Rocky 1995-2007
You'll always be my puppy, my best friend and in my heart. Rest in Peace buddy

Rocky's old website
Welcome to Rocky's Home Page
Hi, I'm Rocky..........
I'm a boxer, at least that's what people say,
really my daddy was a boxer and my mommy was a bulldog. I just take
after my daddy more. I enjoyed jumping up on furniture and people,
eating, destroying things while my family is away, and sleeping. I
especially like to eat plants, real and artificial. I love attention
and I do a little dance to get it, (really I just shake my ass but you humans
call it dancing). This is a page of stuff about me and some of my favorite
See some pictures of me
My adventures as a super hero.........ROCKMAN
I'll add more as I get the time inbetween walks,
naps and feeding my face
My Favorite WWW sites