Ghostly Sounds (EVP)
History of Electronic Voice Phenomenon
EVP is a way to communicate with spirits. Researchers believe that
the voices of the dead can be recorded and played back on magnetic audio
tape. It is the most modern way to communicate with the spirit world. Some
skeptics believe that they are not voices of the dead but radio or CB transmissions.
It has been said that Thomas Edison was working on an EVP device.
However the credit for discovering EVP goes to Fredrich Jurgenson when
he was recording bird sonds in the Sweedish countryside and on play back
he distinctly heard the voice of a man discussing nocturnal bird songs
in Norwegian. He had heard nothing during the recording but many voices
on playback, some giving him instructions on how to record more voices.
EVPs are also called Raudive Voices after Konstantine Raudive who recorded
100,000 voices. He published "The Inaudible Made Audible". EVP research
is done all over the world but most heavily in the United States and Germany.
The Association for Voice Taping Research was founded in the 1970's in
Germany, and American Association - Electronic Voice Phenomenon in 1982.
Conferences are conducted world wide by engineers and electronics experts
who devise special sophisticated equipment to record EVPs.
In 1982, engineer George Meek and psychic William O'Niell built a
device called a Spiricom. Meek says a discarnate scientist old him
how to build it whine contacting Meek at a seance. Meek then founded the
Metascience Foundation of North Carolina. The Spiricom enabled two way
conversation between the living and the dead. He Gave Spiricoms to anyone
who anted them at no cost however most people reported no success. Other
EVP researchers credited the initial success to the mediumship of O'Neill.
Researchers continue to strive to capture on tape some evidence of survival
after death. - by
If you have any to contribute please email
them to us or we can convert them to sound files if you send us a cassette
tape. Ghosts can be recorded on regular audio tape. You may not hear
anything while you are taping, but when you play back the tape listen carefully.
This should be done in areas of suspected ghostly activity. All
sounds here are in WAV format.
The EVPs: Newest EVPs at the bottom of the list
EVP #1 - "the baby is staying "
EVP #2 - "he's coming up the stairs"
EVP #5 - A dog named Toy visiting his owners, read
the story here
EVP # 6 - Toy Again, with the owners voice in the
EVP # 7 - "get out" - courtesy of
# 9 - 'Mommy' - recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
# 12 - 'ma-ma' - recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
# 13 - 'go out there' - recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP # 14 - 'It's happening
again' - Old Mission Cemetery in San Juan Capistrano - by
EVP # 15-
'We love you' - sent in by
EVP # 16- 'My mother's 95'
- recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP # 17- Investigator asked 'who's here?' during an EVP recording attempt and a
voice says “not me”. Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP # 18- In the catacombs of the Flanders Hotel in Ocean City, NJ the investigator asked "“is anybody here?” and recorded a
man’s voice that says “no, we’re not”. Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP # 19- In the catacombs When getting ready to leave the catacombs of the Flanders Hotel in Ocean City, NJ the investigator asked “do you
want to say goodbye?”, a voice answers “no”. Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP # 20- As the Investigator was recording audio in the Officers Quarters of Ft. Mifflin in Philadelphia she felt
someone touching her ear. She also saw a woman with dirty blonde hair in a light
blue dress. She obtained EVP of woman’s voice saying “Don’t come”. Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP # 21- In Casement 5 of Ft. Mifflin in Philadelphia you hear the investigator ask on the recording “Who are you?”
and a male voice answers “Jean Baptiste”. Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP # 22- The investigator was recording audio in the Torpedo Casemate of Ft. Mifflin in Philadelphia and he recorded a female voice saying “Come my children”. Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP # 23- The investigator started an audio recording attempting to record EVPs. He
asked “Can you tell me your name?” A voice saying "no" seems to overlap the end
of his voice. Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP # 24- The investigator started an audio recording attempting to record EVPs. He
asked if anyone wanted to speak out loud and captured a voice that says “yes". Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP # 25- The investigator started an audio recording attempting to record EVPs at Ft Mifflin. While recording on the
laptop computer he captured a whispery male voice that says “Get back”. Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP # 26- The investigator recorded a voice that
seems to be that of a sentry in casemate #5 of Ft Mifflin. There is a loud thump, like a boot or rifle butt
slapping the floor and then a man’s voice says “Who goes there?”. Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP #27- During an audio recording attempt to record EVPs, Investigator Kurkis ask "what
is your name?". He obtained an "A" class EVP answer saying "David". Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP #28-
Investigator Juliano was attempting to record EVPs at the GAR Civil War
Museum in Philadelphia, PA. He obtained a "B" class EVP of a
voice saying what sounds like "what's that" or "what's up".
Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP #29- Investigator Jenkins started an audio recording attempting to record EVPs at the GAR Civil War Museum in Philadelphia, PA. He obtained a "B" class EVP of a man's voice saying "help me". Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP #30-
Investigator Kurkis started an audio recording attempting to record
EVPs in a private building. He obtained an "A" class EVP during
this recording session. It's a voice saying "help me". Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP #31- During the initial walk through ofaprivate home, Investigator Kurkis recorded what sounds like someone saying “Grandma". Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP #32-
Investigator Jenkins started an audio recording attempting to record
EVPs in a house. He obtained an "A" class EVP during this recording
session. It's a wmona saying "I'm Sylvia". Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP #33-
Investigator DiLucio started an audio recording attempting to record
EVPs in a private house. She obtained an "A" class EVP during this
recording session. She asked 'Is there a message you'd like us to pass
along?' a voice responds saying "yeah". Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP #34- Investigator Wassall started an audio recording attempting to record EVPs in a private house. He obtained an "A" class EVP during this recording session. It's a voice saying “Is Zoey over there?”. Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP #35-
At Ft Mifflin in Philadelphia, PA, Investigator Jenkins started an
audio recording attempting to record EVPs at the Westside Sallyport. He
obtained an "B" class EVP during this recording session. It's a voice
saying "not me" or "help me". Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP #36- At Ft Mifflin in Philadelphia, PA, Investigator
Kurkis started an audio recording attempting to record EVPs at the
Westside Sallyport. He obtained an "B" class EVP during this recording
session. It's a voice saying "help me". Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP #37- At Ft Mifflin in Philadelphia, PA, Investigator
Kurkis started an audio recording attempting to record EVPs in the
Powder Magazine. He obtained an "B" class EVP during this recording
session. It's a voice saying "out of here". Recorded on an investigation by SJGR.
EVP #38- Investigator Jenkins records a class A EVP in a private house that says "I love you". Recorded on an experiemnt by SJGR.
EVP #39- Investigator Burdash records a class B EVP in a private house - You can hear Investigator Burdash comment on the hardwood floors in the dining room and then a woman says "thank you". Recorded on an experiemnt by SJGR.
EVP #40- Using
a Multitrack Recorder in a private house: A series of whispers then
“here”, using sound analysis software, this is – “my friends are there,
I'm here,” 9:43:36 (microphone 4, dining room) Recorded on an experiemnt by SJGR.
Page 2 of Ghost Sounds