOTE: it is not a good idea for
inexperienced ghost hunters or kids looking for a cheap thrill to go
there at night. The Spirit(s) that are hear are not benevolent, and it
could be dangerous. You should have experience and have permission to
be in there after hours as we did but even then it is advise them to be
Venice - Pelican
Alley Restaurant - Believed to be haunted
by the previous owner, staff members hear foot steps, feel odd
presences, watch the door open and close by itself and thing move
around by themselves.
Wauchula - CVS
pharmacy - Before the Pharmacy was built,
there was a green house at the corner of bay street and US HWY 17 that
people say was haunted. The house was unoccupied for years. Sometimes
people who went in say they saw something with a green face chase them
out. We have received no reports since the Pharmacy was built.
Wauchula - Popash
School - Located on SR 64, this condemned
school building has been known to have sounds of children playing in it
when no one is in it. People have also been spotted in the windows.
West Palm Beach - Burger King - a young
man haunts this store. He has been seen by numerous employees.
West Palm Beach - Our Lady Queen of Peace Cemetery - Strange fogs have been reported, described as looking
like individual strands of something moving within the fog. Appearing
and disappearing. The mist seems to form in to something, very dense.
You could see it moving all different directions. Noticeable
temperature change, uneasy feelings, and feelings of felt like someone
was right behind you. Then it feels like whatever it this is trying to
grab your arm. upon developing the film one of the pictures one witness
took had an orb in it. only taken 4 pictures that night and the one
picture that had an orb in it was the picture taken right by this
grave. The orb is located right next to the flower arrangement.
West Palm Beach - Palm Beach Atlantic University - The library, built many years ago is claimed to be
haunted by an old janitor. He worked there for many years and then
mysteriously disappeared. He is claimed to be heard rummaging through
the old janitors closet that has been locked up ever since the day of
his odd disappearance.
West Palm Beach - St. Juliana Catholic School - The walls rattle during school and especially at
Williston - A
small old cemetery - A historian going
there to do research felt "a very alarming wave of panic while in the
cemetery." She fled and never returned.
Winter Garden - Dead Man's Tree - A
figure of a man can be seen hanging from the tree occupancies by a
chill in the air.
Winter Haven - JPV Woods - Every 13th
of August it is said that when you go into the woods and walk along the
old dirt trail, about 11:30 to 12:30 you can hear children screaming
and crying for help and the little hairs on the back of your neck will
rise without intention. - January 2007
Update: was torn down early 2006.
Winter Haven - Scotty's Distribution Center - There was said to be a man of Brian Foreman who once
worked there as a forklift driver. Workers say that his head was
completely amputated by a forklift because of the mistake done by a
trainee. The trainee continued to work there but mysteriously
disappeared. It is said that you can see a headless man driving a
forklift every 4th of March.
Winter Park - Alabama
Hotel - Built when Winter Park was
founded, several guests were murdered on opening night. They have been
seen walking the halls and blamed for murders that occurred in the
fifties. It has been abandoned until 1998, when it was converted into a
personal mansion. - February 2007 Update
/ Correction: The Alabama isn't now nor never was a private mansion. It
was a seasonal hotel, only open during the winter, then it was closed
for a time, then in the '70s it was converted to retirement
Winter Park - Annie
Russell Theatre - Annie Russell is widely
believed to haunt this theatre named for her in the early 1930's. She
was a teacher and director at Rollins College. She has been seen and
even spoken to by numerous people. There are stories of former students
who had encounters with Annie while working in the theatre on audition
pieces, sets, or lights. One story in particular that sticks in my mind
is there was a guy who was working alone in the theatre on the light
grid. Suddenly he fell off the ladder. He was all alone in the theatre
and lay there for a few minutes. Someone came in a few minutes later
and saw him laying there. The person immediately went to call an
ambulance and was told that they had already been called and one was on
it way. A minute later, an ambulance appeared and took the injured boy
to the hospital. There was no one in the theatre when that boy was
initially injured. There have been other stories of people seeing
Annie's statue (a bust of her head) moving across the theatre. Also,
Annie had a seat that she always sat in when she watched rehearsals-
that seat has often been heard banging up and down, pulled down when no
one was sitting in it, and clapping has been heard coming from that
area of the theatre.
Winter Park - Rollins
College - Ann Russell Theater - Ghost
of Anne Russell comes out sometimes during rehearsals. She has been
seen sitting in prop rocking chair or seeing her walking around at
night wearing a purple dress. There have also been reports of ghosts
appearing in the theater balcony.
Winter Springs - Tuskawilla Country Club -
Every Last Friday of the month, there is a young male, about 22 years
old who can be seen cleaning the bar table. No one knows who he could
have been, or why he was there. But there have been witnesses that say
he tries to attack the people that see him.
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