Southern California Ghost Hunters Society

Location: Queen Mary, Long Beach, California
Date and Time: July 27, 2000 1:30 pm- 6:00 pm, and August 2 & 3, 2000- overnight stay
Weather: Clear (very) Sunny
Equipment used: Canon QT-Si 35mm camera, 2 portable audio cassette players-hand held.
Contact: Todd Fariss

"Hello, we just completed an investigation on the Queen Mary. In the group were Annie, Amanda, Taylor, Steve, Cindy, Brian, Vanessa, Rhonda, and myself. Rhonda is a professional medium. We encountered a few situations. Rhonda strongly experienced a negative energy impression in
one of the store rooms on B deck. We got the management to open it for us. But what got really interesting was in the Engine room. We all had feelings of stress and almost fear. We saw shadows out of the corner of our eyes and the idea of being watched was very strong. Since we were
near the door 13 region, I asked that if John were there to please knock once, and a knock on metal followed.

I am sending some pictures, but mainly look at the on of us in the corridor. I am taking the shot. The guy in the green shirt is Steve. Look at the wall to the right and you will see a splatter looking image. It is on the negative as well. That splatter was not on the wall. Take a careful look at it. It has appeared on the film. I am also sending the store room and one of the levels in the engine room where alot of cold spots were felt. We also recorded audio tape and I am going through it for potential EVPs. I may have found at least one. We had audio and also video equipment. And a 35mm camera with 400 speed film. We also experienced some audio and camera troubles on equipment that checked out just fine."  - Todd Fariss

The "johnknock" wave was at Door 13, when we had seen a  shadow type figure every so often. So I was motivated to ask the question... Next- "whisper" was heard on the second level of the engine room. It sounds like "go mandy". "Whisperreverse"- I also played it backwards and it sounds like "they're all here". Finally the "child singing" was heard on the tape for a good 10 minutes!

This photo was taken during a followup visit in January of 2001

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© 2000 Southern California Ghost Hunters Society