Eau Claire Ghost Seekers

Location: Forest Hill Cemetery
Date and Time: October 21, 2000; Day: 6:30 Night: 11:30-1:40
Weather: Cool temperature in the upper 40's and cloudy
Equipment used: 2 Point and shoot 35MM Camera's, Compass and tape recorder
Website: http://www.ecghosts.com
Email: team@ecghosts.com

"Our first investigation! Okay before I start I just want everyone to know that I am Ray.   Alright, anyways, I went to Forest Hill Cemetery at around 6:30 in the evening to take some random pictures. I ended up with one great photo of what seems to be a ghost coming out of a tombstone.

..... I also picked up a cool EVP of a man asking for his brother Its hard to make out, and you gonna have to turn up those speakers. I then headed twords the Children Cemetery section of Forrest Hill. I put the tape recorder down and asked a few question's to the always listening spirits. I got this great EVP of a little girl asking for either her Uncle or a man named Michael This was not heard at the time of the recording either. Well I then returned that night with Bill and got some more Photo's. It also got very cold a few times."

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© 2000 davejuliano@theshadowlands.net and Eau Claire Ghost Seekers