Cleveland County Ghost Hunter's Association

Location: Poston Family Graveyard
Date: January 7, 2001
Time: 11pm
Equipment used: EMF detector, 2 Digital Cameras, 35mm Camera
Team:  Phillip, Matthew, Tony, with Tonie taking photographs

"This was taking immediately after leaving the car.  During the entire investigation, there was no smoking, fog, or breath condensation created from cold air. "

"This was taken less than 30 seconds after the first one, and it produced some even greater images than the first.  Out of the two dozen photos, these were the only two that appeared with this mist.  There are several images in the photographs (specifically #2),  I have the general consensus stated on the website but I want you to see if you can see what most other people see in the photo.  Other photographs appeared with a few orbs in them, but nothing as radical as what is on these photos.  At about 5 minutes into the investigation, there was sudden tension in the air and we eventually left.  Even more interesting events took place post-investigation. "

"We eventually found out whom was buried in the graveyard.  We also noticed that one specific person outlived four children (only one lived to age three, the others did not live past one yr), two wives and a few family members.  Being that these individuals were buried in the 1800's, we figured there may have been an epidemic, but upon realizing the different dates of death, we ruled it out to only a very remote possibility.  Some thought that this man may have actually killed all of these people.  Well, less than a week after these speculations, a letter arrived in our mailbox.  It was addressed one of the man's ascendants!  The chances that rural mail arrived in a PO Box is rare; the chances that it arrived in our mailbox at all is approx. 1:20,000, and the chances that it arrived during these speculations is phenomenal!   Some believe that this is a message from the dead man, telling us to talk to his great-grandson...perhaps the accusations of murder made him mad enough to do it!"

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